Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 653: Learn from Britain’s brilliant colonial rule

Chapter 653: Learn from Britain’s brilliant colonial rule

How can Italy compare to the Netherlands?
William IV was very disdainful of Italy. Now the Netherlands was transformed by him based on the British Empire. It can be said that the Netherlands followed the path of Britain in its previous life and developed to become a world hegemon. Italy is even considered the hegemon of Southern Europe. If he fails to do so, William IV will naturally look down upon him.

In his previous life, William IV respected the Western-style day of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. The state funeral in 2022 and Dongfang, who was also a member of the Group of Seven, respected the Western-oriented day. -ben has analyzed the treatment of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s state funeral, and finally concluded that how can the latter compare with the Queen of the British Empire?
Just like the state funerals of his mother, Queen Zoffe, and Emmanuel II of Italy.

Britain was once an empire on which the sun never set. It had the power of ships and artillery after the industrial revolution. In many colonies around the world, Union flags were flying everywhere. The 19th century became the British century, and then the 20th century became In the same Anglo-Saxon American century, until the 21st century, white people have been commanding the world for more than 300 years.

The two consecutive Anglo-Saxon centuries had a profound impact on all aspects of the world.

The so-called centipede is dead but not dead. The British Empire was in decline after the war. The former colonies established themselves as new countries one after another. However, the British came up with new ideas and established a commonwealth family.

For more than half a century since the 20s, the Queen of England has relied on her unique beauty, dignity, nobility and wisdom to continue to exert her charm in various former colonies. On the other hand, the Emperor of Japan has been forgotten by the world. .

Perhaps the biggest difference between Britain and Japan lies in language, culture and systems.

The great thing about the British was that they first colonized every corner of the world, and then cultivated English-speaking elites in each colony. Through them, the British language, culture, and political system took root locally.

In this regard, the Netherlands has now taken root in language, culture, and political systems all over the world. Look at the Netherlands’ allies such as Sweden, Denmark and other Nordic countries. The same is true for the Commonwealth of America, especially those that have always been very dependent on the Netherlands. The South American allies were regarded by William IV as a former British colony to cultivate the Dutch sphere of influence.

Nowadays, the Dutch language, Dutch culture, and all Dutch institutions (except for the monarchy-constitutional system) have been firmly established in the local provinces. Dutch has almost become the second or third largest language among South American allies, along with France. French became the language of the aristocracy/upper class in the former colonies, and now Dutch has also become a language of the aristocracy in South America, becoming a symbol of identity for many South American aristocrats or upper-class people in conversations.

Along with colonization, the Netherlands spread religion, which was also an extremely sharp brain project.

This brain project transformed the Netherlands' current circle of allies in South America and the Netherlands into an ecological circle that is very beneficial to the Netherlands.

The same was true for the British Empire in the previous life of the 20th century.

In comparison, the Japanese language, Japanese pope and culture pale into insignificance. Even the Xiawen used by a large country in the Far East with a population of more than one billion pales in comparison to the influence of English in the world.

Italy is now far worse than Japan. After all, the latter's animation is famous around the world. Doraemon is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and is famous all over the world.

The same applies to the latter car brands, and its influence is not much weaker.

But what about Italy?To put it into perspective, the name change to Italy began in 1861. Before that, the Kingdom of Sardinia was still a vassal state of the Austrian Empire.

Under the rule of later generations of scholars, during the heyday of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, the colonial area accounted for a quarter of the world's land area.

After World War II, the politics of most of the former British colonies that established themselves as independent countries were generally dominated by English-speaking elites, and Singapore was no exception. Even powerful countries such as India, the United States, Canada, Australia, etc. exception.

These elites first received English education at home, and then received scholarships to study in the UK.Therefore, many of them are graduates of the University of Cambridge and the University of London. Although they oppose colonialism, most of them are not opposed to the political system of the British Empire. Instead, they naturally strive for independence and continue to dominate after coming to power. Stminster parliamentary democracy and civil service system, that is, the civil service system.

In particular, they will use their specialty, English, as their administrative language. The elite among civil servants are generally sent to study in British universities. Therefore, it is natural for them to become pro-British and have a disdain for the university that created them. Special feelings.William IV was very aware of the benefits of the British system in his previous life, so after traveling to this world in 1857, he used this as a blueprint to build the influence of the Netherlands around the world, and the higher education in the Netherlands was built into a world brand. , some time ago, Dutch universities occupied 14 of the top [-] international university rankings, which is the result of William IV's efforts.

In particular, the University of Sydney and the University of Melbourne on the Australian continent in the Far East, as well as the University of Amsterdam in Europe, have been built by him into the second, third and fifth places among the world's universities after more than ten years.

It can be said that it has completely occupied the position of America in the previous life, and has overturned Britain's dominance in the education world.

This has created a strong appeal. Currently, there is a detailed report in the hands of William IV. In 1857, there were less than 200 foreign students in Dutch universities. In 1867, the Netherlands had more than 2 foreign students from all over the world. Thousands, and then 290 years later, in 1877, the number of international students in Dutch universities from all over the world exceeded 10, laying a solid foundation for the Netherlands' influence in the world.

Not to mention Italy, even Britain during Queen Victoria's time is just unaware of it, and may even ridicule the Netherlands for actually allocating more than 2500 million guilders (100 million pounds) from the Dutch Ministry of Finance every year in order to attract international students from around the world. budget to attract international students to study in the Netherlands.

The white British colonial rule in the previous life was indeed particularly clever. In addition to cultural brainwashing, the other most well-known skill was divide and rule.In this regard, the Japanese are far behind. Of course, the Japanese militarists also know how to eliminate a nation. They must first eliminate its language and culture, but they only know how to use strong military means to deter them. Forced, forced people to learn Japanese, and also killed people, sowing indelible national hatred. Only after it colonized the island for 50 years, did it successfully enslave some people ideologically, such as 2020 The one who passed away in [-] was a certain Hui and his like who were successfully brainwashed by Japanese benx.

This is the reason why William IV admires Britain very much, and also the reason why Italy is difficult to compare with Japan.

But Japan and the UK are even more difficult to compare.

Colonists are not good people, and the British colonial history is actually full of violence, especially when suppressing indigenous uprisings, their methods were even more cruel.

It turns out that North America, a colony of the British Empire, established itself as the United States of America after an arduous war. In her previous life, Caroline Elkins, a historian at Harvard University who specialized in studying Africans and African Americans, wrote about this in her "Violence" "The Legacy" has detailedly traced the atrocities of the British Empire, laying out the brutal military suppression of the Mao uprising in Kenya in 1952, as well as the methods used, including castration. During the torture and torture in the country, the British army only used the same methods they had used to deal with a certain party in Malaysia, including implementing emergency laws, opening up "new villages" similar to ghettoization, and locking up more than 100 million Kenyan indigenous people. Once inside, there was fighting, killing, imprisonment, starvation, disease, and ultimately the death of tens of thousands.”

It was not until 2011 that some survivors of the Kenyan uprising successfully sued the British government in London. In the end, forced to maintain its moral image, the United Kingdom had to express deep regret for Kenya and stated that it would compensate the victims of that year 1400 million pounds.
Use money to buy morals and maintain your image.

The British colonialists were also racist. They claimed that colonization was to spread civilization to people of color. Black people in Africa were sold as slaves, so there were black slaves in the United States.

In 18943, a great famine occurred in the British colony of India and Bengal. After receiving the report, the then British Prime Minister Winston Churchill disdainfully said that Indians breed like rabbits, meaning that they would not starve to death. of.

However, the above are only a few of the many evils committed by Britain. What impressed William IV most was that after nearly 200 years of colonization of the world, Britain was able to become the country that flaunts the ultimate human power in the world and must not be allowed to surrender. William IV and others felt incredible in their previous lives.

Regardless, as long as everyone calms down and observes, they will find that the ugly side of this colonial empire seems to have been successfully bleached by Elizabeth, the queen who left in 2020, with her own charm and beauty.It is amazing that many people from the former colonies are grateful and proud to have been their subjects even after being assimilated.

William IV knew that a veteran actor from a certain port in a world-renowned financial city wrote on his social media account: "Under her protection, a certain port has become a blessed place on earth and so on."

I wonder which other woman in the world at that time had such ability?However, the cycle of ups and downs in history cannot be reversed by human power. With the death of the Queen of England in 20, the Queen of England, who can be called a wonder woman of the 2022th century, Britain's national destiny may have come to an end. Anyway, Britain was almost the same before William IV traveled through the world. It has become a local power, and it still needs to take advantage of the world's popularity.

However, Elizabeth appointed 15 British Prime Ministers in her lifetime. Since Churchill, Britain's national strength has begun to decline. With the exception of Mrs. Thatcher, the subsequent Prime Ministers can be said to be inferior to each other.The queen's son, Prince Charles, has been working as a prince for more than 70 years before he has the opportunity to ascend the throne. It seems that it will be difficult to carry forward his mother's great cause.

However, William IV disagreed, because the Netherlands currently only needs to absorb the essence of the past life of more than 1880 years from 100 to the present, which is enough to maintain the Netherlands' international status.

(End of this chapter)

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