Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 679 Argentina intervenes

Chapter 679 Argentina intervenes

On October 1878, 10, Napoleon III of the Second French Empire announced in Paris that he would send his only son, Crown Prince Eugene, to leave Paris for a visit to Paraguay on October 13 to consolidate the friendship between France and Paraguay. Currently, this The nearly 10-year-old Crown Prince Eugene of France has arrived in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He will enter Paraguay via land via Brazil.

On October 1878, 10, the German Empire announced that Crown Prince Frederick would leave Berlin for Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, on October 14 at the invitation of Paraguay President Pelos. He has already landed in Uruguay.

The German Empire has sent a response request to Argentina. Crown Prince Frederick will accompany a small fleet along the Paraná River through Argentina, and finally reach Asunción, Paraguay upstream.

Two major European countries actually wanted to visit Paraguay one after another.The mystery here is hard to figure out.

At the same time, on October 10, the British Parliament passed an agreement to develop friendly relations with Argentina and received more than two-thirds support in the Senate.

Along with the development of this friendly relationship, the British Parliament also passed the gift of 1 second-class sailing battleship, 1 fourth-class sailing battleship and 3 fifth-class sailing battleships, a total of 5 second-hand battleships to Argentina.

Britain's generous gift suddenly made the suspicion of British-Arab relations a hot topic in international current affairs news.

As the Netherlands' main ally in South America, Argentina has always been the Netherlands' most important ally in South America and one of the pillars of the Netherlands' influence in South America. The Netherlands has just gained a battlefield from the British ally Chile. The victory won the support of northern Chile and became a de facto ally of the Netherlands.

Everyone knew that this round was one move away from the British and the Netherlands won.

Many people in the UK are unhappy about this.And Holland was naturally filled with joy.

However, in less than five days, the United Kingdom immediately extended a hand of friendship to Argentina through legislation and by offering benefits as bait.

Will Argentina take the British bait?
How would the Netherlands react if it swallowed Britain's bait?
Are relations between the Netherlands and Argentina on the verge of collapse?

If the Netherlands loses Argentina as an ally, will the Netherlands' influence in South America be shattered?

Will Britain, France, Germany and other countries take the opportunity to rise?

South America has since become a playground for great powers?

So the Argentine has never been more in the spotlight than it is now.

Therefore, Mitre's influence has spread as expected.

On October 1878, 10, Argentine President Mitre, despite the opposition of his staff, thanked Britain for its support of Argentina's naval construction in the capital Buenos Aires, and declared that this free warship became history for Argentina. The largest meter on the continent has received a gift, so in return Argentina will allow its friendly British counterpart to continue to maintain the Strait of Magellan,

Mitre also announced that Argentina would intervene in the internal war between neighboring Chile and that he would support the North and the South to sit down and negotiate a solution.In this press conference, Mitre stated that he had no intention of changing his alliance with the Netherlands, but was willing to get closer to Britain and listen to the different opinions of Britain, the most powerful naval power in the world, on the governance of South America.

The Argentine President Miter also announced that he would support the legitimate rights of the United Kingdom and called on the United Kingdom and the Netherlands to sit down and negotiate to resolve the dispute. Miter also specifically announced that he would be willing to invite the two prime ministers to the Argentine capital Buenos Aires at the appropriate time. Sianos held a face-to-face meeting, and he offered to chair the meeting between the two as a neutral.

Britain naturally welcomed it.

However, the Netherlands expressed doubts about Britain's sincerity and was unwilling to go abroad to negotiate with the Netherlands.

On October 1878, 10, the North and South of Chile, backed by the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, launched a land war as agents. At the same time, the British and the Dutch once again used Chile as a battlefield for the first time in 10 after fighting in South Africa in 1864. In the first round, the Netherlands won a resounding victory. At the same time, the government of Arturo Lauzon in northern Chile captured the central city of Valdivi on the dividing line between north and south of Chile. Asia Harbor officially gained the initiative to advance, attack, retreat and defend when dealing with the Mascaiano government in the south.

On October 1878, 10, Mascaiano, who was in Puerto Montt at this time, was very angry.

As he was driven out of Santiago, the capital of Chile, he originally thought that he could quickly recapture Santiago with the support of the British. Moreover, the Whigs and Tories in London clearly told him that Britain would definitely support him, so in During his administration, Chile and Britain maintained a very close alliance.

But look now, Chile has become what it is now.

But fortunately, competition with itself in the past has influenced Argentina to favor the United Kingdom. Now, it should be able to compete with the Netherlands. At least with the strength of Britain and Argentina, the Netherlands cannot take care of both.

Mascaiano has been the president of Chile for many years and naturally has a certain degree of political sensitivity. Therefore, although his family has accepted a lot of bribes over the years, it is precisely because of this that he is known by northern Chileans. Disgusted, kicked out.

While he was thinking, he suddenly thought of a question.That is, instead of waiting for the UK’s support, it is better to find a helper as a supplement to the UK”

As Mascaiano's confidant, Bigson no longer had the intention to guide Mascaiano to think.

He said straight to the point: "Your Excellency, we can ask Argentinin for help."

"Argentina? Is Argentina willing to send troops to help us? You know, Miter and I had a war in the Cordillera Mountains before. Now that we are asking them for help, will it affect the other side's view of us? , and the other party is also beyond the reach of the situation we encountered in Xiang Zai, so it is difficult to get much benefit. Is Argentina Original Underwear going to work hard for this?"

Although Mascaiano has been uneasy recently, it has not affected his political judgment and he still knows the difficulties of dealing with Argentina.

"No, Argentina would be willing to intervene in Chile's internal fight!"

Bigson said in an affirmative tone. Bigson looked at Mascanoa with doubtful eyes and explained in a deep voice: "Although Argentina's soldiers and horses are far from Buenos Aires to us, don't forget that for Argentina, , the Netherlands is the biggest challenger to the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands is also the biggest obstacle for Argentina to expand its influence in South America. Therefore, Miter, like the president, wants to reduce the strength of the Netherlands in South America. To this end, they can cooperate with Argentina, and Argentina also We need our support.”

 I wrote one chapter in advance today and will upload a total of three chapters tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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