Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 690 The Brazilian Emperor was coerced and lured

Chapter 690 The Brazilian Emperor was coerced and lured
Brazilian Empire, São Paulo.

Brazilian Emperor Pedro II looked at the person in front of him with a frown.

He had red hair, a confident face, and the features of the Nordic Europeans that were all over the face of the person in front of him, unlike the southern Europeans, made him feel uneasy for no reason.

This is especially true after thinking about Prime Minister Fonseca, whom this person just mentioned.

Since Pedro II inherited the throne of Brazil in 1831, after his efforts and success in suppressing the powerful ministers, he came to power early in 1840. He was only 15 years old at the time. It can be said that the history of kings in all countries in the world has been ruled personally. He checked the world history , it seems that in the history of the world, only the emperor named Kang Hexi in the Far East surpassed him. That guy took office when he was 14 years old.

After taking power, he worked hard to govern, using the balance between the Brazilian Liberal Party and the Conservative Party to alternately manage government affairs, and he maintained the ruling power in the middle.

The announcement in 1840 that all slaves owned by Pedro II would be liberated was met with huge cheers from the bottom and bottom of Brazilian society.

In 1850, he issued a ban on the sale of African slaves, and he immediately became the leader in liberating slaves in the Americas. Slaves throughout the Americas were grateful to him. You must know that the most powerful country in the Americas is the Commonwealth of America. This country didn't exist until Lincoln came to power and proposed and passed the Constitutional Act for the Emancipation of African Black Slaves in September 1862.

Under the wave of the abolition movement, her eldest daughter, Crown Princess Isabel, finally announced the abolition of slavery.

As a result, Brazil entered a stage of economic development. Pedro II encouraged foreign immigrants, especially European skilled immigrants, to develop domestic resources, which led to a significant increase in industrial and agricultural production. The construction of railways and telegraphs also achieved great results.

He also paid attention to the development of education, established a number of universities, and created the Brazilian Historical and Geographic Association.

In foreign relations, we attach great importance to the development of relations with the United States, and work with the United States and Argentina to oppose colonialist interference in Latin American affairs.He publicly supported Chile's support for Peru's war against Spain's return to South America and Peru.

And they also fought for Uruguay with Argentina and fought the second Uruguay War. In the end, Uruguay became its own country, and neither Brazil nor Argentina were satisfied.

But in the end, Brazil and Argentina each tried to control Uruguay through slow penetration.

However, as Paraguay's military strength is getting stronger with the support of France, it dared to invade southwest Brazil before, which can be said to be a big slap in the face of the Brazilian emperor. In the end, Fonseca became Field Marshal and repelled After the invasion of Paraguay, he took advantage of the situation and ran for the position of Prime Minister of Brazil. With the power of victory, he quickly became as famous as him.

Even in recent years, as the influence of the Kingdom of Portugal has declined, Brazil participated in the war between Portugal and the Netherlands. After its failure, public resentment boiled over. Pedro II's own attitude of supporting the abolition of slavery offended the landlords and the monarchy who supported the monarchy. The farmer class and the Republicans (conservatives) were infiltrated by the influence of the American Commonwealth. Many people were very angry and joined Fonseca's liberal camp, constantly calling for the abolition of the monarchy. This made Pedro II and Fonseca suddenly fell into a certain balance.

While the Brazilian Emperor Pedro II was deep in thought, the red-haired man in front of him still maintained his usual smile.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is a sharp light in his eyes, which is the look of success in ordinary calculations.

He understood that it was time to make greater determination to the other party.

“I think that His Majesty was determined to consolidate the sea route to the south of Brazil along the Parana River, so in 1852, Brazil led by His Majesty united with Fructu Oso of the Uruguayan Red-Party and Hu, a senior official in Argentina named Entre Ríos. The opposition led by Stor Urgis overthrew the Rosas regime in Argentina.

I thought that this would allow Argentina to follow Brazil from now on, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be cheaper for Argentina now.

Although Uruguay agreed to cede a large piece of territory between the Ibique and Cuarem rivers to Brazil and recognized Brazil's dominance over Lake Domi and the Aguaro River, Brazil's southward expansion reached its peak.But Argentina’s penetration into southern Uruguay has therefore become stronger.”

He stared at His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil in front of him with shining eyes, and said with a smile: "Currently, President Miter of Argentina has reached some kind of agreement with Fonseca in His Majesty's country, which seems to be very unfavorable to His Majesty's restrictions."

Pedro II's eyes widened when he heard this, and he asked urgently: "What agreement did they reach?"

No wonder he is nervous, he is very wary of anything in Brazil that is not beneficial to him.

The relationship between Argentina and the Netherlands is currently tense, which surprises him. Originally, the rise of the Netherlands and its relationship with Argentina once made him sleepless. After all, Portugal behind him has been declining day by day.

Therefore, his relationship with the Federal Republic of America has become increasingly close over the years.

But damn Fonseca is close to the Netherlands, so he can only develop relations with the British and the tiger.

He just wanted to use the British to check the influence of the Netherlands.

In the past ten years, Brazil has finally maintained a balance under the influence of Portugal, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom. Generally speaking, because of the support from Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United Kingdom, it has surpassed Fonseca, who is supported by the Netherlands. .

But now he just heard from the red-haired man in front of him that Fonseca had reached an agreement with Argentina's Mitreda, which shocked him.

The red-haired man said seriously: "Your Majesty, Argentina and the Netherlands are currently at odds, the relationship between Argentina and the United Kingdom has further improved, and Fonseca has reached an agreement with Argentina. In this, is there any Argentina for Fonsec? The thread is stuck, who knows?”

Pedro II suddenly seemed to have woken up, and his uneasy mood suddenly subsided. He looked at the person in front of him with a half-smile, "Your Excellency Isaac, as the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Brazil, you seem to care too much about Brazil. Are you aware? Your Excellency has a big agenda." Isaac said indifferently: "As the head of the Dutch Embassy in Brazil, I am naturally concerned about the domestic affairs of the host country. Brazil and the Netherlands have a long-standing relationship, and the relationship between our two countries is also There has been no direct war, so His Majesty’s suspicion seems a little hard to understand.”

Pedro II suddenly asked: "Then why did you suddenly apply to see me this time?"

Isaac shook his head: "I was just ordered to think about His Majesty's comfort."

Pedro II stared at him unchanged: "?"

Isaac made an astonishing statement: "I got news from Melbourne, the capital of the country, that the Dutch International Intelligence Agency found that someone seemed to want to overthrow the Brazilian monarchy system. For this reason, Melbourne was planning a plan. Fortunately, we discovered it in time in China. This organization has been destroyed now.”

Isaac ignored Pedro II's doubtful gaze and said slightly threateningly: "But next time, we may not be so lucky to be discovered."

Pedro II raised his eyebrows for no reason. He naturally understood the threat.

It was precisely because he understood that he was even more troubled.

If Fonseca really gets the support of the United Kingdom, Argentina will firmly side with the other side. In addition, Fonseca has always had a close relationship with the Netherlands. Portugal alone will not be able to achieve an overwhelming effect on itself.

He looked at the red-haired Isaac in front of him.

The latter happened to be looking at him too.

Seeing the other party's hesitant expression, Isaac didn't know that things had turned around.

So he said with respect in his tone at the right time: "Your Majesty, you know that the Royal Palace of the Netherlands is also a country with a constitutional monarchy. At present, the whole people of the Netherlands support our Majesty William IV, naturally because of His Majesty's wise leadership, but it is also far from the Don’t open our advanced system in the Netherlands.”

Seeing Pedro II looking at him without saying a word.

He continued: "News came from Melbourne a few days ago. It is said that our Majesty William IV was very angry when he heard that the organization was trying to overthrow your rule. For this reason, he personally ordered the destruction of the organization and stated that he would not support the abolition of the monarchy in Brazil. It can be said that our Majesty is openly supporting His Majesty’s rule.”

Isaac's approach immediately gave Pedro II a step forward, and a relaxed expression appeared on the latter's face.

Pedro II waved his hand and said: "Brazil under my rule will not pose a threat to the Netherlands. Of course, if Fonseca forces his way through, you know, Fonseca has many wings and it will be difficult for me to do it completely." block each other”

Isaac secretly called him an old fox.

There was a gentlemanly look on his face to take the initiative: "Our Majesty is very interested in Argentina, so next, we hope that Brazil can sit on the sidelines and watch a good show."

Pedro II pretended to be questioning and asked: "What's the show? About Argentina?"

Isaac nodded and said: "Yes, as mentioned just now, Prime Minister Fonseca is too close to Miter of Argentina. This is very bad for His Majesty, and it is also a bad thing for the Kingdom of the Netherlands." It is dangerous, so we in the Netherlands and His Majesty have a common goal, so our cooperation with His Majesty is the best way out for both parties, what does Your Majesty think?"

Pedro II was very shocked by Isaac at this time. Since he became the ambassador to Brazil in 1875, this guy has always been very low-key, and although he is biased towards Fonseca, he has been exposed to both rain and dew, and he is also right. The royal family has also achieved a good relationship.

It was precisely for this reason that when the other party asked to see him, he met him after careful consideration.

But he never expected that he would get the news from Isaac that Fonseca had reached an agreement with Mitre to form an alliance. One intended to threaten the royal family, and the other intended to squeeze Brazil's living space in South America and replace Brazil's status.

Therefore, it seems that no matter how you look at the friendship that Holland has sent to your door, you have to accept it all.

Isaac's sharp edge now gave him a lot of ideas.

"Argentina currently has almost 3 people deployed in Menza. These 3 people can play a supporting role in Santiago, the capital of Chile. If used well, they can act as a threat. If used badly, they can act as a threat.

It is said that this guy Mitre also sent 2 people to San Carlos in Argentina near the Puerto Montt area in southern Chile. No one knows whether he is threatening the Mascaiano government in southern Chile or supporting the other party. "

Pedro II reminded: "Mitre is very difficult to deal with, so I would like to ask the Ambassador to tell His Majesty Williams IV and Prime Minister Gerrit de Vries of your country that it is better to be careful."

(End of this chapter)

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