Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 724 William IV’s concerns

Chapter 724 William IV’s concerns

Inside the Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sydney, Hermann Van Peron, was sitting in front of William IV with Henry Lloyd, Mark Twain, August Strindberg, and Vincent Van Gogh.

Following discussions between these Dutch literary giants and William IV, the future development of the Dutch literary world was gradually determined.

The scent of tea permeates the room.

William IV sat in front of several people, and next to him, Arudo, the chief guard of the palace, immediately asked someone to pour tea.

William IV leaned back in his chair, tapped the table, and pondered.

The prosperity of the Dutch literary world is definitely not enough to have a few famous literary figures.

Whether the Dutch cultural communication is strong or not depends on its strength in all aspects.

Having giants in the literary world is only one of them. Various other auxiliary channels are needed to spread the charm and appeal of Dutch culture to attract people from all over the world. Of course, the most important thing is to display the positive image and charm of the Netherlands and attract talents from all over the world to immigrate to the country. The Netherlands, etc. Only in this way can we be called a powerful country.

Traveling from the later generations of the 21st century to the 200th century 19 years ago, William IV naturally knew that culture not only refers to literature, but also other aspects.

If William IV wanted to make the Netherlands strong, he had to consider all aspects, rather than just working in one direction.

This time, Henry Lloyd became famous internationally with "The Election of Presidents and Governors". Later, Mark Twain and Strindberg took advantage of the momentum and formed the Three Musketeers of the Dutch literary world.

This has made the Dutch literary scene unique in the literary world of the Western world, and has formed a strong literary light both inside and outside the Netherlands.

In this way, whoever wants to challenge the Dutch position in the literary world of critical realism must make careful considerations.

But it also caused a lot of trouble.

Among them, the French literary giants in Paris, which has always been the cultural capital of Europe, will not give up. The same is true in the British literary world headed by Dickens, and the same is true in Austria and even Italy.Therefore, the future battle in the Western literary world caused by the Netherlands will be inevitable.

This time, new works by famous French writers Balzac, Maupassant and emerging American writer O. Henry continue to be on the market, which is a good proof.

The British literary world seems to be standing still, but Dickens, the leader of the British literary world, has come out to express his appreciation for Henry Lloyd's "The Election of Presidents and Governors". Dickens was closely related to the royal family Queen Victoria and the British ruling Whig party. The flavor makes it difficult to understand the three flavors.

A literary giant who can satisfy both the royal family and the ruling party must not be underestimated.

In contrast, the German literary world and America are the easiest to deal with.However, William IV also had some hesitations about the German and American literary circles.

The Dutch people in the United States are now beginning to be checked and balanced, especially as the German Empire becomes more united and agreed by Bismarck and William I, the originally divided German people in the United States are now gradually showing a tendency to unite.This is what the intelligence coming from the United States shows. Even former Republican President Andrew and current Democratic President Stephen Douglas have a very sense of urgency.

There are only 130 million Dutch people in America, but Germans have more than 600 million, of which Prussia owns 00, and the rest are other confederate states that Prussia agreed to suppress.

The second is the Irish, with more than 450 million people. In the past, more than 200 million Swedish and Danish people supported the Netherlands, making them the third largest European ethnic group in the United States.However, Sweden and Denmark are somewhat alienated from the Netherlands. Therefore, although the two major ethnic groups are not as alienated from the Dutch as the locals, they have become close and have become a general partnership.

Fortunately, almost all other ethnic groups in Latin America, with the exception of Brazil and Argentina, support the Netherlands. There are more than 400 million Latinos.

In addition, African Americans also supported the Dutch rule, which made Germans afraid to act rashly.

However, as the influence of Germans increases, perhaps soon the status of Dutch people in the United States will be shaken.

It is against this background that William IV began to visit the University of Sydney and the University of Melbourne last month, and held meetings at the same level as presidents of dozens of universities across the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Naturally, he will not be idle.

His purpose was to start advocating for Dutch universities to fully promote the big plan of spreading Dutch culture to all parts of the world.

After this plan, Henry Lloyd, who was the honorary president of the University of Sydney, took the lead by publishing "The Campaign for President and Governor". Later, Mark Twain, Dean of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Melbourne, and Strindberg, the literary tutor at the University of Sydney Take the opportunity to expand your territory.

The three of them have received huge coverage in Dutch-controlled newspapers and have become household names in America.

In particular, Mark Twain was already somewhat famous in the United States, and now he is becoming more and more famous.

It can be said that the Netherlands began to make great strides in the American literary world.
Some people say that the Netherlands can use its advanced army to expand its territory in South America and annex all its people. But annexing a huge area is not a simple matter. South America was able to drive away Spain, a colonial country, more than 50 years ago. If the Netherlands wants to become the next Spain, then the entire South America will become an anti-Dutch front regardless of you and me. In the past, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and even Southern Chile, which were pro-Dutch, will no longer be a stepping stone for the Netherlands to land in South America. On the contrary, it was the anti-Dutch Pacific Front.

The shadow caused by Spain is very likely to make South American countries would rather believe in the Brazilian Empire and resist the Netherlands to the end. Although this kind of resistance seems weak, who knows how long the willpower can last.

If South America becomes an anti-Dutch base, then the Netherlands' efforts to challenge Britain will be in vain, and it will even allow Britain to take the opportunity to shrink the Netherlands' sphere of influence in both the Indian and Pacific Oceans, which is not worth the gain.

Therefore, if William IV used force to conquer, he would definitely encounter a lot of resistance.

Don’t think that the Netherlands’ current weapons are among the most advanced in the world, so it can suppress everyone. Needless to say, the power of advanced weapons, but advanced weapons are not omnipotent. If that is the case, the Xiaomi-plus-rifle of the Far East country in the future will not Win the final victory.The United States, France and other countries would not withdraw their troops due to defeat in North and South Vietnam.

After all, advanced firearms and warships cannot kill everyone, let alone change the will of netizens.The only thing that can change the will of all people is thought.

Currently, there are only 1500 million white people in the Far East of the Netherlands, including 1300 million Dutch. After years of hard work, there are only 700 million indigenous and black people in Southeast Asia and Australia, accounting for one-third of the Far East. In Africa, there are nearly 1000 million black people and indigenous people.
It’s a sparsely populated place and it’s hard to bite off more than you can chew!
This time I am William IV's biggest concern.

Territory will be one of the largest sources of comprehensive strength in the future, but the current Netherlands is difficult to maintain, so it is not the most important. People's hearts at home and abroad are the most important.

(End of this chapter)

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