Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 726 My Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Chapter 726 My Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1879 3 Month 1 Day.

In southwestern South America, the port city of Valdivia occupied by the northern Chilean regime.

This city that has gone through many hardships now looks particularly depressed.

All the people in the city had already moved away, leaving only the Northern Chilean Army that had just occupied the city.

After a battle, although Northern Chile defeated Zhou's 5-strong army, the casualties were equally heavy.

In the past five months, the Northern Chilean Army has not directly launched an attack on the remaining territory of the defeated Southern Chile. As the Northern Chilean Army Minister most trusted by President Artur Lauzon, Mesip instead repaired the city wall according to the instructions and waited for the arrival from Santiago. Reinforcements were dispatched to supply.

However, before the reinforcements from Santiago arrived, Argentina actually sent [-] troops to San Di Carlo, which made him even more afraid to move.

Afterwards, the five-nation coalition led by the Netherlands and composed of Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia arrived.

Messip finally understood the reason why he was asked to suspend the attack on southern Chile, rest in place, and wait for subsequent orders.

When they received the order, they were filled with questions. Messip and Dutch coach Schreck were still puzzled by this, but the arrival of the five-nation coalition finally solved the mystery.

But then he received instructions to stop the attack. It has been a month now.

Until today, he finally welcomed a figure, to be precise, an important military figure from the Netherlands, Castillo, Secretary General of the Five-Nation Alliance, who actually arrived at the Port of Valdivia.

"General Castillo, I finally waited until you came."

Messip couldn't help but ask: "General, is it time for us to launch an attack on southern Chile?"

"General Messip may not know that three days ago, in order to support Southern Chile, the United Kingdom frequently met with ambassadors from various countries in London, asking all countries to continue to support Southern Chile's legal status. At that time, many countries agreed to do so in order to give Britain face. Come down”

Castillo said: "Germany's attitude is ambiguous. Portugal responded to the British call and did not recognize your Northern Chilean government as the representative of the Chilean state."

"Although I have not seen it with my own eyes, it has already spread in the Netherlands. In addition to Portugal, Belgium, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Romania are currently following the British in not recognizing the legitimacy of your government."

"It also seems that you don't have the support from both the north and the south of France. Because of this, in the past few months, my Majesty and the government have been doing a lot to support your legitimacy."

After hearing this, Messip was stunned.

He even doubted whether his ears heard it wrong.

As the Minister of Army, he would naturally understand the issue of Northern Chile's legitimacy. It was during the coup.

Just after it happened, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia followed the Netherlands and recognized the North Chilean government to replace the South Chilean government. He was so excited that he was inexplicably excited. Only Brazil and Argentina in South America did not admit or deny it.

Paraguay and Uruguay are also playing ambiguously and are waiting for a price.

But he didn't expect such a fierce scene in Europe.

"Then the Dutch government has done it now?" he asked hesitantly.

After asking, he felt a little bit self-conscious, and he thought other things were possible, but if Britain accepted it, the Chilean government in the south would have surrendered long ago, and there was no need for him to still be here. Even Castillo, a member of the five countries, would have surrendered long ago. There is no need for the coalition forces to come here.

Castillo also saw Messip's embarrassment, and immediately laughed and said: "It is difficult to move this smelly and hard stone of Britain, but now our Dutch government has started to operate an alliance system."

He looked at Messi and said: "I believe it will be effective soon." Messip's heart moved, "In other words, when there is an effect over there, we will start to attack here?"

Castillo said: "Yes, this is confirmed by our new Dutch Prime Minister WA von Linden and your president."

Messip suddenly smiled bitterly after hearing this.

"It seems that the Mascahuano government in the south can survive longer."

Castillo said calmly: "The British troops stationed in southern Chile are actually more irritating, aren't they?"

Mesip's face changed slightly.

He glanced at the other party, wondering if there was anything in his words.

But what the heck, this is what diplomats and presidents in San Diego should be worrying about.

On March 1879, 3, Castillo, the Secretary-General of the Five South American Allied Forces, headed south from Santiago to the Port of Valdivia, which immediately made the entire South Chile on alert. Seven British warships stationed in Puerto Montt set sail immediately. Stay away from the port and head north.

At the same time, the British government announced in London that it had supplied more than 2 firearms and sufficient ammunition to the southern Chilean army. However, the Creston government expressed its hope that the Dutch government would prevent another war between northern and southern Chile.

The UK is willing to negotiate with the Netherlands and both northern and southern Chile to reach a peace agreement.

On March 1879, 3, at the headquarters of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Melbourne, Joseph Beit, as the foreign minister of the new Dutch cabinet government, had a very tough attitude.

"We don't think that the British negotiations are sincere, because we are patient in negotiating with the British every time, but every time we spend enough energy, the British always directly push away the entire chessboard on the chessboard at the last moment, trying to start anew. Again, with the intention of mastering Dutch ideas.”

"This kind of negotiation has happened many times during the Liberal government. We were the opposition party at the time, so although we were urgent, we were unable to participate."

"Now that we have formed a coalition government, I represent the new Dutch cabinet government that will adopt a foreign policy that is different from that of the Liberal Party. Therefore, the British call for negotiations encourages peace-loving people, but we will not repeat the British old tricks because of this. Turn a blind eye to the measurement of investment.”

Joseph Baite finally said: "Our Dutch and Northern Chilean governments will negotiate with the British and Southern Chilean governments, but the time is up to us."

Joseph Beit is indeed a person who once served as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Belgian Parliament. While his speech was domineering, he did not lose his reason.

Because of this, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs he was in charge of made everyone start to feel a little uneasy.

Especially Britain and Germany, and of course even Holland's allies such as Denmark, Sweden, and the United States have begun to speculate on the leader of Dutch foreign policy in the next four years.

Kingdom of the Netherlands, Australia, Province of South Australia, now the headquarters of the opposition Liberal Party.

Former Prime Minister Tolbeck and Gerrit de Vries sat across from each other.

Tolbeck said: "Jules Danetang's diplomatic declaration is really wonderful."

Gerrit De Vries said somewhat unhappily: "Humph, we can only see if the effect of its so-called diplomacy that is different from ours is really that good?"

Tolbeck shook his head: "It is normal for the Liberal Party to step down. Don't take it to heart. Jan von Lopek will return to power in the future. After all, if we continue to occupy the position of prime minister, the Christian Party and the Socialist Party are not in a hurry. Your Majesty is in a hurry, isn't he?"


(End of this chapter)

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