Chapter 783 The hateful Jews
British Empire, London, Prince of Wales's House.


The Prince of Wales and Crown Prince Edward slammed the information in their hands on the table and couldn't help but said angrily: "Douglas, this bastard, is really too cunning. Is this trying to make a fool of himself?"

Sitting next to him were the Whig Party leader and British Prime Minister Gladstone, the British Foreign Secretary Granville, and the leader of the opposition Tory Party Benjamin Disraeli.

Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli have been old rivals in British politics for nearly 20 years. The two are currently taking turns taking the position of British Prime Minister in the UK. This is something that the whole world knows.
In the past, Prince Edward had always favored the Tories, while his mother, Queen Victoria, was more friendly to the Whigs.

But that was before. Since 1870, as the Queen began to delegate power to Crown Prince Edward, the latter began to make major adjustments to his position. In other words, he became slightly more neutral. Therefore, Crown Prince Edward currently has a strong position in British politics. recognized by the Whig Party.In the past 10 years, Prince Edward has firmly established himself as the heir apparent.

Because of this, Crown Prince Edward established a certain degree of majesty.

Following the thumping sound coming from the table, the people at the bottom immediately frowned, but after taking a deep breath, they all calmed down.

Seeing this, Crown Prince Edward couldn't help feeling helpless.

There is no way, these guys are all veterans of British politics, especially Disraeli and Gladstone, who have monopolized the position of prime minister for the past five terms in British politics, and these two guys still have no intention of retiring.

Faced with these two old guys, Crown Prince Edward could only tolerate his dissatisfaction.

"I agreed to use the situation in the Far East to contain the Netherlands. To this end, I also won over Napoleon III and William I, and made certain concessions to both the German Empire and the French Empire. Now William IV of the Netherlands has taken action in the United States. Obviously , he has noticed our thoughts, which proves that our confidentiality work is not in place. Ministers, please tell me, what should we do next?"

His eyes fell on Gladstone, Prime Minister of the ruling Whig Party.

Gladstone said calmly: "I believe that my colleagues in MI[-] will not be passive in their work. Of course, I also want to hear the thoughts of our Foreign Secretary."

After he finished speaking, several people's eyes fell on Foreign Minister Gravell.

Greville said: "The Lumberjacks were founded in New York, America, in 1874. It is now one of the largest fraternal welfare associations in the world, with no less than 85 members around the world. His service Including donating equipment to police and rescue units in various countries, as well as providing assistance to the elderly, orphanages and disaster victims. At first, many people thought it was similar to the function of the International Red Cross Society, and the logo was the use of an axe. , beetles and wedges as the symbols of the organization. However, those who know the inside story know that this organization is the United States and Europe. In the past, many people did not know who was the leader behind it. Now that William IV has been exposed, But what is unexpected is that it turns out to be an accomplice of the Bilderberg Society, and the Dutch government is behind it."

Crown Prince Edward's expression of dissatisfaction deepened, and Granville smiled bitterly: "As for the Sons of Liberty, the information that has been publicly disclosed in the past is that it is a group organized by American Patriots, which originated from the colonies before the United States became independent from our United Kingdom. The organization was established The purpose was to protect the interests of the colonial masters. The most famous one was hosting the Boston Tea Party in 1773, which led to extraordinary behavior. Our British Empire carried out strong suppression and counter-mobilization by patriots at that time. It can be said that it was their promotion at that time that finally led to three years later, on July 3, 1776, the United States successfully broke away from our British Empire, so this organization was one of our biggest worries at the time." When Granville said When this organization was organized, the four people in the room all showed grief and indignation. There was nothing they could do. The separation of the United States created hidden dangers for Britain in North America. As a result, Britain's national strength declined and became a joke in Europe. If it hadn't been for the replacement of India in the end, Britain's vitality could be seriously damaged. "

"As for the Skull and Bones Society, it was born in 1832. I didn't understand it in the past, but now its quality and the emergence of the Netherlands make sense. In 1830, we in the UK clearly supported the separation of the Principality of Belgium from the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The then King William I of the Netherlands was However, since everyone in Europe was afraid of Britain, they chose to establish this organization in the United States, which was not afraid of Britain."

Prince Edward asked: "Why did you leave it at the end?"

Granville always likes to put the most important things at the end, so he is interested in this Skull and Bones Society.

Granston and Disraeli did not do this, because they had already been exposed to the news about this organization during the period of the first prime minister, but they did not expect it to be from the Netherlands.

"Unlike the organizations above, this organization is mainly a college fraternity. The founders Russell and William helped this organization at Yale University. At the beginning, Skull and Bones was very mysterious and did not allow women to have sex with others. Jews joined, but recently we found out that they are all allowed.”

Prince Edward: "."

"You are very strict in selecting members for this organization. The first point is that you must be born into a wealthy family in the United States, preferably with aristocratic blood. The second point is that you love economics, trade and politics, and it is best that you have served in the military. The third point is The third point is to have a good education, and it is best to have attended a boarding college.

In the past, it was only for Germanic people, attracting 20 students to join each year, so the number of places was limited, and many people got in. The Dutch always occupied 8% of the share, and the remaining 4 places were given to others, but now it is also open to Jews and women. It’s open, but there are fewer places. I didn’t understand why there were so many Dutch people before, but now I know. But I still don’t understand why Jews are the guests.”

Disraeli suddenly interjected: "You want to say that the relationship between Dutch and Jews has become closer."

Crown Prince Edward's expression changed greatly when he heard this.

Granston could no longer maintain his composure, and looked at Granville in a panic.

No one can be indifferent to the changes in the Jewish position. The Jewish position is really too important.More than 7% of Britain's current financial and currency markets are in the hands of Jews. To be precise, 5% of British bonds and currency issuance are in the hands of the British branch of the Rothschild family.

The financial influence of the Rothschild family in all European countries cannot be underestimated, and the Jews have always stayed out of the world, so countries can rest assured. Now what Granville said, he actually said that in the United States, the Jews have the same access as the Dutch. His status entered the quota of 20 new members of the Skull and Bones Society, and he was the only single ethnic group besides the Dutch. How could this not surprise them.

They dare not imagine what will happen to the London financial market if the Jewish position favors the Netherlands?Europe.
(End of this chapter)

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