Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 810 The Surprising Siberian Railway

Chapter 810 The Surprising Siberian Railway

On September 1880, 9, the British Foreign Office expressed its dissatisfaction with the signing of the Reciprocal Access Agreement between Spain and the Netherlands. The British directly pointed out, "We regard this move by Spain as openly opposing the United Kingdom, and we reserve the right to express our dissatisfaction with Spain's move." The right to fight back against Russia’s actions”

At the same time, Emperor Napoleon III of the French Empire directly expressed dissatisfaction in Paris that Paris would not allow Spain, its neighbor to the south, and the Netherlands to the north to turn a blind eye to the threat to France. "We have more than 10 soldiers in South Vietnam and North Vietnam in the Far East. The army has promoted economic development there, we have developed roads there, we have expanded the seaport there, and we have even brought many employment opportunities to the local area. Of course, we now have more than 30 French employees there. People live there, and in order to safeguard the rights and interests of France, we will not hesitate to confront any opponent who undermines our interests, even if it means launching a war."

However, Napoleon III's firm will soon died down because his old rival Bismarck stated directly in Berlin shortly after he issued the Declaration with Paris, "The German Empire's diplomatic tendency is to be independent, and we have never been able to do so." Bowing to any country, even during the Prussian period.

Therefore, we can just listen to what Napoleon III said. The Germans do not need to take it to heart. On the contrary, we should support the actions of our brother His Majesty Joseph I, Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. We, the German Empire, support Austria-Hungary’s proposal to negotiate with Mexico. Regarding the issue of the Yucatan Peninsula, we are willing to work with the Netherlands as a mediator to resolve the conflicts between Austria-Hungary and Mexico. "

With Bismarck's toughness, the previously majestic Napoleon III became silent the next day. However, the French Empire's Ministry of Foreign Affairs low-key once again stated that France would not give up its due rights and ignore them.

All the French people who saw this scene were very angry.

But there is no use in just being angry. France is currently divided. The Second French Empire of Napoleon III occupies the northern part of France and its overseas colonies, while the southern part of France is led by Thiers, the president of the Third Republic of France. The latter is closely related to Germany. The relationship is close, and the Third Republic is also an ally of the German Empire.

Facing a France that had been mutilated and whose strength was halved, it was strange that Napoleon III could stand up.

So the addition of Germany and Austria put Britain and France at a disadvantage.

The balance seems to be moving in favor of the Netherlands.But is this really the case?
On September 1880, 9, as soon as a piece of news was exposed, the world immediately turned its attention away from the English Channel and came to the Tsarist Russian Empire in Northeast Europe, or more directly, Siberia.

It turns out that Alexander II of the Tsarist Empire actually announced directly in St. Petersburg that he would forcibly recruit 50 Tsarist Russians to build the railway in Siberia. It is currently expected to be completed within 10 years.

As soon as the news came out, it sparked speculation among European governments.

There is even more discussion among the people.

London, Buckingham Palace.Queen Victoria received mixed opinions.

Disraeli, the leader of the opposition Tory Party, directly stated that Tsarist Russia’s actions should be stopped. He pointed out: “Siberia connects Europe and the Far East. The Tsarist Russian Empire is ambitious and wants to expand its territory in the Far East. No, it must be If we stop this action by Tsarist Russia, otherwise it will open up the situation for the Tsarist Russian Empire, then our strategy of besieging the Tsarist Russian Empire’s navy in the Baltic Sea and leaving the ocean will become useless in the future.”

But Creston said that he should remain unsupportive and unopposed, "The situation in Europe is now in chaos, and we no longer have much energy to focus on Northern Europe. If the Tsarist Empire puts its energy on the Far East at this time, which has already followed Our original plan was different. The Far East was not in our hands, but was given to the Netherlands as the overlord. The railway in the Russian Empire was built very well and the time was stuck very accurately. I think Alexander II and Prime Minister Gorchakov both People took advantage of our weakness during this period, and when the Netherlands did not dare to offend them, they directly took the opportunity to enter the Far East. What a good trick."

Creston raised his head and looked at Queen Victoria and the others, and sighed: "Tsarist Russia saw that there were many big countries in Europe. Sweden and Denmark united to defend their positions, and they allied with Spain and the Netherlands. Tsarist Russia used troops against Sweden and killed a thousand enemies. Eight hundred, plus the Spanish and Dutch troops that may be encountered, the gain outweighs the loss.

Furthermore, Germany and Austria-Hungary are eyeing the Tsarist Russia's use of troops. The timing is not right for them at all, so they have always focused their attention on the south of the Balkan Peninsula. In the past, our two parties focused on where to prevent Tsarist Russia from moving south. .

We also took the opportunity to increase our influence in the Balkans.

Now Germany and Austria-Hungary are also taking advantage of the conflict between us and the Netherlands to start to use their tricks. Her Majesty, if my guess is correct, with Bismarck's cleverness, he will soon ask for things from us."

After watching the play for a while, Crown Prince Edward asked urgently: "You mean, the German Empire did not devote itself wholeheartedly to the Netherlands, but instead maximized its own value, allowing Britain to understand the value of the two German countries. And then wait for the price? No way?"

"No?" Creston said with a sneer: "I have studied Bismarck for a long time and found that every time he made a big move, he would always be successful and would never give up until the goods were received. Back then, he planned the Austrian Empire to join Schlesz After the Austro-Hungarian defense strength was weakened during the Suig and Holstein era, they invaded Austria brazenly, causing Austria to request an armistice in just 7 weeks, and finally had no choice but to withdraw from the German Confederation. It can be said that the whole world was shocked by this achievement. Bismarck's reputation.

Later, in the war with Napoleon III of France in 1870, he set foot directly in Paris, where William I was proclaimed emperor. "Germany has kept a low profile in the past few years, but everyone knows that they are integrating and absorbing all the gains they have made over the years. , now almost fused and digested, just like a snake that has swallowed a mouse, it begins to look down at the world with cold-blooded eyes and stares at the next target."

Speaking of this, he said extremely calmly: "The current situation is not good for us, but in the face of Austria-Hungary and Germany, which are not good friends, I don't think the Dutch government will rest assured that Germany and Austria-Hungary are getting closer. At this moment, I want to come to Melbourne I’m guessing the purpose of these two countries for this reason.”

Creston didn't guess much. The current Dutch cabinet government and Prime Minister Linden are having a headache about this.

However, unlike Creston's speculation, the German Empire's request had already appeared on the desk of the Lyndon cabinet government - it clearly stated: Germany actually requested the Netherlands to purchase East Kalimantan on the island of Kalimantan. Province?
(End of this chapter)

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