Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 812 The prototype of the global monetary and financial system

Chapter 812 The prototype of the global monetary and financial system
On the evening of September 1880, 9, a lonely group of journalists gathered outside King's Pier in Wellington, North Island, New Zealand, Kingdom of the Netherlands.

They had just watched a delegation of the country's top financiers leave King's Dock carrying secret documents.

It was not until years later that they realized what a mission it was, and even then they did not understand that Dutch history had changed dramatically since Wellington Night.

This delegation traveled to a secret destination in sealed cars with tightly closed windows provided by the Dutch Dai-Lem Motor Company. The delegation was led by the head of the Dutch National Financial Commission and a former member of the University of Granningen in 1870. Councilor Sackham, Dean of the School of Economics.

After experiencing trade battles with Britain, foreign trade disputes that sanctioned France, and moving the capital from Amsterdam in Europe to Melbourne in Australia, William IV created the Financial Commission of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1877 and incorporated its proposals into law.

With the strong support of William IV, Senator Sackham became the helmsman of the new committee. From the beginning of 1878, Sackham led the members of the committee to visit various European countries for two years, but the travel expenses alone cost 300 million. Public funds of Dutch guilders (US$60, £12), you must know that the annual per capita income in the Netherlands is only 200 pounds, and the per capita income in the UK is 160 pounds, making the Netherlands the first in the world.

However, he did not report the results of this trip or provide any bank reform plan.

At King's Wharf in Wheeling, Senator Sackham was accompanied by his personal assistant Hilton; Assistant Secretary of the Treasury and Special Assistant to the National Finance Committee Andrew; Frank, President of the National Bank of East India; Vanderlip, President of the Far Eastern Commercial Bank; United Davidson, president of the private bank; Sir Henry, a senior partner at Royal Dutch Investment Corporation (also often referred to as Royal Investment Company's personal emissary); and Norton, president of First National Bank of Sydney, which was controlled by Royal Investment Company.

Joining the delegation before the motorcade is about to set off are Jules Danetang, deputy prime minister and finance minister of the Dutch cabinet government, and Stockholm Bank, owned by the Swedish Wall-Lenberg family, which has just been successfully acquired by the Royal Dutch Investment Company. President Nat Wallenberg (the eldest son of the four children of the founder of the family, Andre Wallenberg).

Bertie Charles Forbes, a financial writer who lived in Sydney six years ago, was originally in the United States and is now the founder of Forbes in Sydney, the Netherlands.

He recalled many years later: Imagine that a team of the country's most influential bankers took advantage of the darkness of night to quietly sneak out of Wellington city in private cars, secretly move dozens of miles away, and enter a 50.00% city surrounded by mountains. Synagogue.They lived there for a whole week, but they acted so secretively that no one's name was mentioned, and the identities of the servants were not known, and there was no way to disclose to anyone the most bizarre and bizarre event in Dutch financial history. This trip was the most mysterious. This was not an exaggeration by him. He was just telling the world for the first time the real story behind the famous Wellington Monetary Report and how the new monetary system of the Netherlands was written.
This secret was successfully hidden from everyone.It was impossible for the public to have any information about this incident. All the convoys stopped at a less commonly used platform with a cement road. After arriving at the location, Sackam quietly asked all participants to transfer, and then they set off again. , successfully evading all Wellington reporters.

Representative Sackham, who led the team, told everyone frankly that he and the people behind him wanted to isolate everyone at their destination until they could research and formulate a scientific currency system for the Netherlands, that is, the model of the future international reserve system of the Netherlands. This was what Sackham, Andrew, Vanderlip, Frank, Davidson and others conspired, and the future first heir of the Wallenberg family, Nat Wallenberg, played a large role in it.

Finally, a future official biography of the founder of World Wealth Magazine wrote:
"In the autumn of 1880, Sackham, Forbes, Andrew, Frank, Nat, Vanderlip, Jules Dunedin, Hilton, Davidson, Sir Henry, Norton, and a mysterious man who was the richest man in Europe, together with the king His Majesty William IV and a group of 13 people went duck hunting in the wild. The reporters were waiting at King's Wharf in Wellington. Forbes went out and said a few words loudly, and then they dispersed without revealing the details of this slightly bizarre trip. Sackham The congressman asked Forbes how he got the reporter, but Forbes did not disclose it.”

The above is what happened many years later, and at this time, the mysterious master was meeting with his secret guest at the destination he was rushing to. "The Netherlands supports the restoration of the Jewish people. I know that the Rothschild family's companies have always followed the rules of the Jewish Sabbath and do not do any business on Saturdays. So I chose to invite people on the Sunday after the Saturday that just passed. Your visit.”

"In 1820, your third uncle, Mr. Nathan Rothschild, the king of British finance, announced that he would not do business with any German city that refused to grant citizenship rights to the Jews. In 1850, when you, Si Bokar, lent money to Rothschild, During the reign of Pope Pope, he requested the Vatican to demolish the Jewish ghetto in Rome. In the 19th century, the Rothschild Bank in London announced that it would not lend money to the Russian Tsar because the Tsarist government persecuted and abused Russia. "Jewish"

Emond Rothschild has been in charge of the Rothschild family branch in France since his father James Rothschild died in 1868.

The reason why it appears here this time is mainly because the eldest uncle Amschel's German Frankfurt branch, the second uncle Solomon's Vienna branch of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the fourth Bokar's Naples branch of the Kingdom of Italy all have no third-generation males, and His father, James, was the last of the second generation of the Rothschild family to pass away. If that were the case, it would not be his turn to attend this meeting, because there was also the eldest son of Nathan, the third British uncle, and Emond's cousin. Brother Lionel.

Unfortunately, the only second cousin of the third generation of the Rothschild family also passed away in London in 1879. Therefore, he was the only one left in the entire third generation of the Rothschild family. The Rothschild family now calls him headed by.

Looking at William IV, who is about the same age as himself, the two have been dealing with each other for more than 1866 years since 15. After 15 years of understanding, the two are very familiar with each other.William IV looked like he was talking and very polite, but Emond, who was familiar with him, had seen him being furious and denying, especially when the two were meeting, and the British supporters, Southern Chile and When Northern Chile, supported by the Netherlands, was about to start a war, William IV directly asked to directly bomb and sink the British fleet. At that time, he was stunned by this order.

If Britain, the maritime overlord, could not even give face, who else would William IV be afraid of? After that, he saw that only one of the seven British ships escaped, and the rest were annihilated and went to the sea to feed the fish.

From then on, he finally became determined and led the Rothschild family to secretly support the Netherlands.

Just like this time, he became a member of William IV's global monetary and financial system.

After all, he let the Rothschild family ride on the Dutch chariot.

 It's a bit late to update today. Including the two chapters owed two days ago, a total of 5 chapters will be updated tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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