Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 817 The establishment of the three-nation alliance of the Netherlands, Spain, and Siam

Chapter 817 The establishment of the Three Kingdoms Alliance of the Netherlands, Spain, and Siam
On September 1880, 9, when the Netherlands had just announced the establishment of the Dutch Federal Reserve System and was attracting financial powers such as Britain, France, Russia, and the United States to study this, the Spanish Congress officially announced the adoption of the "Reciprocal Access Agreement" just signed by Spain and the Netherlands, and supported Spain. The government established a formal military alliance with the Netherlands in the Pacific.

The signing of this agreement means that once a war breaks out between Britain and France and the Netherlands, Spanish Gann will be able to intervene militarily and will directly participate in the Dutch military war and jointly fight against Britain and the French Alliance.

Queen Isabel II of the Kingdom of Spain even described in the Madrid Parliament that now is an extraordinary moment for the alliance between Spain and the Netherlands. Spain will wholeheartedly, thoroughly and comprehensively adhere to the alliance with the Netherlands and is committed to building a defense system with the Netherlands.

In addition, Queen Isabella II said, “I will support the 3+3 talks proposed by the Netherlands between the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defense between Spain and the Netherlands to discuss various arrangements for strengthening military deployment and economic mutual assistance between the two countries. Reached a consensus agreement, including the West-Dutch Security Treaty covering land and sea, West-Dutch economic cooperation between Europe and the Far East, reducing tariffs to promote trade and employment, etc.

In addition, she also expressed support for the multiple military deployments announced by the two countries before, and Xiangzhuang's sword dance has a clear meaning.

She also said that in addition to strengthening military cooperation, the Netherlands is also exploring the linkage of trade and politics, and seems to be interested in accelerating cooperation between the two countries in economics, trade and supply chains.

There are various signs that Spanish Prime Minister Praxades's "alliance trip" to the Netherlands will undoubtedly prepare for possible military conflicts in the Rocca Strait dispute between Britain and the Netherlands.

Especially in Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific.Compared with the conservative Antonio Canovas del Castillo who insists on maintaining ordinary relations with the United Kingdom, maintains diplomacy with north and south France, and is unwilling to tilt his power to the Netherlands, Spanish liberal Prime Minister Praquesades is viewed as A comprehensive anti-British and pro-Dutch faction.

Moreover, the situation is stronger than the people. Praxades' current diplomatic actions go further than the route of his predecessor Antonio, and the road to military consolidation is clearer.

The collapse of the real conservative Antonio among the conservatives in Spain also shows that Spain’s dislike of Britain is increasing and that it values ​​the Netherlands’ expectations as an ally of Spain.It also reflects Spain's pessimism about the internal division of its traditional ally France, because they all support Spain in preparing for a rainy day.

Spain should be more involved in getting rid of the increasingly weakening curse of Spain after Britain defeated Spain and knocked Spain from its position as the first naval power in the Atlantic. Isabella II and others tried to use the Netherlands to accelerate the development of Spain into a military power.

For Spain, after defeating Spain in the British Sea and supporting the independence of South American countries from Spain with France, leaving Spain with only the larger colonies of Cuba and the Philippines, Spain's international status began to enter an embarrassing situation. status.

Austria, Britain, France, Tsarist Russia, and Prussia (Germany successively surpassed Spain) were almost suppressed from a global power to a regional country, and they were still suppressed by France and chased by Italy.

Therefore, there is no Spaniard who does not hold a grudge against the British, especially when the British still occupy Gibraltar. For the Spanish people, the dark clouds of war must be highly vigilant and an ominous omen.

Therefore, Prime Minister Praxades' visit to Sydney and Melbourne and his summit with William IV and Prime Minister Lyndon can be said to be the climax of the "alliance journey" he promoted between Spain and the Netherlands that was announced to the world.

The two sides not only strengthened the alliance between the Netherlands and Spain in a high-profile manner, but also directly targeted Britain and France, the two old enemies that Spain has become like this.

And Madrid is trying to express to the people of the world that Spain is unwilling to become a small and medium-sized country.

This time Praxades not only visited the Netherlands, but also visited Bangkok, the capital of the Kingdom of Siam. He was obviously willing to support the Dutch allies against Britain and France.

At the same time, on his return trip, he also specially visited Bogota, Colombia, Spain's former colony with the support of the Netherlands, where he met with Colombian President Rafael Nunez.

There, on behalf of the Spanish government, he apologized to all South American indigenous people for the past 200 years of colonization and hoped to be forgiven.

It is hoped that South American countries can become Spain's political partners.

He said Spain would support the economic and security development of South America.

"We have submitted applications to the Netherlands and the Union of South America. We are willing to become an observer country of the Union, and even become a full member after being recognized by all countries in the future."

After that, he set out to visit Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and then went north to Venezuela and a series of South American countries. In name, he was to apologize, but in essence, he was strengthening bilateral and multilateral defense cooperation between Spain and other countries. He hoped to use the help of The Netherlands improved relations and gathered allies to prepare for potential military conflicts with Britain and France.The Kingdom of the Netherlands has just released its own security environment strategy white paper before the visit of Spanish Prime Minister Praxades, which regards the United Kingdom as a "Japanese and Israeli destructive global power." Prime Minister Linden announced after meeting with Praxades in Melbourne. , and will take more and more active coordinated actions with Spain in defense cooperation.

When Praxades talked about the world situation facing the crisis of war due to tense relations, he described the Netherlands as a country with relatively rich resources and the highest peace-loving index.Spain's foreign policy and security policy are the same as those of the Netherlands, and there is room for cooperation between the two countries in facing security challenges.

Spain faces threats from Britain and France at sea and on land. The maritime environment around the Mediterranean and the Atlantic is harsh when faced with the British and French navies. It must often face threats from Britain and France. As Spain's relationship with them becomes more and more unstable, its security with the Netherlands Cooperation will help reduce Spain's strategic vulnerability to Britain and France alone.

Praxades' trip did not include the United States, perhaps because the Stephen government in the United States has recently become more anti-Dutch, not to mention that Stephen seemed to have an eye for the United Kingdom and Germany, which made Praxades put the Netherlands in a diplomatic priority. We can only stay together for the time being.

However, he once described the United States as a partner country of Spain, which shows that Spain still hopes to have relations with the United States.

His itinerary also did not include France's visit to Berlin, perhaps because German Prime Minister Bismarck had already visited Madrid in March this year and described Spain as Germany's "values-based diplomacy partner" at the time.

The two were drinking and chatting in Madrid at the time, but Praxades' first visit to a major country as president was the Netherlands instead of Berlin, London, Paris, Vienna or St. Petersburg, nor was it Lisbon, Portugal, which has always been close to him.

This reflects a major shift in Spain's global diplomacy.In November last year, the Spanish Navy commander personally supported a warship that stopped at the Port of Amsterdam on its way to the Nordic Alliance exercise. It was warmly received by the Dutch commander there. This was the first time in the past that it had not directly visited the host country, Sweden.

After meeting with William IV and Lin et al., it was clear that the Spanish Prime Minister’s cabinet government had the support of Isabella II, and the Spanish Congress had endorsed it and approved the upgrade of the relationship between the two countries to a strategic alliance. The two sides were reborn. A consultation mechanism between the two staff's diplomatic, financial and defense departments will be established.

In addition, the Kingdom of Siam also agreed to follow the Netherlands and Spain, and the three countries jointly safeguarded the security interests of Southeast Asia. This moment showed the establishment of a brand new group in the world.

The three countries have even begun negotiations to establish a three-nation duty-free trade alliance, similar to the North German Union established by Prussia. With trade liberalization, the trade of the three countries will appear as a whole in the future. It is a foregone conclusion that Spain will use Dutch capital to develop the colony of the Philippines. , the Kingdom of Siam faced the oppression of Britain and France on the west coast. Looking around, it could only be saved with the support of the Dutch ally.

"Facing the economic penetration of the Netherlands, Chu Lalongkorn, the King of Siam, naturally did not dare to object, so it was logical that the Kingdom of Siam would become a Dutch economic colony in its future planning.

Of course, King Chulalongkorn of Siam may not have the intention to win over Spain to check and balance the Netherlands, so when Spain proposed to strengthen ties between the two countries, Chulalongkorn agreed without hesitation."

Prince Albert looked at William IV and said: "Father, now the Netherlands has completed the framework of its alliance, but just like a triangle, it needs two sides such as Spain and the Kingdom of Siam to support it, and we in the Netherlands can only do it. The bottom edge."

William IV: "Yes, the Netherlands alone will never become the most powerful country in the world. We also need to deal with different people. Therefore, you have to remember that you can suppress others, but you cannot let your allies unite. Other allies come to check and balance you, we send the ball out, and then watch the ball spinning under our noses from the beginning, so that everything is under our control."

Prince Albert: "The two sides of the triangle are very important. Now we have the Netherlands as the bottom side, then the Kingdom of Siam and Spain are the isosceles sides, but the Kingdom of Siam seems to be inferior to Spain, right? Is this possible? For us, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

William IV: "What you said is right, so we started to foreshadow this from the beginning."

Prince Albert: "?"

William IV: "The Netherlands has three major parties, and currently, do you know which party the Kingdom of Siam currently supports the most in the Netherlands?"

Prince Albert: "Is this important?"

William IV: "Very crucial"

(End of this chapter)

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