Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 825: Britain seeks reconciliation?

Chapter 825: Britain seeks reconciliation?
"It is worth noting that the extended deterrence capability refers to the military protection umbrella that the Netherlands will provide when allies find military attacks or threats, using South American Union's military preparations and force and material systems to surround allies as if they want to defend their own country."

William IV made the above statement when asked in Melbourne about Martinas's visit to Cuba and Washington.

Queen Isabella II of Spain, who is in Madrid, commented that the visit of South American Union Secretary-General Martinas has further consolidated the status of the West-Dutch Alliance in the "Global Comprehensive Strategic Alliance" and expressed Spain's willingness to strengthen military cooperation with South American Union.

William IV said in Melbourne that the power of the alliance between Spain and the Netherlands is "stronger than ever" and that the Netherlands will make every effort to strengthen its joint defense interests and territorial security with Spain.

The newspaper pointed out, "It can be seen that the accelerated North Americanization of the Union of South America is inseparable from the Netherlands' vigorous promotion of the all-American strategy. Some analysts pointed out that the Netherlands has significantly accelerated the pace of global security architecture layout since the year before last (1878), exaggerating the 'British While challenging the atmosphere of public opinion, we will also promote allies outside the Americas to align with the South American Union led by the Netherlands to form a regional and even global security architecture that contains the UK."

However, the newspaper also pointed out that the Netherlands and South American Union have continued to extend their "black hands" to North America and the Far East, which has aroused high vigilance among regional countries, especially powerful countries.

The Times of London quoted Pedro II of the Journal of Sao Paulo, the first domestic newspaper in the Brazilian Empire, as saying, "Admiral Martinas, Secretary General of the Union of South America, is 'intending to bring a new revolution to North America. Conflict, with military and diplomatic impact, a dark cloud of confrontation, seems to be the prelude to war."

The newspaper also quoted Argentinian President Pedre as saying, "The Americas have been peaceful and stable for decades since Spain left. However, since the arrival of the Netherlands, South America has begun to become chaotic. We hope that the South American Union can help The Americas have formed an inclusive, open, and equal security and cooperation framework, but the Netherlands is trying to expand the power of the South American Union by militarizing South America and even the entire American region. At present, everything seems to be going very smoothly for them. I can only pray that the Netherlands can survive longer. A little compassion can save South America from war."

The newspaper later reported that in response to the South American Union seeming to exaggerate the so-called "British challenge", British Foreign Secretary Granville said on October 1880, 10, "Britain is a partner of all countries in the world, including the Netherlands, not a challenge."

Granville emphasized that while South American Union claims that its positioning as a regional and defensive alliance has not changed, it is constantly breaking through traditional defense zones and areas and strengthening security ties with Pacific and Nordic countries. Relevant trends have aroused high vigilance among regional countries. .

He also said forcefully that South American Union should give up its confrontational mentality against Britain and do more beneficial things for the security and stability of South America, the whole of America and the world. He hoped that local countries in the Americas would stick to the right path of cooperative and independent national defense in the Americas and contribute to the security and stability of South America and the world. Play a constructive role in maintaining and promoting world peace, stability and development.

Finally, the top British diplomatic official said that the United Kingdom will not rule out negotiating with the Netherlands to ease the relationship between the two countries, but the prerequisite is that the Netherlands must give up its gradual camp against the United Kingdom and give up harming British interests first.

When the British Foreign Secretary made these remarks, it attracted the attention of countries around the world.

After harshly criticizing the threat of the South American Union formed by the Netherlands, he made a final turn and expressed his willingness to reconcile, which obviously exceeded many people's expectations.

Many people have even guessed that Britain has always been tough but not soft.

Facing the tough Netherlands, Britain finally softened.

Granville's so-called prerequisites caused a lot of ridicule.

Among them, the spokesperson of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs even used rhetoric to directly ask the UK from a distance: "Minister Greville asked the Netherlands not to harm the interests of the UK on the condition?

The interests of the UK are there, and if the interests of the Netherlands are there, does this mean that the Netherlands is being asked to give up its interests and fulfill the interests of the UK?
Is this an attitude of reconciliation?
Also, the UK asked the Netherlands not to form a camp against the UK?Get rid of it, what we have formed is a security team, a team to protect member states. Isn’t it good for us to form it to fight against the UK?

If this is the case, wouldn't it be more appropriate to just call it the 'Anti-British Alliance'?

The spokesman of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who was full of fire, even asked sarcastically: "The wars waged by the Netherlands in the past hundreds of years were mainly to defend its own security, especially when Belgium was cut off from the Netherlands. I believe historians from all over the world should know the main reason why this happened 50 years ago. It was because the Netherlands' national power at that time was that after three naval battles with Britain at the end of the 17th century and the middle of the 18th century, after winning two and losing one, the Netherlands was replaced by Britain. Becoming the maritime hegemon of the North Atlantic, it absorbed the essence of the Netherlands, and soon replaced it with the victory in the naval battle with Spain at the end of the 18th century to become the global maritime hegemon.

In 1830, it was directly pointed out that Belgium should separate from the Netherlands. This will always be a pain for the Netherlands.

Therefore, the Netherlands is now forming various alliance teams in order to increase its defense and avoid facing invasion and coercion from other powerful countries including the United Kingdom at the latest to repeat the events in Belgium.

If increasing self-defense capabilities also scares the UK, we can only say that the Netherlands will continue to do so and will never give up this power.

I think other countries will also insist that they have such power, unless this country is not worried about what happened to the Netherlands when it was invaded by the British, right? "

"It seems that Britain wants to be soft this time?" Queen Alexandra waved away the maid, walked behind William IV's quilt, and massaged his neck.

William IV closed his eyes, enjoying this long-lost feeling.

Facing his wife's question, William IV closed his eyes and said, "Creston is a talent."

Alexandra pressed her hands hard, and then continued: "What do you mean?"

"This is a clever test. First of all, it is testing us in the Netherlands; it is also testing the attitude of the Whig Party's old domestic rival, the Tory Disraeli; and it is also testing their own Whig Party. Supporting Gravell's attitude of asking Britain to put down its dignity and negotiate peace with the Netherlands, he did not dare to stand up on his own for fear of being impeached, so he asked Gravell to come out. Of course, he was also thinking about the temptations of Europe and other countries around the world. , accomplishing multiple things with one stone.”

Alexandra looked at her husband William IV with his eyes closed. His face was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly: "It seems that I still need to learn more political science. I am still too young."

(End of this chapter)

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