Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 827 The Queen of England turns her back and shows off her full show

Chapter 827 The Queen of England turns her back and shows off her full show
Queen Victoria finally said: "Both countries are political entities with a history of disgraceful wars." The actions of the South American Union in Chile, Spain's past colonial history in Latin America, and now Spain's rise again are each facing strong moral and political challenges. Realistic resistance, and it is precisely because of this that the two sides appear to be more "like-minded". "

Queen Victoria appealed to the British parliamentarians in the audience: "The South American Union's hand to the Americas and the Far East is trying to dig out a channel with the support of Spain and the United States. This is very detrimental to Britain. This kind of devil-like The deal is bad news for Britain in the Far East and the Americas. Therefore, in regions and countries, we in the UK should use both toughness and softness to win over various forces within each country. We should also deal with Melbourne, Madrid and even Prevent and resist the collusion between Washington and the South American Union.”

As soon as Queen Victoria's voice fell, the entire parliament burst into applause.

At the same time, as Queen Victoria officially stood up to accuse the South American Union and the Netherlands, the addition of the most powerful British figure marked the UK's formal top-to-bottom high consistency in dealing with the Dutch issue.

Future historians recorded this: During the 1857 years from 1880 to 23, when the Netherlands was rising, Britain's response to the Netherlands went from antipathy (around 1857), support (starting in 1863), balance (1869), and disputes (1876). years) and suppression (1880), Britain's attitude towards the Netherlands has changed every five or six years, and from the above keywords, it can be seen that Britain's perception of the Netherlands is getting worse and worse.Especially in 1880, as the Queen formally determined the new British strategy against the Netherlands, Britain and the Netherlands launched a full-scale confrontation mode that year.

There is no airtight wall in the world. Since Queen Victoria gave a public speech in the British House of Commons, she never intended to keep the content of her speech secret.

When the morning of October 1880, 10 came, the main content of the Queen's Speech had already been learned in Europe and even the whole world by telegraph on October 21.

German Empire, Berlin.

After Bismarck, William I and others found out, they all showed expressions of relief. They laughed at William I and said: "Queen Victoria finally couldn't help it. Her 61-year-old majesty has already passed her new year. This time At that time, women would be very irritable if they were depressed for a long time. The Netherlands repeatedly touched British interests, and Queen Victoria kept a low profile many times but could not get back William IV's kindness in return.

Now, as the world's largest naval power, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, the second-generation naval power, are among the top two in the world in terms of economic strength. Such a confrontation would be absolutely detrimental to the German Empire. It’s the most attractive one. I really can’t wait to see the situation where the two countries’ forces have greatly damaged each other after the war between Britain and the Netherlands, and Germany takes advantage of the situation and succeeds in taking power.”

Even Moltke, the always unsmiling Chief of General Staff, laughed and said: "It would be better for us if London and Melbourne accumulated strength and started a war in the Far East. Of course, if they started a war in South and North America, it would be bad for the German Empire." Say, is the best, then it will be easier for us to enter the Americas."

William I looked at Bismarck and asked: "What does the Prime Minister think?"

Bismarck said with a serious look on his face: "Until the last moment, everything that has not happened will change."

He followed up with worry and said, "Queen Victoria and William IV are both extremely smart people. I don't think these two people will not take into account the ideas of other countries. But now that the Queen has stepped forward, at least in the short term, the British and Dutch It is difficult to reconcile, and this is a rare opportunity for us.”

At this time, Bismarck suddenly suggested: "Your Majesty, I suggest that if Britain and the Netherlands develop into a war in the Far East, then we pretend to coordinate with them to reduce tensions, but on the other hand, we can take the opportunity to occupy more overseas territories."

William I took a cold breath and smiled excitedly: "Expand overseas territories?" He stared at Bismarck with hope.Even Moltke stared at Bismarck with flashing eyes. He, the No. 1 in the military, had long since faded away. He heard that there was a big battle, so he could not calm down.

"That's right" Bismarck, "Your Majesty, take advantage of the fact that Britain and the Netherlands are at war and there is no time for other countries. Other major countries dare not interfere with us. We can use the excuse to help other countries and then take the opportunity to occupy them."

After listening to this, William I and Moltke nodded involuntarily.

Russian Empire, St. Petersburg.

Because of the assassination, although his life was saved, his calf was amputated at once. Therefore, Alexander II, who walked with a limp, lost his original gentle mood and became irritable every day in the Winter Palace.

He was already excited when he learned that Queen Victoria of England had issued an appeal, or order, to the House of Commons.

He and Queen Victoria began to fall in love when they were both 19 years old. As the crown princes of their respective countries, the two were eventually forced to separate. However, in love, they both understood each other, and it was absolutely right for them to fall in love and kill each other. .

Britain and Tsarist Russia have fought many times on the edge of the Asian-European continent over the years. The two have suffered constant losses. Alexander II's Tsarist Russia was beaten back to its original shape by the sea every time by Queen Victoria's British Empire. Tsarist Russia's navy was almost Ten years later, we are still only able to swim along the coasts of the Barents Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the Sea of ​​Japan, and we can only swim offshore.

Because they have been in love and fighting each other for many years, they understand the situation of Queen Victoria and Britain better.Alexander II said to himself with eyes full of hope: "The time has come for the Russian Empire to break through the British blockade on the sea."

So, on the one hand, he ordered to summon the prime minister, the minister of defense and other important ministers to come for a meeting. On the other hand, he had already ordered people to put the military machine in operation in the Far East. He wanted to open up a battlefield in the Far East. At the same time, he would also wait for During the meeting, special operations in the Balkans were accelerated.

On October 1880, 10, under the cover of the fact that all countries were paying attention to the Queen of England's heavy attack on the Netherlands, the Russian Empire secretly accelerated the pace of increasing its troops in the Balkans and the Far East. It was obvious that the plan was not small.

However, the mystery of how all these are completed is unknown to all countries.

On October 1880, 10, Dutch Prime Minister Linden directly announced that the European territories of the Netherlands would hold an all-people military exercise. From November 25, 1880, more than 11 million Dutch people would participate in the military invasion from the western sea and southern land. How to carry out rehearsing actions to resist invasion and protect one's homeland.

(End of this chapter)

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