Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 841: Using Japan to Conquer Russia?Defeat Russia with the sun!

Chapter 841: Using Japan to Conquer Russia?Defeat Russia with the sun!
"The Netherlands urges France not to provide military aid or political support to the United Kingdom, otherwise it will face serious consequences if it crosses the red line."

On November 1880, 11, Queen Eugenie, the regent of the Second French Empire in Paris, said at the Paris Parliament, “As a world-class power, the Second French Empire insists on objectivity, openness and fairness on the issue of conflicts of interest between Britain and the Netherlands. We will actively work to persuade and promote peace talks without participating in them, nor will we continue to resort to fire and sword as rumored by the outside world.

In the coming period, Paris will maintain friendly relations with Britain, its neighbor on the English Channel, and will also work with the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which borders us in the north, to restore the relationship between the two countries to the friendly relations before 1868. .

Regarding the issue of the ownership of the Strait of Malacca, the origin of the conflict between the UK and the Netherlands, Paris will not choose sides to support any side and oppose the other side. We support that the two countries should negotiate a solution instead of war. After all, that would be harmful to both countries. "

No one expected that Empress Eugénie, the regent of the Second French Empire, would directly come forward to express her position, and her attitude was to choose not to take sides. Obviously, the "Le Figaro" reported some time ago that Paris was easing its tensions with the Netherlands. The relationship is serious. At the same time, this also shows that the Anglo-French alliance is about to resolve the speculations of everyone who sees this change. The situation in Europe will undergo drastic changes next, and the pattern of Europe will undergo huge changes in the future.

"In the past, the Anglo-French Belgium PK Holland West PK Germany-Russia-Tsarlia-Italy-Portuguese pattern will usher in changes. Will Paris join the camp of countries such as the Netherlands? If it joins, what kind of changes will Europe usher in? The United Kingdom, which is stuck in a single big country Where will it go? Will they directly choose to form an alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary in a fit of anger to jointly fight France and join the Dutch alliance circle? The Netherlands and Germany will become rivals by then? If so, the Tsarist Empire will join it again. What role does it play?” - Luxembourg’s European Times.

The predetermined topic reported here instantly detonated the whole of Europe. Every time this newspaper's predetermined topic caught everyone's attention, I have to say that this speculation made everyone interested. , is not just a topic for others, it has affected almost everyone in the world. It is said that the governments of the Qing Dynasty and Japan in the Far East held foreign policy meetings in turn for this bold speculation. It was obviously Prepare a response plan for this.

The warships of the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and Spain are continuing joint exercises around the British Isles. The most concerning thing currently is the joint exercise fleet formed by the Netherlands and Spain in the south, because the fleet is currently located too close to Dublin, Ireland. It's the 30 nautical miles away that British Foreign Secretary Granville warned.

The Netherlands and Spain were both big countries, and Britain did not dare to act rashly.

However, the British fleet in the Irish Sea is also on standby there. As long as the combined fleets of the Netherlands and Spain cross the 30-nautical-mile red line drawn by Britain, Britain will fight the enemy with all its strength.

While the navies of the three countries were confronting each other in the Irish Sea, British Prime Minister Gladstone suddenly collaborated with British military personnel to take the railway from London to Milford Port in western England on November 1880, 11, and solemnly watched the British government there. The Home Fleet squadron was deployed and ordered to be ready to defeat the invaders at any time.

Milford Port is located in the southern part of the St. George's Strait from the Irish Sea in the British Isles to the Atlantic Ocean. It is located in the choke point. The port is a deep-water port and is the headquarters of the British Home Fleet Squadron. If this fleet suddenly exits the St. George's Strait from the ocean, it is the gateway to the ocean. If it is blocked, the Dutch and Spanish combined fleets in the Irish Sea will be in a disadvantageous position. At that time.
This move by the UK immediately frightened the attention of the international community.

Does Britain dare to attack the Dutch and Spanish fleets that are conducting joint exercises here?
Or is it just a pretense to scare the Dutch and Spanish?
At this time, Queen Isabella II of Madrid publicly stated: "The St. George Strait is an international sea area stipulated by the International Court of Justice in The Hague. We have the right to freely enter and exit there, just like the Malacca Strait, we Spain and The joint exercises in the Netherlands are not targeting anyone, but if we are attacked, we will definitely respond and let our opponents know the consequences of offending us very fiercely."

When asked what the consequences were, the queen, who is currently the most powerful in Spanish history, actually smiled slightly and said with a strong voice: "We will pay back double the amount, everyone will wait and see."

The Queen of Spain's statement immediately made Britain's approach to enclosing St. George's Strait even more attractive.

In Spain, many people are calling on the government to strengthen the navy and move into the southern part of the St. George Strait to cope with the combined fleet in the Irish Sea.

On November 1880, 11, Scotland in the north and England in the east sent warnings to London, indicating that the Swedish-Dutch, Danish-Dutch and combined fleets here were approaching the position of thirty nautical miles, threatening the United Kingdom. Homeland security.At the same time, the British Military Intelligence Sixth Office also sent back a large amount of collected intelligence. Naval warships from the Netherlands, Spain, Denmark, and Sweden have begun to gather, and there seems to be a trend of increasing the number of exercises.

Even the MI10 assessment result on Queen Victoria's desk in Buckingham Palace was that the probability of a naval battle had increased from the previous assessment of 30% to a [-]% probability, and the situation was critical.

Melbourne, inside the Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

William IV and Prince Albert sit face to face.

"Father, France will pay a real price if it aids Britain. We did not explain what the consequences will be, but all countries know that the Netherlands has many political and economic sanctions that will severely damage France. I think if France is suspected of providing support to British companies, Preventing their subsidiaries in the United States from being included in the list of sanctions and allowing the United States to prevent the other party from expanding its business will make both France and the United States more likely to be wary of the Netherlands. Will the result be the opposite?" William IV shook his head and said: "The strength of the Netherlands has already There is no need for conspiracy to rise. Sometimes the overbearing effect of conspiracy is more acceptable than conspiracy, and the resistance is smaller.

My children, politics requires the assistance of psychology. To understand a person's psychology, understand his position, and then formulate relevant countermeasures is complete political science.Otherwise, just having a strategy is not enough, you need to adapt to local conditions."

The 16-year-old Prince Te nodded humbly, and then asked: "Father, Germany is currently standing aside, but no one will despise the other side. With the support of Austria-Hungary, this is a behemoth. It has always been such a secret power and strength. , which is very detrimental to us. Currently, Germany and Austria-Hungary are developing secret forces in the Americas and have become a third party after us and the United Kingdom. We need to prepare for this."

William IV glanced at his eldest son with admiration, "Son, if you can't be blinded by the bustle of Europe, it seems that your horizons have been broadened a lot. Your worries are right, but my father has already made plans. , no need to worry there”

Already deployed?Prince Albert wanted to ask in his heart, but seeing William IV's smiling and confident expression, he held back.

"Father, how should we treat the Japanese in the Far East? You asked your children to welcome them warmly, but they cling to the United Kingdom. Until now, they have only expressed friendship with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Obviously they will not be our help. In my opinion, it is better to support the Qing Dynasty and Korea, plus Spain and the United States. In that way, our position in the Pacific will be more stable."

The more he talked, the more Prince Albert felt that his idea was feasible.

However, when he raised his head, he saw that William IV was still as confident and smiling as ever, "Could it be that father has already made plans for that place?"

Sure enough, William IV said: "No need to worry there, my child. Japan is worse than France. The grassroots have done a more thorough job. The Gauls are at least rebellious and arrogant, but the Japanese are not." Those who bully the weak and fear the strong are actually useful."

The 16-year-old Albert was now at an age full of vitality, but looking at his young adult appearance, William IV smiled bitterly. Thinking about his previous life, he was only the third grade of junior high school in middle and high school, but he This eldest son is now at the forefront of planning the international situation. Thinking about it, I really feel sorry for him.

But who told him to be reincarnated into himself and become a prince, and he was also the eldest son, so he was considered "unlucky".

Though his thoughts were changing in an instant, William IV said: "Everything in the world has two sides, with advantages and disadvantages. This characteristic of Japan naturally requires allies to be wary of, but if it is a tool , but it is a plan that can be used to formulate its characteristics and attributes."

Prince Albert: "What is father's plan?"

William IV said with extremely wise eyes: "Since Japan has not sincerely given priority to its allies, they naturally give priority to their interests. Now they are relying on the United Kingdom to deal with the Qing Dynasty to prevent the Qing Dynasty from intervening in Japan's expansion in the Koryo Peninsula. influence, and obviously has ambitions for the Koryo Peninsula. We even learned from our intelligence collection that Japan began collecting geographical information in the northern part of the Qing Dynasty many years ago, and its ambitions obviously exceed the scope of the Koryo Peninsula."

Ignoring the horror shown by Prince Albert, William IV continued: "Such a Japan that is accustomed to hiding its clumsiness or is willing to bow its head to everyone. My child, you said that at this time, the Tsarist Empire was building Siberia after running into obstacles everywhere in Europe. With the great railway, both countries are squeezed by the north of East Asia, and the relationship between the Tsarist Empire and us has also declined recently. For the sake of our Dutch position in the Far East, what do we need to do at this time?"

Albert was so obviously awakened by William IV, why didn't he understand what the problem was?
He said with great excitement: "My father wanted to use Japan to check the ambition of the Russian Empire to expand its territory in the Far East."

William IV shook his head again. Under Prince Albert's confusion, William IV said in a short and terrifying voice: "No, I want to train Japan to defeat the Tsarist Empire, and then turn around and slowly deal with Japan." -Book"

Albert's mind was buzzing at this time, and he kept asking in his mind: Is this possible?
(End of this chapter)

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