Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 846 Social Security Promoters in the 19th Century

Chapter 846 Social Security Promoters in the 19th Century

In 1880, when the anarchist movement continued to expand in Europe, Bismarck, Prime Minister of the German Empire, stood up and said, "There is no room for anarchism in the German Empire, and we will not allow this trend to continue to grow barbarically in Germany. We will stop them."

With Bismarck's public statement, the German ruling authorities began to restrict the expansion of anarchists in all aspects.

In this regard, as the leader of the German anarchist movement, Berlin journalist Max Stirner was naturally unwilling to give in. So on the streets of Berlin, hundreds or even thousands of people took to the streets to "make trouble" every day.

At the same time, the opposition to the centralization of Bismarck's government gained support from moderates in German politics. Then the moderates in Berlin seemed to take advantage of this wave and publicly questioned Bismarck's attempt to force the increase of royal and cabinet government powers in parliament in 1862. They seemed to have launched an attack in 1862. A move that ousted moderate liberals from power.

This reminds many people of Prussia in 1862.

In the spring of 1862, Bismarck returned to Berlin. Due to internal pressure, Prussia's William I could not promote him to prime minister. As a result, Bismarck resigned and Bingke became ambassador to France.In the same year, in a new round of parliamentary elections in Prussia, the moderate liberals won an absolute victory and immediately vetoed all the Prussian government's funding for military reforms. The government and parliament controlled by William I reached a deadlock.Under major conflicts, Bismarck finally became the only possible candidate. On September 1862, 9, William I recalled Bismarck and appointed him as Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Prussia.

And on September 3, three days after becoming prime minister, Bismarck directly told the parliament in a hammer speech in the Prussian House of Commons: The major issues of the year could not be solved through speeches and majority resolutions, but with iron and blood. to solve it”

After this speech, Bismarck was nicknamed the Iron Chancellor.

Later, William I also publicly expressed his support for Bismarck's speech, and once again ignored the presence of reporters at a royal press conference and said to Bismarck next to him: "I know the outcome very well. They will look at you from the window of my Pattern Square. head, chop off my head now.”

Bismarck's answer at that time was: "Since you are going to die sooner or later, why not die with dignity? Whether you die on the gallows or on the battlefield, there is no difference between them. We must fight to the end!"

After Bismarck finished speaking, Moltke, the Chief of General Staff next to him, also agreed and said that he was willing to pay his life for their ideas.

It was precisely because of this public press conference that the world knew how strong the trust between the German Iron Triangle was. From then on, a very special and strong relationship was formed between the King of Prussia, his Prime Minister and Chief of General Staff.

Only after Bismarck became prime minister, in order to resolve the conflict with the parliament, he wanted to use the great cause of the unification of the German Confederation to divert the attention of the parliamentarians and win the support of the working class to counter the bourgeois liberals. Soon, he aimed at The Three Dynasties War.

The Schleswig and Holstein War between Prussia and Denmark, the battle between the German Confederation between Prussia and Austria, and the battle for land hegemony in Central and Western Europe between Prussia and France.

In the end, he was right and every war was won.

As a result, Bismarck became the most powerful prime minister in Europe in the past 20 years, which also brought great popularity.

Therefore, Bismarck's statement in Berlin immediately caused other European governments to suppress the expansion of anarchists in the country.

On the desk of William IV, many of the current actions taken by Germany to suppress anarchists appeared.

Bill Charlie, director of the Royal Netherlands Intelligence Service, said with some concern: "Your Majesty, Bismarck currently relies on his strong influence and has gained huge support from the working class in Germany. It seems to be effective in blocking the expansion of anarchism. Many local German unions have begun to restrict the expansion of the anarchist movement's internal structure. If this continues, I am afraid it will be difficult to develop on a larger scale."

He said with a pity on his face: "No one expected that Bismarck would directly stand up and attack the anarchists."

William IV: "Since they were hostile from the beginning, it was inevitable to stand up. It was just a matter of time. Bismarck was the prime minister with the most power in Europe. He concentrated the most power. When faced with a call, he did not need government management. , an organization where everyone manages their own equal rights. Do you think that in the face of an enemy trying to dilute his own rights, Bismarck would benevolent and wait for the opponent to grow stronger before engaging in gentlemanly friendship?" Bill Charlie was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded: " Not to mention, Bismarck, who never suffers any losses, really likes to use the best means to nip his opponent in the bud."

William IV smiled faintly.

For Bismarck, he knew more about Bismarck than many popular science encyclopedias in later generations, after 1857 years of dealing with him from 23 when time travel began to the present.

65-year-old Otto von Bismarck historically dominated Prussia and the German Empire at the end of the 19th century.

This guy was trying to control Europe by controlling the German Empire.

Bismarck was also the main creator of the European order after the European Revolution in 1848. He entered the Prussian political arena in this year, so he succeeded and hated the revolutions taking place across Europe.

There were many contradictions in Bismarck's personality and policies.

In parliamentary and diplomatic meetings with the German Empire (Prussia before 1870), the iron chancellor's facial expression was formidable, but in private he was a hysterical and insomniac patient.

After more than 20 years of development of Dutch intelligence, did William IV still know that Bismarck was still an addict in his intelligence collection?

As a landowning Junker noble, he loved his estates in Schönhausen and Walzen, but he led the European

The largest industrialization program.

This guy is still an old-school Prussian conservative and a monarchist who does not pay attention to the monarch, but he accepts the nationalism of his liberal opponents.

But it brought universal suffrage to the German Empire and implemented social insurance.

Yes, at the end of the 19th century, the German Empire had a tacit understanding of social security during Bismarck's rule in the 1860s.

The Netherlands also followed the practice of the Kingdom of Prussia at the time and began to promote social security to all people in 1868.

Even better than Prussia.Later, the unification of the German Empire and the intervention of other participating countries made Germany far worse than the Netherlands in terms of promotion.

He made many contributions to Germany in terms of social welfare. However, his ambition made him a victorious militarist, but he was endlessly worried about the results of victory.

He is the so-called hero of German unification, but he is determined to divide Germany's internal factions and social public opinion.

The key to his success was an extraordinary combination of strength and restraint.

(End of this chapter)

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