Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 875: Hesitant German Republican Candidate

Chapter 875 The hesitant German Republican candidate
Commonwealth of America.

The warm-up for the American presidential election in December 1881 had begun in early February.

At the Republican Party headquarters, presidential elector James Garfield and vice presidential candidate Chester Arthur had solemn expressions on their faces. In front of them, it was Germans who served as members of Congress and the Senate of Maine. James Gillespie Bryan, a 20-year veteran congressman, if this is the case, naturally does not deserve the attention of Garfield and Chester Arthur.

Because Brian also had another important identity. He was the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Confederate States of America from 1869 to 1873.

He was once the de facto number four figure in American politics.

This is where Brian caught the eye of the two.

At the same time, Brian also showed enough respect for the two people in front of him.

Not to mention Chester, he was once a New York City Councilman, the New York State Quartermaster during the Civil War, and the Customs Commissioner of the New York Port.

Also owns a law firm that meets Wall Street in New York.

Well connected.

As for Garfield,

Brian and him were old friends, but the other party also had something that he valued enough.

James Garfield was elected to the Ohio Senate as a Republican in 1859 for two years, during which time he became an ally with President Lincoln.He also supported the use of force to force those Southern states that had withdrawn from the Union to return to the Union. During this period, he took time to study law and was admitted as a member of the Bar Association.

Brian knew that it was at this time that Garfield met Chester, the owner of a well-known law firm in New York.

In November 1863, Garfield was elected as a U.S. House of Representatives. In December of the same year, he accepted President Lincoln's suggestion and resigned from the military to serve as a full-time U.S. House of Representatives.Until 11, he was re-elected to the House of Representatives nine times, which lasted a total of 12 years.

During this period, his talents were fully utilized, and he finally became one of the leaders of the Republican Party in the House of Representatives of the United States. He successively served as chairman of the Armed Services Committee, the Banking Affairs Committee, and the Appropriations Committee.

In addition, Garfield was in charge of the National Census Committee when he was a member of the House of Representatives. He put forward constructive opinions on the population census work and made great efforts to standardize future census policies in the United States and the world. He is known as the modern population census Father of the Census.

This guy is knowledgeable and good at speaking and writing. He can see problems from a national perspective and is good at combining ideals with reality.

Because of this, he was recognized by Lincoln and became one of the main figures of the Republican Party in power in the United States for the first time in 1860.

Faced with such an awe-inspiring person, James Bryan, although he had served as Speaker of the House of Representatives, still put him above equality. What's more, now he came to the Republican Garfield campaign as an invitee. headquarters and became an important member of Garfield's presidential campaign.

Chester: "Stephen Douglas of the Democratic Party is currently seeking re-election as president. However, the last time the German Empire was united, it started as an approach to check the influence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the United States. In the end, it stoked a hornet's nest. The Dutch were even more angry. Moves such as large-scale asset transfers and factory closures have frightened ordinary citizens throughout the United States.

Within the Democratic Party, it triggered a huge backlash from Dutch Americans. "

He raised his head and looked at Garfield and said: "Now the United Kingdom and the Netherlands are competing for influence at sea, but our two domestic parties are fighting to the death because of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. It is strange."

Brian: "Mr. Garfield, I think all campaigns need a certain topicality. The most important reason why President Lincoln successfully ran in 1859 was that he won the support of black people. He used compassion to win the election." The black people earned votes. The Irish identity also attracted people's sympathy. Of course, his efforts and anger were also inseparable.

So this time we use the dissatisfaction of the Dutch people with the Democratic Party Stephen Douglas government to win over the Dutch people to support the Republican Party, which will be a great weapon."

Chester said at this time: "But Mr. Bryan, the German Empire is currently wavering. If we rashly recruit Dutch people, will Berlin be unhappy?" Chester is a fourth-generation British-American, and he and the Communist Party Thomas, the current Secretary of State of the Democratic Party, is of British descent.

It's funny to say that both of them are of British descent, but he, Chester, is very indifferent to the British because his grandfather and father died on the battlefield to conquer the thirteen southern states with the support of the British during the Civil War. .

So he hates Britain extremely.

Thomas, on the other hand, has a close relationship with the Morgan Consortium, the largest financial group in the United Kingdom and the United States. It is said that he is still connected with the British royal family.

Therefore, the two people's positions are opposite, which is an open matter in the American political arena.

Garfield and Brian suddenly fell silent.

Among the 3200 million people in the Northern American Confederacy, there are more than 800 million people of German descent (who are the entire German Confederacy after consent), accounting for a quarter of the American population.

With the rise of the German Empire in recent years, Germans began to hold their head high in the United States. Even people from other kingdoms who were previously angry because Prussia unified the entire German Confederation by force would borrow the name of the German Empire from time to time to safeguard their own interests.

Therefore, in the 1866 years since 15, the mentality of Germans has changed.

German descent has become a unified term.

Garfield and Brian knew this very well, and also understood what Chester's concerns were.

Some time ago, Berlin isolated the Stephen Douglas government from being suppressed by the Netherlands because it was co-opted by Germany. Now, if you are of German descent, you are doing things that are contrary to Berlin's interests.It is conceivable that Bismarck and William I in Berlin would definitely have opinions.

The two of them couldn't help but smile bitterly when they thought of this.

Finally, Galfield said: "The German Empire currently chooses to be patient, so it will not offend the British and the Dutch easily. On the contrary, in order to expand the influence of the Germans in the United States, we have made some compromises with the Dutch. In fact, it is not necessarily the case. Retreat to advance.

Alas, I have to say that the Dutch have a huge influence in the American financial world.

The first conglomerate in the United States is the Randy family, which is of Dutch descent and is the chief ally of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the United States.

The Citibank Group of the second consortium and the Boston Financial Group of the third consortium are also of Dutch descent.This puts other financial groups under pressure.

The fourth consortium is the British Morgan consortium.

The fifth consortium, the Rockefeller Consortium, is of German origin.

The sixth French origin is the DuPont consortium.

Britain has also accelerated its development in the United States in recent years, supporting the rapid rise of the Mellon family. "

Brian said: "So Mr. Garfield chose not to offend the Dutch and the Dutch Kingdom behind them?"

(End of this chapter)

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