Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 877: Bismarck visited Buckingham Palace, his goal was achieved

Chapter 877: Bismarck visited Buckingham Palace, his goal was achieved

On March 1881, 3, Bismarck of the German Empire visited London, England. This was Bismarck's first visit to the British Isles after 24 years since he attended the funeral of former British Prime Minister Palmerston in 1867. Send a personal letter to Queen Victoria of England on behalf of Kaiser Wilhelm I.

Later, he was given a grand reception by Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace.

Finally, Queen Victoria, who was born in Germany and naturally spoke German, held a much-speculated meeting with Bismarck. In the future, this meeting will be recorded in the annals of history and became the most important change in the pattern of Europe and the pattern of the century in the late 19th century. One of the important bilateral meetings.

Because its impact is far-reaching and can change the world structure.

Now the two are in the public's concerns and are conducting hot talks in related areas.

I saw Queen Victoria talking eloquently:

"Stephen Douglas promotes the autonomy of the Merida strategy, the" Affiliated theory "reflection is dissatisfied with Melbourne"

On March 1881, 3, when Democratic-American President Stephen Douglas announced America's foreign policy at a rally for his re-election in Chicago, he hinted that he was dissatisfied with the Netherlands' intervention in the United States and the Americas, which aroused the attention of the entire world.

She continued: "Stephen Douglas talked about the increasing tension in Anglo-Dutch relations, which extended to the theory of 'the United States and America vassing the Netherlands'. It brought out two messages. One is that the United States must achieve strategic independence, whether in industrial technology, energy, All aspects, including arms and economy and industry, require time and effort. If the relationship between Britain and the Netherlands becomes more tense due to issues such as sovereignty over the Malacca Strait, in addition to hindering the United States from focusing on strengthening its strength and independence, the Netherlands may also increase its presence in the Malacca Strait. The power of the Americas finally forced Latin America to completely side with the Netherlands against the United Kingdom. As a result, Latin America, which was already heavily dependent on the Netherlands, and even the Commonwealth of the United States, which was a part of the Americas, had to rely even more on the Netherlands in all aspects. The entire Americas would be in trouble. The external military and political foreign policy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is not dependent on it.

The second message is absolutely obscure, that is, Stephen Douglas has doubts about the Dutch intentions. "Intensified tensions between the UK and the Netherlands have harmed the strategic independence of Dutch allies such as the United States and the Americas." On the surface, he analyzed it objectively, but he also hinted that, The Netherlands' weak intention to escalate its confrontation with Britain may also lead to the consequences of firmly controlling Latin America and even the Commonwealth of the United States. It is this doubt reflected in the vassal theory."

Bismarck's eyes were dazzling. He nodded at Queen Victoria's words and then said: "Your Majesty, Stephen Douglas is putting the interests of the United States first."

"Before the 18th century, Her Majesty the Queen's British Empire established 13 British North American colonies on the Atlantic coast of the United States. In 1775, the War of Independence broke out when the American people resisted your colonial rule. On July 1776, 7, The Second Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia, USA, with George Washington serving as the Commander-in-Chief of the Continent, and issued the Declaration of Independence, and at that time announced the formal establishment of the United States of America. In 4, the American Constitution was adopted and a federal state was established.”

"Hmph" sounded dissatisfied, obviously coming from Queen Victoria.

Bismarck didn't have to look to guess that the face of Queen Victoria, who was standing opposite her, would not look good, but he didn't care.

I saw him saying: "American diplomacy tends to be political realism rather than ideological. Monroe, the fifth, eighth and ninth president of the United States at that time, served from 1817 to 1825. In order to get rid of the shackles that Britain had on the United States after independence, it actively developed relations with the powerful French Empire in Europe at the time, and at the same time increased its strategic relationship with the Tsarist Russian Empire that Britain could not deal with. These all made the United States the closest America to France and Russia. Allied countries." Bismarck's "truth" once again attacked Queen Victoria with vicious words. Although the latter was dissatisfied, these were extraordinary times, and she could only quietly listen to the other party's "verbal and historical attacks."

"In 1830, Britain and the Netherlands were at loggerheads over the Belgian affair. Britain supported Belgium's independence from the United Kingdom of the Netherlands-Belgium-Luxembourg and became a new kingdom. This led to a full-scale feud between Britain and the Netherlands. The United States took the opportunity to win over the Netherlands, and finally in America The situation paid off. Dutch capital gradually entered the United States, and the American economy took off rapidly. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of high-skilled and capitalists from the Netherlands poured into the United States, making the Netherlands the new darling of the American upper class.

The Netherlands and the United States have since laid the foundation for an alliance, and this is exactly the topic we need to discuss today. "

Bismarck paused, then smiled slightly and said: "In 1778, American Benjamin Franklin successfully persuaded the Bourbon dynasty, causing the French Empire and the United States to sign a military alliance treaty. The French Empire officially recognized the United States' independence from the United Kingdom. France, Spain and the Netherlands entered the war one after another, and a front against the British was established.

The current template for the Netherlands to fight against the British is not the way the United States united with the French Empire and other countries to fight against the British. The German Empire cannot afford to offend our neighbors. After all, we are not the British. Looking at the natural maritime barriers of the English Channel and the North Sea, , against the European continent.”

Bismarck's meaning was obvious. Britain now needed to win over the German Empire.If the German Empire helps Britain, it will have to face the consequences of the siege by the Dutch alliance. The German Empire will not be able to rely on the sea to block other countries like the British. The German Empire will need to spend more energy to deal with the Dutch. revenge.

To put it simply, Britain needs to spend a lot of money to win over our German Empire.

Although Queen Victoria hated the other party with itch, she had to admit that the German Empire was now the one that Britain needed to win over most.

If you can't win over them, at least don't push them towards the Netherlands.

However, Bismarck was able to invite him and come immediately this time. It can be seen that the German Empire is also willing to accept the deal and does not want to see the Netherlands become too powerful. This is already obvious.

In this regard, Her Majesty the Queen, who knew it well, was certain and said: "Now Stephen Douglas's theory of American strategic autonomy, as you will, is based on the predecessor Monroe and is developed, but for the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Stephen Douglas The essence of the idea is to push Latin America out of the Dutch sphere of influence, especially the west. This will affect the dominance of the Kingdom of the Netherlands there. I think this is an opportunity for Britain and Germany. Of course, I think the German Empire can The time has come to replace some of the Dutch power there and the UK supports this.”

Bismarck smiled when he heard this.

Obviously, the purpose was achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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