Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 884 Many countries mourn the death of the Tsar

Chapter 884 Many countries mourn the death of the Tsar.
At 1881:3 pm on March 25, 14, Alexander II was assassinated. As the Tsarist Russian government announced the news, it shocked the world. Subsequently, various countries expressed their condolences.

At 188:3 on March 26, 07, the period of mourning entered. William I of the German Empire delivered a speech at the Berlin Palace and stated that this was a great loss to peace in Europe and the world.And expressed appreciation for Alexander II's contributions to the world.

On the same day, other countries joined the ranks.

At 3:26 local time on March 07, King Christian IX of Denmark expressed condolences for the death of Alexander II. In a statement, King Christian IX expressed condolences to the Russian royal family, the Russian government and people for the death of Alexander II. , Christian IX said: "Alexander II will be remembered in history"

Vienna local time on March 3, 26:08.

Emperor Franz Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire expressed condolences to Crown Prince Alexandrovich on the death of Tsar Alexander II.

He sent a telegram to the British Crown Prince Alexandrovich to express his condolences to Alexander II.Franz Joseph I said in the telegram that he expressed sincere condolences on behalf of all the people and individuals of the Kingdom of the Netherlands for the death of Alexander II. Alexander II's dignity, dedication, and unswerving sense of public image and service will be Be a role model for people around the world.

In addition, the Austro-Hungarian government also issued a long condolence message for Alexander II, expressing its recognition of the Tsarist Russian emperor's past.

At 3:26 on April 08th, local time,
The federal government of the United States expressed condolences for the death of Alexander II. Secretary of State Thomas of the U.S. Department of State publicly stated in Washington, “The United States has always been supported by the Russian Empire since its founding. Our successive governments have expressed their deepest gratitude to His Majesty Alexander II. We deeply regret the trend and express our sincere condolences to the Tsarist Empire, the people and the royal family of Tsarist Russia."

At 3:26 local time on March 10, King Luis I of Portugal issued a condolence telegram to St. Petersburg, expressing condolences on behalf of Otaoya for the death of Alexa. "We express our condolences to the royal family of Tsarist Russia, Tsarist Russia and the people of Tsarist Russia."

At 2:26 local time on February 10:
At a time when various countries are issuing condolences, as the longest-standing ally of the Russian Empire, the Netherlands' statement is of great concern.

Moreover, as an ally, the Netherlands has mourned for so long than other countries, which makes people suspicious.

It is said that even the Tsarist Empire is full of opinions.

But is this really the case?
At 1881 o'clock on March 3, 26, King William IV of the Netherlands personally went to the Embassy of the Russian Empire in the Netherlands in Melbourne to mourn Alexander II and announced three days of mourning for the entire Kingdom of the Netherlands. This news shocked the world, and even the Netherlands did not expect it. He actually did this.

At 11 o'clock local time, William IV, along with Prime Minister Linden and important figures from various Dutch parties such as the Christian Party, the Socialist Party and the Liberal Party, went to the Russian Embassy to pay their respects. They publicly expressed their condolences at a subsequent press conference. He praised Alexander II. "An extraordinary and unique great Russian ruler and world leader," William IV also said in Melbourne that the Netherlands will hold three days of national mourning. “During Alexander II’s reign in Tsarist Russia, nothing changed in the alliance relationship between the Netherlands and Tsarist Russia. If anything changed, the cooperation between the two countries became closer.

I forgot to tell you that Alexander II’s father, Nicholas I, was my grandmother’s brother. In other words, Alexander II was my cousin, both personally and nationally, so I question the three days of mourning in the Netherlands. It's wrong to make a fuss out of a molehill, because that's what I'm supposed to do.
Next, I will work with Crown Prince Alexandrovich, the heir to the Tsarist Russian Empire, who will soon become the Emperor of the Tsarist Russian Empire, to jointly safeguard the overall peace of Europe and the world.
I forgot to tell you that Alexandrovich is not only my fourth cousin, he is also my brother-in-law. Don’t forget, my wife Queen Alexandra of the Netherlands and his wife Maria Feodor Crown Princess Rovna is a biological sister, so the two of us have expressed satisfaction with the relationship between our two countries many years ago.

What I am telling you here is that there is no upper limit to the cooperation between the Netherlands and the Russian Empire. We will continue to uphold the intentions of our ancestors, continue to expand and expand cooperation between the Netherlands and Russia, and safeguard world peace and development."

The Netherlands' belated condolence message is full of genuine goods. Countries can only lament the relationship between the Netherlands and Tsarist Russia. It will continue to lament in the future. Allies and opponents have different views on this.

At 3:26 local time in Madrid on March 11, Isabella II of Spain expressed condolences for the death of Alexander II and published the contents of the public telegram in media newspapers.

Isabella II wrote: “I express my condolences to the royal family, government and citizens of Tsarist Russia for the death of Alexander II. Alexander II was a witness and writer of the history of Tsarist Russia, Europe and the world. An important figure in Europe and the world, the Spaniards and the Tsarist Russians are together”

At this time, the ally of the Tsarist Empire, King Milan Obrenovich IV of Serbia, publicly expressed condolences in the capital Belgrade. He said that this is the saddest day for our country and our most important ally and patron, Alexander. Everyone feels heartbroken for the trend of the Tsar. He also said that it is so eternal and beautiful that we, like children, think that he will always exist and lament his death. Without him, there would be no establishment of the Kingdom of Serbia in 1878. Nor is it as powerful as we are now in the Balkans. "

The King of Serbia was right.

In 1459, Serbia was conquered by the powerful Ottoman Empire and became a province of the Ottoman Empire.

During the Ottoman Turkish occupation, due to different religious beliefs, the Balkan Peninsula was never really conquered by the Muslims of the Ottoman Empire. After the early 19th century, the industrialization era entered, the Ottoman Turkey gradually declined, and the Serbs finally With the support of the Tsarist Russian Empire, which also belonged to the Slavs, the revolution was launched, and in 1830 it was recognized by the Ottoman Empire government. The Principality of Serbia became independent, although the principality only consisted of Belgrade at the time.

Readers may have thought that the information that Belgium also became independent from the Netherlands in 1830 is good for the table.

When the Dutch allies finally supported Belgium's independence from the Netherlands, it was actually the result of the deal.
(End of this chapter)

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