Start 1861: I just inherited the Dutch throne

Chapter 934 The Dutch Trans-South Pacific Alliance that scares the United States

Chapter 934 The Dutch Trans-South Pacific Alliance that scares the United States

"Currently, the Junker aristocracy directly occupies 80.00% of the German agricultural product market, and the rest is given to the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Therefore, the two countries are very dissatisfied with Germany, and Hungary has its own government and is not subject to Franz Joseph I. This emperor directly restrained Hungary, so Hungary could not even listen to the instructions of Austria and Vienna.

The current so-called industrial and commercial development of the Austro-Hungarian Empire actually has certain limitations, that is, each principality and kingdom operates independently, and there is no national unity. Franz Cerf I's money bag is still restricted.

The fifth point is that their religious reforms are linked to their educational influence. Obviously, traditional missionaries ran ahead to conduct espionage activities in the name of preaching to test their destinations. With this reform, the Austro-Hungarian Empire had already cooperated with the church. The conflict worsened in vain.

Your Majesty, based on the above five points, I feel that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not close to us."

William IV was stunned.

Nicholas Pearson sneered: "The German Empire needs Austria-Hungary as its garden, which can attract and divert the attention of the Tsarist Russia. At least it will prevent Tsarist Russia from attacking the German Empire alone. The consequence of doing so will be a German-Austrian counterattack.

The same is true now in Latin America. To offend the Netherlands, Germany asked Austria-Hungary to join them, which was a good calculation.

However, we can use the counterattack method of pig teammates to directly counterattack Germany with Austria-Hungary."

William IV hurriedly asked: "How to fight back?"

Nicholas Pearson: "Your Majesty, we are so so"

On June 1881, 6, James Abram Garfield, a presidential candidate of the Republican Party of the United States, directly criticized the current Democratic Party on the stage when he was canvassing votes in the Great Lakes state of Michigan. President Stephen Douglas accused him of turning the good 28-year-old American-Dutch Alliance into a half-rival.

Immediately afterwards, he directly pointed out to more than 2000 supporters on the campaign stage: "The establishment of the Group of Thirteen Latin American Countries by the Netherlands is a major attempt to build two trans-South Pacific alliances. We, the United States, were originally one of them. , but with Stephen’s anti-Dutch policy, the Netherlands no longer trusts the Commonwealth of America, making us a minority in the Americas.

Yes, now there are only 13 countries left that have not joined the 5-nation South American group: the Federal Republic of America, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. The so-called pseudo-government of the Confederate States of America in the south does not count. "

It seemed that the Republican Party had already made an election plan. Following Garfield's statement in Ohio, almost more than two-thirds of American newspapers the next day were about the Group of 13.

"Washington Times": "As the core hub, the Group of 13 will promote the formation of a trans-Pacific alliance, thereby realizing Dutch rule over the Pacific and forming a powerful containment camp centered on the Netherlands.

Faced with such a powerful organization, where should the Commonwealth of the United States go?How should the ruling Democratic Party awkwardly face the strong pressure from its former ally the Netherlands? "Chicago Post-Times": "Urgent!"Countries outside the region such as Tsarist Russia, Sweden, Denmark, and Siam rely on the 13-nation group to seek legitimacy in the Pacific region. It is even said that even Spain wants to become a partner like the previous four countries, but now the Netherlands is persuading Latin America Well, after all, Spain is the former colonial master of these countries. Even without Spain, we in Washington would be in trouble because our current government is confronting the dominant country, the Netherlands. How should the American economy develop?

Presidential candidate Garfield is eager to help others, claiming that he can change the current situation that is unfavorable to the United States! "

"The American Citizen" has always been pro-Democratic. It directly quoted President Stephen's words to refute Garfield: "The Thirteen South American Nations, as the most powerful countries in the Americas, will fully bridge the relationship between the Netherlands and these countries and build a trans-Pacific The relationship eventually developed into a trans-Atlantic relationship, and even went further, pushing to form a trans-Pacific-Atlantic alliance, thereby forming a powerful containment force against Britain, Germany, Austria, and Hungary."

The semi-official newspaper reported that "The Thirteen South American Group of Nations may provide a platform for the subsequent integration of various systems and mechanisms built by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is a model of casting a wide net and closing the net to catch fish."

“From the 19s when the Netherlands established the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the International Organization of the Red Cross, the International Women’s Organization, and the International Labor Organization, to the 60s when the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and later Spain joined the Nordic Alliance, South America The G70 Alliance, the Pacific Cooperation Organization, etc., and the Balkan Peninsula Summit established in the 7s, etc., all show that in the past nearly 80 years, the Netherlands has been working step by step to compile a large international network, including Britain, Germany, and Germany. Some countries, including France and France, have lured them in, and all countries have become targets of the Netherlands to a greater or lesser extent. Whether they are enemies or friends, the Netherlands has plotted against them.

As the current President of the United States, when I discovered this terrible discovery, the hairs on my heart stood up. Therefore, it is only natural for me to be prepared for the Netherlands.

The United States does not oppose the Netherlands, but we need self-protection measures. The United States will not attack the Netherlands, but we need to deal with the possibility that the Netherlands may attack the United States. This is what I should do as president.I also believe that every president will do this.”

As the two candidates running for president of the United States began to slander each other, this topic soon became the focus of political figures around the world.

James Jackson of the Netherlands Institute for Foreign Exchange also believes that the political structure after defeating Napoleon I and establishing the "Congress of Vienna" in 1815 has lost its geopolitical rationality to a considerable extent. The signatories of the "Congress of Vienna" were mainly concentrated in Europe, while The Americas were not included, and the Netherlands was only following the signatories at that time and was not a guest.Now that the Americas and the Far East are one of the main geopolitical competition areas, he believes that it is necessary to bring the South American countries in the Americas that developed after independence from Spain in 1810 under the Netherlands, and expand together with the Netherlands to form a 13-nation group. Covers the Pacific region.

He pointed out that in the era of great power competition and the current era of the decline of Britain's global influence, how to reconnect the Netherlands, the 13 South American Group, the Nordic Alliance, and the Netherlands' global allies at the micro level, and how to connect the trans-Pacific and trans-Pacific at the macro level. Building the Atlantic Ocean are two major thematic problems faced by the Netherlands.

The Netherlands' newly emerging prominent political expert said that if the Netherlands solves it, it will no longer be a problem to replace the UK.

At that time, America was just a fish jumping on the shore, no longer afraid.


(End of this chapter)

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