Chapter 107 Four women enter the city
"Grandpa Bones should be thinking about me, ω)hiahiahia"

Rongrong couldn't help but think of Xiao Wu's cry when she begged for mercy last night, "How happy, when can I bully Xiao Wu like I did last night?"


Cheng Rouzhu Qing Rongrong opened the tent, and what he saw was a little rabbit paper with rabbit ears and a headdress carefully controlling the fire.

She was actually making broth! !

Xiao Wu picked up the spoon, scooped up a spoonful, put it to her mouth and blew the hot air gently, tasting the taste in her mouth, showing a satisfied smile.

Xiao Wu saw the three people walking out of the tent and walking toward her with curiosity on their faces, and quickly filled three bowls of broth.

"Sister Rourou, this bowl is for you."

"Zhuqing, this bowl is yours."

"Rongrong, take it to death."

Xiao Wu served the broth to the three of them one after another. Such a sensible Xiao Wu made Zhu Qing and the others suspicious.

"Look at what I'm doing. Eat quickly. Can't you eat the rice made by Little Rabbit Paper?" Xiao Wu urged the three of them with a look of anticipation.

Cheng Rou smelled the wafting smell: it should be edible.

Cheng Rou picked up the spoon with her slender fingers and put it into her mouth through her small mouth.

Although it is not as delicate and fragrant as the one made by Zhuqing, it is still edible.

Cheng Rou didn't expect that this little rabbit paper, who was jointly retaliated by the three of them yesterday, would actually take the initiative to admit his mistake and make breakfast for them today? ! !
Did you think you would hide in the tent and lose your temper?
Yesterday, she touched all the little rabbit paper's body and saw it all: compared to Sister Nana, the feel is much worse.

Cheng Rou thought about whether she should improve Xiao Wu's eating habits and make Xiao Wu eat less carrots...

Zhuqing took a sip and smiled without showing his teeth.

She expressed her appreciation for Xiao Wu's behavior. Just like Cheng Rou, she also thought Xiao Wu was hiding and getting angry.

Last night she also whipped Xiao Wu with a leather whip, and it could be said that the whipping was very satisfying.

You can still see the faint red marks on Xiao Wu's arms and waist. Isn't that Zhu Qing's masterpiece?

Moreover, Xiao Wu was extremely pitiful last night. She had a small waist, long slender legs, and a small buttocks. Apart from these, her upper body was useless. When she lay down, it was like a flat washboard...

Xiao Wu looked so pitiful that he didn't feel any distress last night. He was also a bad person...

Thinking of this, Zhuqing couldn't help but smile again.

Rongrong didn't care about Xiao Wu's different attitude towards her just now. He was already used to Xiao Wu's different treatment.

After Rongrong learned about Xiao Wu's figure last night, she felt quite distressed.

After being together for so long, we also know that Xiaowu has no father or mother. She has been studying alone since she was 6 years old, and she is lonely.

Xiao Wu's brother rarely comes to see Xiao Wu. He is completely an unwanted child.

No one hurts, no one loves, no wonder I go my own way and my body develops poorly...

Xiao Wu finally spoke when she saw the three of them tasting the breakfast she made.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Wu has gone too far this month."

Xiao Wu bent down and apologized sincerely.

Zhuqing and the other three looked at each other, and of course they chose to forgive Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, what we did last night was a bit too much, it was offset."

"Really? That's great. Sister Rourou, Zhuqing, and Rongrong are having some drinks. I've been doing this for a long time." Xiao Wu laughed playfully, her expression changed from asking for forgiveness to the same old one.

But what Xiao Wu was thinking in her heart was: I don’t know if I lost or made a profit. One month for three people is equal to three months. They only bullied me for one night, but it seems that I still made a profit (><)☆

After understanding this, Xiao Wu was even more happy... The four girls finished the breakfast cooked by Xiao Wu and began to discuss the next plan.

First, of course, a few days of relaxation for training results.

After more than a month of training in the mountains and forests, although I would go to Soto City to buy some things every once in a while, I was in a hurry and did not play in Soto City.

The best place to relax is in the city of Soto.

"Gogogo, go change clothes and play around." Xiao Wu shouted happily, because she could buy her favorite skirt in Soto City.

An hour later, four girls in different costumes emerged from their respective tents one after another.

Xiao Wu is still wearing a pink dress, and the crystal-like texture of the dress sets off Xiao Wu's playfulness and agility.

The little bunny bag hanging on the waist is even more adorable.

Zhuqing didn't know what she was thinking today. She didn't wear black trousers and leather jacket. Instead, she imitated Xiao Wu and changed into a small black dress. It was fruitful...

Rongrong is still the most exquisite princess dress, and the dress is dotted with expensive decorations to set off her extraordinary appearance.

Cheng Rou is relatively simple, wearing a white palace dress. If you compare it carefully, you can see that it is somewhat similar to the clothes of a follower of the Wine and Sword Fairy.

It’s hard to imagine four stunning girls walking out of a mountain forest...


"Boss Dai, today the master said that we only need to train against each other, no need to run. Let's introduce the twin sisters to the younger brother." Ma Hongjun showed his loyalty to his roommate Dai Yubai with a cheerful face.

Dai Yubai thought in his heart: Ma Hongjun is indeed a rare genius. These more than a month have been spent on basic physical training and combat training, leaving very little time for active soul power cultivation.The soul power levels of himself and Oscar remained unchanged, but Ma Hongjun changed from level 27 to level 28.If you win over them, they will definitely be a powerful help in the future.

"Fat man, don't worry. I haven't looked for them for more than a month. I will definitely come out if I ask them out," Dai Yubai secretly whispered into Ma Hongjun's ear, "When the time comes..."

"Okay, long live Boss Dai. Good news is waiting for you at the Rose Hotel." Ma Hongjun was excited. He had been coveting those twins for a long time. Every time he saw their walking postures and their identical figures and appearances...

"Fat man, is it because of your martial spirit or because you are just good at it?" Dai Yubai said casually.

"Hehe, Boss Dai, don't you also enjoy it because you don't have a martial spirit? Women are not population but resources, but you said so." Ma Hongjun said hehe.

"Haha," the two looked at each other and laughed. It's hard to find a confidant.

"Boss Dai, what should you do with your fiancée? I think your fiancée is the best in the world." Ma Hongjun drooled.

"Fuck you, you have thoughts about my fiancée, are you my brother?" Dai Yubai punched Ma Hongjun on the chest.

Ma Hongjun's fat body withstood most of the impact and had no reaction at all:

"Hehe, Boss Dai, I am definitely your brother. My younger brother only has some thoughts. Can't I think about the beautiful scenery while you eat meat? Who can hold back? Just say that when the mistress sees your wife, isn't his eyeball also there? Are you spinning on Xiao Wu and your wife?"

Dai Yubai was very happy with Ma Hongjun's flattery. He is not married yet, but it doesn't matter if he calls her his wife. Sooner or later, he will say, "Hahaha, when I become successful in the future, I will introduce you to as many beauties as you want."

"My little brother is willing to serve Boss Dai." Ma Hongjun's eyes were full of yearning...

"Hey, the four spray brothers didn't run today?" Ning Rongrong was walking on the road in surprise, "Did they have new training?"

"Rongrong, do you care about so many things because you miss a man, Oscar?"

Xiao Wu couldn't help but joke.

"Xiao Wu, this joke is not funny at all, I even feel offended." Rongrong curled his lips and was very dissatisfied, "I just feel that it makes me less happy not to see the four of them running today, because the four of them are really It’s so funny, but so hot-blooded.”

"It makes sense." Xiao Wu agreed.

"Xiao Wu, don't you miss your classmate Tang San at all? The way he looks at you tells everyone that he is interested in you." Ning Rongrong also joked.


Thank you for your monthly support, the boss is very generous.

(End of this chapter)

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