Chapter 114 Closing
Dai Yubai was right when he thought about it. He would defeat them later and give them medicine. It would be best to conceive his seed.

"Yes." Dai Yubai gave Ma Hongjun a thumbs up.

The two martial arts spirits have already possessed them, and they have wretched looks on their faces, looking at the girls as if they were objects.

The four girls were naturally angry when they were slandered in such a frivolous way.

"Where do you get your confidence?" Cheng Rou's eyes were unkind, and the smile that usually hung on her lips was long gone.

"Are you confident?" Dai Yubai thought to himself that more than a month ago he was like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, but now he is a king with sharp fangs.

"This is my self-confidence." Dai Yubai raised his fists, and his violent muscles emitted terrifying power fluctuations.

"Are you scared?" Dai Yubai smiled evilly.

Zhuqing couldn't help but want to take action a long time ago. She felt extremely apologetic because her sister was slandered by Dai Yubai, who was related to her.

An icy cold breath instantly swept through the entire room.

Ma Hongjun was quickly locked by this aura, and the flames on his body became dim because of it, and he was dying.

What kind of deterrent is this?
When the two of them were frightened, Zhuqing appeared behind them at a speed that they could not perceive.

"Bang." With a crash, Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai didn't react at all, and their heads hit each other.

When the two of them were dizzy, Xiao Wu jumped up and hit the two of them hard on their chests with a second level of collapse.

But Xiao Wu still retained a faint consciousness for the two of them.

"You dare to scold me? I'm looking for a beating." Xiao Wu looked cheerful.

"I'm sorry, I feel ashamed for having a relationship with such a person." Zhuqing apologized to the three women.

"Zhuqing, this has nothing to do with you." The three women were also surprised by the strength of Zhuqing who was just angry.

"These are gloves. Wear them to hit them without dirtying your hands." Zhuqing took out several pairs of gloves from the soul guide.

The three women were not polite, took it and put it on, and came to the two boys who were half dazed.

bang bang bang...

The three of them showed no mercy to Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai at this moment, punching him to the flesh.

A left hook, then a right hook, a straight punch, not a martial arts boxing, left both Ma and Dai with bruises and swollen faces.

"Rongrong, please pay more attention to this Maji, he said he wants to be your son-in-law of the Qibao Glazed Sect." Xiao Wu joked.

Ma Hongjun: ...

"Damn it, I'm offended." When Rongrong heard Xiao Wu's words, he punched Ma Hongjun in the lower back in displeasure.

Cheng Rou stood up and came to the wine glass.

She carefully compared and distinguished the drugged wine.

"Xiao Wu, smash their mouths open." Cheng Rou said ruthlessly.

"Okay." Xiao Wu said very rudely...


The wine in the wine glass was forced into the two half-conscious people to drink.

"Okay, let's go.

Since Ma and Dai drank the problematic wine, the women naturally did not want to see what would happen next to stain their eyes.

The door was closed tightly, and the two people who fell to the ground with miserable faces felt the strange heat in their bodies. Finally, they gathered somewhere, and they began to have ecstatic hallucinations in their minds...

At the counter on the first floor of the Rose Hotel: "Where does the sound of shark and pig come from, or is it two pigs????"


The twin sisters on the street still looked extremely sad, and their heartache was so easy to cure.

"Sister, I'm sorry. It was my sister who harmed you and tricked you into being with that scumbag." The twin sister said guiltily.

"Sister, it's all over, don't talk anymore." The twin sister comforted her, but there was a wry smile on her lips.

"Sister, I don't trust men anymore. I want to kill all the heartless people in the world." Thinking of the past with Dai Yubai, the twin sister became vicious.

"Sister, let's join the Jiu Sword Immortal Sect. I heard that there are many people who have no soul power, but they are very influential. We will use the power of the Jiu Sword Immortal Sect to eradicate those noble viscounts who specialize in harming women. Until one day We can seek justice from Dai Yubai in person." Hope ignited in the eyes of the twin sisters.

"Well, sister, you are right, this revenge must be avenged. He deceived us so miserably. I know there is a clothing store where you can definitely sign up to join the Jiujianxian sect..."...


When the four girls encountered the scumbag Dai Yu and Bai Ma Hongjun, they lost their mood and stayed at the Rose Hotel.

They packed up their mood and left the Rose Hotel.

But before going back to the mountains, Zhuqing Rourou accompanied Xiaowu Rongrong to the Soto City Soul Arena again.

There is a main soul arena and 24 sub-soul arenas inside the Soto City Soul Arena. There are also hundreds of VIP rooms and hundreds of ordinary rooms for all parties to communicate. These data alone are enough to show that Soto City How big is the Soul Arena?

To fight in the main soul arena, a soul master must have a winning streak and badges to meet the Silver Soul Fighting Level requirements, or the soul master level must be high enough.

The fighting spirit field will use badges to prove their strength based on the points gained from the victory games.

The Soul Arena makes badges based on minerals of different qualities, from low to high, iron, copper, silver, gold, purple gold, sapphire, ruby, and the highest is diamond.

The points mechanism is not one for winning a game, but is affected by the winning streak mechanism and badge level.For example, it takes [-] points to go from Iron Fighting Spirit to Bronze Fighting Spirit, one point for winning a game, [-] points for winning a game after winning more than five games in a row, and [-] points for winning a game after winning more than ten games in a row.

It takes one thousand points to go from Bronze Fighting Soul to Silver Fighting Soul, but the points for winning a game become 10 points instead of 1 point, and the ratio of the winning streak mechanism is the same.

Therefore, if a soul master has strength and keeps winning continuously, he can easily obtain the Silver Fighting Soul Badge, but if he is just an ordinary soul master, he will probably be able to advance to the Bronze Fighting Soul in his lifetime.

During this month and a half, Xiao Wu and Rongrong occasionally went out to participate in soul fighting.

Because Xiao Wu participated in individual soul battles and participated in two-on-two soul battles with Rongrong, she could fight two games a day, and both won in a row, so she was already a silver soul battler.

Because of his outstanding performance and the audience's love for him, Xiao Wu was also qualified to fight in the main soul arena.

And because Rongrong did not participate in individual soul fighting, he is still only a bronze fighting soul.

Xiao Wu and Rongrong walked out of the soul-splitting arena. Today they won another two-on-two soul battle, but Xiao Wu under the rabbit mask looked depressed.

Because of the matching mechanism of the Soul Arena, Xiao Wu could only be matched with great soul masters, and because of her one-on-one winning streak, the bet multiplier was lowered and lowered by the organizer.

The gamblers were all trying to beat her. It seemed that those crazy gamblers believed that Xiao Wu was an invincible soul master.

Xiao Wu also used her real estate gambling properties to win over herself, but now the money she makes is getting less and less.

At first, I borrowed some gold soul coins from Rongrong Zhuqing Chengrou, but I made a lot of money.

But she still lives in poverty because she has a dream of becoming a rich young woman.

So she called the money she earned real estate and used it exclusively for betting.

One of the solutions to the current predicament is to become a three-ring soul master.

If the soul master is matched in this way, the organizer will definitely do something with the personnel, and the magnification will also change greatly.

But Xiao Wu couldn't suddenly have his third soul ring appear in front of Zhuqing and the others.

Now the little rabbit is very worried.

However, Xiao Wu participated in the competition in the main soul arena, and each time she participated in the competition, she received a direct reward of [-] gold coins.

This makes the little rabbit happy, but the little rabbit still feels that the money is slow to come (_)
"Xiao Wu, I signed up for a one-on-one soul battle." Rongrong, who was wearing an exquisite mask, said suddenly.

"Rong Rong, are you ready to kill everyone and become famous all over the world?" Xiao Wu restrained her thoughts and praised Ron Rong.

Xiao Wu is quite relieved about Rongrong's current strength.

Rongrong learned Zhuqing's unique skills and learned to control his power, and his combat effectiveness improved greatly.

After undergoing all kinds of arduous training, Rongrong's body skills have also become dexterous, able to handle various environments with ease, and he can also control and use his soul power accurately.

The loss of soul power and physical strength caused by body movement is not large.

Only by gathering strength and concentrating the attack will the loss of soul power and physical strength be greater.

But against a great soul master, Rongrong would have absolutely no problem, unless he encountered special soul skills or evil geniuses...


The number of words seems to be a bit too much. I don’t want to check for typos. My eyes are tired.

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(End of this chapter)

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