Chapter 116 Simple Victory
Ning Rongrong was speechless: It was obviously my mother who wanted to kill him with one blow.

Wang Lufei will also be over his head. What kind of strength can a weak woman have? After all, he was wary and wrong.

Wang Lufei strikes again.

This time he was more cautious, and two yellow soul rings rose from his feet.

The first soul skill is rubber mimicry.

After performing this soul skill, Wang Lufei became more confident.Rubber Mimicry makes his body immune to pain like rubber.

"I'm serious, little girl. When it hurts, I'll say surrender."

"The second soul skill, rubber beating."

Wang Lufei launched intensive blows, and his arms could actually stretch and lengthen freely, and he kept punching Rongrong.

Rongrong's face changed slightly, he tapped his toes and retreated, dodging them all.

Rongrong also quickly discovered that the length of this soul skill's arm did not exceed 5 meters.

This was the first time Rongrong had seen this weird soul skill. He could only extend his arms.

Rongrong felt the power and precision of his fist from his opponent's punch.

He has definitely practiced. This is not an ordinary great soul master, but a great soul master with certain talents and hard work.

"I'm sorry, it's time to end." Rongrong respects people who work hard, but that's all.

When the seven treasures are turned out, there is colored glaze, which means speed.

Rongrong used the speed boost on himself, and his body instantly moved faster. He came in front of his opponent, gathered his strength and punched out, hitting Wang Lufei directly in the abdomen.

Wang Lufei's eyes widened and he reacted, but his body couldn't dodge and he took the punch forcefully.

The shocked Wang Lufei was knocked out of the ring by the force of the punch.

This is how it feels, so scary, Wang Lufei thought in his mind.
The entire stadium became extremely quiet because of this, and the audience had never thought of such a result.

In the audience, Xiang Ji's eyes widened, his hands turned into palms, and he slapped his face.

"What the hell, what happened? My Straw Hat King Luffy was defeated?"

Tony: "Yeah, how come Qibao Liuli won!!"

Even the host didn't react. He opened his mouth wide, but no sound came out.

Who would have thought that an auxiliary soul master could explode with such powerful power and speed, and that an auxiliary soul master could actually defeat an offensive battle soul master.

Moreover, the victorious auxiliary soul master, judging by her soft voice and her petite and exquisite body, is obviously a not-so-big little girl! ! ! !
There was nothing fancy about the whole battle, just a well-timed punch! !

"It's unbelievable. It's our Qibao Liuli who won the victory. This is a little girl born with strange powers." The host announced loudly.

Maybe it's because the game ended so quickly and so easily.Perhaps it was because they were surprised to see an auxiliary soul master defeat an offensive battle soul master, and there were warm cheers from the audience.

"Seven Treasures Glaze, Seven Treasures Glaze..."

"Girl, I lost. I will beat you next time."

Wang Lufei stood up with difficulty. His first soul skill blocked most of the damage from the attacks, but his lower abdomen was still tingling.

Ning Rongrong glanced at Wang Lufei, a hint of shock flashed in his eyes.

Although that punch did not use all the strength, the power of the explosion was not small.

Ning Rongrong thought that Wang Lufei should have fallen to the ground and not been able to stand up. At least he had to wait for her to walk out of the passage before he could stand up. This would be cooler |ω).

As expected, no soul master can be underestimated.

"I won't be merciful next time." Ning Rongrong's numb voice was sharp, and after speaking, she turned around and walked towards the passage.

Wang Lufei looked at Ning Rongrong leaving, and his heart began to beat uncontrollably. "Sure enough, you can't underestimate any soul master. Even the auxiliary soul master should go all out. That punch exceeded the limit of my first soul skill." Wang Lufei also turned around and left towards another passage.

As soon as Rongrong walked out of the passage, she saw Xiao Wu and the others welcoming her back.

"Rongrong, you are so awesome, you have captured a little brother." Xiao Wu looked at Rongrong and couldn't help but joke.

"That's not true. I, Ning Rongrong, am naturally beautiful, and how many people have been conquered by me?" Rongrong forgot about his joy and started to sneeze instead.

"Hehe, if you win, we'll treat you. Let's buy some supper and go home." Xiao Wu said politely with a smile.

"I am happy today, that's for sure." Rongrong said happily.

"Rong Rong, you broke the No. 1 support system soul master's inability to fight. You are famous."Cheng Rou looked at Rongrong with a gentle smile.

"The expressions of the audience are also very interesting. It is a wonderful performance." Zhuqing nodded and smiled.

"Without you, I wouldn't be where I am now." Rongrong lowered his head and said gratefully.


The moonlight shines on the Douluo Star, and the starry night sky is the lighting that guides the four girls back to the mountains and forests.

On the quiet path at night, occasional cool breeze blows through the fields.

It was supposed to be a scene that made the girls feel scared, but because it was not just one person, it was four girls who cherished each other.

They didn't feel scared, but felt very comfortable.

Under the night sky, they look very special and charming...

Rongrong generously bought a lot of delicious food for Xiao Wu and others.

Xiao Wu walking on the road made a squeaking sound from her mouth, obviously eating something.

"I used to be afraid of the dark, but when I am with you, I feel very brave. I can even live in the mountains and forests for so long. Now that I think about it, it feels incredible." Rongrong fell into short memories.

"Haha, come to Sister Xiaowu's arms. Sister Xiaowu will give you a sense of security." Xiao Wuba chimed.

"I don't want it, your embrace is not soft at all." Rongrong complained, who wants it?
The food Xiao Wu was eating suddenly became unpalatable, and Little Rabbit Paper was disgusted ()
"But it's such a pity. What happened to Dai xx made us not want to spend the night at the Rose Hotel. It's all my fault for telling you this terrible thing, otherwise we agreed to sleep in the same bed that night." Rongrong Regret said.

"Yeah, what a pity, it's all that damn Dai X and Fatty Fatty." Xiao Wu said dissatisfied.

"Rongrong, you did a good job. Let's come again next time." Zhu Qing said warmly.

"Yes, Rongrong, if it weren't for you, there would probably be two more stupid girls being traded tonight and becoming the targets of those two disgusting men's vents. No girl can accept this kind of unclear thing. If not You and Bai Ling may commit suicide tomorrow." Cheng Rouyan said sternly.

"Yes, Rongrong, even if they don't commit suicide, this will make their lives very uncomfortable in the future, and they may even spend their whole lives in this shadow." Xiao Wu also said seriously.

"You are all understanding sisters, how can you think of so much. However, in this case, Dai xx and Fatty Grass Chicken are indeed hateful." Rongrong also became angry.

The girls had arrived at their camp while chatting.

As usual, Zhuqing Xiaowu began to check the camp situation and sprinkle animal repellent powder around.

"The bed in the tent is the most comfortable bed, right? I really want to lie in it now." Rongrong said warmly.

"Bah, for your status, the bed at the Rose Hotel is the most comfortable." Xiao Wu said disdainfully.

"Xiao Wu, can't food stop your mouth?" Rongrong looked at Xiao Wu and said disgustedly.

Xiao Wu playfully stuck out her sweet tongue.

"Sister Cheng Rou, can we really learn how to release soul power? I always feel that this is not a skill that a great soul master can master." Rongrong looked expectant, but there was some worry in his eyes.

If you can really learn to release your soul power and turn it into a powerful long-range attack method, your strength will be a huge improvement.

Xiao Wu Zhuqing also looked at Cheng Rou, and the expectation for such a method could be seen in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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