Chapter 147 Let’s merge, the anger of love
Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were humiliated in front of their faces, their faces turned red with shame. The Zhuge Divine Crossbow could even crack the auxiliary soul master. It could only be described as rubbish. They had no way to refute it.

The two of them no longer hesitated and threw the simplified version of Zhuge Shenwu far away, preparing to use their own powerful strength to deal with these three girls.

When Tang San saw this scene, his heart ached. That was the result of my sleepless days these past few days.

Ning Rongrong took advantage of this gap and used both hands at the same time to quickly shoot the two arrows and crossbows at Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai.

"Boss Dai."

"Fat man."

Rongrong's attack was too sudden, and the two of them shouted at the same time, regardless of their own safety, as if they had lost their minds, and vowed to keep each other's toothpicks and meatballs.

It's also because Rongrong's attack angle was too tricky, his timing was too accurate, and he targeted the man's weak spot.

Ma Hongjun, Dai Yubai and others did not have 100% ability to use bare-handed skills. They also did not expect that an auxiliary soul master would actually burst out with such terrifying potential in a desperate situation.

However, the most important thing was that Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai had something going on in their minds. Even though they could avoid fatal injuries, they still chose a lose-lose approach to protect each other.

I saw the two of them each grabbing the arrows and crossbows shot by Rongrong for each other. Although they pierced their hands, they did not hurt their roots.

Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai looked at each other and smiled, looking at each other very softly.

At this moment, they felt something in their hearts. They forgot everything around them, understood each other's willingness to pay for each other, and were immersed in a strange atmosphere.

"Two idiots, how could they not escape and get injured in vain?" Tang San, who was observing secretly, frowned and couldn't help complaining.

"I'll go, you guys are not in love, right?" Ning Rongrong stared at Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai, who were flirting with each other, a little speechless, and actually ignored me (◣д◢)

"However, I still want to thank you for giving me Ning Rongrong face. This will hurt you. Remember to invite me to your wedding banquets in the future." Although Ning Rongrong did not believe that two boys could fall in love, he still carried out mental attacks.

But what shocked Ning Rongrong was that Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai were not angry yet!

They seemed to really only have each other at the moment, their world, and nothing around them seemed to be able to affect them.

"Boss Dai, this evil-hearted and vicious woman actually wants to hurt you. I can't forgive you." Ma Hongjun said in a low voice. Even though one palm was pierced by an arrow and crossbow and blood dripped, he didn't care.

"Yes, Fatty, she actually wants to hurt you, I can't forgive her."

Dai Yubai was equally low-spirited. He pulled out the crossbow from his palm and threw it aside, looking quite manly.

"Boss Dai, do you feel it?" Ma Hongjun looked at Dai Yubai affectionately.

"Well, I feel it." Dai Yubai looked at Ma Hongjun and responded affectionately.The two of them were immersed in a strange atmosphere, which became increasingly intense.

They feel the call deep in each other's hearts, which comes from the resonance of martial souls and the communication of souls.

The two of them looked at each other affectionately, moved their bodies, and intertwined their fingers. A burst of red and yellow light suddenly erupted centered on the two of them.

No need for guidance from others, as if it is engraved in the mark of life, just like that night.

Although it was the first time and although it was strange, the two of them already knew what to do next...

"At this moment, our hearts are connected! Martial spirits - fusion, infinite love -"

Red and yellow light suddenly shot out, finally drowning them, until it returned to them again.

"Evil Fire - White Tiger."

Zhuqing, Cheng Rourongrong and the others were stunned. Is this okay?

Although it was a very serious matter, the fusion of two boys' martial arts spirits made them want to laugh.
Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai actually transformed into a huge red tiger, with terrifying flames surrounding its entire body. There were white and blue stripes on the red body, which was 5 meters long and 3 meters high.

What's even more shocking is that the red tiger actually has a pair of powerful, fiery red wings like those of a phoenix, majestic and domineering, like the king of beasts coming from another world.

Throughout the Shrek Forest, countless beasts were trembling and wolves were howling, intimidated by the King's Wrath.

Xiao Wu, who was walking in the mountain forest, felt the changes in the surrounding situation. Her eyes changed and she stopped wandering aimlessly. She quickened her pace and headed towards the gathering place of the sisters.

"Ning Rongrong, feel the fury of our love."

The voice was hoarse, but it was shocking. "Evil Fire Meteor Break—" The evil fire white tiger's fiery red wings flapped, bursting into dazzling light and shooting dozens of flames.

"Be careful, there's something wrong with that flame." Zhuqing hurriedly warned, holding Rongrong in his arms as he kept dodging the attacks of flames that were like meteors falling from the sky.

Cheng Rou followed Zhu Qing back and said, "It's surrounded by flames, so you can't attack it directly."

"Ah, what should we do? The three of us can't use our soul power now." Rongrong felt a little embarrassed. She was the one who started the trouble. Now the three of them are locked up and waiting online. What should we do?

Zhuqing and Chengrou did not panic. It was obvious that both of them had a certain degree of confidence in being able to cope with the current crisis.

The fusion of martial souls has powerful cross-level challenge capabilities. It is definitely not a simple combination of one plus one equals two, but a completely transcendent existence.

But Zhuqing knew that no matter how powerful the two martial soul fusion skills were, with their current levels of strength, the strength of the fusion would never exceed that of the Soul Emperor.

In cross-level challenges, Zhuqing has never relied on soul skills. The power of soul skills has always been limited by the age and level of the soul ring, let alone Zhuqing who is only a great soul master.

Zhuqing's body is slightly arched, and she is beautiful and colorful. Her sharp eyes scan around, and the sharp claws in her hands emit a cold light.

Cheng Rou also has the golden energy purification of the Purple Emperor Sword as a trump card to relieve herself of all negative states. The soul power cannot be used, but this does not mean that she cannot summon martial souls.

But the two obviously didn't want to reveal their true identity too much. They looked at each other and smiled slightly, conveying the same thoughts.

"Rongrong, it's time to test the results of these years of practice." Cheng Rou said softly.

"Or you can step back first and we will solve it." Zhuqing also said.

Rongrong felt sour in her heart. Her original intention of retreating and hiding behind her sisters completely disappeared, and her aura slowly gathered.

How could I, Ning Rongrong, shrink back again and again?

Ning Rongrong's mind flashed through these years of practice. The mountains, forests, big trees, swamps, strange rocks, trails, and rivers all contained the sweat of her own efforts, her own persistence and determination, and her own unwillingness...

"I don't want to. Trust me, I can also take charge of myself." Rongrong's eyes were firm and he looked directly at the Evil Fire White Tiger without flinching.

Zhuqing, Chengrou smiled slightly, and each left Rongrong. The three of them formed a triangle to surround the Evil Fire White Tiger.

But Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai also have their own tempers. At the moment, they only focus on the girl who almost ruined their happiness.

The fierce wind blew with the movement of the evil fire white tiger, and the battle was about to break out.

"Feel the fury of our love, the evil fire and meteors break."

Dozens of fire pillars falling from the sky locked on Ning Rongrong who was directly in front.

Rongrong is tired, but he didn't do anything to you, so why did he catch me and not let go.

But Rongrong understood that at this moment, even if he faced mountains of swords and seas of fire, he could not retreat.

Because, I am no longer alone.

Because, in front of the sisters, I said that I can do it.

Because I don’t want to hide behind others forever.

I can do it, I can do it.

Rongrong's eyes were extremely determined and her heart was extremely calm. At this moment, she could clearly feel that her hands and feet were jumping and cheering. She was easier to control and more powerful than ever before.

Rongrong moved, and she turned into an afterimage, dodging the incoming attacks gracefully and calmly.

This is exactly the result of her unremitting training in different environments, as well as Zhuqing's teaching of body techniques and Xiao Wu's mechanics.

"That's it? You are a small skill, but you dare to do the same thing." Rongrong was disdainful, and danced with a nimble figure, quite agile.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, free to share, don’t read if you don’t like it.

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(End of this chapter)

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