Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 166 Tang 3: My teacher and I have a heart-to-heart connection

Chapter 166 Tang San: Teacher and I have a heart-to-heart connection

Tang San and the others flew out of the forest. As soon as they landed, Tang San discovered the dog that had insulted him.

The stray dog ​​was wagging its tail leisurely. Its keen dog sense also discovered that it was being targeted by an evil entity, and the hairs all over its body stood up involuntarily.

One person and one dog stood looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Tang San had no good intentions and moved forward step by step.

The stray dog ​​was frightened, pretending to be calm, and backed away step by step.

"Mistress, do you want to eat dog meat? Do you want help?" Ma Hongjun swallowed and geared up.

"No need, I will make his life worse than death." Tang San said sinisterly, his body exuding a sinister aura.

The stray dog ​​shuddered as if it understood human words, waving its short legs and trying to retreat in a certain direction.

But how could Tang San let it escape.

"Blue and silver coiled."

"Wang Wang..."

The stray dog ​​roared unwillingly, and its limbs and neck were tied tightly with bluesilver grass.

Tang San was proud, my Blue Silver Coil can't tie up those girls like Xiao Wu, how can I fail to tie up a dog?

Tang San came to the stray dog ​​that kept barking and took a look. It turned out to be a male dog, which was exactly what Tang San wanted.

Tang San laughed heartily and thought of something very interesting. He took out a sharp short knife from the soul guide and slowly cut it towards the stray dog...

The dog's barking was so heartbreaking and continuous that Dai Yubai and the other three couldn't help but cover their bodies with their hands. No man could bear this kind of pain.

"Is the mistress a devil? She cut so slowly." Oscar covered his hands and couldn't help but tremble.

Tang San's hands were covered in blood, holding a dog whip, and he walked towards Dai Yubai and the others. When the three of them saw this thing, they couldn't bear to look at it.

"Xiaosan, you still have a clever trick. Dogs don't have this stuff, and they're not much better than humans." Ma Hongjun took a step back and said weakly.

The stray dog ​​fell to the ground, his vitality was severely damaged, and he no longer barked.

But its eyes were full of endless hatred, always staring at Tang San's leaving back, keeping him firmly in its mind.

Until the enemy was no longer visible, the stray dog ​​dragged its broken body, got up with difficulty, left a red trace on the ground, and left.

"Sister, this dog is so pitiful."

Suddenly, a pair of twin sisters walked out silently from the shade of a dark tree.

"Well, I didn't expect to see something like this when I came out to find a subject." The twin sister also said angrily, even a dog would be humiliated! !
"However, sister, I have already taken pictures of the scene just now. I must let people in Douluo Continent know such a bad guy." The twin sister puffed her mouth and was filled with indignation.

"Go and bandage its wound." said the twin sister.

"Okay, but sister, what title should we choose? One person and one dog?" the twin sister was confused.

"The grudge between a stray dog ​​and four men, is it a loss of morality or a distortion of human nature? To do such a thing to a dog in broad daylight." The twin sister said thoughtfully.

"Ah, why do you want to take it like this?" The twin sisters were still a little naive and confused.

"Fool, how can we get more people to buy our newspaper if we don't do this? Our Jiujianxian sect will also have expenses." The twin sister stroked her sister's forehead...

As soon as they entered Shrek Academy, Tang San and Dai Yubai parted ways.

"Boss Dai, why don't we go look for the jade animal with Tang San?" Oscar's eyes were still a little scared, not sure if he was afraid of Tang San or Rongrong.

"No, let's go find Dean Flender." Dai Yubai sneered.

Overtly and covertly, he had long observed the character of Yu Xiaogang, the master and his disciple, who liked to hide everything and scheme against others.

If these two people were the main ones, they would probably have obtained some secret skill treasures, and the only ones that reached the hands of the three of us would be fragments.

"Boss Dai, what should we do if we find Dean Flanders?" Oscar said doubtfully. To be honest, he was also greedy for Ning Rongrong's display of strength.

"It all depends on Fatty. You have the best relationship with the dean." Dai Yubai looked at Ma Hongjun with a meaningful expression.Seeing Boss Dai's wise and mighty look, Ma Hongjun nodded repeatedly to express his understanding.

The three of them rushed to the dean's office.

"Dean, you have to help us." Ma Hongjun looked sad and showed off his acting skills when he asked Flanders for money to hook up the fence, with a look of aggrievedness.

Flanders looked at the three students who walked into the office in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

"Dean, we found that the four girls in the forest have received some kind of inheritance. They have become stronger and can even release some powerful soul skills. I hope the dean can help us get this secret skill from them... "

Ma Hongjun tirelessly told Flanders the reason.

Flanders looked sad. Is there a secret skill or inheritance in Shrek Mountain Forest?Even found by the girls?
Flanders didn't believe it, even disdained it.

After staying in Shrek for nearly 20 years, how could he not know what was in the forests of Shrek Mountain? If there was a secret skill, Flanders would have found it long ago.

"Ma Hongjun, stop talking. You should give up on this matter."

Flanders guessed that it was these four girls, especially Cheng Rou, who shared the secret of a technique or self-created soul technique with Zhuqing and the others.

Flanders did not expect that there would be people who generously shared their self-created soul skills with others, and who were really willing to share them with others.

"Or maybe this is Cheng Rou's family secret skill." Flanders knew that this kind of secret skill could not be learned secretly without his consent.

Even if you learn it, you will get into a lot of trouble.

A small Shrek Academy is not even a drop in the bucket on the mainland, and if you learn it, it will be a disaster.

"But, Dean, if you don't help us, the master will come and talk to you about this matter. Please take action." Dai Yubai stepped forward, leaned down, and said respectfully.

Flender's face darkened, "You guys go out first and I'll think about it."

Flanders was the only one left in the room.

"Xiao Gang, Er Long, Xiao Gang, Er Long, that's all..."

"Teacher." Tang San opened the door and saw Yu Xiaogang doing rhythmic gymnastics.

"Xiaosan, you're back." Yu Xiaogang stopped and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Well, teacher, I discovered that the four girls in the forest have the secret to becoming stronger. They can all use external soul skills, and they have even become much stronger."

"This time we, four boys and four girls, fought against each other. Ning Rongrong actually blocked the attacks of Ma Hongjun and Dai Yubai. I suspect that they have mastered some kind of secret or method to become stronger."

"Huh? Ning Rongrong can block the attacks of Ma Hongjun or Dai Yubai. Xiaosan, are you sure you read it correctly?"

Yu Xiaogang didn't believe it, how could one auxiliary soul master block two specifically aggressive soul masters.

"No, I read it correctly, teacher. The most obvious thing is that they can condense the soul power in their hands and release it without going through the soul ring."

Tang San told Yu Xiaogang the details one by one.

Yu Xiaogang fell into deep thought and couldn't help but think of the scene when he was raped by Ning Rongrong last time.

After a long while, Yu Xiaogang said, "Since it was found in Shrek's area, it is Shrek's common property. Let's go and get it back from those four girls."

Yu Xiaogang was in high spirits and thought of many things that were beneficial to him. His whole face became more energetic and happy because of this.

Tang San was also full of joy. The teacher really connected with me heart to heart.

Walking out of the door, Yu Xiaogang paused.

"Xiao San, let's discuss it with that useless guy Flanders first." Yu Xiaogang proudly led Tang San to find Flanders...


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don’t disturb if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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