Chapter 181 Tang San: We are dog lovers
"Mistress and the others are right, fat man, look at me." Dai Mubai encouraged him again with a sincere look.

Ma Hongjun was moved and had to admire Boss Dai.

Boss Dai was humiliated even worse than himself, but instead encouraged his companions.

Ma Hongjun slowly looked up at Dai Yubai and looked into his eyes: "Boss Dai!!"

At this moment, Dai Mubai had been severely beaten by society, and he no longer had his usual cool and handsome appearance.

But in Ma Hongjun's eyes, Dai Mubai was so dazzling, shining into his soul.

He said excitedly: "Boss Dai, I will definitely work harder to practice and avenge you for today's humiliation."

Ma Hongjun solemnly made a promise, a firm belief ignited in his heart, and a blazing purple light rushed out of his body.

If you compare Ma Hongjun's purple flame light before, you will find that Ma Hongjun's flame is obviously darker than before.

Soon, the ropes on Ma Hongjun were burned, and then the ropes tightly tied to Dai Mubai and Oscar were burned.

When it was Tang San's turn, Tang San smiled bitterly and refused Ma Hongjun's help, and used his own attached soul bone, the Eight-Spear Spider, to cut off the ropes on his body.

Dai Yubai:
Ma Hongjun:! ! !

Oscar:? ? ? ?
Oscar used the remaining soul power he had recovered to make several large sausages to help everyone recover from their injuries.

The four of them swallowed the big sausage while suppressing the nausea in their mouths.

If they didn't eat, it would be difficult for the four of them to walk back to Shrek Academy due to their injuries...

Even if he eats Oscar's big sausage, the injuries on his body will not recover in a short time, let alone the psychological trauma.

The four of them tacitly swore together that today's humiliation would not be mentioned to anyone, and it became a common secret buried in their hearts.

They were just visiting Soto City, so they didn't know that even their clothes would have to suffer, so they never thought of bringing a change of clothes.

The four of them can only walk together on the street at night to avoid being exposed and embarrassed.

At night, pedestrians in Soto City go shopping, holding hands with their friends and tasting delicious snacks.

It was so comfortable, and he didn't care about the four Shrek boys at all.

But the smell of the four Shrek boys had to make passers-by look at them with suspicion.

"Where's the smell coming from?"

"Why is it so stinky?"

"Oh my god, has anyone bathed in 45-year-old phlegm?"

"Shit, I obviously took a bath with 38 years of urine."


The passers-by were talking more and more, and the faces of Tang San and others were getting redder and redder.

And because the clothes on the lower body were torn, in order to avoid being exposed, they did not dare to argue or make any big moves, so they could only endure the shame and move forward.

I just hope I can get out of Soto City as soon as possible...

But if nothing else, there will always be some surprises.

woof! !
Wang Wang Wang! ! !

A group of dogs suddenly appeared and surrounded Tang San and the four of them.

Dogs kept appearing, grinning, and growling at the four Shrek boys, as if they were about to rush in and bite them.

Seeing that the road was blocked, Oscar said anxiously: "What's wrong with these dogs?"

"Whatever, keep moving forward. If these dogs dare to charge up, I will punch them to death."

Ma Hongjun was furious. He stood in front of Dai Mubai and shielded Dai Mubai from everyone's sight.

Tang San's face also darkened: I didn't offend the dog, you dogs have a way to die.

The four Shrek men were in a confrontation with the dog, and their progress slowed down. They could only drive the dog away while moving forward.

As the barking of dogs continued, passers-by on the street who had previously ignored Tang San and the others were attracted to them. "Hey, why are there four beggars here? They have hands and feet and are here to beg for food." An old man looked at the tattered and slovenly appearance of the four Shrek boys and said with disdain.

"Uncle, they must have done something bad. They must have been beaten. Their clothes seemed to have been cut to pieces." A young man looked at the four Shrek boys. The ferocious looks on their faces made the young man unhappy.

"It's probably another fight caused by jealousy." A beautiful woman shook her head and said, having already figured out the reason, "Hey, isn't that Huan Zixin?"

"What is Huanzixin?" The young man looked at the beautiful woman and asked doubtfully.

"That's the dog." The beautiful woman looked at the young man and pointed at a dog.
The young man looked in the direction the woman was pointing and found that it was a unique pug.

Different from other dogs, it has a thicker skin. While barking at the four Shrek boys, it actually wagged its short tail at the dog in the front.

"Hey, isn't the dog at the front Yida?" the young man said in surprise.

"Yida? Is that the article in Jiujianxian Daily about Yida, the dog man who was one of the top ten events in Soto City that moved him?" The woman was surprised. She was also moved by the fact that Yida was insulted by four boys.

It was a pitiful and inspiring dog. Even though important parts were missing and he was disabled, he still lived by his own will and tenacious vitality. It is said that he worked hard to live in every corner of Soto City with a smile.

Because of this, its strength conquered many dogs. With the support of many dogs, it became the dog king of Soto City.

"Isn't Yida very gentle? Why is he so fierce?" The woman looked at Yida in confusion.

"Could it be..." The young man carefully looked at the four Shrek boys and began to compare them.


A fierce light suddenly appeared in Yida's eyes, and his gaze was fixed on the black-faced boy Tang San who was hiding among Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

This is an enemy it can recognize even if it turns into ashes. Even though this enemy is miserable and smelly now, it still can't stop its flame of revenge.

The four Shrek boys also recognized the stray dog ​​Yida, and Dai Mubai and the others couldn't help but stare at Tang San.

"Xiao San, this is not the day you... asked you not to take its whip." Oscar looked at Tang San, with some complaints in his eyes.

"It's useless to talk about it now, let's solve it first." Tang San's face darkened, and several iron needles suddenly appeared in his hand.

A sense of alarm sounded in Yida's mind, and a shadow of death enveloped it.

""Woof woof woof! ! "

Yida barked louder. It is still too difficult to avenge a dog. Am I going to die from this today?

At this time, the young man finally spoke, "I know, these four boys are the Shrek boys, the main culprits for Yida's humiliation."

One stone stirred up thousands of ripples, and the young man's words instantly boiled on the street.

The masks of the four Shrek men had already been destroyed by Bu Le and others.

Under the reminder of the young man, more and more people recognized the four Shrek boys with difficulty.

The expressions in the eyes of Tang San and the others changed. These passers-by were angry at them, as if they wanted to attack them in groups.

Although he is not afraid of these passers-by, if the people on the street really want to hurt these people, Shrek Academy will be flattened.

The power of the masses is sometimes the most terrifying.

Tang San had no choice but to put away his hidden weapon and secretly complained.

"We are also dog lovers, and everything is to treat it. It has a disease, and we can only live better by cutting off some parts of it." Tang San said loudly.

Yida: "Woof woof woof (I thank your whole family, and I will also treat your whole family)"

Dai Mubai: Us? nm
"Yes, we are dog lovers, and we have never touched these dogs until now." Oscar raised his hands and defended himself.

For a moment, the innocence shown by the four Shrek people made passers-by hesitate, not knowing whether it was true or not.

Seeing that the time was right, Tang San whispered: "Let's go."

At this time, Yida, who had narrowly escaped death, said, "Woof woof woof."

Yida actually stepped forward to attack Tang San, wanting to crush Tang San's vitals with one bite! !
End of this chapter

——Fan humanities, self-created plot, don’t disturb if you don’t like it, readers who support it can vote for it

(End of this chapter)

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