Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 183 Xiao Wu: I heard that you have a harem in a place?

Chapter 183 Xiao Wu: I heard that you have a harem in a certain place?

"Heaven, earth, is this your gift?"

The three wretched Musketeers coughed, quickly suppressed the obscene light in their eyes, put on a serious posture, and showed an enthusiastic smile.

The expressions changed so quickly that if Xiao Wu and others hadn't been observing secretly, they might have been deceived by the experience of the three wretched Musketeers.

"Little girls, do you want to buy candies? My uncle happens to sell candies." Bu Le actually showed his honest side, smiling innocently, looking a bit serious.

"But, uncle, are you bad people?" Xiao Wu blinked her beautiful big eyes, smart and innocent.

"Uncle, does he look like a bad guy? Of course he's a good guy." Bu Le said it righteously without any hesitation.

He then gestured to Ekao Tianya next to him, "Tell me, is that right?"

It's just a few short words, but the sound is a bit long.

Tianya Ekao said at the same time: "Yes, we are the best uncles in the world."

It's just that the fusion of their voices sounded disgusting.

Not happy to see that the four girls were less defensive, they followed up and said: "Little girls, uncles are all warm-hearted and good people. Go with uncle to get candies. Uncle will treat you to some."

"Okay." Xiao Wu Rongrong blinked her big eyes, no longer on guard.

Not happy, he didn't expect Xiao Wu to be fooled so easily, and thought to himself: Loli is really easy to deceive! !

"Xiao Wu, let's go elsewhere and don't bother these three uncles." Cheng Rou stood up and pretended to stop him.

The three wretched Musketeers panicked, wondering how they could let the meat in their mouths escape.

"No trouble, no trouble, little girls, come with us. The candy made by our three brothers is the most delicious in Soto City. We have decades of experience."

Seeing that the four girls in front of him were a little moved, Bu Huan followed closely, "Come with uncle. After you finish eating the sweets, uncle will take you home."

"Thank you uncle."

The three wretched Musketeers turned around, their eyes gleaming with wolfishness. The three of them looked at each other, and their surprise was self-evident.

The three wretched Musketeers walked in front, leading Zhuqing and the four of them around to a remote warehouse.

When they arrived at their usual crime destination, the wretched Three Musketeers no longer hid, they laughed loudly, and even thought about how to wretchedly complete their evil deeds against these girls.

Rongrong nodded lightly, "Uncle, why are you laughing?"

"We laugh?!!!"

The three wretched Musketeers noticed the problem and turned around to look.

How did these girls suddenly attack from behind?
As soon as doubts arose in the minds of the three wretched Musketeers, Xiao Wu, Cheng Rourongrong and the other three punched the three wretched Musketeers.

The three wretched Musketeers didn't have time to dodge, or they were too confused in their minds, so they took this punch from the air.

Normally, with the strength and vigilance of the high-ranking Soul Sect of the Three Musketeers, they would definitely be able to prevent Xiao Wu and the others from getting close to them.

But their thoughts were all on how to play with these girls later.

As long as these four girls don't run away, they don't care at all.

How could they know that four loli girls could turn into Rakshasa?

The three people gathered their strength and soul power to punch in the air, which was enough to make the unsuspecting three swordsmen uncomfortable for a while.

The three wretched Musketeers were bleeding, angry and shocked in their hearts.

Just one punch to hurt us like this?
Even if these girls are strong, they can't be so strong. Are they all Soul Kings and Soul Emperors?
Realizing that these girls were not simple, the first thought in the heart of the bloodthirsty and wretched Three Musketeers was to withdraw.

They have been experienced for so many years, and they are not stubborn people. If they can survive to this day, they have already developed their own survival rules.

Looking at Xiao Wu and the others, they were either evil, harmless, or had plain smiles. The three wretched Musketeers knew that they had met a tough scum this time.

And he came prepared.

Sure enough, the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is.

Bu Le was injured by Rongrong, and his injuries were lighter than those of Tianya and Ekao.

The three wretched Musketeers began a silent and tacit brief exchange.

Bu Le quickly retreated, while Tianya and Ekao used their strongest soul skills at the same time.

Countless feathers shot out from Ekao's arms like sharp-edged tornadoes.

Tianya's short blade even changed color, becoming darker and sharper.

"Five consecutive lightning strikes." Faced with the powerful soul skills of the Soul Sect, Rongrong's expression changed.

As expected, none of the Soul Sect is simple, and they simply cannot win with their current strength alone.

Cheng Rou suddenly said: "Don't let the one behind him use his soul skills."

Cheng Rou already understood the thoughts of the three wretched Musketeers.

Tianya Goose tested the two people's cover and wanted Bu Le to use his fourth soul skill to decide the outcome.

Bu Le's fourth soul skill is a mental locking soul skill, which is hard to guard against.

Cheng Rou and the others didn't want to fall victim to such a disgusting soul skill.

"Okay." Xiao Wu's soul ring flickered, and her figure disappeared out of thin air and appeared behind Bu Le.

Tianya Ekao's face changed drastically, "How is it possible? It's teleportation?"

They wanted to turn around and protect Bu Le and release their soul skills, but there was no chance to escape.

Cheng Rou faced five weird lightning strikes, and the second soul ring on her body lit up.

A sharp and substantial sword shield actually formed around her, blocking all five consecutive lightning strikes.

The figure moved even more quickly, and the sharp sword in his hand moved forward unstoppably, heading towards the end of the world...

I have to say that Rongrong is a genius.

The results of training in the mountains and forests were fully reflected at this moment.

Faced with Ekao's fourth soul skill, Rongrong didn't panic.

I saw her figure moving slightly, as delicately as Lingbo's slight step.

While dodging the sharp wings, he also used soul bombs to attack the wings that could not dodge.

Rongrong seemed to have stimulated more fighting potential, which was due to his talent.

In the face of intensive attacks, she can actually do it smoothly...

All these changes happened in just a few seconds. Seeing that Tianya Goosekao couldn't return to defense, he complained bitterly.

Although his fourth soul skill is strong, it takes a long time to cast the soul skill.

Xiao Wu arrived and kicked Bu Le away without any grudge.

This powerful kick had already broken several of Bu Le's ribs, and he lost consciousness in an instant.

Tianya Ekao was not feeling well either. He had been attacked and hit hard by Cheng Rou and the other three before. He endured the injury and directly used his strongest soul skill.

I thought I could delay the release of my soul skills for Bu Le, but I never thought these girls were so extraordinary! !

Cheng Rou's sword and Zhu Qing's sharp claws had injured Tianya Ekao again.

The three musketeers, the demons in the hearts of the four Shrek boys, were defeated so easily by the four Zhuqing people?

The three wretched Musketeers who fell to the ground were crawling on the ground close to each other with heavy injuries.

"Little girl, are we just selling candy?" Bu Le said sadly, his face showing the uncle's incomparable sincerity.

"Yes, little girl, what are you doing? We are going to ask your parents for compensation." Ekao said bitterly.

"Yes, you must compensate. The three of us are good citizens. We are going to Wuhun Palace to complain to you." Tianya said softly, looking aggrieved.

But to the ears of Xiao Wu and others, it was extremely disgusting.

"No chance, today is your death day." Xiao Wu said in a low voice.

The eyes of the three wretched Musketeers twitched. Such a cute Xiao Wu was like a devil in their eyes at this moment.

Xiao Wu: I heard that you are in a harem named xxxx.

Bu Le: Slander, I don’t have it, I don’t know anything.

"Auntie, sharkmen are against the law, you can't do this." The three wretched Musketeers begged pitifully for mercy again.

They felt murderous intent, real murderous intent.


Fanfiction, self-created plot, don’t disturb if you don’t like it.

(End of this chapter)

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