Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 188 Su Chen: There is a Shura Field in Soto City

Chapter 188 Su Chen: There is a Shura Field in Soto City
Dai Yubai took a long breath, turned around and looked back at the source of Jiujianxian Daily, full of resentment.

He spent [-] gold coins and was slaughtered by the lion of the Jiu Sword Immortal disciple. Finally, he solved the problem of the newspaper's ups and downs from the Jiu Sword Immortal Daily Publishing Office.

Compared to his life and the dignity of the royal family, fifty thousand gold coins was nothing to him, but it also filled his heart with grudges...

It was a sunny day outside Soto City, the breeze was blowing, and the people passing by had smiles on their lips.

But there was a remote place with several corpses scattered around. Occasionally, a wild beast walked out with a piece of messy meat in its mouth.

This is exactly the mass grave. Suddenly, on a mound, a corpse moved...


A few days later, in Tianshui City.

The water palace is peaceful and beautiful, full of spring.

Bing'er and Su Chen were affectionate, and they had promised to meet again, but they hadn't seen each other for a long time. How could the girl's longing and enthusiasm be explained clearly in just a few words.

Yue'er secretly observed, watching her sister and brother-in-law hugging each other passionately and kissing each other with hormones, she couldn't help but sigh towards Gao Tian in her heart.

Sister and brother-in-law, alas, this family no longer needs me...

Yue'er wiped her saliva away and secretly returned to the academy without stopping...


"Now, the freshest and most tender abalone, eat it slowly." Bing'er picked up a piece and fed it to Su Chen herself.

This was the freshest abalone she bought for Su Chen in the seaside town, and she cooked it herself to reward Su Chen. It was plump, juicy and chewy.

"It's delicious." Su Chen rarely used his tongue to wipe away the aftertaste from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing Su Chen eating with gusto, Bing'er felt extremely sweet in her heart.

After being separated for a long time, even though I only have time to spend time with Su Chen now, I can't help but feel guilty.

But the relationship between the two will naturally not say anything out of the ordinary.

"Is there something you're hiding from me?" Bing'er suddenly changed her voice and stared at Su Chen.

"Eat together." Su Chen smiled.

I have kept too much secret, and I don’t even know which one Bing’er is talking about…

"No, I don't want it in your mouth."


Seeing Su Chen doing this, Bing'er smiled and said, "I was wondering if I should take you to Soto City with me."

"Soto City? Why are you going there?" Su Chen looked at Bing'er's face. Although it was not stunning, it made Su Chen feel very real.

"Our new training mission is to go out and participate in various soul battles."

Su Chen wondered: "Isn't it okay to go to Tianshui City? It's so far away."

""No way? "Bing'er pinched Su Chen gently, her beautiful eyes flashing.

"Actually, it has something to do with a girl I know. Her name is Ye Lingling. She should be participating in a soul fight in Soto City now."

"You want to find her?"

"Yes, let me introduce you to him by the way." Bing'er smiled maliciously at Su Chen, seeming to have seen through everything.

"Why don't you ask who Ye Lingling is."

Damn, this is a girl.

Girls never talk nonsense. If they talk nonsense, then...

"I know her and know who she is." Su Chen said naturally.

Bing'er Bingxue is smart and can say these things, so she has probably seen through a lot, and Su Chen has never thought of hiding any of this.

Bing'er also tacitly agreed not to ask any further questions. She leaned into Su Chen's arms and asked, "Will you go to Soto City with us?"

Of course, Su Chen didn't want to go with Bing'er and the others. If he went with Bing'er, who knows what kind of Shura purgatory scene would happen.

"No, I still want to practice, and now I am a Soul Master." Su Chen shook his head and refused.

"Soul Lord!? That's great." Bing'er learned the news and decisively gave Su Chen a big kiss.Su Chen, a seasoned dramatist, naturally wouldn't feel embarrassed.The time the two spent together was sweet and harmonious, so wonderful.


In Shrek Academy, the decadence and depression of Tang San's four students in the past few days naturally attracted the attention of Flanders and Yu Xiaogang.

As for the reason for depression, Frand Yu Xiaogang believed that it was related to the incident in the newspaper about the night walking bird spray clubbing incident.

Flanders was also puzzled by the strange behavior of these four students.

"It's a good time collecting honey. Ahem, I can't sleep, and I go to walk the birds. Youth is my capital?"

Yu Xiaogang, on the other hand, hates the fact that iron cannot become steel. "We are still four male students walking around at night. How can we be serious? I remember when I went out to pick up soap at night...ahem."

Yu Xiaogang and Flender are indeed experienced people.

Under the irrigation of their tireless spiritual chicken soup.

The four Shrek boys were really rekindled by them and began to return to normal.

But this is normal on the surface. Although the inner demons are compressed by the sweet chicken soup, they still exist.

On this day, the seven-day holiday for the four Shrek boys passed.

Flanders Zhao Wuji, Yu Xiaogang, and four Shrek boys went to the Soto City Soul Fighting Arena to prepare for a month-long special training of fighting spirits.

What interesting things will happen in Shrek Academy without Xiao Wu and others in the soul battle in Soto City?



Shrek and a group of teachers and students came to Soto City,
Ma Hongjun and the other four looked at Soto City's iconic building - the Soul Arena - with joyful eyes.

Soul fighting, these two words, became what the four Shrek boys wanted at this time.

For no other reason than because they want to torture others in battle. By abusing others, they can suppress their inner demons and find a sense of self-esteem and self-improvement.

At this time, a Daily Record of the Jiu Sword Fairy floated near the four Shrek men who had just entered the city, and finally landed on Oscar's face.

"Jiujianxian's daily report? Gan, tear up this daily report." Ma Hongjun looked unhappy.

The Jiujianxian Daily gave them a bad reputation, and now they have to wear masks when going out.

Ma Hongjun thinks that he cannot show off his handsome face and win the girl's heart.

"I'm annoyed when I see this. I really want to kill everyone who runs this newspaper." Dai Yubai was also tired. This Jiujianxian Daily not only costs money, but may also cost his life.

Tang San's eyes also became sharp. I still want to be registered for walking a bird?Jiujianxian Daily staff must kill him.

"Jiu Jian Xian's daily report, dogs don't even read it."

"Then I'll tear it up." Oscar sighed helplessly.

"Wait, I'll tear it apart." Tang San's eyes lit up, he actually saw Xiao Wu in the daily newspaper! !

In the past few days of decadence and depression, the four Shrek boys completely ignored what was happening outside, let alone read the damn Jiujianxian Daily.

Now that he found Xiao Wu who was even more dazzling than the goddess in the daily newspaper, how could Tang San not be moved.

In the newspaper, Xiao Wu was wearing white and blue striped stockings and a casual white and blue hot suit. Tang San's face turned red and his shrunken toothpick even moved again.

"Mistress, what are you looking at? Why haven't you torn it apart yet?" Oscar wondered, "You're not even looking at it, so why are you looking at it so enthusiastically?"

"I'm looking at how to tear it apart to relieve my hatred." After Tang San finished speaking, he directly tore the Jiujianxian Daily into a dozen pieces.

Then he threw it on the ground next to him, looking at it with disdain, but in his hand was an image of Xiao Wu from the daily newspaper...

"Third brother, good job." Ma Hongjun applauded with a smile on his face.

Passers-by looked at Shrek and his gang as if they were looking at fools.

What kind of obstacles are there that you can’t get over? You can find happiness even by tearing up a piece of paper
Flender's face turned red. As their dean, he seemed a little embarrassed.

"Xiao San, you have done a good job. A newspaper that is harmful to people like standing up right where you fell should not appear on Douluo Continent." Yu Xiaogang stood up and expressed his support.

(End of this chapter)

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