Douluo: I was forced to marry by Bibi Dong for the Immortal Emperor

Chapter 192 Ning Rongrong: Is this all Ma Hongjun?

Chapter 192 Ning Rongrong: Is this all Ma Hongjun?
In another part of the Soul Arena, when he heard the host calling out to the Evil Fire Phoenix Pony, Ma Hongjun, who was looking around with his legs crossed, stood up proudly and walked toward the entrance of the Soul Arena with his shoulders shaking.

Before he even walked out of the soul fighting passage, Ma Hongjun could already hear the enthusiasm and cheers in the soul fighting arena.

"Hey, am I very famous? It feels like a lot of people watch me compete."

Ma Hongjun was overjoyed to be able to shine in a place where everyone was looking at him, and there was no young man who wouldn't like it.

"I hope my opponent won't be too weak."

Ma Hongjun no longer pretends to be arrogant.

He quickened his pace, walked out of the passage, used the secret power of the flexible fat man, and stepped onto the soul fighting platform with a quick step.

Close your eyes slightly, open your hands, and embrace the entire Soul Arena.

However, the response to him was still the same cry.

Ma Hongjun opened his eyes, glanced around, and stared.

"I didn't expect that none of these people support me."

Ma Hongjun was enjoying himself and didn't care.

After all, the more people watching, the happier he will be when he wins.

It's called a slap in the face.

Ma Hongjun also has strong self-confidence. With his soul power that is about to reach level 29, he is already a strong one among the great soul masters.

And the strongest opponent can only be a great soul master.

Ma Hongjun looked at the crowd gathered in the auditorium, holding high the flag of Qibao Liuli and cheering non-stop.

"Qibao Glazed? It looks so familiar." Ma Hongjun was suspicious, always feeling that there was something wrong with these four words.

But Ma Hongjun didn't want to associate these four words with a certain Rong.

Under the host's high-pitched invitation call, the person known as Qibao Liuli walked out of another channel of the Soul Arena.

She walked in a lot of steps, her soft waist swaying, and she seemed to have an otherworldly aura, but she was wearing a cyan smart mask, so her true appearance could not be seen clearly.

Ma Hongjun's expression instantly turned ugly as if he had seen a ghost.

Even if this person turns into ashes, it's impossible not to recognize him, let alone just wearing a mask.

He already knew in his heart who this person was.

Rongrong, who was enjoying the enthusiastic cheers of the fans, also noticed the fat man wearing a mask on the stage.

From his appearance, she knew at a glance that this person was Ma Hongjun.

Rongrong jumped lightly and appeared on the soul fighting platform. She smiled and said nothing under the mask.

Indeed, there is nothing to talk about with Ma Hongjun, just beat him to death.

"Isn't that Ma Hongjun? Rongrong is very lucky."

Xiao Wu and others also recognized Ma Hongjun.

They were not worried that Rongrong would suffer from Ma Hongjun.

Rongrong has put in so much effort. Although he won't win easily, he can definitely defeat Ma Hongjun.

Tang San, who had just arrived with Oscar Dai Yubai, said with a cold expression, "It's Ning Rongrong."

Under the mask, Dai Yubai also had a gloomy face, and he obviously didn't like Ning Rongrong either.

There was even more worry in my heart. Could the fat man do this better than Ning Rongrong?

Dai Yubai clenched his fists and silently prayed for Ma Hongjun in his heart.

"It's Rongrong." Oscar muttered in his heart.

This is a beautiful girl he cannot love, a sad story...

The people in the audience have stopped shouting because the host has announced that the battle has begun.

They are all looking forward to Qibao Liuli achieving another great result and defeating the combat type soul master as an auxiliary type soul master.

On the soul fighting stage, Ma Hongjun spread his fists, ready for battle, and had already summoned the Martial Soul Evil Fire Phoenix.

"I'm afraid of the four girls, not Ning Rongrong alone. I can't lose."

After learning that Qibao Liuli was Ning Rongrong, Ma Hongjun felt surprisingly nervous, but he kept encouraging himself, hoping to overcome this fear.

It was true that Ma Hongjun had suffered too much from the four Zhuqing people, and it was impossible not to be afraid when he saw them.

"Ning Rongrong is only an auxiliary soul master, and her soul power level is lower than mine. I can definitely defeat her."

Ma Hongjun glanced outside the court and saw Dai Yubai's cheering look for him.

At this moment, Ma Hongjun felt some kind of power.With Dai Yubai's expectation, he became serious and took the lead in attacking.

Rongrong smiled disdainfully. Although his strength may not be higher than Ma Hongjun's, his use of strength is enough to make up for this shortcoming.

Rongrong held a cyan light spot in his right arm and rushed forward to face Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun's expression changed. Ning Rongrong's right fist seemed to have unstoppable power, like a sharp seven-story pagoda with a terrifying penetration at the top.

Two fists collided, Rongrong stood on the spot, Qingchen was determined.

However, Ma Hongjun slipped five meters backward due to the collision and his arm spasmed.

He bit the tip of his tongue and endured the pain that penetrated his bones.

"Qibao Liuli had the upper hand in the first round." the host shouted loudly.

"Qibao Liuli, Qibao Liuli." There were also enthusiastic shouts from the audience.

"Is the fat man going to lose?" Oscar exclaimed.

"Fat man, come on." Dai Yubai shouted worriedly, his voice hitting Ma Hongjun's heart.

"Fuck Qibao Liuli." Even with the mask on, Ma Hongjun felt it was humiliating to be defeated by an auxiliary soul master in public, and his face turned red.

Ma Hongjun became angry, and his whole body erupted with purple-red arrogance. He did not retreat but advanced.

"Fire Phoenix."

Ma Hongjun once again faced Ning Rongrong with Yu Huo, but this time Ma Hongjun became smarter.

Instead of confronting her head-on, he harassed her with flames and used Phoenix Fire Wire, hoping to burn Ning Rongrong's delicate clothes.

How could Ning Rongrong not know Ma Hongjun's disgusting thoughts.

It's not surprising that this evil fat man has any obscene thoughts.

Rongrong used his soul power to repel Ma Hongjun's harassing flames and at the same time distanced himself from Ma Hongjun.

Because the Phoenix Fireline's attack range is less than 6 meters.

Beyond this distance, Ma Hongjun's control difficulty and accuracy will be greatly reduced, and the soul power consumed will also increase.

This is also Rongrong's experience gained from participating in many battles.

Any soul master who relies on soul skills to fight, especially great soul masters such as Soul Masters, the limitations of soul skills are too great for them.

Sure enough, after always keeping a distance from Ma Hongjun, Ma Hongjun's fire attack seemed to be drunk and it was difficult to hurt Rongrong.

However, the recipients trained by Rongrong can easily avoid them all.

"That's it? Is this a grass chicken?" Rongrong rarely spoke and said disdainfully.

Ma Hongjun, who already felt humiliated by being ridiculed by a mere auxiliary soul master, could no longer bear it.

As if he had lost his mind, he used the secret power of the flexible fat man to quickly close the distance between him and Ning Rongrong, and kept speeding up the output of his soul power, hoping to determine the winner as soon as possible.

But this was already part of Rongrong's plan.

The corners of Rongrong's lips curved up, "The Qibao is famous, and it's called speed."

Still keeping a distance from Ma Hongjun.

Rongrong even kept a distance while releasing soul bombs, hitting Ma Hongjun's legs mercilessly.

Ma Hongjun was angry, but there was nothing he could do.

Finally, Ma Hongjun's soul power was exhausted, and the flame shrank and extinguished as if it had lost its breath.

At this moment, Rongrong seized the opportunity and quickly struck back at the distracted Ma Hongjun.

One punch, two punches, three punches...

Rongrong quickly punched thirteen times. Even though Ma Hongjun protected his vital parts with both fists, the pain that penetrated his bone marrow made him scream out uncontrollably.

However, Rongrong had no intention of stopping and quickly threw fifteen soul bombs at close range, all of which hit Ma Hongjun.

Even if Ma Hongjun was unwilling to give in, he could only fall down with his smoking torn cloth and powerless...

This battle also came to an end with the host's announcement.

"Seven Treasures Glazed...Seven Treasures Glazed..."


The mind is enlightened and the mortal world is stewed. This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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