Chapter 212 Rongrong: Ah!I'm color blind

"What are you thinking about?" At this time, Cheng Rou gently pushed Zhu Qing, who was staring at the bright moon in a daze.

She is also quite curious about Zhuqing's performance during the soul ring years, and always feels that the fourth sister is very extraordinary.

"Huh? Just thinking about some useless things." Zhuqing smiled, not stingy with his smile.

Zhuqing continued: "Why does a soul master need to obtain a soul ring to practice, and why did the soul beasts not object and unite to stop the soul master's behavior?"

"It would be easy for countless soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest to unite to stop humans, but it seems that such a thing has never happened."

Zhuqing's words made Rongrong and the others think deeply.

"I guess he doesn't have human-like wisdom." Cheng Rou thought for a while and said.

Although she didn't know how many 10-year-old soul beasts there were, she felt that if soul masters and soul beasts fought and the Star Dou Forest was closed to humans, the human soul masters would definitely be the ones who would suffer the loss and disappear first.

The number of human soul masters is much lower than that of soul beasts, but they still need soul rings.

If humans and soul beasts fight, human soul masters will be severely hit and decline sharply.

Human beings need soul beast soul rings to advance.

But the most interesting thing is that the soul beast must be killed by oneself in order to absorb its soul ring.

This has great limitations.

The new generation of soul masters will be restrained by this. The difficulty of obtaining soul rings in the future will increase, the life of the soul rings will become shorter and shorter, fewer and fewer soul emperors will appear, and the overall strength of the soul master world will become more and more difficult. weak……

The battle between soul beasts and soul masters is between cultivation and survival. It is a battle between the general situation. However, the soul beasts have no objection. Considering Cheng Rou's current understanding, it can only be attributed to the lack of wisdom in the soul beasts.

"We humans must be too strong, and the spirit beasts only dare to hide." Rongrong was very sure. After all, she knew that 10-year-old spirit beasts were very rare, and she knew far more human titled Douluo than 10-year-old spirit beasts. .

Xiao Wu glanced at Rongrong, "Who knows."

However, Xiao Wu was thinking about teaching Rongrong a lesson.

another three days

Zhuqing and the other four have been unable to find a suitable soul beast in the Star Dou Forest.

However, the four of them were not depressed, and the smiles on their faces became increasingly cheerful.

It turned out that when the four of them entered the Star Dou Forest, they had no definite direction and could only search randomly in the Star Dou Great Forest.

It just so happened that Xiao Wu, as a native of the Star Dou Forest, knew most of the Star Dou Forest, so he would act as a guide from time to time, leading his sisters to avoid dangers and explore the surprises in the Star Dou Forest.

It was quite interesting along the way.

Xiao Wu: The Star Dou Forest is my home. I can take you to play in my back garden. Don’t say I’m unkind.

In the Star Forest, towering trees are everywhere, covering up the scorching sun. Sometimes it is easy to lose your way.

The four of them, Zhuqing, walked along the path and passed through the intertwined vines, and finally saw a small lake with crystal clear bottom.

The pure air mixed with traces of mist moistens the nose and throat, giving it a light freshness.

There is a soul beast that is more than one meter tall by the lake. It is covered with blue fine hair and has a soft blue cylindrical tail.

At this moment, it was enjoying lunch when it was suddenly interrupted by four human girls. Its blue vertical eyes stood up and looked at Zhuqing and the others displeased. A majestic release from the ten thousand year soul beast wanted to force Zhuqing back. Several people.

This soul beast is the Shadow Moon Mirage Cat that Zhuqing is looking for.

Seeing that the four human girls still refused to leave, the Shadow Moon Mirage couldn't help but get angry and released several flying claw marks, trying to kill the four little human girls in one fell swoop.

But something shocking happened. Three of the four little human girls easily dodged the attack, and the other girl in a cyan skirt also dodged the attack with all her strength.

The mirage was surprised. No matter how strong these four human girls were, with their immature appearance, they could not be stronger than the Soul Sect. How could they still be so confident in the face of the ten thousand year soul beast?

Thinking of the cunningness of human beings, the mirage had a bad feeling in its heart.

Sure enough, the three human girls advanced instead of retreating, fighting intent erupting in their eyes.

I saw the three of them, Xiao Wu Zhu Qing, Cheng Rou, dashing gracefully in the air, outlining perfect curves, and their postures were breathtaking.

They carried a powerful offensive and attacked the mirage from three directions at the same time.

The Moon Shadow Mirage Cat was startled by their aura, but soon realized that it was a ten thousand year soul beast.

A blue light flashed around the mirage cat, and two mirage cats similar to it immediately appeared. "Clone?"

Zhuqing and the other two had to find one to attack.

The clone of the mirage cat had some of the strength and skills of the main body in a short period of time, but it could not withstand the powerful attacks of Xiao Wu and others.

Xiao Wu just dodged, jumped, punched and flicked, and defeated the mirage cat's clone with just a few moves.

Cheng Rou raised her sword, turned it, lifted it, picked it and swept it. With a few sword moves, she defeated the mirage cat and disappeared into blue light.

Zhuqing waved his sharp claws, dancing in an impressive curve, his soul power flashing, and he fought with the mirage cat for dozens of rounds.

"The one fighting Zhuqing is the real one." Rongrong stared intently.

The scenery is infinite, with ups and downs and rough waves, which makes Rong Rong blush.

In the end, the mirage cat fell unwillingly under Zhuqing's claws.

Although Xiao Wu is a soul beast transformed into a human being, she is disgusted with the idea of ​​the soul beast becoming a human soul ring.

But Xiao Wu is not a Holy Mother, nor is she ashamed of helping Zhu Qing to deal with the soul beast.

Not to mention that there is a food chain relationship between soul beasts.

Moreover, the soul ring is an indispensable resource for soul masters to practice. It is the battle of Douluo and cannot be stopped at all.

Zhuqing is a soul master, and it is the most normal thing to obtain a soul beast soul ring.

In the past few days in the Star Dou Forest, Zhuqing had never harmed another soul beast except for the one in front of him, which was much better than those soul masters who would kill cheap soul beasts at every turn.

Xiao Wu saw all this.

However, from the moment he made the move, Xiao Wu wondered why Zhuqing chose this ten-thousand-year-old soul beast. Was it because Zhuqing couldn't recognize its age, or was there another reason?
"Black? Zhuqing, you can't absorb this soul ring."

Rongrong, who was making soy sauce next to him, was secretly surprised when he saw the black soul ring condensed on the mirage cat's head.

The three sisters joined forces and defeated the ten thousand year soul beast so easily. Doesn't it mean that the true strength of the sisters has reached the level of soul kings! !

Rongrong's heart was agitated and she didn't dare to think any more. She covered her little mouth, fearing that she would say something that would be silenced by her sisters.

Cheng Rou also looked at Zhu Qing in confusion. From the moment she saw the length of the mirage cat's tail, Cheng Rou determined the age of this spirit beast.

It was far beyond what the Soul Lord could absorb. Even if the Soul King wanted to absorb it, his life would be in danger.

Could it be that Zhuqing
A strange idea popped up in Cheng Rou's mind, but she quickly rejected it.

Shouldn't be possible.

Cheng Rou stared at what Zhuqing would do next. It couldn't be dinner.

Zhuqing came to the soul beast that had no breath, kept his mind, and slowly used his soul power to pull the black ten-thousand-year soul ring.

"Zhuqing, no." Rongrong shouted, wanting to stop him.

Soul Master, being able to absorb a 2000-year-old soul ring is already unbelievable. Zhuqing's behavior is tantamount to seeking death.

The worried Rongrong didn't take a few steps when he was pulled by Xiao Wu.

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing? Why don't you stop Zhu Qing? Don't you know that Zhu Qing absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring?" Rongrong stamped his feet angrily and said anxiously.

Xiao Wu shook her head, staring closely at Zhu Qing, who had a pure face and a hot figure.

Seeing that Xiao Wu and Cheng Rou didn't stop him, Rongrong also calmed down.

Am I color blind?Can't tell the difference between black and purple?
Rongrong couldn't help but suspect that it was his own problem. After all, which soul master could absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

Rongrong rubbed his eyes and looked again at the soul ring that was slowly blending with the bamboo.

Black, it can't be any darker.

"Ah, I, I, I'm color blind." Rongrong shouted, his voice numb and crazy, reverberating in the wind, causing ripples on the lake surface.

Zhuqing, who was absorbing the soul ring, couldn't help but frown with his tightly closed eyes.

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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