Chapter 214: Spend every day in laughter
"Zhuqing, you are so awesome." Rongrong said numbly, admiring him very much.

The third soul ring is the ten thousand year soul ring, which in her opinion is so cool.

"It's amazing. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it." Cheng Rou smiled slightly, but the image of obtaining the soul ring with the teacher popped up in his mind.
Teacher, I don’t have Versailles. In the past, I really had too low requirements for myself.

"Zhuqing, I want to stick to it." Xiaowu opened her arms and buried her head in Zhuqing's softness.

Xiao Wu confessed in Zhu Qing's arms, feeling a little embarrassed.

Zhuqing exposed the secret of the soul ring to himself so generously, and he...

Lingling thought of something, and a gossipy light flashed in her beautiful eyes. Isn't this Zhuqing a big fish...

On the other side, the seven members of the Tianshui team actually found the soul beast they needed. With the perfect cooperation of the seven people, they easily took down a 1-year-old soul beast in less than one minute.

"It's a saber-toothed crocodile that's over 5000 years old. I can just absorb it." Yue'er deliberately raised her voice as if she was speaking to someone.

Bing'er couldn't help but feel distressed, knowing that Yue'er was hit by the girl who had absorbed the ten thousand year soul ring, so she deliberately told the people on the other side in order to gain some ground.

Not to mention Yue'er, even myself...

But opposite is the ten-thousand-year soul ring absorbed by the third soul ring, so Yue'er doesn't mean much...

"Team Tianshui is indeed very strong." Yan Yan solemnly said, "For some reason, the number of soul rings they have absorbed has exceeded the limit."

However, Yanyan blamed herself in her heart. After becoming a soul sect, she could have waited for a while to absorb the fourth soul ring.

As a result, he was too impatient and his grandfather was too safe, so he only absorbed a soul ring that was about 5000 years old.

Grandpa was very happy at that time, saying that his ancestors had a spiritual appearance.

As a result, how many people’s ancestors have manifested themselves now...

But Yanyan still has something to be proud of. Fortunately, I have skills that they don't have.

"The fourth soul ring? More than 5000 years old?" But when he saw Zhuqing beside him, Rongrong was not so surprised by the 5000-year-old one.

But if I become a Soul Sect, can I absorb it for 5000 years?I'm afraid it will be difficult even if it takes 4000 years...

Thinking of this, Rongrong couldn't help but feel depressed.

Cheng Rou was shocked in her heart and had already thought about leaving Shrek and returning to Wuhun City after a while.

With so many geniuses suddenly popping up in Douluo Continent, you must tell the teacher about such an important matter to avoid affecting the teacher's plans.

She is familiar with all kinds of books, but she knows what the number of years of absorbing such a high soul ring means.

Xiao Wu felt relieved after hearing Yan Yan's words.

So many people can break through the age limit. It turns out that there is something wrong with Douluo Continent. It can't be that these girls are related to brother (^_^).

I thought Zhuqing and Brother had something to do with each other, but there are so many geniuses, and none of these people are trying to beat up Shrek...

Zhuqing Xiaowu set her sights on Team Tianshui. Last time in the Star Forest, she heard the word Su Chen from Team Tianshui. How could they forget it.

Now it is also guessed that the Su Chen they are talking about and their own Su Chen are very likely to be the same thing! !
Xiao Wu looked at the slim figures and distinctive faces of the Tianshui team members, and couldn't help but mutter in her heart that they were all a bunch of cowards.

In particular, there is a short girl with long aqua hair. She has a well-proportioned natural beauty and looks very calm and intelligent.

This is the person Xiao Wu is most hostile to, and he is the worst seductress at first glance.

Bing'er, who was on the other side, also felt Xiao Wu's eyes. Although she didn't understand why there was some hostility in her eyes, she still smiled back.

Seeing Bing'er's unusually charming smile, Xiao Wu became even more dissatisfied, muttering in her heart: A bunch of cowards are still laughing?I only call you Brother Su Chen, but you call me brother Su Chen. It’s shameless.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but turn her face (◣д◢)

Zhuqing looked at the reflection of the lake with ripples, and then looked at the Tianshui team, scanning them one by one, and finally fixed on Bing'er, and began to think in his heart.

Zhuqing didn't think that all of these people had a good relationship with Su Chen, maybe only one or two of them.

Because in her opinion, Su Chen was not a man who liked to be merciful and affectionate.

Instead, he is a lonely and free weirdo who doesn't want to be tied down by anyone or anything.

Zhuqing's heart was filled with emotion when she thought of the days she spent with Su Chen, but when she looked at Bing'er, she smiled back.

Although Zhuqing thought she was the special one in Su Chen's eyes, she was still curious about the relationship between this group of people and Su Chen.She also wants to know more about Su Chen, so that she can have more things to remember in the future...

With the help of Yanyan, the four people in Zhuqing and the Tianshui team got to know each other and started talking to each other.

Therefore, everyone gathers in one place at night to set up tents and go into camp.

They have a wealth of common sense and do not light fires to keep warm inside the Star Dou Forest, where ten-thousand-year-old spirit beasts may appear at any time.

Thirteen vivid and beautiful girls are enough to form a heavenly group that can sweep across Douluo.

They didn't seem to be afraid of the dark night at all, and they talked freely about their cultivation experiences, food and clothing, and talented people.

Although they are not close friends, they still have reflections on each other.

The next day, the four of Zhuqing embarked on the return journey and separated from the Tianshui team who still needed to find the soul ring.

A few days later, the four of Zhuqing finally traveled from the Star Forest to Soto City.

"It's been a long time since I saw the Jiujianxian Daily in Soto City. Let's take a look at it first." Rongrong was in a very happy mood.

She also didn't expect that these days of traveling would actually bring her soul power to level 29.

This made her a little unimaginable, so she slapped herself hard several times.

After learning that he was not dreaming, Xiao Wu almost took off her clothes.

Xiao Wu: Don’t worry, everyone, I have already punished Rongrong. I won’t write about the process, and everyone doesn’t like to read it.

Although Rongrong was confused as to why he could break through even though he was having fun, in the end he could only attribute everything to his talent.

This princess is very talented!

The four of them came to a small shop and sat down, ordered a cup of sweet milk, and read a newspaper.

"Hey, isn't Yu Xiaogang in the newspaper? When men are in the same room with men, is it the development of new ethics or the distortion of human nature." Rongrong read on with great interest, wondering what Yu Xiaogang would do She wasn't shocked at all.

"Tsk tsk, this picture of Yu Xiaogang and another old man hugging each other and laughing slyly is so clear. What the hell is the transparent line connecting the two of them." Xiao Wu put the newspaper in front of her eyes to study it, as if she wanted to see through it. Read the newspaper and see the key.

"Xiao Wu, you are so close, aren't you afraid of kissing Yu Xiaogang?" Rongrong saw Xiao Wu acting strangely and quickly reminded her, fearing that Xiao Wu would accidentally kiss Yu Xiaogang in the newspaper.

"It's up to you," Xiao Wu rolled her eyes at Rongrong, "I'm just curious about how the lines came about."

Xiao Wu put down the newspaper, and her innocent curiosity for knowledge made her fall into deep thought.

"Use your tongue." Zhuqing drank the sweet milk. She seemed to think of some good memories in her mind, and her fair cheeks were covered with a layer of light pink.

"I'm not pure anymore." Xiao Wu swallowed hard and swallowed the large mouthful of sweet milk.

"I, I, I, am not pure anymore." Rongrong's cherry lips dripped with unswallowed sweet milk, dripping onto her green gauze skirt.

Cheng Rou thought for a while and asked, "What does it feel like?"

"I forgot." Zhuqing thought for a while and answered seriously.

"No Se Se, soul masters don't allow premature love, tell me if it's Xiao Wu or not." Rongrong stood up suddenly and quickly stopped Zhu Qing from throwing dog food.
Moreover, it is wrong to criticize Zhuqing's early love behavior from the side, and educate Xiao Wu from the front to establish a correct view of love.

"You gave your mother a rainbow fart, soul masters can love freely, I support Zhuqing." Xiao Wu slammed the table, making Zhuqing and others startled.

"Huh, traitor." Rongrong pouted dissatisfiedly, with an expression that couldn't be more aggrieved.

The four girls spent every day in laughter and interruption...

two months later.
This chapter is over.

Personally, I still like to write about the daily life of Douluo girls. I feel that such Douluo can fill some regrets.

But I don’t have much inspiration at the moment, and it’s boring to write something too popular, so I have to move on to the next plot.

I'm still imagining it now, and I can't write it without a good idea to avoid writing it down halfway.

There's been a lot going on lately, so I can't guarantee there will be updates every day.

After all, writing this article is almost like free labor.

(End of this chapter)

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