Chapter 216 Departure, Heaven Dou City
In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Tang San quickly picked up a stone and told everyone the operation method and purpose of the Flying Divine Claw.

With skillful operation, the metal claws opened and penetrated directly through the stone. With another twist of the middle finger, the stone shattered...

Sure enough, the attention of Oscar, Ma Hongjun and others was diverted, and they watched with great interest.

This was their first time seeing this magical machine-expanded weapon.

Dai Yubai smiled and said, "Is this the steel claw? It's not as useful as my tiger claw."

Tang San had long expected that Dai Yubai would jump out and sing the opposite, and said with a slight smile: "Of course it's more than that. Flying is its role that can help us the most, so keep an eye on it."

With a whooshing sound, Tang San grabbed the big tree 20 meters away with his steel claws, and then his whole body jumped towards the big tree.

This operation made Ma Hongjun's eyes brighten, and he wanted to try one right away, "This is a must-have tool for climbing over walls and sliding doors to pick locks."

Dai Yubai's eyes also lit up. Although Tang San's character was not good, the things he was thinking in his head were pretty good. It was best not to offend him to death.

"What do you mean by sliding the door and picking the lock? Watch your words." Tang San bounced back from the big tree again and said displeasedly.

However, his eyes secretly glanced at the girls, and he found a trace of surprise flashing in their eyes.

This made Tang San feel pleasantly surprised. Sure enough, there are a few girls who don't pay attention to such an outstanding man as me.

Oscar was also overjoyed. This was so useful to him. He could fly over walls, slip through doors, and pick locks to peek. Ahem, it was freedom of flight.

Oscar has long been fascinated by Ning Rongrong's ability to fly over walls and walk on flat ground. With the Flying Divine Claw, he can satisfy some of his fantasies.

Tang San took out the prepared Flying Divine Claw and handed it to them.

The three boys naturally took it happily, played with it in their hands and studied it. Their eyes were shining and they couldn't put it down.

Dai Yubai played with the Feitian Divine Claw and couldn't help but said, "Xiao San, is your brain different from ours? How did you come up with such a thing?"

"Boss Dai, that's too much praise." Tang San became humble, and took out his special flying divine claw, walking towards Xiao Wu and the others.

Thinking of Xiao Wu playing with the Feitian Divine Claw, Tang San almost couldn't help but grin.

But the development of things was a bit embarrassing, "Xiao Wu, you guys"

Tang San held the Flying Divine Claw in his hand, but the girls had disgusted expressions and disgusted eyes, with no intention of accepting it.

"What are you doing with this thing? Our soul guide can't fit in it."

"Take it."

"Who is a serious girl using this? Looking down on us?"

Faced with the undisguised disgust in the eyes of the three girls, even the old yin Tang San started to panic inside.

Except for Xiao Wu, these two girls have already been tied up and killed.Thoughts drifted through Tang San's mind, thinking that this was the biggest insult they had ever done to Tang Clan.

At this time, Ma Hongjun and Oscar came.

"Mistress, if they don't want it, just give it to me. One hand is so handsome, can you give it away?" Ma Hongjun didn't dare to look at the three girls, but he took a Flying Divine Claw from Tang San's hand unceremoniously.

Oscar also took one from Tang San's hand that should have belonged to Rongrong, "Hey, why is this one a little different from the previous one? Mistress, are you biased? Do you have special treatment for girls?"

The texture of the metal surface is smoother and has a slightly strange smell.

Seeing Oscar about to put it in his mouth to lick the Flying Divine Claw, Tang San panicked and hurriedly snatched it back from Oscar and then from Ma Hongjun.

These two are surprises specially prepared for girls. Are these two men worthy of eating them?
"Just one per person will be enough." Tang San said calmly, knowing that the plan was fruitless and he didn't dwell on it.

"San cut cut, so stingy." Ma Hongjun didn't know when he learned the clip sound, and he would occasionally say a few words.

Dai Yubai felt relieved as soon as he heard the voice, recalling the scene when Ma Hongjun called Dai Guege some nights...

Xiao Wu and the other three were excited, "This boy is not serious, so get away."

Xiao Wu threw a few spirit eggs and drove Ma Hongjun and Oscar Tang San away.

The three of them had no choice but to flee.

As for why the girls were at the playground, of course they were playing here.

Why are you willing to be in the same playground with four Shrek boys?
Do they have to stay away from the playground where the four Shrek boys are?Xiao Wu and others hated the four boys. If the four Shrek boys dared to look around and were discovered, Xiao Wu would of course beat them up mercilessly.

The four Shrek boys were also afraid.

"Boss Dai, we are leaving here tomorrow. Let's go explore the surrounding areas and buy some things in Soto City." Oscar Ma Hongjun saw Xiao Wu's uneasy expression and immediately wanted to leave this ghost place.

The four boys didn't stay long, and left Shrek's playground quietly after a moment.

After all, the smiles of those three girls no longer belong to them...

In a room, Yu Xiaogang watched this scene and cursed in his heart: Four girls with low emotional intelligence can't handle it?I remember when I was young, my saintly cousin was infatuated with me...

After thinking about it, Yu Xiaogang put on a mask and walked out of Shrek, not knowing where he was going.

"Hey, isn't that Master?" Although Yu Xiaogang tried his best to avoid the sight of several girls, Xiao Wu still saw him.

"Master? The master who can conquer men?" Rongrong pretended to be surprised and looked at the back of Yu Xiaogang who paused for a moment.

"It's not me, I was wronged by Jiujianxian Daily." The master said angrily and walked away quickly.

"It's a pity that Sister Cheng Rou is not here."

"Yes, otherwise it would feel good to be kings together."

The three girls felt a little regretful because they were missing Cheng Rou. They returned to Shrek Academy again and were no longer the vulnerable group they were when they first entered Shrek Academy.

The two deans didn't dare to care about them, Yu Xiaogang stayed away from them, and the four boys didn't dare to look at them too much. Now the female leader is invincible.

At night, in a room in Soto City.

There is a bed with a pink love heart, and there is a woman on the bed, as well as Dai Yubai and Ma Hongjun.

Dai Yubai's left arm was around Ma Hongjun, and his right arm was resting on this enchanting woman.

The woman thought about the previous scene in her mind, and she still feels crazy.

The expensive world is really chaotic, but if you have money, you are domineering.


Shrek Academy, in Tang San and Oscar's dormitory.

Tang San sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at the bright moonlight outside the window, "Xiao Wu, a new academy? You can definitely ease the relationship with Xiao Wu and get closer..."

Thinking about it, Tang San couldn't help but take out a broken stocking from his arms.

Put it in front of your nose and suck hard, your face instantly becomes mesmerized, Xiao Wu's perfect and slender legs appear in your mind...

"This Tang San is so energetic." Oscar, who was in the same room with Tang San, felt his bed shaking, and knew what had happened. Tang San was saying goodbye.


The next day was sunny and sunny.

Flanders stood at the entrance of the academy and looked at Shrek Academy with mixed feelings in his heart.

After staying here for 20 years, I still feel a little reluctant to leave.

Zao Wuji patted Flender on the shoulder, "Let's go, stop looking. It's time for us two 50-year-old men to go to the big cities to find our significant other."

Flanders showed a bit of bitterness, "You, you are single until now, so don't set your sights too high."

Yu Xiaogang, who was beside him, felt disdain in his heart: The other half?Apart from their strength, how can these two idiots be as strong as me, Yu Xiao?

A group of teachers and students from Shrek gathered together and set off towards Tiandou City on foot with Xiao Wu and the others...

A new story is about to begin...

This chapter is over.

(End of this chapter)

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