Chapter 23 The Troubles from the Lonely Girl

"Sister, he said he would come, but he doesn't know when." Brigitte said helplessly.

"It's okay, Sister Bi Ji, we can afford to wait." A Yin comforted Bi Ji, she knew how gentle and kind Sister Bi Ji was.

"Well, how is the current situation of Lord Auspicious Beast?" Bi Ji asked. Lord Auspicious Beast is also the treasure of their soul beast clan. He is one of the hopes for the rise of the soul beast clan in the future and cannot be lost.

"Don't worry, sister, everything is fine." Ah Yin gave a relieved expression ╭∩╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭∩╮.

"It's just sister, I have to leave here, even leave the Star Dou Forest, I'm sorry." Ah Yin lowered his head with apology and reluctance.

"Ah, why." Bi Ji looked at her good sister A Yin in confusion.

"I have always longed to live in the human world. I want to get familiar with the human world before the catastrophe comes and live in the human world for a few years."

"After that, I should choose to become a human and re-cultivate. I'm sorry, sister, I can't join you." Ah Yin bowed his head in shame, accepting the favor from Sister Bi Ji, but yearning for the outside world in his heart, he still made this choice.

Brigitte's beautiful eyes flashed, but she did not blame her, but said gently: "It's okay, Ah Yin, we have always been good sisters and support your choice.

However, there are many cunning people in the human world. Don’t be deceived when you go, otherwise my sister will be very sad. "

"Thank you sister, I won't be deceived." Ah Yin hugged Biji, feeling moved in her heart.

"Sister, it would be nice if my other best friend Ah Rou is still here." Ah Yin thought of something and felt a little self-blame and sadness.

"It's not your fault. You were asleep at the time. Even if you woke up and rushed over, you couldn't help her."

Brigitte said comfortingly, of course she knew about the horseworm rabbit.

It's a pity that she can't save him. If something happens to the auspicious beast, it will be a major blow to the soul beast family. She can only stay by the auspicious beast and wait for its birth.

Bi Ji saw that Ah Yin was still feeling nostalgic and sad, so she thought for a moment and said, "Ah Yin, let me tell you about the time I spent in the human world and what I experienced in the human world."

"Well,..." Upon hearing this, Ah Yin also recovered from the nostalgia and sadness.

Biji started to tell, and Ah Yin and the other two beasts listened with interest...


Su Chen's traces are erratic, and he will appear occasionally. When he passes by certain places, he will still leave his legend behind, and his deeds will be praised by civilians with souls.

Su Chen was lying on a high cliff, looking at the glorious and huge Tiandou Royal Academy in the distance, his eyes looking intoxicated.

He saw many aristocratic beauties, all of whom were in great shape, and he also saw some aristocratic men exercising outdoors with several female students.

This is just how he relieves his boredom. He is good at appreciating beauty.

Su Chen was just jealous, I can only say that nobles really know how to play.

"After all, she is still worldly and beautiful. It's interesting." Su Chen said lightly, not knowing whether he was talking to himself or remembering, but he lay down comfortably on the loft and fell asleep.

Shortly after Su Chen lay down, a slender woman wearing a veil was walking towards Gao Ya alone.

She comes here once a week, and it seems that this is her destination. However, what makes her a little disappointed this time is that her secret base was discovered and occupied...

She doesn't want to interact with people, so she wears a veil even in the academy or elsewhere.She hesitated whether to move forward and sit next to the man in the costume of the Wine Swordsman.

After thinking about it, she walked over and looked at the person lying on the ground with cold eyes. It was a somewhat carefree and lazy young man. He was lying in a figure eight with his eyes closed and a drunken smile, as if he was having a sweet dream.

Sensing a kindness about him, she decided to sit next to the boy.

She took off her veil, curled up, and forgot everything around her, the troubles on campus, and the family's martial arts curse.

She curled up and smiled, a smile that no one could see, except of course Su Chen who had woken up and was staring at her...

After a long time, she finished entertaining herself for the week. When she raised her head, she found that the boy who should have been lying down was staring at her seriously.

She didn't panic, picked up the veil and put it on, but the slightly red face under the veil betrayed her.This lonely beautiful girl is Ye Lingling.

Lingling wanted to get up and leave, but she curled up for so long that she couldn't control her feet. She was even more panicked because she was being stared at by the boy, and she even forgot to support the floor with her hands.

Before he could stand upright, his body tilted and fell on the young man's waist.

"I'm sorry, let me help you treat it," Lingling felt guilty and summoned her martial spirit. A beautiful pink Begonia flower appeared. The breeze blew, and the leaves and branches fell from both sides of her palms. The soft vines faced the wind, making her even more graceful and compassionate. people.

White light like petals floated out and landed on the place where Ling Ling had just pressed.

"Are you okay?" Lingling asked again with concern.

"Yeah." Su Chen didn't know the answer.

After receiving the reply, Lingling didn't want to stay any longer. She turned around and left. Her long blue hair spread down her back in an orderly manner as she turned around...

After Lingling returned to school, she was not very happy. Looking at the aristocratic classmates coming and going, she felt out of place with them.

She just comes from a small and unknown family, the Ye family, and it was only through the family's connections that she could enter this school and let her study here.

As the only owner of Nine-Hearted Begonia in this generation of the Ye family, she doesn’t know whether she should be happy or miserable...

It clearly has a super healing effect and is a martial spirit that defies heaven.However, because each generation can only have one relationship, the Ye family cannot develop and instead has to rely on other forces to survive.

As a result, their Ye family has become a weak family, unlike the Qibao Glazed Sect, which has the support of many soul masters.Except for the owner of Jiuxin Begonia, the other children of the Ye family remain hidden from the world.

The main reason why she came here was to treat those noble children, so that they would all owe the Ye family a favor and form a good relationship, so that the Ye family would not be disturbed and destroyed.

Lingling returned to the student dormitory, and as her roommate Duguyan, she inexplicably noticed something strange about Lingling, and she seemed to have the smell of contact with a boy.

"Lingling, are you going on a date?" Dugu Yan looked at her with beautiful eyes.

"No".Ling Ling replied without emotion.

But precisely because of this answer, Dugu Yan became suspicious again.

How could the mute girl Lingling answer such a boring question?Even as roommates, she and Dugu Yan didn't have much conversation.

"Lingling, how old is he? Is he in or out of school?" Dugu Yan seemed to have caught something interesting.

"Is he handsome? What kind of talent?" Dugu Yan was still asking. She didn't believe that Ling Ling really didn't have any contact with men.

"Do you like him more, or does he like you more?"

Lingling was a little confused by Duguyan's questions (●—●). Could it be that her roommate is a gossip lover and is this the real her?
Although Lingling was a little annoyed by Duguyan's questions, she was naturally not angry. The two had lived together for some time. Although Lingling didn't like to talk, the relationship between the two was still developing in the direction of best friends, rather than a dormitory-like relationship. We are strangers.

"No, Yanzi, there are rumors everywhere in the academy that you and Yu Tianheng are a golden couple." Lingling thought for a while and said.

"Oh, let them pass it on. Yu Tianheng is really good in terms of strength and background." Dugu Yan said.

"Well, are you together?" Lingling asked again.

"No, I'm still thinking about it. I, Dugu Yan, am not a girl who can be chased by these things." Dugu Yan said with some pride.

"Well, Yanzi is the best."

Dugu Yan was shocked in her heart. Is this still the same Lingling?Take the initiative to find topics and praise yourself!



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