Chapter 26 Shui Binger: Become my family
"Teacher, it's getting colder and colder. I wonder if that boy with the wine sword has put on more clothes." Hu Liena said worriedly.

"Chi'er, he may have forgotten you, but you are still thinking about him." Bibi Dong touched Hu Lie's head with some distress.

"That's right, teacher, don't you care about him at all? Haven't you already decided to let him marry you? He should also be considered your fiancé." Hu Liena said in confusion.

"Yes, teacher." Cheng Rou didn't understand. Isn't the teacher gentle and caring towards everyone?

"Why do you care about him? Maybe he will freeze to death this winter. Then Nana won't have to feel sad, and his role will not be possessed by anyone." Bibi Dong said darkly.

"Ah, the teacher is bad"

In a forest covered in crystal, there are occasionally a few snow-white rabbits with cunning or cute eyes flashing, playing in the snow.

A girl came here. She didn't seem to be afraid of the cold here, but her face was very happy. She liked this environment!
Fair skin embellishes her delicate features.

"Ice." The girl said two words lightly.

She used her soul skill on one spot. If anyone saw this scene, their jaws would definitely drop in shock. The soul skill this girl launched was actually instantaneous!
"The power is several times stronger than when used in a normal environment." The girl was a little happy, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

If her hair color were silver instead of aqua blue, she would definitely be considered an elf in the snow, but it's a pity that she has long aqua hair.However, in this white and silver world, she is more like a passing beauty.

Her intelligent gaze became playful, and she kept casting ice seals on the surroundings. Whenever she saw large areas of snow collapsing, she always felt a sense of satisfaction, and as a result, she slowly regained the liveliness and cuteness that a girl should have.

Whenever her soul power was only half left, she began to absorb the surrounding soul power to restore herself. In this way, the snow forest slowly became thicker because of her presence.

Except for one place that made her feel weird
She used ice sealing several times on the only raised spot in the snow forest, but she didn't see it sink.

When she came here, her arms began to be covered with a layer of ice armor. She hit the raised place hard to see if it was a stone that blocked her beautiful mood today.

After two punches, the ice shattered, and lying there was a young man in white...

The girl hurried forward and put her hand on the boy's breath with some fear.

And breathe!

The girl's kind heart prevented her from leaving him alone, so she picked him up with both hands and carried him away from here...


"Sister, that young man is my sister's lover. He's so handsome." A woman with dark green hair asked in confusion.

"Yue'er, don't talk nonsense, I picked it up on the road." The girl explained.

"Sister is lying, he must be her lover. You even hired a healing soul master to treat him. That's very valuable." Yue'er said with disbelief on her face.

"Sister, what are you going to do?" Yue'er felt sad when she saw her sister leaving with another bowl of hot soup. Will love disappear?
Yue'er saw everything her sister did. She washed her lover's face and fed him, but he wasn't awake yet.

The healing soul master also said that he was still alive, not injured, and might wake up when he wanted to.

Isn't this irritating...

Su Chen opened his eyes leisurely.

"I've met more and more good people recently. If I want to sleep, I have to be carried to this warm room." Su Chen looked at the surrounding environment and said with a silly smile.

At this time, the girl also entered the room and saw the awake boy looking around the room.

"Thank you, are you the one who brought me here?" Su Chen said first when he saw the girl coming in.

"Yes, my name is Shui Bing'er, and I brought you back." Bing'er replied, but her aqua blue eyes were observing Su Chen's every move.

"You must be very tired." Su Chen said softly.

"Fortunately, soul masters have higher physical strength than ordinary people." Bing'er said nonchalantly.

She was thinking about carrying Su Chen back. She was actually very tired, but how could she admit it.

"Who are you and why are you buried in the snow?" Binger asked curiously.

"My name is Su Chen. I don't know why I'm in the snow. Maybe I've slept for too long." Su Chen returned calmly.Bing'er naturally didn't believe it, who would believe such an obvious perfunctory move.

But everyone has their own secrets, and since she doesn't want to tell them, she can't pry too much.

"You are very good at choosing places." Bing'er said calmly and put the hot soup on the table.

"If you wake up, you can get up and eat by yourself. I'll leave first." After Bing'er finished speaking, she turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, don't go, can you feed me? My hands and feet don't obey orders." Su Chen shouted hurriedly.

However, what Su Chen didn't expect was that the woman quickly picked up the soup, came to him, and supported him against the bedside.

Serve it with a spoon, blow gently, put it in Su Chen's mouth, and let Su Chen drink it.

"You are very skilled." Su Chen said seriously after drinking.

Bing'er's face was slightly red, but it returned to normal immediately.

She thought about how when she fed him before, she had just given it a try to see if he could drink the soup. She didn't expect that he was easy to feed while he was sleeping, so he drank it consciously.

"You are very cute. I have fed you before and even suspected that you were pretending to be comatose." Bing'er's calm and playful tone made people like her.

"No wonder I feel like every time I'm about to fall into darkness, there's always a warm current flowing through my body. It turns out you helped me." Su Chen's face was bright and grateful.

"Don't worry, do what you can. How long do you have until you can control your hands and feet?" Bing'er asked.

"I think it might take another 5 minutes or so." Su Chen said.

Suddenly the room became quiet.

Bing'er stared at Su Chen and said calmly: "I suspect that you are not only taking advantage of me now, but also want to see me make a fool of myself, right?"

"I think it tastes better to be fed by a beautiful woman than to eat by myself." Su Chen apologized.

"I'm quite satisfied with your explanation. Open your mouth." Bing'er had a sly look in her eyes and poured a large mouthful of hot soup into Su Chen's mouth.

Seeing Su Chen's embarrassed look, Bing'er said with satisfaction: "It's not easy to drink the soup from a beautiful woman."

"Ahem, cough, but it tastes good. I'm very satisfied." Su Chen didn't feel timid even though his mouth was embarrassed.

"Oh, I guess you didn't spit it out." Bing'er also said proudly.This time she won.

"What are your plans for the future?" Bing'er asked.

"Walking around." Su Chen answered naturally.

"Is that so? Aren't you going to repay the favor of saving your life?" Bing'er stared at Su Chen with a smile.

"I think, I haven't figured out how to repay you yet." Su Chen said with a fan.

"Is this so? I'll help you think about joining the Shui family." Bing'er looked at Su Chen seriously and said.

"Ah, join the Shui family?" Su Chen was a little confused, "Do you want me to marry you?"

"The beauty I want is to become my family." Bing'er's tone was domineering, and her domineering tone revealed her sincerity.

"Why?" Su Chen was a little confused. This was the first time he heard a request to make him a family member.

"Because I think you are very good. The clothes you wear show that you are a civilian and a civilian who dares to fight.

And you are young, alone in the cold snow in winter, and your family must be gone.I checked when you were sleeping and found that you are only a soul master of about level 13 now, but if you work hard, you should be able to become a soul king in this life.

And I think you are not as simple as you appear on the surface. You seem to be not afraid of anything.There are only two people in the Shui family now, but my sister and I are very talented, and our achievements will be very high in the future. I invite you to join us and become a family. "Bing'er explained seriously, her eyes extremely sincere.

 Thank you xdm for your votes and tips, gogogo.I am giving this book a five-star rating to support it.
(End of this chapter)

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