Chapter 47 Cheng Rou’s suspicion of Shrek

At this time, a cart arrived in front of Tang San and the others, and waves of fragrance came from the cart.

"Want to buy sausages? The 14-year-old ones are absolutely delicious, natural and harmless." A soft female voice came from a bearded uncle.

But his big pink eyes kept scanning Xiaowu and the girls...

Even if he looks like an uncle, with a beard to hide it, it still makes people feel vulgar.

"Ten sausages." Tang San took the lead and said boldly.

"Okay." The bearded man accepted the big order and was very happy, but his eyes became more and more wretched.

At this time, Dai Yubai stood up to stop him.

"Tang San, you can't eat this sausage, Xiao Ao, what are you doing? Don't embarrass the academy."

Tang San was confused, he still wanted to give all of this to Xiao Wu.


Dai Yubai explained: "This is also a student of our college. Xiao Ao, you are getting a sausage out."

Tang San and others were shocked.

"This uncle is actually a student. Can't he graduate at the age of 50 or [-]?" Tang San couldn't believe it.

"You are the uncle, and your whole family is uncle. I am only 14 years old, but my hair is thicker." Oscar retorted confidently and arrogantly.

After Oscar's explanation, Tang San also secretly felt that it was weird, how could he do this at the age of 14?
"Senior, I'm sorry." Tang San thought for a while and thought about the unfamiliar place, but still couldn't offend anyone, so he quickly apologized.

"Boss Dai, we have been classmates for several years. Why do you want to tear me down? Are you dissatisfied with me? How will I face my juniors in the future?" Oscar was a little embarrassed.

"Stop talking nonsense, Tang San is my brother, do you want to lie to my brother?" Dai Yubai said coldly.

Oscar was obviously afraid of Dai Yubai's lewd appearance. He stretched out his right hand and said in a soft and obscene voice, "I have..."

Tang San was disgusted that the big sausage had arrived like this, and he was confused.

He also wanted to give Xiao Wu something to eat, but his eyes started to become angry, and he didn't even have this idea yet.

I didn't expect that there would be such a person who wanted to taint my Xiao Wu! !
When Oscar saw the angry Tang San, he quickly explained.

After hearing this, Tang San had no choice but to forgive, it turned out to be the reason for the martial spirit, so it would be fine.

The women glanced at Oscar coldly and didn't pay attention. They walked forward, leaving Oscar with an annoyed look on his face.

After this embarrassing situation, how can I hang out in front of the school girls and how can I get out of singles? These girls are all of high quality and are completely worthy of me...

Dai Yubai quickly followed after scolding Oscar.



Tang San and his group were queuing up for the assessment. Dai Yubai came back from the teacher who was taking the second round of assessment and said, "Tang San, let's go, let's go directly to the fourth round."

"Aren't we going to use the assessment here?" Tang San wondered.

"No, it's not like I don't understand you." Dai Yubai said bluntly.

But Dai Yubai's blatant words were heard by those waiting in line for the assessment.

They expressed dissatisfaction, why?
"If your soul power level exceeds level 25, you can go directly to the fourth round." The assessment teacher saw something was wrong and said.

Naturally, these people didn't believe that there were people over level 12 who were 25 years old, until Dai Yubai took out a crystal ball, which was the crystal ball that could test the soul power below level 30.

Tang San didn't waste any time. He took the crystal ball and injected his soul power into it. The crystal ball emitted a dazzling light, which was obviously about to reach level 30.

Tang San handed it to Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu controlled her soul power well and also emitted a dazzling light.

Everyone in the queue was shocked that a 12-year-old and 29-level person really existed?
The way everyone looked at Tang San Xiaowu also changed.

Rongrong didn't show any weakness, and said in a clear and soft voice: "Teacher, I think I can also go to the fourth round."

Everyone looked at Rongrong, her smile was as gentle as the spring breeze, infecting everyone's heart.

Rongrong took the crystal ball, and the crystal ball lit up. His soul power was around level 26, and he also passed the test.

Before Rongrong could ask about the result, the crystal ball in her hand had disappeared.

A ray of light that was even more dazzling than Rongrong just emitted.Zhuqing controls one-fifth of the soul power output. She has done tests and found that the soul power is about five times that of the same level.Everyone was shocked, it was another monster with a soul power exceeding level 25.

Zhuqing smiled at Cheng Rou and handed the crystal ball to Cheng Rou.

Cheng Rou took the crystal ball and smiled at Zhu Qing as well. A burst of soul power was injected into it, and the crystal ball emitted a burst of dazzling light, then shattered and separated.

The assessment teacher looked at this scene with shock.

To be able to break a crystal ball, one must have soul power above level 30. He quickly came over and asked, "Little girl, what level are you at?"

"Level 33," Cheng Rou replied calmly.

Naturally, she will not reveal all her strength.

"We have recruited a lot of monsters this year." The teacher's eyes were bright and he was very excited.

"Xiao Bai, don't take them to the fourth level yet." The teacher quickly urged Dai Yubai.

The shocked Dai Yubai also woke up from his brief sluggishness.

"12 years old and 33rd level, how is this possible!!!" Dai Yubai still couldn't believe it in his heart. He looked at Cheng Rou with a more lustful look in his eyes besides his wolfish nature.

Xiao Wu was also shocked by this scene. She didn't expect that except for her chance, such a monster really existed.

Rongrong also became curious about the woman he met yesterday. He was surprised and confused, and he was even more happy in his heart.

Sure enough, Shrek Academy came to the right place. It's a good thing he didn't go to meet that hottie. Otherwise, it would be a pity to miss Shrek.

Zhuqing seemed to have expected that Cheng Rou was not simple, but when she saw the scene of the crystal ball cracking, she realized that she had underestimated this girl.

Everyone followed Dai Yubai and left, heading to the fourth level.

On the way, Dai Yubai explained to them the purpose of the first three levels, and even said that the fourth level was a practical assessment.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but complain: "Shrek, you guys are trying to pick a wife. It's so troublesome. I would like to ask how many students there are in Shrek Academy now and how many are recruited every year."

Dai Yubai showed a wry smile like a nobleman and said with a frown: "Since the college was established 20 years ago, a total of 62 students have been admitted, almost 2 every year. Currently, the college has a total of 3 students including me."

"Awesome, no wonder it's called Shit Laikeke." Xiao Wu was disdainful, not knowing when Shit would come.

Dai Yubai also laughed at himself, the school is indeed rather shabby...

"Our academy has relatively high requirements. We only accept students under the age of 13, and they must be geniuses."

"The graduation requirements must be above level 40 and must be before the age of 20 before you can graduate. The dean said it is better to be short-term than excessive and the recruitment is strict."

Dai Yubai introduced again, but this time he was very confident and proud.

"Then what happened to those who joined Shrek in the end." Xiao Wu was curious, so many geniuses joined but didn't repay their alma mater?It's so bad...

"The college admitted a total of 62 people, but only 14 graduated. These 14 people left the college as extraordinary people."

"The most outstanding among them is already the young elder of Wuhun Palace, whose authority is second only to the Pope."

"The rest who have not graduated are those who were unable to complete level 20 soul power training before the age of 40 or died while obtaining soul rings. The dean said that if you don't have level 41, don't go out and embarrass yourself."

Dai Yubai finished speaking with excitement, obviously respecting the dean.

"I'm honored to be here," Tang San listened to Dai Yubai's inspiring speech and hurriedly agreed.

"Good brother, let's go." Dai Yubai held Tang San's hand, as if he had found a close friend.

Cheng Rou felt weird after hearing these words. The youngest elder of Wuhun Palace?Next to the presence of the Pope?There is no such person at all.

And what the hell is this graduation rate? Only 62 of 14 people graduated.

These 62 people are subject to such a strict entrance examination, and the requirements for each assessment are very high. They should all be geniuses and have extraordinary talents in some aspects. How is it possible that they cannot reach level 20 at the age of 40?
If you put this kind of talent in other academies, more than four-fifths of the people between the ages of 20 and 40 will achieve it, and they will all be focused on training by the academy.

Cheng Rou couldn't figure it out. She always felt that something was wrong with this school, as if it was harming the geniuses.


Is anyone talking about the protagonist?
Let me ask you, what is the identity and status of the protagonist, and he wants to come to Shrek to study?Specifically to suppress Tang San Shrek?
totally unnecessary

Of course someone will take action, the protagonist is playing chess and has his own wonderful life.

(End of this chapter)

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