Chapter 7 Reappearance of Su Yuntao

The noble master and the onlookers dispersed one after another. Cheng Rou breathed a sigh of relief and finally got through the ordeal in front of her.

Su Chen in the room listened curiously to the other person outside, thoughtfully.The childlike appearance is the same as Ma Hongjun's, but Ma Hongjun's enthusiasm will not let go even from the age of 6 to 60.And Ma Hongjun didn't have that kind of aristocratic status, otherwise he would have done what he did long ago.

"Rourou, Mom, I'm sorry for you." The young woman hugged her daughter, full of apologies.

"Mom, it doesn't matter. If this is the only way, just think of it as Xiaorou's destiny." Cheng Rou did not blame her mother for not being able to help her.

"Rourou, if the boy you brought back wakes up and asks him to leave immediately, we will have no way to protect ourselves from harming him." Cheng Rou's mother warned.

Cheng Rou heard her mother talking about the boy in tattered white clothes. Last night, she had just gone to the river to fetch water and came back to take a bath. She saw a body floating on the water not far from her. She was so frightened that she never believed in ghosts. Cheng Rou, who was usually very courageous, almost fainted from fright.

However, after Cheng Rou took a closer look at the corpse, she discovered that it was an extremely handsome boy with a rosy complexion. He was undoubtedly a living person.After Cheng Rou hesitated for a moment, she carried him to the shore and took him home with difficulty to take care of him...

"Okay, Mom, maybe he is more miserable than us. Mom, can he survive without us?" The little girl is kind-hearted.

"Rourou, what can we do?" Cheng Rou's mother also shook her head helplessly.

The mother and daughter were busy with their needlework. Today must be the last day for them to work like this, and they felt uncomfortable inside.

Night falls slowly, and Cheng Rou's mother has already prepared dinner.

Cheng Rou came to Su Chen's room and saw that Su Chen had woken up and was looking at herself as she came in.

"When you wake up, let's eat together." Cheng Rou thought for a while and said.

"Thank you for fishing me out of the river." Su Chen thanked him seriously.

"You're welcome, I did what I wanted to do." Cheng Rou also said seriously, not at all like a 7-year-old girl.

"You are beautiful." Su Chen looked at Cheng Rou and said. She was indeed beautiful. Even though she was only 7 years old, she was destined to be an extraordinary woman in the future.

"Thank you for the compliment, but it's a pity that I may not be able to see what I will be like when I grow up." Cheng Rou replied with a smile, as if she had already made plans for the noble master's preferences.

Then Cheng Rou saw the boy in rags walking towards her, raised his finger and pointed it at her forehead.

Cheng Rou didn't know what this meant. Although her whole body seemed to feel comfortable just now, as if she had been reborn, such behavior towards a stranger seemed a bit unreasonable to her.

Su Chen didn't care what the girl was thinking and said softly: "I'm leaving. I wish you good luck."

"Ah, why don't you stay for a meal and stay one night before leaving?" Although his behavior was a bit unreasonable, what bad thoughts could a child have? Cheng Rou tried to dissuade him, saying that if he left so late, where would he go?Sleeping on the street?Cheng Rou naturally couldn't bear it.

After Cheng Rou finished speaking, she found that the boy had disappeared, and he was nowhere to be seen.Cheng Rou felt it was a pity that the boy left so quickly, without even introducing each other's names.

Cheng Rou told her mother about the boy leaving after dinner with her mother. Cheng Rou's mother couldn't bear it. It was so dangerous to be alone at night, but as a woman, she didn't dare to go out to look for the boy now.Cheng Rou lay on the bed and fell asleep. She had a dream. She dreamed that when she tested her soul power, she had an innate soul power of level 20, and her martial soul evolved into a long sword that exuded noble golden light and had a graceful shape. , the sword is restrained and sharp.In the dream, she slowly became a strong person because of this, and she had many followers...

Cheng Rou woke up and couldn't help but reflect on the dream she had just had. After a moment of grace, she summoned her martial spirit. In an instant, the room was illuminated by Cheng Rou's martial spirit, exuding golden light.
Cheng Rou didn't know much about soul masters and didn't know what it meant, but she knew that she could be a soul master. She was not sure whether the innate level 20 soul power existed. After all, she had never heard of such a thing. Never appeared.

Cheng Rou didn't think about why this change happened. The most important thing now was how to get rid of the nobles in a desperate situation and find a way out, otherwise everything would be meaningless.
She thought for a long time and finally decided to go to Wuhun Palace. That was where she could find her hope and refuge. She didn't dare to compliment the nobles.

Cheng Rou was thinking about whether the Wuhun Temple in the town had colluded with the nobles. If there was a collusion, would she be betrayed by the Wuhun Temple? She couldn't guarantee it, but she decided to give it a try tomorrow. The Wuhun Temple would awaken the Wuhun. Whenever she saw those civilians with good talents, Wuhun Palace would invite them to join.

The next morning, Cheng Rou went to Wuhun Hall. She said calmly that if the people here were loyal to Wuhun Hall and did not collude with the nobles, she could successfully get rid of the nobles and join Wuhun Hall. If she failed, she would just die, so why should she suffer the consequences? The sin of a bad old man.

The Wuhun Temple in the small town is not big, just a simple building. There is only one great soul master and three soul masters in the Wuhun Temple. Now they are at the entrance of the temple to welcome a deacon who is here on a business trip today.

"Deacon Su Yuntao, you're here, please come in quickly." The head of Wuhun Palace in this small town said respectfully.

Cheng Rou saw this scene not far away, and for some reason she felt that this was an opportunity. The man named Su Yuntao was an extraordinary-looking young man, and he was obviously a big shot.

Cheng Rou made a quick decision and ran over.

"Sir, I want to join the Spirit Hall." Cheng Rou ran to everyone and said in anticipation.

Several people from the Wuhun Palace here recognized Cheng Rou and said regretfully: "It's you. Alas, it's a pity that you can't become a soul master. We can't help you get rid of that noble old man. After all, this is the jurisdiction of the Tiandou Empire. We I don’t dare to provoke a dispute with a noble because of a commoner. I hope you understand, little girl.”

"Sir, I now have soul power and my martial soul has evolved. I can become a soul master. Please let me join the martial soul hall." Cheng Rou naturally knew what this man meant.

"Little girl, how can it be so easy to evolve a martial spirit? Let's go." Naturally, the person in charge of the town didn't believe it. After saying that, he entered the palace and ignored him.

At this time, Su Yuntao said: "You said your martial soul has evolved? Are you sure you are not kidding?"

"Yes, sir." Cheng Rou seemed to see hope again.

"Okay, then come in and show us." After saying this, Su Yuntao motioned to Cheng Rou and the others to walk into the Spirit Hall together.

When several town deacons saw that Deacon Su Yuntao had spoken, they naturally would not object.

In the room, Su Yuntao said: "Summon your martial spirit."

"Hmm!" Cheng Rou stretched out her right hand, and a delicate and sharp long sword appeared in her hand. The strange thing was that this time it didn't seem to be so dazzling gold. There were golden lines flowing in the sword body like a swimming dragon.

Su Yuntao looked at the sword and thought about it, but he couldn't find the corresponding martial spirit to match it. In Su Yuntao's opinion, it was just an ordinary evolution, but this girl could practice.

(End of this chapter)

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