Fujiwara Ono's words are straightforward and ugly.

Although Kenta Uchida was unhappy, he also understood the importance of Shen Fei.

Based on his previous understanding of the relationship between Shen Fei and Fujiwara Ono, he knew better than anyone else that Fujiwara Ono was definitely not joking.

"Fujiwara-kun, I will order all the troops on the front line to capture Hekou Town as quickly as possible."

In the end, Uchida Kenta compromised.

In front of Fujiwara Ono, he gave the orders to each unit.

At the same time, the battle situation on the front line was also reported to the headquarters of the Jiujiu Army.

"Military, is this enemy crazy?"

"They seem to be desperate for their lives now and are attacking us from all fronts."

The chief of staff pointed at the battlefield.

They have been facing off against the No. 70th Division for such a long time, and the two sides can be considered old acquaintances.

But this time, the Seventy Division's mad-cow style of play was indeed different from any other time.

"No, they are not just beating around the bush without thinking!"

"The two detachments they sent out before, Takema and Fujie, should be targeting Hekou Town!"

"And now, although the entire army is attacking, it is obvious that the main force is still in the direction of Hekou Town."

The chief of staff frowned.

He said with a puzzled look on his face, "Military Commander, what secret does this Hekou Town have that deserves the enemy's desperate efforts?"

“The battle reports from the front line are very clear.

"When the attack of the two enemy squadrons was thwarted, and even when they were clearly in trouble, they still had no intention of retreating."

"Is it possible that there are big fish in Hekou Town?"

After hearing what the Chief of Staff said, the Master of the Law did not answer directly.

But at this moment, Zheng Yaoxian's telegram arrived.

This telegram also clearly solved the problem that troubled the two men.

"Shen Fei is in Hekou Town?"

"If you put it that way, everything seems to be figured out!"

The chief of staff pressed the telegram and looked at it, and a smile appeared on his face.

The Conferring Saint frowned slightly as he looked at the contents of the telegram.

"If I remember correctly, hasn't this Shen Fei changed his name to He Teng Fei?"

"I didn't expect that the enemy would make such a big fuss over a traitor..."

As soon as the dharma sage finished speaking, the chief of staff laughed.

He waved his hand and explained to the Dharma Saint, "Military Commander, there are some things you may not know."

"I saw the newspaper some time ago and heard that Shen Fei was granted a marriage by the emperor and praised him as a national model..."

"You said that if such a person dies at the mouth of the river, how will the enemy do the work of a traitor in the future?"

Hearing this, the Dharma Saint suddenly realized.

At this time, when he looked at Hekou Town again, his expression suddenly became interesting.

Seeing his expression, the staff officer already guessed in his heart that the Dharma Saint would definitely not give up this opportunity.

"Military seat, now the enemy's No. 70 Division has dispatched almost all his troops."

"If our army wants to deal with it alone..."

As he spoke, the chief of staff pointed on the map.

He drew along the north and south wings of Hekou Town, "But if we use the terrain near Hekou Town, we can still delay the enemy."

"If we can catch or get rid of Shen Fei, we can really damage the enemy's morale..."

Hearing the words of the chief of staff, the Conferring Saint shook his head.

A mysterious smile flashed across his face, "Our losses will definitely be considerable by doing this."

"Although we now know that Shen Fei is in Hekou Town, his target alone is too small, and since he is a military commander, it may not be that easy to catch him."

"What I mean is this..."

With that said, the Conferring Saint made a gesture on the map.

This time, although the focus of the two sides' competition is Hekou Town, the focus of the canonization of the Dharma Saint is not here.

He pointed to the current troop deployment of the No. 70 Division.

"It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers!"

"The enemy's goal is to capture Hekou Town. If we shrink our troops to fight them, the effect may be limited."

"But if we think differently, the situation will be different!"

After all, he is someone who has led troops in the No. 70 Fourth Army, and the Fengfa Saint has his own way of fighting.

He pointed in the direction of Hekou Town.

"We have a good location here, which allows the 222nd Regiment to build blocking positions on the spot."

"Maximum delay and delay to the enemy."

After saying that, the Dharma Saint's eyes returned to the front line.

As Kenta Uchida issued an all-out attack order, the defense line of the Ninth Army had retreated again and again.

And because there are no reserve troops, many places have even been torn open.

"The enemy's current style of play is to break through in the middle and contain them on both wings."

"I would say that instead of facing the enemy directly, it is better to withdraw the troops on the front line in stages and attack the enemy's weak wings."

"Try to eat part of the enemy before they occupy the river mouth and return for reinforcements!"

After hearing the words of the Dharma Saint, the chief of staff suddenly realized.

He pointed at the map and said with a smile, "Military seat, lure the enemy deep into the enemy's territory so that they cannot see each other, avoiding the real and attacking the weak. This is a wonderful trick!"

The chief of staff said, looking for a suitable target on the map.

Finally, his eyes were fixed on the Hayata brigade on the south side.

"Military seat, based on our experience in previous battles, the combat effectiveness of Hayata Battalion is limited."

"After our frontline troops are withdrawn, at least four regiments can be concentrated in the end."

"Even if you can't eat them all, you can still beat them to the point of breaking their muscles and bones!"

Soon, the two finalized a battle plan.

Half an hour later, all frontline troops received orders from the Conferring Saint.Shen Fei did not know about the situation on the battlefield.

For the next day, he and Ichiro Kawada only focused on "evading" No. [-]'s pursuit.

On this day, the situation on the battlefield changed a lot.

"Report, enemy reinforcements have been discovered! The number is about one battalion..."

On the southern side of the Waseda Brigade's position, Captain Hayada Ichiro received the news and did not take it seriously.

Now, in front of him was a regiment of the Jiuji Army.

In his opinion, even if the Ninth Army temporarily reinforced a battalion, it would not pose much of a threat to him.

"It's just a battalion!"

"Order the First Squadron to strengthen the attack and strive to capture the position within an hour."

Ichiro Hayata is full of confidence.

But little did he know that from this moment on, he had already fallen into the trap of the Dharma Saint.

Half an hour later, when the frontline troops were about to break through, Ichiro Hayada received another report.

"Report, the enemy's additional troops were found in the northwest, about one battalion in size..."

"It looks like they retreated from other front lines!"

This time, Hayata Ichiro still didn't take it seriously.

For three hours, every time Ichiro Hayata's troops gained an advantage, reinforcements from the Ninth Army always arrived.

Unknowingly, the Jiujiu Army had already assembled three regiments near the Hayata Brigade!

Not only that, in the process of constant consumption, Hayata's ammunition has begun to be stretched.

"Damn it, how come the enemy is the same as brown candy..."

In this situation, Ichiro Hayata had no hope of attacking, but he was unwilling to retreat.

In the end, when he gave the order to retreat, it was already too late!

"Reporting to the captain, our troops were attacked by the enemy on the way back..."

Ichiro Hayata was furious when he heard the news.

He immediately ordered to concentrate all firepower to ensure the safety of the retreat road.

But at this moment, another battalion of reinforcements from the Ninth Army arrived.

"Captain, we are surrounded!"

"The enemy is now estimated to have the size of four regiments, and they are still receiving reinforcements..."

When I heard the news, Ichiro Hayata felt desperate.

Now, their troops' ammunition is less than one-third of the full supply, and the soldiers have been fighting for seven or eight hours without even having time to eat.

"Where are our reinforcements?"

Ichiro Hayata also counted on Uchida Kenta to send reinforcements to fish him out.

But this time his wish failed.

As the troops of the Fengfa Saint withdrew from the battlefield in stages, the main force of the No. 70 Division in the direction of Hekou Town was completely separated from the troops on both wings.

Even if Kenta Uchida wants to reinforce now, he can only do so after occupying Kawaguchi Town.

And this round trip takes another four or five hours.

"Send the reserve team up and tell everyone to hold on until our reinforcements arrive!"

Ichiro Hayata's plan was doomed to fail.

In the next hour, the Dharma Saint's troops fought more and more.

In the end, Ichiro Hayata was completely compressed into a small area of ​​200 meters in radius.

"How many of us are there?"

Hayata Ichiro's current headquarters is in danger.

But for such a long time, his team originally had more than 1000 people, but now there are only more than 300 people left.

And around them now, there are three to four thousand troops of the Dharma Saint!

With a strength comparison of ten times, Ichiro Hayata felt desperate. He had already seen his own end.

An hour later, the battlefield returned to calm.

The Conferring Saint received the news at the headquarters.

"Military seat, we just reported from the front line that we have completely eliminated the Hayata brigade."

"Not only that, our troops on the northern flank have also achieved good results..."

Hearing the news, the Dharma Saint showed a smile on his face.

However, the chief of staff also informed him that Hekou Town had now fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Zheng Yao first sent a telegram, but Shen Fei was not captured.


"If we can catch Shen Fei this time, then our plan will be perfect!"

Hearing the words of the chief of staff, the dharma saint smiled.

He took the telegram and said, "This was what we expected."

"What are the casualties of each unit now?"

The chief of staff nodded, "We are counting now. Preliminary estimates show that our army's casualties are around 1000."

"The enemy's casualties are conservatively estimated at 500!"

Hearing this result, the Dharma Saint was very satisfied.

He wouldn't have dared to think about such a battle before.

"I have to say that if it weren't for Shen Fei, we probably wouldn't have achieved such fruitful results this time!"

"This big traitor has helped us a lot!"

And just when the Jiujiu Army withdrew from the battlefield in an orderly manner, Fujiwara Ono finally got the news.

"Fujiwara-kun, our frontline troops have found Wato-kun and Kawada-kun."

"Kawato-kun is safe and sound, Kawada-kun is injured and is being treated."

Hearing the news, Fujiwara Ono breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Uchida Kenta, "Thank you Uchida-kun this time..." (End of Chapter)

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