The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 104 Shanghai

Chapter 104 Shanghai
Today’s train seats are still facing each other.

Opposite Zhou Qinghe sat a fashionable Shanghai aunt in her early 50s with permed hair. Next to her was an old professor in his [-]s wearing a dark and heavy suit. He was leaning against the carriage wall with his eyes closed to meditate.

The professor judged it because he wore glasses and had a bookish air about him, while the aunt said it herself.

Tirelessly trying to talk to Zhou Qinghe, this is what happened after Zhou Qinghe casually mentioned his identity as a doctor during the long journey.

"Dr. Zhou, since you have just returned to China, you must not be married yet, right?"

"Indeed not yet."

"Doctor Zhou, are you planning to stay in Shanghai for a long time this time, or do you want to continue traveling?"

"I haven't decided yet. People choose their cities, and cities choose their people. I have to see if Shanghai is suitable for me before I can decide whether to stay and work. Aunt Xu, don't you think so?"

"Yes, that's right." Xu Meifeng nodded with a thick smile: "But I think Shanghai, a big city, will be suitable for you. After all, you are also someone who has studied abroad. Find a way to find a job in the concession in Shanghai. If you stay in the hospital, your future life will be pretty much the same."

Zhou Qinghe smiled and nodded: "I will go and have a look."

"Hmm." Xu Meifeng's eyes moved slightly and she looked for a topic and said, "Dr. Zhou, you must not have found a good place to live yet. I have a vacant house for rent. Do you want to go and check it out? My daughter is also a doctor. You must If you have something to talk about, I might even be able to introduce you to a hospital.”

Zhou Qinghe couldn't hold back and chuckled: "Aunt Xu, you are not afraid that I am a bad person and want to lure a wolf into the house."

Xu Meifeng shook her head and said with confidence: "No, I knew as soon as I saw Dr. Zhou that he was a serious person. He is young and has a calm temperament about him. This is not something that a little brat can pretend to be. "

"Thank you for the compliment, auntie." Zhou Qinghe said with a smile: "But I have already booked a hotel. Besides, I haven't thought about whether I want to stay in Shanghai for a long time. I seem a bit too anxious to rent a house."

"Don't be in a hurry. You think you have to stay in Shanghai for a while, right? Even if you end up walking around Shanghai for a month, how much does it cost to stay in a hotel for a month? You can rent that house for several It's been months, you can go and have a look, my house is very cheap."

She was selling so hard. Zhou Qinghe couldn't tell for a moment whether Aunt Xu was selling her daughter or a house.

"Then where is your house, Aunt Xu?"

When Zhou Qinghe asked this question, Xu Meifeng's eyes immediately lit up: "Shangxianfang on Xiafei Road, you may not know this when you first come to Shanghai. It is in the French Concession and is very safe."

Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows when he heard this. It was a coincidence that his store was on Xiafei Road.

Naturally, he had seen the map before coming to Shanghai. Xiafei Road is 4 kilometers long and is a whole commercial street, and Shangxianfang is an alley behind the commercial street.

This is not a residential area for the rich and wealthy. The rich all live in single-family houses. This Shangxianfang is for people who have some money but not that much money. It is usually divided into rooms and rented out. Share the rent.

"How much does the rent cost?"

Zhou Qinghe really has to find a room for the doctors and nurses. Even if they don't pay them, they still need food and accommodation.

"It depends on your needs, Dr. Zhou. There are also single rooms and whole buildings. But don't worry, Dr. Zhou, I will definitely give you a cheaper price."

“How much does a master bedroom cost?”

"Master bedroom." Xu Meifeng looked at Zhou Qinghe and said with a smile, "I'll give you ten yuan."

"How many?"

The sentence of ten dollars directly woke up the old professor who was dozing next to him. He looked at Xu Meifeng with a smile on his face and said immediately: "Ten dollars? Give me a room."

Xu Meifeng glanced at him: "You are thirty."

"Why am I only thirty? Didn't you say ten yuan?" The old professor was anxious and asked for a result in a strict manner.

Xu Meifeng gave him a disgusted look, and didn't bother to explain to him, so she said, "My daughter said she would rent it to doctors, don't you?"

"Then I really am not." The old professor shook his head helplessly, glanced at Zhou Qinghe, sighed, and continued to close his eyes to rest.

After finishing him, Xu Meifeng looked at Zhou Qinghe again, smiled and said: "Dr. Zhou, what do you think?"

Zhou Qinghe wanted to laugh when he saw it, so he made an excuse casually: "Let's be a little two days late. My friend has already paid for the hotel room for me. Wouldn't it be a loss if I don't stay?"

"Have you paid?" Xu Meifeng felt a little regretful, but nodded: "It's for living. It would be a waste if you don't live there, but you can go and have a look."

"Okay, I'll take a walk first. When I get to the French Concession, can I stop by and have a look?"

"Okay, okay, Dr. Zhou, I'll save the room for you. You must come over and have a look when you have time." Xu Meifeng smiled.

The old professor didn't have a house to rent, so he said something: "Can't you see that this young man is rejecting you politely? He didn't even ask for the address, but he still insisted on renting it to me for 15 yuan. It's really not possible, how about 20 yuan?"

"I want you to tell me? I won't even give you 30 yuan." Xu Meifeng rolled her eyes at him, then looked at Zhou Qinghe with a straightforward and angry expression: "Dr. Zhou, you really didn't ask for the address."

Zhou Qinghe smiled lightly: "Aunt Xu, you said that there is a building in Shangxianfang. I want to find out which building it is by asking the neighbors."

"Hey, yes, Dr. Zhou is smart. Unlike you, you still don't understand what you said even though you said it before." Xu Meifeng rolled her eyes at the professor again and said with a smile: "Doctor Zhou, if you want to rent a house, you can't understand it." You must come, you can come and take a look if you don’t want to rent.”


The old professor sighed, opened his eyes and said, "Young man, a master bedroom costs ten yuan, which is a very cheap price. If you want to rent a house, this price is really affordable."

Hey, he can also help her speak. Xu Meifeng nodded and smiled at Zhou Qinghe, and by the way, her opinion of the old man became better.

"You want to rent a house, right? For 25 yuan, I'll rent you a master bedroom."


"Then the guest bedroom."

"25, rent it, rent it."

The old professor looked helpless. A master bedroom costs 30 yuan, which is the market price. 25 yuan is quite acceptable.

"Then you will come back with me later. Do you have your documents? You need to sign a contract."

"Of course there are."

"Doctor Zhou, you are coming."

Before leaving the train station, Xu Meifeng was still indomitable.

Zhou Qinghe smiled and nodded, waving goodbye.

Then he said to his men who were approaching and carrying their luggage: "You go find a house by yourselves. It should be close to the concession. I'll go out for a walk."

"Boss, Brother Wang has promised to follow you and protect you."

"Opposite is the British and American Concession. I don't know how to rent a house. It will be fine. After you find a house, you can eat by yourself and get familiar with the surrounding environment. At 7 o'clock in the evening, you can come over here to meet and report the situation to me."


There is no need for him to arrange the doctors and nurses. The two groups of people are separated, and rooms have been booked for them, so they can just go and live there.

"Rickshaw, International Hotel."

Zhou Qinghe picked up his luggage and got into the car, and soon entered the concession area.

What Zhou Qinghe felt the most at this time was the prosperity. Small Western-style buildings were not common in Nanjing, but once he entered the concession, he saw small Western-style buildings, bell towers, churches, buildings from all over the world in front of him, and various shops. They were all foreign-style and full of commercial atmosphere.

The International Hotel that Zhou Qinghe is going to is 24 stories high, located in the French Concession, and is currently the tallest building in Asia.

When the rickshaw arrived at the door, an Indian red-headed Asan immediately came to pick it up. He checked in upstairs and gave a tip of one dollar. The process was completed in one go.

The accommodation fee is five yuan a day, which is equivalent to half a month's salary of a rickshaw driver. It really means that the level of consumption has increased all of a sudden.

After scanning the room, Zhou Qinghe took the money and went out, went straight to the Sino-French Industrial and Commercial Bank, opened a safe, and deposited the money.

Then he went to his clinic.

"Xia Fei Road." He called a rickshaw and slowly looked at the street scenes on both sides.

French-style architectural houses, Western-style restaurants, Western-style dessert shops, and famous brand shops make it feel like you are abroad. Many foreigners are seen on the road, and the French plane trees planted everywhere give the place a rich greenery.

There were many pedestrians on the road, and the business atmosphere was extremely strong. Zhou Qinghe was very satisfied. It was worthy of being the location of a shop worth [-] US dollars. There was absolutely no need to worry about this customer source, and there was no need to advertise at all.

But what is posted on this door?
Zhou Qinghe got out of the car and looked at the house number of his shop's address. Yes, it was right here, a 50-square-meter shop.

The door is closed now, and there is something taped to it.

"Demand notice?"

Zhou Qinghe tore it off and looked at it. It said, "The road maintenance fee has not been paid for a month. Please pay it in time."

Damn it?Still have to pay taxes?
Zhou Qinghe took the reminder notice and asked the owner of the cake shop next to him what it was.

The boss glanced at him sideways: "Two percent of the monthly rent is tax, don't you know? New here?"

"I have just arrived." Zhou Qinghe smiled sheepishly: "But my property belongs to my friend, so how is the rent calculated?"

The boss waved his hand: "No matter who the owner is, the rent is set by the French. You are the one next door, right? I know the price is 3000 a month, and you pay 60 a month."

What the heck, it hasn’t even opened yet, so it’s a loss of 60.

"Okay, thank you. I'm new here. Please take care of me."

"We're all neighbors. By the way, what do you do?" The boss was very wary: "You're not selling food, are you?"


"Oh, doctor, doctor is great." The boss smiled immediately and took a piece of bread: "Here, take a piece of bread to eat."

"Thank you boss for the prosperous business."

Zhou Qinghe accepted it, took a few bites to cushion his stomach, and then opened the door with the key.Gu Zhiyan said that the equipment here is all ready, and only an X-ray machine has been brought to Nanjing. There is no shortage of other things. With some medicines, it can be opened at any time.

Then go find out where the medicines are sold tomorrow, and then you can start business.

Start business here as soon as possible, it can be a safe place.

Zhou Qinghe opened the door, looked inside the house, and was confused when he saw the scene inside.

Where is my instrument?

The house was empty, except for the decoration items, everything else was gone.

It was impossible for Gu Zhiyan to lie to him, could it be...
In. A thief?
No, did you know that you sneaked into the Secret Service?

Do you dare to stretch out any hand?

Kind of!

Zhou Qinghe turned around and went out, asking the boss on the side: "Boss, there seems to be a thief in my place, what should I do?"

You must call the police if you encounter this kind of thing. This has nothing to do with Zhou Qinghe's identity as a spy, but it is abnormal not to call the police.

"There's a burglar? Call the police. Hey, I'll give you a call." The boss enthusiastically called the police station, then looked at Zhou Qinghe with a sneer: "You are miserable. You will lose a lot of money after being closed for a month. Here comes a thief, let’s eat another piece of bread.”

".thank you."

Zhou Qinghe took a bite of bread and smiled.

Don't let him find this thief, or he won't be spared.

I have to restock the goods, which means I will lose a few days of money.

You even stole from the hospital. Isn't it unethical?
Did you say that the French Concession is safe?

The police in the French Concession were dispatched very quickly. After a while, a patrolman in police uniform arrived on bicycle.

He is 30 years old and looks quite capable.

"Did you call the police? Was the thing stolen?" The patrolman glanced at the scene in the clinic, turned to look at Zhou Qinghe and asked.

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "Yes, I just returned to Shanghai today. When I opened the door, I found that all the equipment inside was gone."

The patrolman nodded and looked into the room with a frown: "I have an impression of your store. The land on Xiafei Road is very expensive. It has been closed for a month, right?"

"Yes, I went out to study, Inspector. Didn't I say that the concession is very safe? The treatment would be too miserable if I came back to start a business."

The patrolman smiled half-heartedly: "It doesn't matter whether it's safe or not. We can control the big guns but can't enter the concession, but how can we control the thieves? We can't stand guard in front of your house for a month."

"The shop on Xiafei Road has been closed for a month, and you still have a notice on the door that you haven't torn off. Even a fool knows that no one is inside. It's too conspicuous."

There is some truth to this statement.

"What do you call me, Detective?"

"Wang Feng."

Wang Feng looked inside the room, hovered for a while and said: "I will investigate this matter, but it has been a month, and you don't know the exact time it was stolen. The result is not guaranteed. If I can find it, I will tell you Say."

"Okay, that's it, thank you for your hard work." Zhou Qinghe handed over ten yuan.

When living in the French Concession, you must have a good relationship with the policemen in the French Concession.

Three types of people in the French Concession.

The French are the best in the world, the patrolman is the second in the world, and the Indian Asan is the best.

Wang Feng waved his hand: "No, let's go."

Oh, there are some who don’t charge money?Rare.

As soon as the person left, Zhou Qinghe had to find a way to buy the equipment. He had to get it done as soon as possible. Waiting to find it was obviously unreliable.

This matter is not troublesome. Just spend some money to ask a clinic and then order a new one. The problem will be solved by spending money.

Just don't mention that he's also a doctor.

The empty shop was closed immediately. Zhou Qinghe finished ordering the instruments and returned to the hotel to rest.

Now that the shops are not open, let's settle Zeng Haifeng's matter first.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhou Qinghe and his team members met at the entrance of the train station.

"Boss, the accommodation has been arranged. We are divided into three groups. One group lives in a hotel in the public concession, one group rents a house outside, and the rest lives in a hotel outside."

"Yeah." It's better to be apart, it won't attract so much attention.

"I'll give you an address. This is Zeng Haifeng's residence. You divide into groups. Starting from tomorrow morning, keep an eye on Zeng Haifeng the whole time to see who is following him. How many groups of people are exchanging? Follow him farther away. , pay attention to your own safety and don’t get discovered.”


"Well, don't alert them. Since they are following, they must report it, follow the clues, and dig out the person behind them who ordered them to follow."


"Go ahead and call me if you need anything, room 828."


After arranging the tracking, Zhou Qinghe had to visit the French Concession if he had time.

Next thing, find a house.

You're all here, why don't you get a set of this [-]-square-meter small western-style building?
Found an agent.

"Rent a house? What kind of house do you want?"

Houses in the French Concession are too expensive, so renting is the norm, or even sharing is the norm. Renting a small attic makes many people feel distressed, let alone buying it, which few people can afford.

As soon as the agent saw Zhou Qinghe's age, he knew he was not a wealthy man.

The attitude is very bland.

After all, it doesn’t cost much to introduce a room, so you won’t be licking your face.

Zhou Qinghe shook his head: "Don't rent, buy directly, it's better."

The agent immediately showed what it means to change his face, smiled and raised his hand: "Sit down and chat, what does the boss want?"

"The villa is on three floors and has a parking space."

Zhou Qinghe must prepare a parking space, which will definitely be used in the future.

The agent immediately answered: "Yes, there are two kinds, one is cheaper, starting with 15 large yellow croakers, let's agree first, we won't accept legal currency, either foreign currency or gold bars."

"no problem."

Zhou Qinghe's identity is that of a doctor. To be a powerful doctor in the French Concession means to be rich. These days, doctors have a high status and good income, so they don't need to keep a low profile.

"Boss, I'm so glad." The agent chuckled: "Generally speaking, if your family's assets are less than 200 large yellow croakers, I would recommend choosing this one. It is affordable and does not lose quality."

"How about that?"

"Okay, then it's a little more expensive, starting at 30 sticks."

After the agent finished speaking, he stood up and pointed towards a road outside the door:
"Look, 500 meters past Xiafei Road is Rue Pétain. There is a whole street of high-end residences, all inhabited by prominent people. Not only are the circles and environments different, but also, the entire French Concession, The security there is the best, with police patrols 24 hours a day, so it’s safe.”

Safety is Zhou Qinghe’s highest need, so what are you waiting for?
"Is there any ready-made one? Take me to see it."

"Okay, okay, rickshaw, please."

The agent and Zhou Qinghe were in a car each, and they refused to walk even 500 meters.

While he was riding in the car, he introduced to Zhou Qinghe the big names who lived on Beitang Road. Of course, there were only a few famous people, most of whom were very low-key. They only went out by car and had no idea who lived there.

The environment is really good.

Single-family villa, beautiful scenery, French plane trees all the way.

"Look at this first one, you're still not satisfied."

"Look at the decoration and design, designed by a French master himself. It is low-key yet luxurious."

"Look at the part connecting the entrance hall and the living room. The round arches and Roman columns are very curvilinear."

"Look at this living room again. It has a good view and a balcony. Set up a table and have afternoon tea. It shouldn't be too beautiful."

"Look at this kitchen again. The kitchen and dining room are separated to ensure that oil smoke will not spread around. There is also this dining table, made of mahogany, which is given away for free. All the furniture in this house is given away for free. If you buy it, it is all yours."

"how much is it?"

The agent looked like he was getting a good deal: "40 large yellow croakers, great value for money."

(End of this chapter)

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