Chapter 112
Zhou Qinghe said not to disturb him before six o'clock.

Zeng Haifeng was very punctual and entered the International Hotel at five past six o'clock, and he was very disguised.

"Why are you dressed like a traitor?"

Zhou Qinghe opened the door and smiled when he saw Zeng Haifeng's mustache.

Behind him was a subordinate brought by Zhou Qinghe from Nanjing, who pretended to be a special commissioner and entered the Shanghai District of the Secret Service yesterday.



"How dare I come in without disguising myself?"

Zeng Haifeng's little eyes widened and he immediately explained.

"The Japanese know what I look like. In the past, even if they saw me coming to the concession, they didn't get angry. If they wanted to fish, they wouldn't do anything to me.

But things are different now. Yesterday, I killed more than twenty of them. This blood feud, if they see me, will I survive? If they just follow me home, won’t my family move in vain? "

"More than twenty? Okay."

Zhou Qinghe didn't expect that this pit could bury so many Japanese.

If this battle report is sent to Boss Dai, there will definitely be a report and reward or something.

"That's right." Zeng Haifeng raised his brows proudly, then put his arms around Zhou Qinghe's shoulders very wisely and said, "Isn't this the credit of your brother Zhou, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to take action so quickly?"

Although Zeng Haifeng could do this slowly by himself, but with Zhou Qinghe coordinating outside, the time saved here is not 01:30.

The main thing is safety.

Who wants to be followed every day?
"I have already sent a report to Boss Dai, let's wait for the reward."

"Is there any reaction from the Japanese side?"

"Yes, he was so angry that he blew up my headquarters building overnight."

Zeng Haifeng smiled when he said this.

Zhou Qinghe knew as soon as he guessed that there should be no loss.

"Has all the moving been completed?"

"Everything has been moved and all safety points have been replaced."

Zeng Haifeng waved his hand proudly and said with a sad face in less than a second: "I just spent more money again. I threw all the salary I will pay this month into it. My salary will be paid in seven days. What should I do?"

Zhou Qinghe sneered, walked to the sofa and sat down: "Find your own solution, I have no obligation to help you solve the money problem."

"Qinghe, help me think of a way." Zeng Haifeng leaned over greasyly and winked.

"No talk."

People are shameless and invincible, even Zhou Qinghe had to get up and run away.

Zeng Haifeng had a crying expression on his face. He quickly went to lie down on the sofa, closed his eyes and said happily: "Ah~ I have finally finished moving. I can feel relieved. These ghost days are finally over."

The pressure was indeed great. Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly. Zeng Haifeng was wiping his ex's butt, and while wiping it, he had to worry about being buried.

"Then it's time to dig out all these bitches."

Zeng Haifeng stood up and said seriously: "Qinghe, I won't be able to come to the concession often, it's not safe. I thought about it, and I still have to hide in Zhabei with the large troops.

My idea is that all three action teams in the French Concession, the Public Concession, and the Nanshi City below will be handed over to you. We will communicate by telegraph, and we will not meet each other if nothing happens. "

"how many people?"

Zhou Qinghe did not refuse. The situation in Shanghai was difficult, and the main problem lay in the concession.

The concession is not under the jurisdiction of the government. If you want to do something, it is difficult to open the situation without anyone.

"Come for 400 people."

"So many?" Zhou Qinghe was stunned, "How many people are there in your Shanghai District Action Team?"

"Not counting the 300 clerks, there are 1500 people in the intelligence team and operations team alone."

"How many people are there?"

Zeng Haifeng said with a face: "800 people."

"Pfft." Zhou Qinghe laughed out loud: "If you can afford it, I will consider you great."

The salary of 800 people supports 1800 people. This is still the price of goods in Shanghai. It is really amazing.

After Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, his smile faded, he thought of something, and looked sideways at Zeng Haifeng: "Are you going to let me help you raise these 400 people?"

"You saw it." Zeng Haifeng changed his face in a second and smiled flatteringly: "Qinghe, what's our relationship? Please help me. It will be easier for you to do things with someone."

As expected, it's uneasy and kind.

“Where am I going to get money?”

The salary of 400 people is calculated as a minimum of 25 yuan per person, which is [-] French currency a month.

In fact, it's definitely not that low, and you have to add operational expenses, which can be anywhere from [-] to [-] French currency a month.

If there were more bonuses, we would have to prepare [-] French currency a month.

"I can't afford it. I can't afford it." Zhou Qinghe waved his hand.

"You support 400, and I have to support 1400." Zeng Haifeng complained: "Even if 800 is provided by the headquarters, I still have 600 to support."

"Who made you the district chief? I..." Forget it, looking at his pitiful look, Zhou Qinghe couldn't bear to refuse: "I'll think of a way. Until I think of a way, you can take care of yourself."

"Okay, no problem." As long as Zhou Qinghe is willing to find a way, Zeng Haifeng immediately smiled and said ambiguously: "I will transfer Jiang Wen to you and be your secretary."

This week Qinghe did not refuse. It was impossible for him to personally lead these 400 people. Information isolation must be done.Money is still important, find money
"By the way, do you know who owns Casino No. 181?" Zhou Qinghe thought of the gold-selling cave.

"Zhang Xiaolin, 61 years old, one of the top three members of the Qinggang, the largest gang in Shanghai."

"Oh~, Qinggang."

Then Zhou Qinghe understood, the local gang.

Where there are more poor people, the underworld industry will become more developed.

The Qing Gang can open such a large casino in the concession, and it seems that their connections are not ordinary.

Zeng Haifeng had the news at his fingertips: "Zhang Xiaolin was just a small figure at the beginning. After joining the Green Gang, he met Du Yuesheng, the petty leader, and through Du Yuesheng, he got acquainted with Huang Jinrong, the only Chinese inspector general of the patrol house in the French Concession at that time.

The three people had the same affinity, and their business in the concession grew bigger and bigger, gradually spreading to the whole of Shanghai. Later, due to disputes, these two people saved Jin Rong's life and became sworn friends directly. These three people are now the three giants of the Qinggang. "

"You want to influence them?"

After Zeng Haifeng finished speaking, he reminded: "These three people are not easy to move. The Qinggang is the largest gang with many people in it. After they become more powerful, the principal sometimes wants to do something in Shanghai, but it is all done to them." , just say that this golden velvet has the title of Major General Councilor of the Executive Yuan, so you know how deep the water is here."

"Understood." Zhou Qinghe nodded. Nine out of ten principals still have a stake in this casino.
Hands and eyes are open to heaven.

"Then what should I do? If I'm being ripped off and won't be able to get any money back, where do you want me to find the money?"

Zhou Qinghe glanced at him sideways and said, "How can you earn tens of thousands of French currency by opening a company? What kind of profitable business is not monopolized by these people?"

Zeng Haifeng frowned and thought for a while and said: "Where do you think these Black Dragon Club people get their money? They have a lot of money for such frequent activities.

The Black Dragon Society is not engaged in production, and it is not a formal establishment in Japan. Even if the Japanese military ministry gives him subsidies, there is no reason for him to have so much money, action, and debauchery.

After all, they are just helping the underworld. If the Japanese military is really fully funded, why bother looking for the underworld? Can't they just recruit regular personnel? "

This question is indeed interesting. Where does the Black Dragon Club's funds come from?

There are rules in the concession, and it is not the Black Dragon Society's turn to collect protection fees. In the eyes of the Japanese military headquarters, the Black Dragon Society's people are just a bunch of rubbish.

Zhou Qinghe could tell from the original interrogation in Nanjing that the Black Dragon Society was at the bottom of the contempt chain, and there really shouldn't be any funds to support them.

At least I can't support a life of debauchery.

"Kidnapping?" Zhou Qinghe thought of a possibility.

Zeng Haifeng nodded and said thoughtfully: "It's possible. I'll go back and check to see if there are any kidnapping cases of wealthy businessmen this year. Such a large amount of money should not have no provenance."

"Okay, then I'll leave first. I'll ask Jiang Wen to report to you later."

Zeng Haifeng didn't sleep all night and was yawning now.

At dawn, the story of the shootout and explosion in Zhabei District immediately spread.

What's strange is that the government came forward and said that a group of unknown thugs wanted to steal the office and accidentally caused an explosion of stored materials, without mentioning the Japanese.

Likewise, Japan has been pretty quiet.

What Japanese?There are no Japanese.

Before the war started, everyone refused to admit that it was their own fault.

People in the concession are not very interested in external affairs. On the contrary, the contents of today's newspapers are interesting to everyone.

A Chinese doctor faced off against a surgeon at St. Mary's Hospital. The surgeon lost and refused to admit it.

St. Mary's Hospital issued a statement saying that the surgeon, Dr. Mader, was lacking in medical ethics and was dismissed from St. Mary's Hospital.

In the text, there is also Mader's statement. In fact, the operation performed by the Chinese doctor was very successful. It was because he was unwilling to bet $[-] that he reported this statement to the director of surgery.

There is nothing wrong with St. Mary's Hospital itself.

In the end, Mad took it all.

In addition, the French Concession also issued a statement. With the vigorous promotion of their Public Affairs Bureau, all the facts have been found out. It is purely a private behavior of a doctor. It is not simple. They welcome Chinese doctors to continue to open clinics in the French Concession.

The public approves of this, which makes sense.

After all, it was $[-].

At noon, the phone in Zhou Qinghe's room rang.


A female voice came over the phone: "Boss Zeng asked me to find you."

Oh, Jiang Wen.

Zhou Qinghe understood: "You can book a room at the International Hotel and call me when you're ready."

Zhou Qinghe packed up a few portraits and went directly to room 306 after receiving the call.

Jiang Wen opened the door and was slightly surprised to see Zhou Qinghe being so young, but quickly stepped aside.

Zhou Qinghe entered with a smile.

"What did Boss Zeng tell you?"

"Are you from Nanjing?" Jiang Wen asked without answering.

Zhou Qinghe nodded.

Jiang Wen said with a straight face: "He said that I am under your command, but the situation in Shanghai is complicated. Are you sure you can do it? If not, be careful and lose your life."

"Thank you for your concern." Zhou Qinghe chuckled and handed over the thing in his hand: "You need to find the people in these portraits first. Except for you, no one in Shanghai is allowed to know my whereabouts, and my existence cannot be made known to anyone." Anyone knows, do you understand?"

Jiang Wen took it and glanced at Zhou Qinghe. He was not very young, but he was quite cherishing his life.

(End of this chapter)

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