Chapter 117
"The killer may still be there! Protect Mr. Zhang!"

"The gunman is in that building, go arrest him!"

"Help him into the car and take him to the hospital first! If he waits any longer, he will die."

"Where to pull? Which hospital? The hospitals are all full today, damn!"

"How the hell did I know? La, let's take him to the hospital first!"

At the entrance of the casino, the scene was chaotic.

There are two groups of people: the foodie who accompanies him to eat, drink and have fun, and the Qinggang general who is responsible for all aspects of business. However, all the people present on the scene are Zhang Xiaolin's bodyguards. If something goes wrong, there will be no backbone.

They first drew their guns and looked around cautiously, fearing that the killer would come out to shoot again. Then they realized that their efforts seemed to be in vain, and they immediately started shouting.

Each person has an idea. Facing the dying Zhang Xiaolin lying on the ground, his stomach is full of blood, and there is blood on the ground. He is shouting for help, but no one dares to move. This old man will be frail and killed by his own people if he makes a mistake. .

It was the foreman inside the casino who ran out when he heard the gunfire. Being able to work as the foreman in Casino No. 181 is a person who relies on his brains to make a living.

He immediately took command.

"Hurry and help Mr. Zhang into the car and go to Gongji Hospital. Don't worry about whether there is a seat or not. Pull me over first. I will find someone to connect with you right away."

After speaking, he pointed at the casino's bodyguards: "You guys rushed into the building to arrest people, whether they were dead or alive."

Finally, he pointed at the rickshaw drivers waiting to pick up passengers: "Don't be idle. Give me ten yuan per person and start running. I will look for all the hospitals one by one. If there is a seat, call me immediately. Whoever finds it Reward 100 yuan."


Things suddenly became orderly and everyone had something to do. Those who carried people carried people, those who rushed in to search rushed over, and the rickshaw drivers also started running.

In the concession, almost all rickshaw drivers are from the Qinggang.

In particular, there is a cash reward of ten yuan. As long as you start running, you will definitely make money without losing money. Suddenly, dozens of rickshaws rushed out at the same time, and the scene was really neat.

The foreman was not idle either. He immediately went in and found Master Jiu, Wang Chongjiu, who was lending money on the second floor.

"Master Jiu, Master Zhang has been assassinated."


Wang Chongjiu's expression changed instantly and he stood up immediately: "What's going on? How is Master Zhang?"

"He was seriously injured and was sent to the hospital, but there may be no room in the hospital today. What should I do?"

"Damn, what a coincidence. I'll figure it out."

Wang Chongjiu strode out and dialed Du Yuesheng's home phone number.

"Master Du, Master Zhang was assassinated. Yes, it was right in front of the casino. I sent someone to take him to the hospital. But today, the hospitals in the concession are all Japanese. I'm afraid they won't betray me, and I need you to come forward. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, thank you Master Du, I will be there right away."

The two hurried out, and the foreman asked the bodyguard at the door: "Has the assassin been caught?"

"They haven't come out yet."

"You're so slow, can you still fly?"

"Don't worry about it, go to the hospital first."

The two got into the car and the car drove away quickly.

When they drove away, Zhou Qinghe was two streets away.

Check the spot in advance. If a few gangsters can still catch him, then he will just hang himself on Dongdongzhi.

From a distance of 20 meters, it was easy to shoot two shots in the abdomen. After firing, I went out and closed the door. I walked along the corridor to the end, supported myself on the guardrail, turned over to the outside of the wall, let go, and fell from the second floor to the first floor. The landing point was already the building. back.

I called a rickshaw and drove slowly to the border of the concession. When I arrived, I found a small alley, took off my coat to reveal the suit underneath, changed into a pair of leather shoes, got out again, took a taxi, and headed to the International Hotel.

The next step is to wait for the call.

As a doctor, he naturally left a contact number at the door of the clinic. It was the emergency number to contact Ma Qingqing. As long as he found Ma Qingqing, he would be found.

It's just that the script has been designed, and whether things will develop as planned depends on fate.

He could also recommend himself, for example, when he jumped down the stairs, he turned around and headed towards the casino, so that he could arrive at the same time as the bodyguards were carrying Zhang Xiaolin.

There is definitely enough time. After firing the gun, you can leave and jump downstairs. It is just a way to cross an alley. You have to sprint and run two steps, changing clothes while running. The total time will not exceed 1 minute. This can definitely be done.

But as an expensive doctor, it would be too unqualified for him to recommend himself.

If fate is not enough, then next time, there will be more bullets.

Furthermore, aren’t there two big bosses?
The Green Gang trio can be arranged.


The bodyguard car transporting Zhang Xiaolin arrived first.

Not surprisingly, there was not a single operating room available.

It had only been four hours since the afternoon chaos broke out. Not to mention Zhang Xiaolin’s surgery, the Japanese waiting at the door were still queuing up.

The first group of Black Dragon Club members to go in for surgery were the most seriously injured, either in their lungs but not dead, or they were shot in multiple places throughout their bodies.

If they can come out before 12 o'clock, it means that he is very lucky. If he fails, he may have to undergo an all-night operation.

During this waiting process, the situation was slightly better, but the Japanese who were also critically ill and in urgent need of surgery were already waiting to die in the corridor of the hospital.

Without an operating room or a surgeon, no matter how rich and powerful you are, there is nothing you can do.

The Japanese military police with guns are standing here, the people of the Black Dragon Society are red-eyed, and the people of the Green Gang are nothing.

The bodyguard was completely useless, as were Wang Chongjiu and the casino foreman who arrived later. There was no way the Japanese could betray him.

A few more words, that is, a roar of "Bagayalu", and the gun was pulled out on the spot.

"Qidi, what do you mean? Let us Japanese die and let your people live?"

The Japanese stared at the two of them like hungry wolves pouncing on their prey, which was both a deterrent and a warning.


Wang Chongjiu and the foreman of the casino did not dare to say anything at all. The Japanese soldiers in the province would shoot whenever they disagreed. They stepped aside and looked anxiously at Zhang Xiaolin, who was dying on the hospital bed with only the help of a nurse to temporarily stop the bleeding.

Until Du Yuesheng arrived.

"Master Du."

"Master Du."

Du Yuesheng was over 40, nearly fifty, and his backbone also arrived.

After understanding the situation, he did not get entangled with the Japanese soldiers and directly called the Japanese ambassador in Shanghai, Hase Incheon.

"Mr. Hase, Zhang Xiaolin is in urgent need of surgery. Could you please coordinate an operating room?"

Hase Incheon replied with infinite regret: "Mr. Du, our citizens of the Empire of Japan are undergoing surgery now. Do you want me to pull them out now? Then I will be impeached soon, and I am afraid I will have to return to the country tomorrow.

Haha, Mr. Du, is this inappropriate?

But of course I have to help you. In this way, I will help you ask. As long as there is a room, I will definitely help you make it available. "

"Thank you then. I'm waiting for your good news."

Of course Du Yuesheng knew that this was nonsense, meaning it was impossible.

Wait, wait until when?
He immediately turned around and asked his subordinates and Wang Chongjiu and others.

"Have all hospitals asked?"

"I've asked all of them, and it's the same. There's no operating room for us to use now. This killer must have found the right moment to kill him suddenly. This bastard, I'll chop him into pieces when I find him." Wang Chongjiu said with hatred.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Du Yuesheng interrupted with a raised hand and continued to ask: "Have you contacted the hospital in the French Concession?"

"The situation over there is more serious than here. There are at least two major hospitals in our public concession, while there is only one Saint-Marie hospital in the French Concession. People waiting in line for surgery can wait until the day after tomorrow. Even if they die, they will not be able to get their turn, and the doctors will be tired. die."

Du Yuesheng felt a little sad when he heard this. A big boss of the Qing Gang, with such great power, could not even get access to an operating room.

The fuck.

If this thing happened to him one day, wouldn't he just have to wait for death?

Du Yuesheng glanced at Zhang Xiaolin, whose breath was getting weaker and weaker on the hospital bed, and made an instant decision.

"If that doesn't work, send him to a hospital outside the concession. You can't wait here. If you wait here, you can only wait to die."

"Send me a hero post. As long as it can save Xiaolin's life, I'll give you whatever you want."

"Back then, I was stabbed while fighting for land. Xiaolin spent all his money and property in order to save my life. I am doing the same thing today. Let's go to a hospital outside. I don't believe it anymore. I can't find a surgeon."

The words are as heroic as the clouds and the righteousness is as thin as the sky.

Only to be quickly interrupted by his own men.

"Master Du, I remember someone. He should be able to do it."

Du Yuesheng immediately turned around: "Who?"

The hand immediately said: "Master Du, have you read the newspaper? Do you remember that there was a Chinese doctor in the newspaper a few days ago who beat the surgeon of St. Mary's Hospital, and the surgeon was fired.

In fact, both of them can be used. As long as we find any one of them and perform the operation at a hospital outside the concession, won't the problem of no operating room and no doctor be solved? "

"Yes, yes, two doctors, both of them are fine. St. Mary's Hospital most likely has contact information."

"And that Chinese doctor has a clinic, so he can definitely be contacted."

The other subordinates suddenly thought of this matter. The two doctors now had more choices.

Du Yuesheng nodded: "As soon as you said it, I remembered it. This is what happened. Hurry, go directly to the clinic and ask for a doctor from our own country." Since Chinese doctors are good, there is no reason to ask for foreign ones and find this Chinese doctor. , they have their own clinic, and there must be nurses, so there is no need to go outside the concession, which is very convenient.

"Arrange an ambulance and go right away. Why the hell did you go already and are you talking now?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Also contact Saint Mary and find me the one who was fired. I will pay him heavily."


The Qinggang is indeed the largest gang and has many contacts in the concession. Before the ambulance arrived at Zhou Qinghe's clinic, other bosses from the commercial street had already contacted Ma Qingqing using the phone number on the clinic.

Later, Zhou Qinghe received a call.

"Got it, I'm leaving now."

In the end, it went quite smoothly. There were only three major hospitals in total. They only had so many operating rooms and so many surgeons. When they were full, there was really no choice.

Zhou Qinghe picked up his special surgery box, went out and called a rickshaw to go to the clinic in the French Concession.

When he arrived, the clinic was surrounded by members of the Qing Gang.

"Give way." Zhou Qinghe pushed the people around.

"Who are you?" A gangster turned around and yelled.

"Savior, who do you think I am?" Zhou Qinghe glanced at him.

The gangster immediately shrunk a generation and shouted happily inside: "Master Du, the doctor is here, the doctor is here."

Immediately clear a passage.

Zhou Qinghe walked into the room and saw Du Yuesheng and Ma Qingqing.

Du Yuesheng was surprised to see that the doctor who came was so young.

However, with his experience, he would not have any thoughts of discriminating against young people. Besides, he had no choice. He stood up and smiled and stretched out his hand: "Sir, the people inside are my brothers and sisters. Please."

Zhou Qinghe stretched out his hand with a faint smile, shook hands with him briefly, and looked at the patient lying on the bed.

The shot he fired naturally avoided critical organs, but it took so long and the stomach was penetrated, so the situation must be very bad.

After checking the situation first, Zhou Qinghe came back and looked at Du Yuesheng and said, "You are from the Qinggang, right?"

"This is our Mr. Du." A younger brother signed up next to him.

"Sir, what advice do you have? If there's nothing urgent, save people first. We can talk later." Du Yuesheng said patiently.

Zhou Qinghe chuckled softly: "As a doctor, it is natural to save people. However, two days ago, people from your Qinggang came to my place to cause trouble. Now you come to my door in the middle of the night and ask me to save people. What do you mean? Why should we save the people from the Qinggang?

How to repay kindness with kindness?What does Mr. Du think? "

"Is there such a thing?" Du Yuesheng had a stern look on his face and looked surprised. He turned around and asked his subordinates: "Who did it? What happened?"

"Master Du." A smart subordinate probably guessed the whole story and whispered a few words. The voice was very soft, but Zhou Qinghe's ears were not bad.

"I guess it was probably the incident at St. Mary. The French were inconvenient to come forward themselves, so they found someone below to do it."

"Don't do such stupid things in the future. How can we offend the doctor?
Think about what happened today. No matter who you encounter, without a doctor, no matter how rich you are, you can only wait for death.

It is better to offend the police than the doctors.

They all went back and told their men that no matter who offends the doctor in the future, they will be expelled from the Qinggang directly and will never be hired. In serious cases, they will be beaten to death on the spot. Don't come to complain when the time comes. "


"The blind dog."

Du Yuesheng cursed and immediately looked at Zhou Qinghe apologetically: "I'm really sorry. I'll check it out when I get back. I'll find the person who caused the trouble, bring him to the door in person, apologize, and promise that nothing like this will ever happen again. things happen."

"you said?"

"I said."

"it is good."

They also apologized, Zhou Qinghe just stopped there, Du Yuesheng's face must be given.

But that doesn’t stop you from rinsing it again.

"Then I'm going to talk about the second thing."

"What else is there? Tell me, sir." Du Yuesheng frowned. What bastard is looking for trouble with the doctor? Isn't this mentally ill?

Zhou Qinghe smiled helplessly: "My clinic hasn't opened yet. I went on a trip. When I came back, everything was stolen. I don't know who did it."

"I will definitely give an explanation to sir."

Du Yuesheng had a sullen face and could not explain.

Although it didn’t say it was the Qing Gang, who else could it be if the concession was not the Qing Gang?
"Okay." Zhou Qinghe nodded.

"Is it gone?"


Zhou Qinghe smiled and said: "For the sake of Mr. Du's cheerfulness, I will perform this operation. However, his condition is very bad and he was sent too late. I can't guarantee whether he will survive."

"I understand, please do your best." Du Yuesheng used honorifics.

"Sir, as long as you can save the people inside, from now on, you will be a friend of the Qinggang, and a friend of me, Mr. Du. You will go through fire and water. As long as I can do it, I will do whatever it takes."

"Well, I will try my best, but my business here is poor and I don't have any plasma. I need you to coordinate. Mr. Du, you should be able to do something, right?"

"no problem."

"Okay, if you know the blood type of the person inside, adjust the blood type. If you don't know, you need type O blood. Go ahead and get some first. You can go out now."

Zhou Qinghe rushed the people away, pulled the curtain, and the operation began.

As soon as the door was closed, no one was allowed in, and Du Yuesheng immediately made arrangements to allocate resources.

And of course those two things.

"Go and find out who did the two stupid things the doctor said just now, who was behind the trouble, and how much the stolen things were worth. Find out everything, and then bring them over to me."

"Yes." His subordinates responded immediately.

After a while, Ma De was also found. This time, Zhou Qinghe did not refuse and directly asked Ma De to come in as an assistant.

When Ma De saw Zhou Qinghe, his expression was a little complicated.

He provokes when he provokes, he pays when he loses money, and he gets fired when he is fired.

In terms of misfortune, he is definitely worse than Zhou Qinghe who was blocked because he had no business, but the reason for him is himself. He was abandoned and he can only say that he asked for it.

And Zhou Qinghe was implicated by him.

But Zhou Qinghe remembered that Ma De was willing to pay back the money, regardless of whether he really wanted to return the money or not, and he joked: "Ma De, if you don't have a job, just come to work here."

"Does your clinic have business?"

"Isn't there one now?"

"It's just one person. If I follow you, I might as well go to a hospital outside the concession. You think I won't be able to find a job."

Mad rolled his eyes and went about the operation with peace of mind.

This Chinese doctor's surgical skills are really good. If he comes, he seems to be pretty good too. He doesn't even need to rent a business.

But can there be business?
Zhou Qinghe curled his lips, Ma De had a bad mouth, but this mouth was really stubborn.

Outside the door, a group of Qinggang disciples stood quietly, and absolutely no one dared to make any noise.

After all, the person being operated on inside was a big shot, and the person standing at the door was also a big shot.

If the big boss inside today dies, things will change for the Qing Gang.

Be quiet, everyone has their own thoughts.

This scene is also a joy for the people in the French Concession.

It was a lot of fun to watch today. First, the Japanese were killed, and then the Youth Gang stood guard. Look, this is the sense of superiority of the French Concession. The war cannot come here, and you have to come to the doctors here for treatment.

The French Concession is great.

Time passed little by little, from late at night to early morning.

There are fewer and fewer lights in the commercial street, but there are more and more people standing in front of the clinic.

After receiving the news, Zhang Xiaolin's own generals rushed over one after another, each with a few subordinates. As soon as more than a dozen generals arrived, there were immediately more than a hundred people, and there was a crowd.

The subordinates with lower positions also needed the opportunity to show their loyalty. After hearing the news, they rushed over and hundreds of people came to worship.

And Du Yuesheng is here, and some of his generals are also here.

Then there were patrols from the French Concession, fearing that the Green Gang would cause trouble, they also came to maintain order.

More and more people gathered to watch the lively crowds and rickshaw drivers waiting to leave.

For a time, the busiest street in the French Concession was filled with people of all kinds around the central point of the clinic.

At least a thousand people.

They are all waiting for the closed door of the clinic to open.

(End of this chapter)

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