The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 121 Assemble

Chapter 121 Assemble
"Now that there is an escort team of a hundred people, and the things being escorted are legal tender, they are attractive enough, so what is the purpose of escorting them to Pudong?" Zhou Qinghe murmured to himself.

Since we are going to make a game, we must do it reasonably, both from beginning to end.

The bandits shouldn't be able to see anything. For them, their eyes will glow green when they see money. As long as they can eat it, no matter whose it is, they will dare to eat it.
But he, Zhou Qinghe, was not specifically here to suppress bandits.

To catch a turtle in an urn, the turtle must be Japanese.

A delivery team of hundreds of people suddenly appeared. They looked like soldiers pretending to be soldiers. It was hard to say whether the Black Dragon Society thought this was a trap dug for them.

The cautiousness of the Japanese cannot be underestimated.

There has to be a reasonable explanation so that the people of the Black Dragon Society don't realize that this group of people is here for them.

"I think it could be trade, buying goods, buying opium."

Liu Kai followed Zhou Qinghe's thinking and reminded: "Section Chief, if you are buying opium, it makes perfect sense to bring a lot of cash.

On the right side of Pudong is the outlet to the sea, which is close to Wusongkou. The inspection at Wusongkou is strict. It makes sense that the opium was shipped back from abroad and docked at the Pudong pier.

In this way, it is very natural for the more than 100 people to disguise themselves as civilians. "

"What a good idea."

Zhou Qinghe glanced at him, smiled and praised.

Liu Kai smirked: "Follow the section chief and you will naturally make progress."

"Flattery skills are also on the rise."

Zhou Qinghe laughed and cursed, then took out the map and spread it on the table.

"Pudong. This pier."

Zhou Qinghe clicked on the big wharf in Pudong, Huatong Wharf.

"Whose pier belongs to us? Does it belong to us?"

"Not really. What I found out is that this wharf is owned by the British. It was built at almost the same time as the concession. The company behind it is called Taikoo Company."

Liu Kai pointed to both sides of the pier on the map.

"The British company Taikoo built warehouses on both sides of the ferry. Some foreign freighters docked at this pier. Their goods would be temporarily stored here, and then packaged in Pudong by the merchants who took over."


Liu Kai's fingers followed the winding river signs on the map in Pudong and said:

“These goods were sent to various parts of Shanghai, including Zhabei, the Concession, and Nanshi, by small boats, such as sampans, along the river channels that these large ships could not enter.

There are many rivers in SH urban area. As long as there are rivers, you can get there by small sampan. Pudong is currently full of mud roads and land transportation is not smooth, so river transportation is much more convenient.

Much faster than land transportation.

It is also because there are many river transportations, so bandits like Xu Hongfa guard the main river transportation routes, and they are sure to grab every one. There are ships passing by every day, and it is difficult not to make a fortune. "

"Then they let the British and American merchant ships go and robbed the Chinese ones?" Zhou Qinghe seemed to be smiling.

Liu Kai thought for a while and shook his head, "Then I'm not sure. Someone should have been robbed. Generally speaking, the escorts are a bunch of idiots. It's impossible for these foreigners to escort them in person. After the robbery, they found out that the other party was related. , let’s communicate with the big shots behind the scenes, and at the worst possible outcome, we’ll return it.”

"That makes sense, but Zhang Jiang's rules will be changed starting today."

Zhou Qinghe had an idea.

"Let's go find Jiang Wen."

The two came to Nanshi and Jiang Wen got in the car.

"Jiang Wen, I will give you a task. You will lead the team yourself and take 100 people to Zhangjiang to become bandits."


Jiang Wen was a little confused.

Has the national army turned into a bandit army?

Zhou Qinghe explained the situation to her.

Jiang Wen understood a little bit, "Then should I grab everyone, or should I grab each one?"

"The Japanese don't rob, they rob everything else, they only rob river channels, don't touch land transportation."


"Pay attention to safety and try not to fight with the bandits in Zhangjiang. The defense group sent two people to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't bite you."

Jiang Wen was leading an action team, and her operational capabilities should be more than enough to deal with a bandit, and it was just robbery, so she only needed to be careful to avoid the bandits' sharp edges.

"I understand."

"Before you go, communicate with Zeng Haifeng and ask him to send someone to take away the stolen items in time. Don't sell them yet, just hoard them all."


The robbery was arranged, and the team transporting the money had to have a saying. To buy opium, there must be opium that can be sold.

"Liu Kai, please find a few people to go to Taikoo Wharf to see the circulation of opium there. If anyone has a large amount of opium or a source of supply, we can negotiate and purchase a large amount of goods. By the way, let some people know that they want the goods. If anyone inquires, tell them to sell it inland."


The first wave of offensive was arranged, and Zhou Qinghe was waiting for changes.

In the evening, Boss Dai replied that he would arrange an escort team for Zhou Qinghe from Zhejiang and it was expected to arrive in Pudong in three days.

Three days was almost enough time for the robbery to take hold.

Next thing, it's time to contact the Rangers.

Preparation work needs to be done ahead.

There are 800 bandits, I don’t know how many of them have been pulled out, and there are nearly 100 people from the Black Dragon Society. The combined fighting power of these people is definitely not weak.

Although the people from the Secret Service have been trained, they are definitely not as smooth as pure soldiers in such a big scene.

It would be a waste of talent if people from the Secret Service are used for team fights.

Zhou Qinghe recalled the number given by Boss Dai and found a public phone to call.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.

"Hey, who are you looking for?"

"A special task force? I'll call Chief of Staff Yang Zhenhua."

"who are you?"

"He's from Nanjing, let him answer the phone."


"Hello, I'm Yang Zhenhua."

"Chief of Staff Yang, I am Boss Dai's special envoy. I have a good deal and I want to do it with you."

In a flash it was three days later.

Pudong, Zhangjiangzha, Xu's mansion.

Xu Hongfa's life has been a little difficult these days.

Suddenly a dragon crossing the river appeared, and I heard that there were hundreds of people who were robbing under his banner.

It's okay to pretend to be someone else, but it's also immoral. Who wouldn't have robbed someone before, and then let him go with some money?

They say that when you do something, you can leave a trace so that you can meet each other easily in the future.

But these damn bandits were so lawless that they actually stole the entire ship's cargo. They were even worse than bandits.

"This fucking bastard came out of nowhere, have you checked it out?"

Xu Hongfa asked as he looked at his men running in.

"No, there is no trace. I asked a few other hills, but I don't know where these people came from."

"Where do they live? There are more than 100 people. I can't live without them. I'll grab two tongues and come back and ask."

"I checked, but couldn't find anything at all. The brothers who were following them said they were similar to us. They walked around in the alley and disappeared."

"Damn it, what are you good for?"

Xu Hongfa yelled and cursed, "What a coward. It's really unexplainable that his own escape method was copied by someone else."

But it won’t work if this matter isn’t resolved.

Now the British and French people who have trusted relations come to him to ask for an explanation.

If he really robbed it, forget it.

That’s not the problem!Isn’t this taking the blame for nothing?

"What about the goods? The goods they robbed must be exchanged for money, right? Check where the goods went?" He came up with this idea.

The subordinate hunched over his back and said with a careful smile: "I checked and found that this batch of goods is not available in the market. Now that it is out of stock, the price in the market has increased."

"Everyone can't find it, and the goods can't be found. You're a waste. Check it! If it doesn't work, report it to the officials and let the officials help us investigate."

The subordinates were confused when they heard this, "Brother, we are bandits."

"Is it appropriate for us to report to the official?"

Xu Hongfa glared at him: "Pig Brain, you don't know how to ask the British and French to report to the official."

"Yes, yes, I'll go right now."

When his men went out, Xu Hongfa was also agitated, unsure whether these people were really in trouble.

Now the Japanese are coming to ask him, what is going on? Did he rob the goods without paying any money?
They threatened that if they didn't pay, they wouldn't be able to cooperate.

The meaning in the words was clearly a threat to kill someone.

But he really didn’t steal it!

Xu Hongfa felt that he had been wronged.

"You idiot, don't let me find out."

"Boss, boss."

At this time, another subordinate ran in, smiling happily, and he knew something was good at the first sight.

"Just laugh your ass off." Xu Hongfa was in a bad mood: "If I don't like what you said, I will tear your mouth apart."

"Hehehe, brother, it's definitely a good thing. I've found out about Yantu."

The mysterious approach of his men suddenly aroused Xu Hongfa's curiosity.

A big businessman came to buy tobacco in the past few days. I heard that he came from the interior and wanted a lot of things.

Tobacco is a hot commodity.

Moreover, if people come from the interior, they have no influence in the local area. If they don’t rob, what kind of bandits can they be?
"Say it."

"Boss, that's it." His subordinate said shrewdly: "I asked something from Da Liu, who sells cigarettes. This group of businessmen is from Henan. The leader is pretending to be a businessman, but his actual identity is from Henan. There is a local regiment commander, and behind him is a division commander.

This time I came here to purchase goods, and I plan to take them back to Henan to sell them. I need a lot of goods. "

Leader?Xu Hongfa didn't care about this. Not to mention the regimental commander, even the division commander from Henan had to lie down when he came here.

This is Shanghai!
The teacher is nothing.

"How much did they want? How much did they bring?"

The subordinate smiled: "I want a lot, 50 yuan."


Xu Hongfa stood up in shock at this generous gesture.

He walked with his hands behind his back and muttered: "Tobacco is 5 yuan a tael, and 50 yuan is 10 taels."

"More than 6000 kilograms?" He turned around and looked at his men, giving him a shocked and confirming look.

"Are you sure?"

This is still the retail price, the wholesale price is even more.

The subordinate nodded fiercely: "Boss, it has been confirmed. Moreover, Da Liu has been asking several big tobacco dealers to buy the tobacco soil. It seems that it has been negotiated. I heard the news that in just one or two days, the escort team has been arrive."

"Good good."

Xu Hongfa's eyes sparkled, he praised him three times and chuckled: "After this deal, we will be settled for the rest of our lives."

"Report." Another person ran in from the door.

Breathless: "Boss, the brother who was ambushing at the land crossing said that he saw a team of more than a hundred people entering Pudong, with a convoy and a few boxes. Could it be those bandits?"

"What? Appeared?"

Xu Hongfa was overjoyed. He initially thought they were bandits, but then he realized something was wrong.

He raised his hand and said, "It's definitely not them. How could the bandits show up so blatantly? Are they the team escorting the cigarettes?"

"Yes, that must be the case." A confidant stepped forward and said happily: "Boss, this is the right time. The news over there also said that it will be within the next two days."

Xu Hongfa thought about the fact that the other party was the leader, and his heart moved: "Did the brothers who were ambush see anything wrong with this group of people? What is the difference between them and ordinary people?"

"What's the difference?" The person who reported the news scratched his head, thought for a moment and frowned, "Does walking fast count? The brother who reported the news said that these people are very fast and in good health."

"That's right."

They all matched up, and Xu Hongfa was sure that these people must be from the army and the regiment leader's personal soldiers.

Corruption in the party-state military is no secret. It is normal to engage in the cigarette business.

"It must be the escort team."

"Boss, shall we take action?" the subordinate asked.

"We must take action, but I'm afraid this group of people won't taste good. Hundreds of soldiers, how do you think we can eat?" Xu Hongfa looked at his men: "We can eat by ourselves, do you have confidence?"

100 soldiers, with about 800 of their subordinates, were all dragged out. They should eat as much as they could, but I'm afraid the casualties would be very high.

The subordinate said greedily: "Boss, how about we take it hard and eat it? We will no longer be bandits. If we sell it, we can just go and be cool. We will also be the boss."

Money and silk touch people's hearts, but that's 50 yuan.

"It's better you be ruthless." Xu Hongfa glanced at him sideways and couldn't make up his mind for a moment.

Of course you can call them Japanese, but you will always be reluctant to part with the meat you get.

If you eat alone, the foundation you have worked hard for for so long will be lost, which is a dilemma.

"Time is running out." Xu Hongfa sat on the old man's chair and frowned.

"Boss, I have an idea." The confidant approached and smiled sinisterly: "We invite the Japanese to come and eat together, and let them help us fight together, so that our losses can be reduced a lot, and then.

We killed all the Japanese!
Go to the guard regiment and be loyal to the party and state.

In this way, we eat, we keep the money, our brothers are still there, the business is carried out, we can leave when we want, and we can stay as long as we want. "

Needless to say, these words really provided Xu Hongfa with an idea.

He thought for a while and nodded to his cronies: "Yes, it's a good idea, and there is no need to find the guard group. As long as they are killed cleanly, we will say that it was the group of soldiers who did it, and let the Japanese seek revenge on the division commander. "

"Wonderful plan, wonderful plan, boss, you are an unparalleled hero."

"Stop flattering and tell brothers to keep an eye on them. We'll take action when we're ready. If there's smoke and soil, grab the tobacco. If there's no smoke and soil, grab the money. I'll go find the Japanese. You make arrangements quickly and bury the Japanese together."


Concession, Mitsui Corporation.

Mitsui Xiangnan finally breathed a sigh of relief these days.

Protests are still very effective.

With the joint efforts of Britain, the United States and France to exert pressure, the Secret Service's assassinations have not occurred for more than ten days, and it can be confirmed that they have stopped.

When the assassination began, the members of the Black Dragon Society didn't even dare to go out on the streets. Now they have been going out on the streets normally for a few days. After testing, there is indeed no problem.

Completely relieved.

Then it's time to start rearranging the various companies' affairs and, of course, retaliate.

Half of the Black Dragon Society's manpower was suddenly eliminated by the Secret Service, causing all the company's affairs to come to a standstill. This caused a particularly large loss to the business, which was all funds.

Without funds, how can we still carry out activities?

To get back on track, you need to find money, and when you get back on track, you need revenge.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.


"Moxi Moxi, Mitsui-san, I am your friend, Xu Hongfa."

Mitsui Xiangnan frowned when he heard the name. The recent events in Pudong also affected him.

It’s not that the British, American, and French goods were not snatched, but that they paid protection fees and handed them over directly to him.

Now that the goods were robbed, others came to ask him for an explanation.

This bandit is really hard to change.

He must be the one behind it!
Deal with him when he is free!
"Xu Sang, the bad things you have done recently have embarrassed me."

"Mitsui-san, you have wronged me. I really did not steal this. I am also a victim."

"Oh, Xu Sang, I really want to believe you, but you said that a group of hundreds of people were robbing in your name, but you couldn't catch anyone. Xu Sang, this is Zhangjiang under your control. How do you expect me to believe that?"

"Mitsui-san, you must believe me. Let's not talk about this for now. After I finish what I'm going to say later, you must believe me."

"You said."

"There is a group of soldiers who want to come to Pudong to buy cigarettes. They have already arrived. They want to buy 50 yuan of cigarettes."

"How much?" Mitsui Xiangnan raised his voice in shock.

Xu Hongfa laughed and said: "Sure, it's 50. Mitsui-san, tell me, if I stole the thing and I wanted to do things behind your back, would I still tell you about it?"

This does make sense. Mitsui Xiangnan thought for a moment, and his thoughts returned to Yantu.

"Of course I believe you, Xu Sang, but you have to let me and my partners have an explanation, right? You have to capture a few of them and give them to me. This is the minimum thing."

"I will try my best and look for them again."

"Well, then I'll wait for your good news."

If there is really 50 yuan of tobacco and soil in the money, Mitsui Xiangnan raised the corner of his mouth when he thought about it, it would be great.

"Don't hang up the phone, Mitsui-san. I'm asking you for someone. These people are not simple. There are more than 100 people, all of whom are soldiers."


Xu Hongfa talked about the regimental commander and division commander.

Mitsui Xiangnan couldn't help but sneer. This soldier is really greedy. After collecting the money, he still wants to make another fortune by reselling the cigarettes. How can this country not be destroyed?
"Don't you have people under you? Just eat."

Mitsui is also short of men. What's more, Xu Hongfa is asked to work hard. The Chinese can kill the Chinese if they fight the Chinese, so why should the Japanese be killed?

Xu Hongfa smiled bitterly and said: "Mitsui-san, there are too many people on the other side. I am just a few petty thieves with poor marksmanship. It will take me a long time to survive these people. It's not that I don't want to die, and it's not that I don't have the courage."

But killing these 100 people will definitely take a lot of effort. As time goes by, the Civil Defense Corps will arrive. By then we will have nothing to gain, so we must fight quickly.

And do you think, will the other party be related?Now we are here secretly. Once a fight breaks out, we will be surprised if someone calls us. "

Mitsui had to admit that this made sense.

If a battle involving hundreds of people drags on for a long time, problems will definitely arise.

"Okay, I'll call someone over, and you'll be ready to receive them."

"Okay, okay, then I'll wait in Zhangjiang. Hurry, there's no telling when something will happen to them. Only when you eat it can you feel at ease, Mitsui-san."

"I know."

Mitsui Xiangnan hung up the phone and muttered to himself: "Be careful, the Chinese are dishonest."

This bandit has been very dishonest recently. He still doesn't believe that more than 100 people appeared inexplicably.

In all likelihood, it was this Xu Hongfa who was emboldened to take advantage of others.

Too greedy.

More than 100 soldiers
How many people will be sent?
Mitsui doesn't have many people at the moment. There are still 32 core members of the Black Dragon Society. Ronin has been working hard to develop a group in the past few days and has recruited 28 more people. Now there are still 98 people.

The Black Dragon Society cannot have too many core factions, as people will always die in battles, and the trading company must be controlled by its own core personnel.

Send 8 to lead the team, send 80 Ronin, just ten, 88 samurai from the Japanese Empire, which will definitely be enough to deal with more than 100 stragglers.

Let the bandits take the lead when the time comes.

Do not!
Mitsui suddenly thought of the Secret Service. Would the people from the Secret Service still be watching them?

If these people leave the concession, will there be assassinations?

Not safe.

He thought for a moment, picked up the phone, and called the military police headquarters.

"Sakata-kun, I am Mitsui. The Chinese gave me a piece of information. There are more than 50 Chinese sergeants guarding 100 pieces of smoke. I want to borrow half of it from you?"

What a black heart, Mitsui cursed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it. With the military police taking action, this matter was safe.

"Okay, I'm asking you to borrow 100 people, and I'll give you half of them when the job is done. Okay, okay, as soon as possible. By the way, disguise yourself as a civilian, bring a gun, and bring grenades. Okay, hi! I'll bring them back safely!" Hi!"

Mitsui hung up the phone, feeling sad but relieved at the same time.

With 100 members of the gendarmerie together, even if the Secret Service people were still staring at them and taking action, they could still fight back.

Those are all warriors of the empire. The people in the army are definitely not comparable to the people in the Secret Service.

dong dong dong, dong dong dong.

At the hotel, Zhou Qinghe opened the door.

Liu Kai quickly came in to report.

"The brother who was following me told me that there were many Japanese people going out."

"Okay, the big fish is hooked."

Zhou Qinghe nodded. It was inconvenient to kill him in the concession. If he left the concession, he could kill him casually.

If you go to Pudong, you will die without evidence. If you throw it into the Huangpu River, you won’t even find a body. Who dares to say that the person must be dead?
"It's just that there are a lot of people on the other side, which is a bit unusual."

Liu Kai frowned and said: "The brother at the intersection said that the Black Dragon Club members in the rental industry each bring many people with them. These people are in a hurry and wear civilian clothes, but they look like soldiers, with cold faces and quick actions. , he looks nothing like those gangsters, I look like a soldier."

"Where have they gone?" Zhou Qinghe frowned.

"By the river, looking at the direction, we must be crossing the river to Pudong."

"how many people?"

"I can't count them. I only saw dozens of them, but I'm afraid that my people can't see it clearly. If any of these people don't follow the Black Dragon Society and go alone, we will definitely miss it if no one is watching. As for There are currently 60 people reported in the Black Dragon Association."

The destination is right "Soldier? Military police?"

Zhou Qinghe looked at Liu Kai and guessed, then shook his head: "It doesn't matter, no matter who he is, you inform the brothers in Pudong to be prepared, and the Japanese crossing the river will continue to watch. I will arrange other matters."


When Liu Kai went out, so did Zhou Qinghe.

The military police intervened. This group of people is not weak in fighting ability and needs to be defended again.

The last time he contacted Yang Zhenhua, Yang Zhenhua heard that he was going to fight bandits and some Japanese ronin, so he said 500 people would be enough.

500 people is indeed enough. Zhou Qinghe's target is the Japanese. As long as the Japanese are dead, it doesn't matter how many bandits can kill. It would be too time-consuming to kill them completely.

But Zhou Qinghe now feels that it is not safe.

There may be 200 Japanese military police.

Call him and ask for another 1000.

One thousand five versus two hundred, plus the more than 100 Zhejiang soldiers escorting them, it should be much more stable.


Since they dare to go to Pudong, then bury them all in Pudong!
Pudong, Zhangjiangzha, Xu family mansion.

Xu Hong laughed and greeted him: "Xiangtian-san, welcome, your arrival will make my humble house full of glory."

"Xu Sang, don't talk too much nonsense. I'm here to do business." Mitsui's number one confidant, Aida Hixiang, was embarrassed and refused to give him any good face.

Xu Hongfa cursed in his heart. This Japanese really looked down on him. If it were anyone else, the God of Wealth would not be able to provide for him well. He really didn't know the etiquette.

I'll kill you later.

Then he smiled and said: "With Aangtian-san's help, we will definitely be successful this time. Come and invite us inside."

Xu Hongfa raised his hand and found that besides Xiangtian, there was a Japanese walking in front of Xiangtian.

Can't help but wonder: "This is."

Aida introduced: "Captain Sakata of our military police force will personally bring people to support you this time."

Xu Hongfa was a little scared when he heard this name, but for the sake of money, no matter who he was, it was the soldiers from Henan who killed him, and it had nothing to do with him.

Gendarmerie, right?They will be buried together later.

"Captain Sakata please."

"What's the situation? Tell me."

"The leader who is currently pretending to be a businessman is still a guest at the tobacco merchant's house, and that group of soldiers came here."

Xu Hongfa pointed toward Zhangjiang on the map: "Based on their pace, they are expected to arrive at the dock warehouse at 7 o'clock tonight. The handover should be at the warehouse, where the smoke and soil are also stored."

“Where is their money?”

"I haven't seen the money, but I will definitely have to take it out when the transaction comes."

The two people looked at each other and nodded: "Okay, let's wait until they make a deal."

"Isn't this inappropriate?" Xu Hongfa was startled and said quickly: "Xiangtian Jun, this big tobacco and soil merchant is also powerful. If you do this, how can I get around here in the future? He will definitely take revenge."

He actually wanted to eat both groups, which was not in Xu Hongfa's interests.

How will he live in the future?
Xiangtian just smiled and patted Xu Hongfa on the shoulder: "Xu Sang, get rid of our share, Captain Sakata brought 100 people here, do you want him to make the trip in vain?
Or, take your share and give it to Captain Sakata? "

These bastards, these bastards, pushed him to a dead end, Xu Hongfa cursed in his heart.

"Xu Sang, originally it was only 50, but now it's 100 million if both parties share it. You'll also get a lot. Since we're going to fight anyway, of course we have to maximize our profits, right?"

"The last few times our goods were robbed, we had to pay for it. Don't let us down."

Xu Hong couldn't help but smile: "Okay, then I'll listen to Xiangtian-san, and of course Captain Sakata."

I will bury both of you later, and I will run away and go abroad!

The big tobacco merchants were most likely from the Qinggang. Xu Hongfa really didn't dare to stay. He had to run away.

We need to bring enough manpower this time. If we eat 200 Japanese, we will definitely suffer heavy losses, but we can't care about it now. If we die, we will die.

Prepare more grenades and use explosives. Use whatever you can. It will be useless to keep the belongings. Blow up these idiots.

"Now that it's settled, let's go."

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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