Chapter 124
Xu Hongfa was actually wiped out?real or fake?

Xu Hongfa has been entrenched in the Zhangjiang area of ​​​​Pudong for so long. He has exploited too many people from the countryside, low-level crew members who used to run ships, and even businessmen with no foundation in these years.

As soon as the next day's newspaper was sent out, the citizens applauded one after another.

What a joy!
Suddenly, more and more people went to Pudong to spy on the enemy. At first, they were cautious, fearing that the government would not exaggerate if they did not completely wipe out the enemy.

But as soon as I arrived in Pudong, I discovered that this matter was well-known in Pudong. Just find a waiter in a restaurant and he could tell you about the war for three days and three nights, as if he had personally experienced the battlefield.

The exposed ancestral home of Xu Hongfa was attacked by the anger of local residents and smashed to pieces, including the roof.

The people in their urban area still arrived late, and there were not many opportunities to make a move.

For a while, I felt that business in Pudong would definitely be smoother without exploitation.

In a good mood.

It's rare that the government actually does something practical and makes great efforts to eliminate banditry.

At the same time, in the concession, venting anger was much more refined.

After all, the British and Americans in the concession are all people of status, and they generally cannot do things like smashing things up.

They just grab it.

Mitsui's companies robbed whatever they were worth, and they didn't even leave a chair for Mitsui.

They also beat people.

Mitsui was put in a sack while walking on the road, and was taken directly to the hospital by a group of gangsters. In the hospital, the British and Americans continued to press for debts.

Losing tens of millions, there must be an explanation for this matter!

Mitsui tried every possible means to explain, but to no avail.

The British and Americans didn't listen to his explanation at all, they just said one sentence when they opened their mouths.

"You said that the more than 100 robbers were not your people. Then you told us that Xu Hongfa died and the whole Pudong was vacated. The more than 100 robbers could have taken over Pudong. Why are the people missing? They are too rich. What?
Isn’t it because those are your people, and all your people died at the hands of the Chinese! "

Mitsui really can't explain this matter.

Only now did he realize that this was actually another trap.

These more than 100 robbers must be members of the Secret Service, and their current disappearance completely confirms this matter.

Unable to argue, Mitsui continued to be beaten.

It was the military police who saved Mitsui's life.

Mitsui couldn't die now, at least he couldn't be beaten to death by outsiders so cowardly.

Either go back and avenge a hundred Japanese soldiers who died in such humiliation, or you have to commit seppuku and commit suicide to comfort the souls of the dead.


Aida died, and a new person took over as secretary.

Mitsui Xiangnan, who was on the hospital bed with gauze wrapped around his head, took a deep breath and asked: "How is the company's situation?"

The subordinate lowered his head and said: "Everything that can be robbed has been robbed. Now the company cannot survive at all. If the things are not recovered, we may have to compensate. President, why don't you report the case?"

The concession is still governed by law, and even the British and Americans cannot escape it from the outside.

The key point is that there is no substantial evidence that Mitsui Corporation did this.

That is to say, Potian, Mitsui Club and Black Dragon Club have nothing to do with each other.

"Forget it." Mitsui squinted his eyes toward the south, opened them again, and regained his composure.

"Contain our men. Prepare for action."

"Ready to take action now? We only have 42 people, and president, you still..."

"It doesn't matter, it just needs to be at this time. The worse we are, the less likely anyone will think it was us."

"specifically is"

"Grab it!" Mitsui said coldly to Nansen: "Since they say I robbed it, then I will fulfill their wish.

Everyone pretends to be members of the Secret Service and behaves according to the Secret Service's instructions. They set targets for all British and French companies in the concession and start plundering them!

I’m talking about everything, even companies in our own country are being robbed! "


At the train station, Zhou Qinghe felt comfortable watching four large boxes of broken porcelain being loaded into trucks and shipped to Nanjing.

This Xu Hongfa is still a good person. He doesn't know anything about antiques, but he knows how to make loan sharks.

After opening a mortgage loan bank in Pudong, Jiang Wen searched and found several large boxes full of cultural relics, including Tang Yin's paintings.

He kept a box of tattered calligraphy and paintings that were eaten by insects and rats, and gave the rest to Boss Dai.

Boss Dai must be able to study for many days.

"Boss, what's our next move?" Liu Kai asked.

Zhou Qinghe watched the car drive away and chuckled: "The side money comes so quickly, who is doing serious business? There are several docks in the concession, and there are so many British and American warehouses. You go and look around."

Liu Kai smiled: "I understand, if the Japanese have no money, they must have robbed it."

"Go and do your work, I'll go back by myself."

Zhou Qinghe turned around and left the train station, hailed a rickshaw, and went to the clinic, intending to take a look.

It doesn't matter whether you want to see it or not, there's no business anyway, I just agreed to the Shanghai aunt to see the house, so I have to take a look, it's also in that area, it's just a matter of passing by.

Sitting in the car and looking at the environment on both sides of the road, he was also thinking.

He didn't know exactly how many people were left in the Black Dragon Society.

But let’s do some subtraction, at least 20 people, and at most 60 people.

Compared to the 190 people when we first arrived, there were far fewer people.

But it is not an easy task to completely eliminate them next.

The Japanese will definitely not leave the concession easily next, and Xu Hongfa and his like who were used as a shield have also been wiped out. He needs to find a good reason to start.

As for robbery, it is just robbery and frame-up. It can make money, but not the head.

Still have to think about it.

Putting this aside, there is another important thing.

He can't focus only on the present.

The Black Dragon Society is just a minion sent by the Japanese military, which is just a tentacle exposed from the body of an octopus.

We need to take a long-term view. After the war begins, the Japanese military will be the long-term opponent.

If you want to obtain information from the Japanese military headquarters, you must find a way to have a stable source of information within the Japanese.

Sending spies or instigating rebellion against the Japanese is the key task.

Dispatching spies is relatively easy to operate. It is nothing more than sending people to Hongkou, relying on the strength of the dispatched people, slowly contacting the Japanese, and spontaneously improving their status. As for how effective they can be in the end, it depends on their own destiny.

As long as people are not forced to go to the Japanese military headquarters, it is not difficult to survive in the HK area.

For example, if you open a Japanese food store or a barber shop, you will always come into contact with Japanese people in these areas of life, and a few words may be useful.

This work should be done. It is definitely easier to bury the chess before the war than after the war.

At that time, the Japanese were definitely much more wary of the Chinese than they are now.

This matter does not need to go through the Shanghai area, it belongs directly to him, and it is considered a long-term bury. No matter whether he is in Shanghai or back to Nanjing, he will only wake him up when necessary.

Make decisions before taking action, not seeking merit, but seeking not to be blind.

These people cannot be transferred from Nanjing, let alone people from Shanghai area, and everyone who knows him cannot be used to avoid the two lines crossing, in case he is arrested later, he will be bitten out.I guess I have to wait for a training class, or recruit students from the police academy.

Generally speaking, this matter is not difficult. It is nothing more than recruiting people, making resumes, training, and placement.

Just wait for the flowers to bloom.

The rest of instigating rebellion is much more difficult.

Japan now has serious militarism. As far as the military police headquarters in Hongkou is concerned, it would be extremely difficult to instigate anyone to rebel.

Don't say it's hard to agree, even if you promise well, you will be sold when you turn around.

The idea must still be focused on people who can enter the military police headquarters and are not big-headed soldiers.

What Zhou Qinghe lacks now is observation. He wants to find out who can enter the Military Police Headquarters. What is the relationship and personality of the people inside? He urgently needs a pair of eyes.

The best people to attack are probably the food delivery people and the people who sweep the floors and do the hard work for the Chinese.

However, these people obviously don't have access to any core. At most, they know the gatekeepers and can understand the guard shift situation, but other things are of little value.

If you want value, you still have to be in the middle and upper levels.

There is a lack of a mid-level and senior manager.

At that time, the plan to contact the Japanese ambassador was interrupted, which still feels a bit pity when I think about it.

"Boss, here we are."


Zhou Qinghe threw a dollar to the rickshaw driver and walked into the clinic.

"Boss." Several girls in the room greeted.

"How is business today?" Zhou Qinghe asked with a smile.

Ma Qingqing shrugged and said helplessly: "Someone came to ask. When he heard 200 yuan, he turned around and ran away."

"Boss, how about we lower the price?" A nurse suggested carefully.

"No, at this price, it's not like the gringo has no money."

As soon as the price is low, more people will see the doctor. Zhou Qinghe doesn't have that much time to treat people, which will delay things.

Besides, it’s only 5000 yuan to take a patient, so why bother?
Ma Qingqing smiled playfully: "Boss, I heard that the Japanese ambassador is hospitalized. Why don't you go and promote business?"

"What happened to him?" Zhou Qinghe's heart moved. Could it be that he was about to fall into his hands again?Suddenly curious.

Ma Qingqing chuckled: "It wasn't the Pudong incident that caused the commotion. I heard that he saw the pictures in the newspaper and was so angry that he fainted on the spot. Some people also said that when he came out, someone shot at his ambassador. They threw a crotch cloth into the hall, wrapped it with a stone, hit him on the head, and left him lying there. Anyway, there are several theories."

"Lie down? What can you see?"

Zhou Qinghe was not interested. The newspaper was in the daytime, and it was already afternoon. There was a doctor in Japan, and he had already woken up.

Who knew that Ma Qingqing said with a smile: "There is something good to see. I haven't woken up yet. Doctors from several hospitals in the public concession have gone there. Even St. Mary's sent people there. The man pulling the cart at the door just said The public concession is very lively.”

"Is it?"

Myocardial infarction?Cerebral hemorrhage?

If that is the case, it would be interesting. These two are now terminally ill, and there is absolutely no cure.

The good thing is that both of these problems may be self-recovering, such as cerebral hemorrhage, which can be self-absorbed.

The bad thing is that once you can't recover, you will definitely die.

This is interesting. If you have a heart attack and fall into his hands, if it is not a heart attack but a cerebral hemorrhage, then you can celebrate by eating more bowls of longevity noodles.

However, Zhou Qinghe couldn't take the initiative to contact him. This kind of thing could only be invited by others, and he absolutely couldn't take the initiative.

Let’s see if the ambassador’s life is tough enough.

My fate with him was not so good last time.

"Let's talk about business later. Let's go. Boss, I'm going to check out the house."

Zhou Qinghe waved his hand and turned into the small alley behind.

Auntie Shanghai's Shangxianfang is not far from here, maybe a few hundred meters.

In the public concession, Gongji Hospital, Ambassador to Shanghai Hase Incheon was lying on the bed in the ward.

A few doctors and nurses were busy working as foreigners in order to cope with the intimidation of the Japanese outside.

However, in fact everyone knows that there is no hope.

In the corridor outside the door, there were two rows of Japanese soldiers, with two people standing in the middle.

"Is there really nothing you can do?" The man who asked the question was wearing a Japanese military uniform and was about 60 years old. He was the commander of the Military Police Headquarters in Shanghai, Fujita Yuna.

The Japanese military doctor opposite bowed his head apologetically: "Acute myocardial infarction causes coma, and there is no cure. If you are lucky, the ambassador will wake up in the middle of the night. If you are not lucky, this time will be a few days later. At worst, that time will Couldn't wake up.

What is certain is that people who have had acute myocardial infarction, even if they wake up, their bodies may not be as good as before, and they may relapse again.”

Fujita Yuna looked at his old friend in the room with a heavy expression: "There is no chance of surgery?"

The Japanese military doctor told the story bluntly: "Currently, there is no medical conclusion on the cause of myocardial infarction. There is nothing we can do and we can only rely on the Emperor's blessing."

The disease is incurable, Fujita sighed, there is really no way.

"What did the people over at St. Mary's say?"

"They were inclined to have surgery, but I didn't agree because I felt they just wanted to practice with His Excellency the Ambassador and would not bear the consequences of failure at all.

If no surgery is performed, the Ambassador may still wake up. "

Having said it clearly enough, Fujita Yuna nodded slightly and said with a dull face: "Then just wait, I hope he can defeat himself and wake up."

At the stair guard, the elevator door opened, and a soldier quickly stepped forward to report.

He nodded fiercely: "Chief Fujita, two people from the Qinggang came downstairs. They said they were named Du Yuesheng JinRong. The reason was to visit Chief Hase."

Fujita Yuna nodded after thinking for a moment: "Hasgu will inevitably come into contact with people from the Green Gang here, so let them come up."


Following the leadership of the soldiers, Du Yuesheng and Huang Jinrong arrived together.

As for Fujita Yuna, the two had met at a cocktail party before, said hello, and then visited the patient.

When we talked about the situation, Fujita Yuna was not very good-natured, but he briefly talked about the situation.

Du Yuesheng and Huang Jinrong sighed, lamenting that fate was unpredictable and that the dignified ambassador could only wait to die here.

Du Yuesheng originally heard that Hase Incheon had been admitted to the hospital, and planned to recommend Zhou Qinghe depending on the situation.

However, after hearing Fujita Yuna say that this was an incurable disease, he could only say helplessly: "Originally, I knew a Chinese doctor and planned to ask him to treat me, but I didn't expect Mr. Hase's condition to be so serious."

"Thank you for your kindness." Fujita Yuna's tone was low but very polite.

After all, they are from the Qinggang. In the future, we will need to use local people to rule Shanghai.

These two people have a good reputation, and it is definitely more cost-effective to be friends than to be enemies.

"How about asking him to come and have a look and work together, what if there is a solution?" Huang Jinrong said casually: "It's just a trip anyway."

"That's true." Du Yuesheng nodded: "What do Mr. Fujita think?"

Fujita Yuna did not refuse, it was already like this anyway, he nodded slightly and said: "Then I'll trouble you two."

"You're welcome, I'll call and ask."

Du Yuesheng found a phone number and called the clinic directly.

"Hello? Is Dr. Zhou here? Is he out? Where are you? I have something urgent to do with him."

(End of this chapter)

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