The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 126 Tenants

Chapter 126 Tenants
"Mr. Zhou, then I will send you here."

At the entrance of the International Hotel, Fujita Yumei's bodyguard Takahashi Zuo got out of the car and nodded to Zhou Qinghe: "On behalf of General Fujita, I would like to thank Mr. Zhou for your great help. Thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Qinghe smiled slightly and nodded to what he sent back: "Thank you, Mr. Takahashi."

We chatted for a while on the way and found out that Takahashi Zuo's military rank was a captain, not even an aide-de-camp.

However, although his military rank is not high, he is a third-grade officer of the Prime Minister's Concierge. This guy can be the commander's personal attendant, and his weight is by no means ordinary.

What's more, in the face of war, the commander-in-chief is the proper leader.

Zuo Takahashi nodded again, turned around and left in two cars.

"Boss, these Japanese people are quite polite." The nurse under me was amazed.

The Japanese are notorious for looking down on the Chinese, and a commander actually sent someone to send them back in a special car. They would never dare to think of such treatment.

They are all soldiers, and they are all warriors. Coming back in a Japanese special car is like a scene in a dream.

He had only trained with Commander Zhou, otherwise he might have been timid.

Zhou Qinghe looked at the figure leaving the car and smiled lightly: "It's nothing strange if you ask for help."

It's really interesting how things develop.

At that time, I wanted to show more enthusiasm. As a student studying in Japan who suffered unfair treatment in the French Concession, I took the initiative to make friends with Hase Incheon, the ambassador to Shanghai. That would inevitably involve a few flattery words.

But who knew, he would also be rejected.

Now, today is different from the past. We don’t burn incense on weekdays, but come to worship Buddha when something goes wrong.

When we meet again, the way will be completely different.

If they had made friends last time, this time Zhou Qinghe should help Hase Incheon as a friend or even a junior.

Now, the flatterers have to be Japanese.
Who let Changgu Incheon fall into his hands?

Not to mention Hase Incheon, who will be treated by him in the future, let’s talk about the military doctor.

Zhou Qinghe dared to vouch for it. At this moment, the military doctor was absolutely dumbfounded. Looking back, he would have to try his best to get experience from him on how to treat successfully.

No one in the world can perform heart surgery.

Treatment methods for myocardial infarction and how to locate problematic blood vessels. For doctors today, every project contains several world-class problems.

The solution is more attractive than 1 beauties.

Just wait, that guy will definitely come to your door.

At that time, through the Japanese military doctor line and the ambassador line, there will be more opportunities to meet the Japanese, and each person's appearance can be recorded. With daily observation, the relationship between the personnel can always be seen. .

At that time, whether it is for intelligence or instigators, it will always be helpful.

It is equivalent to a closed outer wall. Now there are two holes for him. If the hoe is good, it will be a matter of time before he can pass through.

"Let's go, the boss is treating you to an overtime meal at the International Hotel."

Zhou Qinghe was in a good mood and planned to reward Ma Qingqing and others.


Several women screamed happily.

This is the restaurant of an international hotel. How much does this meal cost?
"What do you mean it's real? It's like I'm abusing you all the time. You can order whatever you want. Boss, I'm not short of money."


Under the dim light of the room, Xu Meifeng was dozing off at the dinner table.

She called the hospital where her daughter worked and asked, saying there were patients and she would have to come back late.

This happens usually, but it was not too late at this time. She fell asleep after waiting.

As soon as there was movement at the door, her head dropped, and she woke up. When she saw the person, she breathed a sigh of relief, her daughter was back.

"Mom, why didn't you go back to your room and go to sleep?"

Liu Yidan entered and closed the door in one go. When he saw Xu Meifeng waiting here, he sighed, walked forward and put his hands on her shoulders and said, "Mom, staying up late is bad for your body. Didn't I tell you on the phone that there are patients in the hospital? do not wait for me."

"It's not usually this late. How can I rest assured that you are a girl outside? What if something happens to me as a woman?" Xu Meifeng turned to face her daughter.

Liu Yidan raised his no-war sign and begged for mercy with a smile: "Mom, the concession is very safe. What can happen?"

"Why can't something happen? A while ago, we were shooting every day and so many people died. What if one accidentally hits you?"

"Didn't the newspapers say it? It's the Japanese who are causing trouble, and it has nothing to do with us."

"How come it doesn't matter? We live in the concession, and bullets don't have eyes. And even if you don't mention the Japanese, if you just talk about those rickshaw drivers, won't they have bad intentions?

I heard that there were gangsters who pretended to be rickshaw drivers. Two people would knock the rider unconscious from behind, and then rob him of his money. If you come back so late, what would you do if something happened? "

"Mom, no, I will protect myself. I am very powerful." Liu Yidan raised his fist to show his strength.

It's just that these thin arms and small fists are really not convincing.

Xu Meifeng had no choice but to say with a face: "I told you to resign and move to a hospital in the French Concession. You say you are thinking about it every day. How are you thinking about it?"

"Mom, I'm thinking about it. Doesn't it take time? There are my patients in the hospital, so I can't be irresponsible and just leave, right? Your daughter and I are not such a person.

Hey, are there any fish today?I'm hungry. Mom, please help me get some food. "

Liu Yidan sat down with a smile.

"You change the subject as soon as this matter comes up. You don't know what the Gongji Hospital is like. Moreover, the public concession is not as safe as the French Concession and is far away from home. St. Mary is so close to home. It's not like I don't want you to be a doctor. , I just asked you to go to Saint Mary, and you didn’t even agree to this.”

Xu Meifeng chattered and helped her daughter to prepare a meal, but she still looked unhappy when she sat down.

Liu Yidan smiled and started eating fish.

He glanced at the table. The dishes on the table were much larger than usual, and he asked curiously: "Hey, why are there so many dishes today?"

Speaking of this, Xu Meifeng had a straight face: "What are you still talking about? I told you to come back early today, but you delayed it so late. Do you think you did it on purpose?"

"I'm really in trouble. There are patients in the hospital. Let me tell you, the hospital is very serious today. None of the doctors have left. They are all left behind. Do you know who is sick?"


Liu Yidan whispered: "Japanese Ambassador Hase Incheon."

Xu Meifeng exclaimed, "It's him. I heard from the neighbors, is he dead?"

"not dead."

"What's the point of that?"

Liu Yidan clicked his tongue, "Mom, let me tell you, it's amazing. Do you know what disease he has? Myocardial infarction."

"It's not dead?"

"He's not dead. He was rescued by an expert." Liu Yidan said with a rather miraculous expression: "Mom, do you know what happened at that time? All of us were left in the conference room to discuss the condition and think of a solution. In fact, everyone knew that we were just pretending. , there is no cure for this disease.

But in the evening, the Japanese invited an expert from outside the hospital to perform an operation on him, and it was successful. "

"Outside the hospital? At night? Is this doctor's surname Zhou?" Xu Meifeng immediately thought of Zhou Qinghe.

"I don't know, which person with the surname Zhou are you talking about?"

"It's the Dr. Zhou I met on the train that I told you about last time."

"He, how is it possible? He should be from Japan, that is the ambassador."

"Japanese doctors, their medical skills are quite good." Xu Meifeng complained unhappily: "It's not you who cured me, why are you so happy?"

"What did I tell you? This is a terminal disease. Do you know terminal disease? It is impossible to cure it, but people have cured it."

Liu Yidan was a little excited, but Xu Meifeng showed a lack of interest: "That means it's not a terminal illness."

Liu Yidan opened his mouth, and it seemed that he was right.

"No, to be precise, yesterday it was still a terminal illness, but from today on, it is no longer a terminal illness. This is a major breakthrough in the history of medicine. This is a strange man. Unfortunately, he left after the operation and we didn't see him. Come on, or maybe I can steal a master? Although the technology comes from Japan, if you learn it, doesn’t it become ours?”

"What's so good about the Japanese? You see so few of them in Hongkou every day? Besides, how can the Japanese let you learn from them?"

Xu Meifeng was not interested in this, but changed the topic: "Do you know how much things have been delayed by your coming back tonight? Dr. Zhou has left. If you came back on time, you would have met."

Liu Yidan chuckled, turned around and said, "He's really here?" Xu Meifeng said matter-of-factly, "Of course he is, Dr. Zhou is not you, he is very trustworthy, okay?"

"Okay, okay, he talks about credibility, I'm a little liar."

Liu Yidan smiled and coaxed Xu Meifeng, and then said, "Then when Dr. Zhou left, was he very angry and dissatisfied with our house?"

"How could it be?" Xu Meifeng glared: "Dr. Zhou has a very good attitude and is gentle and elegant, but he is nothing like you. He is uncertain from beginning to end, and he is nothing like a girl."

"Yes, yes, I don't have a definite diagnosis. Is it okay for the patient to think that I have a definite diagnosis? As for Dr. Zhou, thank you for your kindness, my dear mother. I have a close relationship with him. You can't blame me for this. We really have an important patient today."

Liu Yidan knew about the blind date introduction.

It's hard to refute now that you're old, but I was looking for excuses, but now I don't have to see him anymore, this patient is so kind.

Have fun and eat.

"Who said there is no destiny?" Xu Meifeng said proudly: "I'm telling you, Dr. Zhou has decided to rent a house here. When you see him in the future, you have to be polite and gentle."

"What?" Liu Yidan swallowed a mouthful of food and coughed twice. He couldn't believe it and said, "He really rented it?"

"Yes." Xu Meifeng nodded.

"No, how can this be done?"

Liu Yidan was anxious: "Mom, if you rent out our own house in several other buildings, have you really rented out our own house?"

"Yes, the contract has been signed. You and Dr. Zhou will definitely meet in the future."

"No, Mom, we two women live here. It's inconvenient for you to let a man come in."

Liu Yidan was so anxious that she didn't even think about renting out the room.

"Who made you refuse to return to the French Concession?"

Xu Meifeng's idea is very simple. As long as her daughter can reconcile with Zhou Qing, then Dandan will definitely return to the French Concession. In this way, she will have a boyfriend and return to the French Concession, so she will be completely relieved.

"Aren't I thinking about it? If I don't return to the French Concession, you can't lead the wolf into the house."

"Who is the wolf?"

"That Dr. Zhou."

"How could Dr. Zhou be a wolf?" Xu Meifeng rolled her eyes: "You haven't even met the person, and you just say that the person is a wolf. It's not easy for a girl to say this."

"No, Mom, there must be something wrong with this person."

Liu Yidan said seriously: "According to what you said, Dr. Zhou has good moral character, superb medical skills, and a good appearance. Why should such a person be single?"

"That person has just returned to China."

"Okay, I'll just pretend that he has just returned to China and hasn't found anyone yet. But do you think that Dr. Zhou, who you say has such a high income, would come to rent our house?"

"That's because he got to know me first, and I tried to persuade him several times."

"That's not right, Mom, think about it, the doctor's income is not low, and a good doctor is fully capable of living in a better house, or even renting a large single-family house. Why does he want to live here with us? He can only have evil intentions. Ah, either he is interested in our family’s money, or he is interested in both the money and the people.”

"Are you doubting my judgment of people?" Xu Meifeng sneered: "Your mother, I have seen so many people, do you think I can't see if a person is upright? And according to you, Dr. Zhou has taken a fancy to us. My family has a lot of houses, but tell me, why didn’t he come over immediately? It was only after I urged him that he decided to come over.”

Hiss. Liu Yidan frowned for this reason. It was really hard to refute.

Xu Meifeng looked at her sideways: "Don't think your mother is stupid. Let me tell you, I went to inquire. Dr. Zhou's clinic has just opened and there are not many patients. Do you think the rent of the clinic is quite high? Do you have to pay the monthly road maintenance fee? He There is a doctor and three nurses in the clinic. Do they need to pay their salaries? How much money can he have as a newly returned person? It is already remarkable that he can afford to open a clinic.

It's normal to rent our house, and they didn't say that we would rent it for the rest of our lives. We would live there for a transitional period and then move out after making money. Isn't this reasonable? "

Liu Yidan said nothing. It was over. At that time, it was not difficult enough to have a young and handsome man and a doctor to go on a blind date. This time it was really going to be troublesome.

Xu Meifeng rolled her eyes with an angry smile. Now there was no reason to refuse the blind date, right?
She is a young doctor in her 20s, good-looking, not poor at home, and has an extraordinary conversation. She has fulfilled such high requirements.

As long as you live here and fall in love over time, you will return to the French Concession sooner or later.

She believed in her vision, Zhou Qinghe was absolutely indistinguishable this time.

"Mom, let's pay double the liquidated damages. Let's refund it."

"No, I haven't seen anyone. Why are you so embarrassed to retreat? You can tell me when you see me."

"Oh my god!"

"Eat you."

"If I had known earlier, it would be better to let Professor Chen move in."

"As you said, he is older than me. If he comes to live in our house, do I still want my face? I don't know what kind of gossip will spread outside."

"Then you are not afraid that I will be gossiped about."

"Isn't that right?"

"Oh my god!"

"Stop barking at night. The neighbors thought a wild wolf was barking. Eat quickly and go to bed early after eating. I'm going to bed first. Leave it alone after eating. I will clean it up tomorrow."

"Yes, good night, mother."

Half an hour later, Liu Yidan tiptoed and listened to the noise in his mother's room, turned around and walked out of the room, went to the next building, and Qing opened the door.

The door was ajar, she looked at the empty street, then entered the door and knocked lightly on the back room.

The people in the room had been waiting for her and opened the door immediately.

It turned out to be Zhou Qinghe, the university professor he had met on the train that day.

With a pimpled face and a serious expression, he looked outside cautiously and opened the door.

The two people sat down at the square table. Professor Chen Chen Ming asked: "Why is it so late today?"

Liu Yidan quickly talked about what happened today.

Professor Chen felt a little regretful: "Not dead?"

"There are experts among Japanese doctors, so there is nothing we can do about it." The matter was ignored, and Chen Ming asked about important matters: "Is there any clue about the medicine?"

"A little bit." Liu Yidan smiled and took out a box of sulfonamides from his coat: "I took advantage of the Japanese people's panic today to get a box of powder."

"Okay, okay." Obtaining sulfonamides is difficult, and even one box is precious.

"The fighting in northern Shaanxi is fierce now. The more we can get, the more soldiers will survive." Chen Ming said happily: "The Japanese have been fighting really well recently. In addition, the public settlement was disrupted last time. You have already obtained five in this short period of time, I will definitely apply to my superiors for commendation."

"Hey, I'll keep working hard." Liu Yidan smiled happily.

"There is another troublesome thing. Please give me some advice after listening to it." Chen Ming frowned and said: "The weather in northern Shaanxi is getting colder and colder, and the matter of cotton-padded clothes is urgent.

Originally, the SH Municipal Committee tried to find a way to order a batch of cotton in Pudong, the cotton distribution center. However, during the Pudong bandit suppression a while ago, this businessman was a tobacco and soil dealer and was beaten to death. Now the underground forces have shuffled and all the goods have been stolen by the Secret Service. If you are greedy, our goods are gone.

The SH Municipal Party Committee has notified everyone about this matter. Let us brainstorm and see if there is any way to quickly obtain a batch of cotton-padded clothes at a cheaper price. The most important thing is that this person must have the ability to transport it out safely. Shanghai, shipped to northern Shaanxi. "

"Usually people with this ability belong to the Qing Gang, right?" Liu Yidan thought for a while and said, "Although the tobacco and soil merchant was beaten to death, the goods should have gone through the upper-level transportation channels of the Qing Gang. If we can know who this person is, it is actually still If we can find a way to keep him lucky, will his men still be alive?"

Chen Ming shook his head: "I don't know. Now there is a major reshuffle of power in Pudong, and our people don't dare to contact people there at will."

Chen Ming did not report any hope, but just said it as a reminder: "Anyway, I will help you think about it. If you have any good ideas, please tell me. There are many rich people who go to the hospital for medical treatment, and maybe you can get something from them." inspiration."

"Okay, I'll figure it out."

Liu Yidan nodded, and then talked about his own affairs: "I'm afraid there will be some trouble here. My mother found a tenant for me."

"Tenant?" Chen Ming was surprised, "With the conditions you set, can your mother really find a suitable person for you?"

Liu Yidan smiled helplessly: "I'm surprised too. She is unyielding. You also know this person. She is the person I told you, the person opposite you on the train."


Chen Ming was stunned for a moment, then frowned and thought for a while: "I observed this person carefully. He should be very smart. From the few words your mother said, I can quickly figure out how to find your mother. Although it is common for doctors to The logic is not bad, but this person should be the best.

If it were him, I'm afraid he would really have to be more careful.

Is there any way to refuse? "

Liu Yidan spread his hands and said helplessly: "My mother is ready to sell me, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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