The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 14 Judgment

Chapter 14 Judgment
"How is it? What are you thinking about?"

Su Weiyong was the first to come up.

"Appendicitis." Zhou Qinghe told him the result directly.

"Really appendicitis?"

Su Weiyong was a little surprised, "Why is the appendix at that location?"

It wasn't that he doubted Zhou Qinghe's judgment, but this statement was too shocking to the world.

"Some people also have ectopic hearts, and when the appendix develops, it may grow in the wrong place."

The main reason is that doctors in this era are exposed to too few cases, and they will always encounter them if they do too many.

Zhou Qinghe explained, and after the gynecologist told her that there was no disease in her lower body, she walked out of the door and nodded to the two bosses.

"Principal, the student considers that it is enteritis caused by long-term stimulation of raw and cold food, and acute appendicitis caused by failure to deal with it well. He just needs an operation."

"Do you need an operation?"

This result was a bit beyond the principal's expectations.

"But Dr. William said it was ureteral stones."

"Sir, it must be ureteral stones. You should not listen to a student's lies. This is simply ridiculous."

William's eyes looked at Zhou Qinghe with deep questioning and anger.

It was simply insulting to have such a arrogant student diagnose a disease with him.

William's anger made the principal undecided.

It was originally a dispute between Su Weiyong's intestinal disease and William An's urinary tract disease.

Expect Zhou Qinghe to come and form a two-to-one decision.

As a result, he has appendicitis again. Three people have three opinions, and he has a big headache.

He doesn't understand!

"Sir, you must not listen to his lies. Urinary tract stones can be expelled from the body just by drinking a lot of water and doing some exercise.

And if you listen to his ridiculous statement, the operation will be an irreparable scar. The surgery is very dangerous and there is a risk of infection. This is an irreparable mistake! "

William's excitement made the principal's face look even more bitter, and he couldn't help but ask Dai Yunong for help.

"Yunong, what do you think?"

Dai Yunong did not answer, but looked at Zhou Qinghe cryptically, reminding him of what was said in the car.

Doing the wrong thing is fatal.

Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly.

Dai Yunong said with a heart: "Principal, Qinghe is the person I brought here. I absolutely believe in his medical skills. He can even save people with heavy bleeding and gunshot wounds to the lungs. I trust his judgment."

"Can he save someone who was bleeding heavily and injured his lungs with a gunshot?" Before the principal could speak, William An was immediately surprised.

Dai Yunong smiled slightly: "Dr. William, top surgeons are not only found in foreign countries."

William'an looked at Zhou Qinghe for a while and softened his tone slightly: "If this is true, it is amazing, but I still believe in my judgment."

He knew how poor the equipment in Nanjing was. If it was true, then he had to admit in his heart that this young man was indeed capable.

Add luck.

"For young doctors, the probability of ectopic appendicitis is very low. In my 28 years of surgical career, I have never encountered a single case."

William An was a kind reminder and also told the principal how unreliable this guess was.

Of course you won't meet them. You only have so many people. The appendix you cut in 28 years is probably not as much as that of an emergency doctor in a year. Zhou Qinghe complained in his heart.

"Principal, the student insists on my judgment that this incision must be made, otherwise once the appendix perforates, it will cause infection and be life-threatening."

Zhou Qinghe looked cold.

At this time, the maid inside ran out anxiously: "Sir, Madam is in pain and can't bear it anymore."

At that moment, a group of people walked in hurriedly.

"Hey Yo Yo, Yo Yo Yo."


While rubbing her back, the principal said: "The new doctor Xiao Zhou said it was appendicitis and that he needed an operation, but William An simply had a urinary tract infection. He said that you should just drink more water and exercise more." "Operate, operate. Let’s do the surgery immediately.”

Madam is much more decisive.

She was told to drink water and exercise more. Wouldn't this cost her her life?
Um. The decisive response made the principal a little stunned.

"Madam, please stop thinking about it. Surgery will leave scars. I'm not saying your scars won't look good. I'm worried about your health."

Ahem, Dai Yunong coughed, reminding everyone that there are some words they should not listen to.

They are all discerning people, standing outside the door with their eyes and nose and mind in mind.

After a while, the principal came out, looked at Zhou Qinghe, held his hand and said, "Qinghe, please."

"Principal, don't worry."

Zhou Qinghe is neither humble nor arrogant.

The official residence has a simple operating room. Although the equipment is not complete, it is more than enough to perform simple operations.

Zhou Qinghe asked Su Weiyong to be his assistant. The nurse's residence was already equipped. After the anesthesia was removed, the operation began quickly.

In the future, appendicitis surgery will be a necessary operation for surgeons, and it will involve vomiting.

The difference from the future is that most of the surgeries will be laparoscopic surgery with small incisions, but now it can only support surgery.

The scalpel slid over, and a three-centimeter incision appeared on the lower side of the abdomen.

The choice of the incision where the incision is made is very important. You must take into account the aesthetics. In this position, the incision can be covered by pants, and it will be fine even if you wear a midriff-baring outfit. Of course, there is no such thing now.

"So small?" Su Weiyong was surprised. With such a small size, there was no surgical field of vision at all, and the organs inside could not be seen clearly.


Zhou Qinghe's experience dictated that he quickly located the appendix with a gentle tap of his fingers. The tip of the knife slid over and a swollen and red appendix was cut out.

Throw it into the plate. This is evidence of the diagnosis and must be shown to the family.

Su Weiyong was amazed at how confident and quick he was with the knife.

Just based on his proficiency with the sword, he felt that he would never be able to practice it in his life.

Ectopic appendicitis, another trick learned.

You should have stuck to your own judgment from the beginning, which was obviously consistent with the diagnosis of appendicitis.
But when he thought about it carefully, even if he wanted to stick to his own judgment in his heart, he probably wouldn't be able to in action.
This is the official residence!

Thinking of this, he admired Zhou Qinghe a little.

"How dare you."

Maybe that William also diagnosed appendicitis, but he didn't dare to take the knife and bear the consequences of this possible misjudgment, so he simply didn't say anything.

It's hard to say what's going on in my heart.
The next step is suturing. The quality of suturing is directly related to the healing of the wound and its future beauty. This is very important. Zhou Qinghe is very careful.

A surgeon must have the determination to hold a scalpel and the dexterity to handle an embroidery needle.

Live carefully and it will last long.

Two hours later, there was a rush of people outside the door.

"William, didn't you say that appendix surgery is quick? Why did it take so long? Was there an accident?" The principal was very anxious.

William An shrugged: “If it was just a simple appendix surgery, it would be quick of course, and I believe it would be over by now.

But I don't support his theory, if it weren't for the appendix issue he would probably be in trouble right now. "

"What's the trouble?" The principal was stunned upon hearing this.

"The problem is urinary tract stones. If the abdominal cavity is opened, the result is that the appendix is ​​fine. He can't do anything. He searches around in the abdominal cavity to find the crux of the problem."

Although laparotomy is a medical method, William An felt that this guy was afraid that he would be risking his life.

As long as the problem wasn't his appendix, he would pay the price for his self-confidence.

"Go in and take a look." The principal became anxious after hearing this.

"No, the operating room has sterility requirements. I can't go in now." As a doctor, this is the basic concept.

Besides, if you get an infection after surgery, who’s to blame?
The principal is very anxious.

Fortunately, the door to the operating room finally opened.

(End of this chapter)

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