The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 145 Zhuang Hui

Chapter 145 Zhuang Hui
Zhuang Hui glanced at Zhou Qinghe and pursed her lips slightly: "Although it's just a paper crane, I folded it myself. Looking at your clothes, sir, you must be a tasteful person. It's not very gentlemanly to steal other people's things without permission." .”

The words were already very annoying, and he almost said he was disgusted, but Zhou Qinghe had his own way of dealing with it.

With a tearing sound, the spread paper turned into two pieces.

Zhou Qinghe's hands were so dexterous that one paper crane soon turned into two paper cranes.

After putting it on the table, Zhou Qinghe said: "One paper crane is lonely, two paper cranes are more loving, in pairs, this beautiful lady, do you think I am not a gentleman?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but it's a pity that I have a boyfriend."

Zhuang Hui stood up, smiled and nodded, picked up two paper cranes and sat on the table next to her. Then, she tore one of the paper cranes into pieces, while the other one was still placed on the table as if she didn't care about it for a moment.

The response was good, at least a scene of connection was created, but Zhou Qinghe was obviously not prepared to let her go so easily.

Zhou Qinghe raised his buttocks and sat next door again.

Zhuang Hui lowered her head and glanced at her watch discreetly. It was two fifty-eight. She looked at Zhou Qinghe expressionlessly and said, "Didn't I make it clear enough?"

"No, it's just that I think it doesn't matter if I have a boyfriend. I don't have to be responsible. Wouldn't it be better?" Zhou Qinghe leaned back and smiled.

This is so shameless. It is not something a normal woman would accept, at least not for the first time.

A normal woman should leave angrily, but she obviously couldn't leave.

Zhuang Hui paused in shock at these bold words, looked directly into Zhou Qinghe's eyes, and said with a half-smile: "My boyfriend's name is Wu Youliang, and his father is the mayor of SH and the Songhu Garrison Commander. This gentleman ,Are you sure you want to continue talking?"

Well, what a move to overwhelm others with force. Zhou Qinghe admired it in his heart, but who let him know that this was false?
Zhou Qinghe said oh, and an interesting expression appeared on his face: "Why didn't I know that I still have such a beautiful girlfriend?"

Zhuang Hui was stunned for a moment, her eyes glanced at Zhou Qinghe, she picked up the paper crane and smiled: "You also like paper cranes?"

There's nothing left to play. Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows and said, "How many paper cranes have you folded?"

"No. 17 only."

The conversation was completed quickly, and Zhuang Hui on the opposite side couldn't help but want to laugh.

Zhou Qinghe took a sip of coffee and asked, "How did you tell?"

Zhuang Hui chuckled softly, "A handsome young man who dresses up so richly, but behaves so frivolously. It doesn't look like he is chasing a woman, but more like a gangster who wants to bully a good family.

If it is a gangster, it will be easier to deal with. I will use my identity as a gangster to solve this problem.

It must be able to make people retreat from difficulties.

Even if not, the other party is really a shameless and powerful young man. For the sake of the Songhu Security Commander, usually he will not continue to entangle him, at least he will not take any more extreme actions.

And if you are really unlucky and you happen to be the son of the Songhu Garrison Commander, this is not impossible, but..."

Zhuang Hui spread out the book in his hand, pointed to a report on it and said: "Wu Youliang is the second son of the garrison commander. He studies and works in the UK."

"What if he happens to come back to visit his family?"

"You just happened to come back, you just happened to meet me, and you just happen to want to stalk me, but you don't show that your family background is prominent, then this person is the person I'm looking for."

"Put what you have learned and pass the assessment." Zhou Qinghe took the book in her hand and flipped through it. It was a miscellaneous book about Shanghai's customs and customs. He couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "Where did it come from?"

"I bought it on the way to kill time." Zhuang Hui smiled at the compliment: "The main reason is that it was such a coincidence. The questions were not difficult."

"It's not difficult, but you did really well." Zhou Qinghe returned the book to her and asked directly: "Have you found a place to live?"

"Not yet, just arrived at noon."

"Let's go then."


"Open house."

Zhou Qinghe asked Zhuang Hui to go in first and get a room by himself. After a while, he went upstairs alone.

Zhuang Hui was the person chosen by Boss Dai for him, and he might have had some instructions before coming. The most important thing was that Zhuang Hui was his future lover, so Zhou Qinghe needed to fully understand her financial background.

After closing the door, Zhou Qinghe asked directly: "Did anyone tell you anything before coming here?"

When she arrived at the hotel, Zhuang Hui became more reserved. She stood up straight and made a report.

"I came from Hangzhou. Before I came, Director Dai met with me in person and told me that everything will be at your command after I come here. My mission is to lurk in Shanghai, and you are my only superior."

Zhou Qinghe nodded and sat on the sofa: "Tell me about your family background."

"I'm from Hangzhou."

Zhuang Hui quickly talked about the situation at home.

Her family has a small amount of assets in Hangzhou and is a wealthy local businessman. She has two brothers in the family who are usually busy with the family business. She is the third eldest child.

She graduated from Hangzhou Police Training School, but Director Dai wanted to send her to Shanghai, so she dropped out of school on her own because of a dispute with her family.

In fact, it was indeed awkward.

A girl dropping out of school obviously won't cause any trouble.

Boss Dai is very good at selecting people. A girl who grew up in a well-off family will be more knowledgeable than ordinary people, and she will not show timidity when walking around with Zhou Qinghe.

But Zhou Qinghe was curious: "Your family is so rich, why do you, a girl, want to go to the police academy? Your family has no objection?"

"Of course I have opinions, and they are not small."

Zhuang Hui smiled helplessly: "Actually, I wanted to be a soldier at that time, but the army did not accept women. After some inquiry, I heard that the police academy had a precedent of recruiting female police officers, so I decided to do the next best thing. Just became a police officer.”

"Do you still want to be a soldier?"

Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Why do you want to be a soldier?"

"Why can't women be soldiers?"

Zhuang Hui looked directly into Zhou Qinghe's eyes and said righteously: "At a time when the country is in crisis, the Japanese are massacring our compatriots. The crimes they have committed in the three northeastern provinces are too numerous to describe, and their ambitions are obvious. This already shows that sooner or later the war will break out." One day it will burn all over China.

While the man goes to war, can the daughter only stay at home reciting poems and painting?Why can't we protect our country? "

"That's good." Zhou Qinghe praised it and then asked, "But why did your family agree?"

"They really disagree."

"I told them I was going to be a soldier, and they said you should just go, since no one would accept me.

Then I said that I wanted to be a police officer, but there were always people who said this, but they refused, saying that the police officers only come into contact with people at the bottom of society, and girls are easily at a disadvantage. "

"That's true."

"But I insisted on going, so I went to Hangzhou Police Academy to apply to join, but was rejected."

"Because of your family?" Zhou Qinghe guessed a little.

Zhuang Hui nodded: "I went to register, but the result was that I didn't pass the review, and my physical fitness was not good. But I have been good at sports since I was a child, so there was no way I could fail, so I guessed that it was the trouble at home, and then I went I found my dad.

I went home and told my dad that I would become a policeman. I was still in Hangzhou. If you didn’t let me become a policeman, I would become a soldier.

My dad said, then just go. There is no army that recruits female soldiers. I told him, that’s not necessarily true. There is one army that recruits female soldiers. "

Um?Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows: "Are there any? Which army recruits female soldiers?"

Zhou Qinghe was really stunned when he was told that it was impossible to recruit female soldiers in the national army. Although female students were recruited, it was obvious that these people were doing behind-the-scenes work.
But there seems to be one team with women on the battlefield.

"Are you talking about the Red Party?" Zhou Qinghe's eyes widened.

Zhuang Hui nodded without hesitation: "Yes, I heard that everyone in the Red Party is a soldier. There are not only female soldiers, but also female instructors and female leaders. Except that life is a bit harder, there are no other problems."

Oh, you are very brave, you actually dare to tell a person from the Secret Service that you want to go to the Red Party.
There was no emotion or anger on Zhou Qinghe's face, and he just asked: "Do you know that before going abroad, you must first make peace with yourself?"

"Of course I know."

"Then you still say that? If your words are heard by others, it will be enough to destroy your family."

Zhuang Hui chuckled lightly, with pure eyes: "I don't really want to go. As long as I pretend to go, my dad will definitely settle for the next best thing and let me go to the police academy. In this way, I will at least be a good person." He can still see it in Hangzhou, can't he?"

Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly: "You are quite smart."

"Doesn't your family have any objections to your coming to Shanghai?"

"What I'm telling them now is that I came to Shanghai to relax. As for what reason I will use in the future, Director Dai said that you will help me solve the next problem."

"Well, that's no problem."

Zhou Qinghe changed his mind and followed Boss Dai's thinking. It was not difficult to resolve the conflicts in Zhuang Hui's family.

Since they can all accept Zhuang Hui becoming a female police officer at the Hangzhou Police Academy, then if they can find a job for Zhuang Hui in the concession in Shanghai, there will be a legitimate and safe profession, such as a police officer.

Both safety and decency are guaranteed.

There must be no problem. "It's not troublesome to solve. Sit down. Don't be so nervous." Zhou Qinghe pointed to the sofa, crossed his legs and leaned against the sofa and asked, "Are you clear about your mission?"

"Director Dai didn't tell me in detail." Zhuang Hui shook her head: "I just said I would report to you."

Zhou Qinghe hummed: "Your next task is to be my lover."

After Zhou Qinghe finished speaking, he glanced at Zhuang Hui. He didn't show too much surprise at this task, but just raised his eyebrows slightly.

This performance is already very good. After all, for a girl, the word lover is not a glorious word.

Zhou Qinghe continued: "You remember the next thing clearly.

Three months ago, we met by chance at West Lake in Hangzhou. We chatted for a few words and felt good about each other. But we were in a hurry. I left Hangzhou after seeing a doctor for someone else, and you haven't heard from me.

Through that conversation, you learned about my life experience. I am a doctor who returned from studying in Japan. I currently open a clinic in the French Concession. I didn’t talk much about other things.

Now that you have a conflict with your family, you come to Shanghai to relax. One of your purposes is to come to Shanghai to look for my clinic.

As a result, we bumped into each other while resting in a cafe, and we felt deeply connected, so we prepared to have an in-depth relationship.

If someone asks you in the future, this is what you will say to the outside world. "

"Understood." Zhuang Hui nodded, but looked at Zhou Qinghe with an intriguing look.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Qinghe was surprised.

"Nothing." Zhuang Hui smiled slightly.

Men are deceitful, and this boss, among other things, makes up stories one after another.

Zhou Qinghe ignored her and continued: "Next, I will pursue you, and you also have a good impression of me, and our relationship heats up quickly.

You told me something about your family and that you might want to return to Hangzhou, so I said I would find a way for you to stay in Shanghai.

Then I will take you to meet some people. You don’t need to know them in advance. I will introduce them to you when needed.

The real purpose of doing this is to help you arrange a job so that you can stay in the concession police station and become a police officer in the household registration department. Do you understand? "

Zhuang Hui nodded and smiled: "Then shall we continue to fall in love, watch movies? Go shopping?"

"There is not so much time." Zhou Qing laughed softly: "But there will definitely be some."

Zhuang Hui pursed her lips, nodded and smiled: "But don't you have too little information? You should tell me more about what kind of person you are. Not as a lover, but also as a boss. I am always concerned about the following lurking work. Do you need a comprehensive understanding?”

"Want to know? It's such a beautiful idea. How much you can see is up to you. According to your function, the less you know, the safer it is."

A motivated woman with a lot of curiosity.

However, her position determined that what Zhou Qinghe needed was a document maker.

If you don't do anything else, the secret will not be revealed, and you will have absolute safety.

As for being caught with fake documents, that's a big deal. If you don't make fake documents, who would send people to this department?Not worth mentioning at all.

As for whether there are other places to use it in the future, let’s talk about it. I have to pay more attention.

"Any questions?"

"Not for now."

"Very good." Zhou Qinghe stood up and said, "I'll find you a house first, and then I'll take you to a big dinner in the evening."

"That's right." Zhou Qinghe paused, looked at Zhuang Hui and asked, "How far can you accept it?"

"What. Which step?" Zhuang Hui didn't understand, with a question mark on her face.

Zhou Qinghe pursed his lips and smiled apologetically: "Since we are lovers, I will always physically offend you when necessary. I have to remind you in advance that as a lover in love, you should not have any objection to my actions. You can’t resist it even once, so you have to get familiar with it in advance.”

Zhou Qinghe raised his hand and gave her a look as if he was handing it to me.

Zhuang Hui had a strange look in her eyes, hesitated for a moment, pursed her lips and handed it over.

Zhou Qinghe pulled the beauty directly into his arms.

You can clearly feel Zhuang Hui's body tense up from the sudden movement, and then relax a little. Although Zhou Qinghe doesn't have any eyes behind his back, he is sure that Zhuang Hui's hands have nowhere to put them at this moment -
At least it wasn't on his back.

So I explained to reassure her: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you, and I won't take advantage of you through work."

These words are very hurtful to women, but they obviously do make people feel at ease.

Zhuang Hui put her hands gently on Zhou Qinghe's back and said, "Is it necessary to progress so fast?"

"Time is tight, get familiar with it as soon as possible."

Zhou Qinghe pushed her away directly, patted her shoulder and said with a smile: "Bold on the outside, but quite conservative on the inside."

Zhuang Hui blushed and said quickly: "You have to give me a little time to adapt."


Zhuang Hui took a deep breath, closed her eyes, opened her eyes again, and looked at Zhou Qinghe with an extra sense of joy.

"You haven't told me your name yet?"

"Zhou Qinghe."

Two hours later, Zhou Qinghe had helped Zhuang Hui buy a house in the French Concession, using Zhuang Hui's name.

The purchase price is a mansion, very lavish.

"You need to familiarize yourself with the surrounding environment first. I will pick you up for dinner in the evening and help you solve the problems at the police station."

It seems that this boss is doing very well, being so generous with his actions, and even saying that he can help him solve his identity as a police officer.

Zhou Hui is curious. Based on her knowledge, a position like the household registration department can't just squeeze people in if you want, right?

"I'm a new comer and I'm not even a police officer. Is it that easy to get into the household registration department in the concession? That's a bad job."

"For some people, it's a fat job, for some people, it's just a piece of shit."

How much money can you make if you commit fraud in the household registration department until you die?
Favors are much more valuable than worthless things.

Zhou Qinghe smiled and said, "Your new boyfriend's identity is very unusual. To put it mildly, you can walk around in this concession."

"Then I'm no longer a crab?"

Zhuang Hui sneered, moved her eyes slightly, and asked: "Then what if you really meet someone like the young master of the security commander's family? Can you still walk sideways?"

"You will know this question after tonight."

After hearing the answer, Zhuang Hui became particularly interested in the meal tonight.

People like Zhang Xiaolin cannot change their eating of shit. There are two things they cannot change.

One is smoking, and the other is gambling.

Not to mention smoking, you have to smoke even if your intestines are broken. As for gambling, assassination is assassination. I heard that the number of bodyguards has been increased, but I still gamble every day. If I don't gamble, I feel itchy.

So Zhou Qinghe planned to go to the porcelain in the evening.

Let's have a meal and let Zhuang Hui get to know Zhang Xiaolin.

Even if things go wrong, you have to gamble, so you need to bring some money.

Zhang Xiaolin would definitely have a lot of money when he gambled, and Zhou Qinghe just made a fortune.

Liu Kai told him that all the money withdrawn from the Bank of Japan was hidden in the safe house, a lot of it.

Go back to the hotel and find Liu Kai.

"What's the exact number?"

"57 yen!"

"so much?"

Zhou Qinghe laughed, this was such an unexpected surprise.

"I think this group of people may have just returned from Japan, and it was Inoue Noaki who raised the funds." Liu Kai guessed.

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "Don't deposit this money at the counter. Go to the French Concession to rent a safe and deposit it in the safe."

Such a large cash deposit is easy to trace, so take your time with it.


Zhou Qinghe took [-] yuan, and it was legitimate for him to take yen, which was all income from medical treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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