The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 158 Inside Story

Chapter 158 Inside Story

With one simple word, Zeng Haifeng's face tightened and he threatened: "Stop playing tricks on me and tell the truth."

Kojima Xiongyi sneered: "Chen Fuan is dissatisfied with your air landing in Shanghai. You must be uncomfortable with him too, right? Isn't this the reason why you deal with him?"

"This is not something you should care about!"

"I'm just telling you that it's not difficult to bribe Chen Fuan. I arrested him and didn't even need to interrogate him. I just asked him what he wanted, and he made a request. He created an incident and told you to get out. He will be the district chief. .

So, isn't it a good idea to slowly kill people in Shanghai and then let Nanjing transfer you? "

Zeng Haifeng frowned. Don't tell me, this is really a good idea.

When Chen Fuan takes over, the entire Shanghai area will be in his hands.

"How did you find Chen Fuan?"

"I told you, Secretary-General." Kojima Xiong smiled happily: "I told the truth, didn't you expect it? I am an honest person, hahahaha."

The laughter stopped abruptly the next moment and turned into screams.

Zhou Qinghe stretched out his hand, and the scalpel slid across Kojima Xiongyi's arm, and a piece of flesh was shaved off.

"Be quiet, answer whatever I ask you, and don't let me hear your laughter again, it's very noisy."

Kojima Kumaichi hated Zhou Qinghe in particular, and asked through gritted teeth: "Are you Chinese or Japanese? Why do those military police say you are Japanese?"

Zhou Qinghe appeared at the Military Police Headquarters. Kojima Xiong naturally had to ask questions when he saw him. After all, the newspaper said that this guy was a Chinese doctor.

But after asking the military police, the result was that Zhou Qinghe was Japanese. Kojima Bear thought that there might be some tricks used by the Japanese to pretend to be Chinese. After all, it was very common for Japanese agents to pretend to be Chinese.

Moreover, this person was related to Chief Fujita, so I didn’t think much about it at that time.

He guessed at the time that this person might be an agent sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After all, the person Zhou Qinghe came into contact with was the Japanese ambassador, and the consulate was the main territory of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

but now
Zhou Qinghe's answer was a sharp one: "I told you everything, answer the question, is there something wrong with your brain?"

The man suddenly became more honest. He gritted his teeth and looked at Zhou Qinghe fiercely, wishing he could eat Zhou Qinghe alive.

But it was obviously incompetent and furious.

Zeng Haifeng continued to ask questions, and the rest became much smoother.

Kojima Kumaichi said that he was telling the truth, because only the truth can conceal the true purpose, such as concealing the desire to survive. As long as he enters the hospital, everything will be easy to tell.

There was nothing wrong with the method, except for meeting Zhou Qinghe.

Zeng Haifeng asked some questions, and Zhou Qinghe kept listening until Kojima Xiongyi finished an answer and Zhou Qinghe spoke.

"You just said that the only person you bribed in the Secret Service was Chen Fuan?"

"Yes, because as long as Chen Fuan is mastered, the entire Secret Service will have no secrets."

"There's no one else?"

"Oh, do you need anyone else?"

"But what if District Chief Zeng is not going to send you to the hospital and just lets you stay in the Secret Service? When Chen Fuan is arrested, who are you going to rely on?"

"Then I can only wait to die."

"Isn't it?" Zhou Qinghe smiled half-heartedly: "Then I'll wait until you tell me."

Zhou Qinghe cut off another piece of flesh with a cold expression, and then took the tip of the knife and danced lightly on the exposed flesh of Kojima Xiongyi.

"And your telecommunications section chief, if I am arrested, or Chen Fuan is arrested, the news must be reported to Nanjing. The telecommunications section chief will definitely receive the news, and I will have a chance, okay?" Xiaodao Xiong Yi almost yelled out the words in a roaring voice. The pain made him unable to bear the pressure at all.

The torture was too painful, ten thousand times more painful than imagined.

"This is much more reasonable." Zhou Qinghe nodded, his logic was smooth, and he solved a doubt.

Zeng Haifeng looked ugly and was another high-ranking person.

"Is there any more?" He pinched Kojima Xiongyi's wound and asked.

"Don't make me resort to tricks over and over again."

"It's gone. It's really gone." Xiaojiao Xiongyi broke into a cold sweat.

"Are you planning to blow up Zhongshan Hospital?" Zhou Qinghe thought of those documents.

For those copies from important people, this must be news from someone close to them. Just ask for the person's name and you can locate them directly.

However, there is no specific execution time in the Zhongshan Hospital copy.

"It's just a plan, it may not be implemented."

"When is expected?"

"I don't know. The order from the military department just asked me to come up with a plan and discuss the feasibility."

"What if I ask you to execute it?"

"What's there to think about? Of course, on the day of the opening, there will be all the big shots, and since the first hospital in Shanghai is established, there will definitely be a lot of reporters."

Zhou Qinghe nodded slightly, which made sense.

Then he asked about the situation in the military police headquarters.

The Military Police Headquarters stated that there were 3000 troops stationed there, but in fact there were 5000.

This is a formal establishment, and behind the scenes, there are more than 8000 Japanese who came to form a militia group.

Among them, there are more than 230 personnel belonging to the Marine Corps Intelligence Section.

The other two important pieces of information are the name of the leader of the Military Intelligence Section and the actual location of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' intelligence agency in Shanghai.

The Iwai Mansion is the residence of the intelligence agency established by the Deputy Consul General of the Consulate, Eiji Iwai.

With consular status and resident protection, attacking Iwai Mansion is equivalent to declaring war and is absolutely safe.The Intelligence Section of the Military Department is located inside the Military Police Headquarters, but this Iwai Mansion is not.

Zhou Qinghe focused on the Iwai Mansion.

Zhou Qinghe is not interested in attacking. Generally speaking, as long as he does not kill and kill like Kojima Xiongyi, forcing the Secret Service to retaliate with blood for blood, Zhou Qinghe is very willing to develop peacefully.

After all, the focus now is still on burying people.

It doesn't make much sense to kill one leader and get another one.

Well, the first term is still very meaningful. Like Kojima Kumaichi, he alone can let the Secret Service understand the structure of the entire Military Police Command.

And after that, just killing is not the point.

If you bury people and then kill them, replacing old ones with new ones, there will be room for promotion. Killing people at this time is killing two birds with one stone.

Someone needs to be buried here.

After looking at his watch, Zhou Qinghe called Zeng Haifeng out: "The next step is up to you. I can't disappear for no reason. I have to go to the hospital for surgery."

"Thank you." Zeng Haifeng patted Zhou Qinghe on the shoulder: "Thank you, brother."

"You're welcome. Clean it up as soon as possible and move everything underground. The Japanese will definitely retaliate later."

The disappearance of the head of the Intelligence Section is not a small matter. There are too many things to know. The Japanese must also have many things to adjust, and they have to compete for time.

"I'm in jail. I'd rather kill him than let anything go wrong."

"rest assured."

"Yes." Zhou Qinghe called Liu Kai out and gave instructions.

When he was done, he reminded him not to forget to knock the money.

A section chief of the Intelligence Section cannot be poor. There is thirty thousand yen in this drawer. He should be rich.
This money cannot be cheaper than the Bank of Japan.

Then he rushed to the public concession, washed his face, changed his clothes, and continued to the hospital, leading the Japanese to learn with a warm heart.

There was nothing to say in the morning. The Japanese knew that their intelligence section chief was missing, so they had to wait until noon.

After all, they didn't come back until midnight.

At noon, Zhou Qing and the Japanese military doctor finished their meal together and took the opportunity to get acquainted with some Japanese people.

Subtly, some uninformed Japanese people will think that Zhou Qinghe, the Chinese doctor, is actually Japanese.

After all, it is too common for Japanese to pretend to be Chinese for some purposes.

This is also the reason why Zhou Qinghe frequently eats with Japanese people.

As usual, he finished his meal first, let the other Japanese military doctors eat slowly, and then took a walk. Of course, he had more than one goal to develop, and he had to look for characters who could be developed when he had time.

Iwai Mansion also took a look. It was a luxurious three-story villa with a sign saying "Iwai Mansion" on the door. It looked like there were no guards and the door was open.

He walked past and left. When he returned to the hospital, Zhou Qinghe saw Maruyama Hide standing at the door of the hospital.

Maruyama Hide was holding a gift box. When he saw Zhou Qinghe, his eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward and bowed.

"Sir, I'm sorry that I'm late. I haven't come to pay back the money in the past two days because I have some unexpected things to deal with. I rushed over as soon as I finished dealing with it. This is 500 yen. Thank you very much. help."

Zhou Qinghe looked at him and smiled, stretched out his hand to take the money and put it into his pocket. Since others want to show off, why not?

Maruyama Shu must be contacted, so it’s time to give him a few compliments to show his approval of his character.

"Actually, I told you that I don't care about the money. You don't have to come. I can see that 500 yen is not a small amount of money for you. Why don't you keep it for yourself?"

As he spoke, Zhou Qinghe raised his feet, and Hide Maruyama followed naturally, only half a step behind to show respect.

"It is natural to pay back debts. I am lucky that my husband can help me, but I cannot be a villain. I said I would pay back the money and I must pay it back. If I spend the 500 yuan, my conscience will be uneasy. "

"You are a virtuous person. What are you holding in your hand?" Zhou Qinghe glanced at the thing in his hand and asked with a smile.

Maruyama Shu said happily: "I bought the pastry for my husband. It's not worth much, but it tastes good. I queued up to buy it at noon."

"Okay, I'll try it later."

Zhou Qinghe found a coffee shop and ordered two cups of coffee. Maruyama Shu also consciously opened the box and asked Zhou Qinghe to taste it.

Zhou Qinghe enjoyed the food very well and nodded and praised: "It's really good."

"I'm afraid that sir won't like these things." After all, Zhou Qinghe is a rich man. Maruyama Shu breathed a sigh of relief and smiled on his face.

Although Zhou Qinghe had already said that he would not help him that day, he refused to give up because he knew that Dr. Zhou was the only noble person he could contact.

Even if you ask, you still have to find a way.

If you are sincere and sincere, there will definitely be hope.

"I also grew up poor. I don't have a big mouth. I can eat anything and with whomever I want. You're a nice person, at least you have good moral character. Tell me what you want me to help you with."

The topic was very direct, and Shuya Maruyama was very straightforward, "I would like to ask you, sir, to say something for me. I want to change departments."

"Huh? Aren't you happy working at the Military Police Headquarters? What do you do?" Zhou Qinghe pretended not to know.

Maruyama Shu lowered his head and said: "I am an accountant. I have been working for three years and I am still an accountant."

"Are you not good at accounting? Then what do you want to do?"

"It's not bad, sir. In fact, I think I can do anything. I would like to be an accountant. But my boss is very dissatisfied with me. He suppresses me and frames me everywhere. I really can't stay in this department anymore. , Sir, I just want a way to survive."

"Isn't it? Is it that miserable?"

"As for, sir, just listen to me and you will understand."

(End of this chapter)

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