The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 161 Compensation

Chapter 161 Compensation
"Ms. Zhuang, are you free to have dinner with me?"

On the evening of the next day, Zhou Qinghe called Zhuang Hui, the house hunter of Mailan, to make an appointment.

Then Zhuang Hui came to look for him at the entrance of the hospital.

Zhuang Hui got off the car and said to the driver: "Fifth brother, you go back first, I will accompany Mr. Zhou for a walk."

"Okay." The ordinary-looking 30-year-old man with short hair in the driver's seat nodded to Zhou Qinghe: "Hello, Mr. Zhou, I'll go back first."

After the car left, Zhuang Hui reached out to hold Zhou Qinghe's arm. As the two walked, she said: "This man's name is Wang Wu, a disciple of the Youth Gang. I want to find a driver. Zhang Xiaolin said he would introduce me. It will save me everything." Some people were malicious towards me, so I thought it wouldn’t be good to refuse, so I accepted.”

Zhou Qinghe nodded, "Well, there are a lot of youth gangs in the concession, and there are also a lot of gangsters. Zhang Xiaolin arranged this because he was afraid that some blind man would tease you and then have a conflict with me. It would look bad, so it's not a big deal. Just keep it."

There have been conflicts before, but it was between Zhou Qing and himself.

Now, Zhang Xiaolin doesn't have any bad thoughts towards him. The arrangement should be out of good intentions and not a problem.

After saying this, Zhuang Hui asked in a low voice: "What's the mission?"

Zhou Qinghe glanced at her and asked curiously: "Why do you ask that? Can't I treat you to a meal?"

Zhuang Hui curled her lips and chuckled: "Come on, you've only seen me once since I came to Shanghai. Isn't it okay that such a busy person like you would come to treat me to dinner?"

Zhou Qinghe coughed slightly awkwardly, as if he was indeed a bit too tooly.

"It's true that you are too busy, with too many operations, which consumes your energy. If you want to pretend, I will have to go to your house in the middle of the night or call you out to book a room, for fear of disturbing your rest."

Zhuang Hui smiled slightly: "Then I'm not afraid of disturbing you. If you are busy, you can ask me to help you with tasks."

"What's wrong? Are you busy at work?"

"I can't be busy even if I want to. A newcomer has taken up the position of deputy director. Everyone knows that there is a big shot behind me. They won't really treat me as a deputy director. They treat me as a mascot. Everyone comes and goes in harmony. , I really have nothing to do”

This life is really comfortable. Zhou Qinghe raised his eyebrows and pointed at the western restaurant: "Go in and talk."

The two people picked a corner, and Zhou Qinghe asked Zhuang Hui about his recent life.

Zhuang Hui continued: "I usually don't interfere with the patrol room. Anyway, they are still doing what they did in the past.

In terms of the structure of the patrol room, I was already extra, and the two deputy directors of the patrol room became three.

However, in terms of appearance, the French director divided my jurisdiction into two departments, one is the archives and the other is the household registration department. They said that they are both civilian departments, so there is nothing to worry about.

In fact, the chiefs of these two departments are confidants of the other two deputy directors. They have nothing to do with me and I can't get involved even if I want to. "

"Take your time, don't rush."

Zhou Qinghe didn't expect Zhuang Hui to turn a person of this level into one of his own so quickly.

There are six arresting houses in the French Concession. Above the arresting house is the chief arresting officer, and above the chief arresting officer is the public affairs bureau.

Although a section chief of a police station cannot be considered a big shot, those who can become a section chief in this small area of ​​​​the French Concession are either French or have someone behind them.

No ordinary person supports the impossible.

Solving crimes can also rely on personal ability to improve. Does the head of the household registration department need abilities?

Therefore, for Zhou Qinghe's short-term goal of Zhuang Hui, all he had to do was find out who was paid to do the work.

"Has the matter you were asked to inquire about settled?"

"Yes." Zhuang Hui stretched out her head and whispered: "There are three people in the Household Registration Department of Mailan Fang. Everyone is selling them. The price is the same, 200 French currency per copy, or 100 US dollars."

"So cheap?" Zhou Qinghe was surprised: "Who told you this?"

"Don't I have nothing to do? I often listen to stories from the patrolmen, and listen to them talk about solving crimes and catching thieves. Sometimes they talk about fake documents. I treat them to cakes, and Kawaii tells me that this is an Indian guy. San told me."

Zhuang Hui also smiled: "He said that those who forged documents were either intelligence agents or gangsters. They have nothing to do with our French Concession? Anyone who commits crimes in the French Concession will definitely not come to us to do it, so he is eager to do so." Come for more, he also said, if we introduce someone ourselves, we will get 5 yuan for each place."


Zhou Qinghe shook his head speechlessly. This matter was complicated. He thought it would be difficult or at least expensive.

But now that I think about it, indeed, there is no war, the French Concession is not in chaos, and the French patrolmen are eager to earn more money.

When the war breaks out and a large number of people take refuge in the concession, it will be another matter.

Just like the houses in the French Concession are expensive but still acceptable, when the war breaks out, the prices will skyrocket.

"Then this matter is simple." Zhou Qinghe said thoughtfully: "Then it should be the same for other prison houses, right?"

“The French Concession is all the same.”

"Well, that's good. You write me a phone number of a contact person. Two of them will come to each arresting room. They can directly contact the person who did it."

"I brought it."

Zhuang Hui remembered Zhou Qinghe's incident and had already prepared the number, person, and even where the person in charge lived.

Zhou Qinghe took it, looked at it, and praised: "Well done."

"Thanks for the compliment."

"You're welcome."

Zhou Qinghe Xiaoxiao said that this thing is mainly for his own use. When the time comes, he will send people to buy some documents and come back, and then he can use these documents to buy a house.

As for the subordinates who are coming, their identities are clean, so they can just use their own identities to do it.

It is equivalent to foreigners coming to settle in the concession and just follow the normal application procedures. No fake documents are required. It is completely unnecessary.

The only value of fake documents is to serve as a safe house, which must be distinguished from the real documents they use.

Since the French Concession is like this, the public concession should be similar, and the British and American ones may be cheaper.

"Is it the same in public concessions?" Zhou Qinghe asked casually.

Who knew that Zhuang Hui shook his head: "It's not the same."

"How to say?"

"The British and Americans don't care about the patrol houses in the public concession. As long as individuals pay money, they can get registered. But there are Japanese people there. They check the household registration strictly. If a person applies for household registration, they will ask why he came to the concession. What’s the point of asking for identity? It’s not targeting foreigners, only Chinese people.”

Little Japan is really good at finding things. Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment and then felt that the problem was not big. As long as he found a good reason for this kind of thing, saying it was business or part-time work, there was no way to find out.

Just settle in normally.

Once the status thing is done, the only thing left is the position.

Zhou Qing and this group of men arranged according to the plan the accountants of the rickshaw company, real estate agents, businessmen, thugs, and patrolmen.

The previous four types of people can all be solved by their own abilities, but being a patrol officer is not something that can be done easily.

"What are the conditions for being a patrol officer in your place?"

Zhuang Hui blurted out: "You need an introducer, an introduction from a big shot in the French Concession, or a son inheriting his father's business, that is, the father retires and the son comes to take over. In addition, there are also recruitment, but the conditions are as long as the local people with real estate in the concession People who don’t have houses, or whose houses are outside the French Concession, are absolutely not wanted.”

"Are you clear about the public settlement?"

"The rules are exactly the same."

Then there will be some troubles. Zhou Qinghe plans to arrange four people to be patrol officers in the public concession. The documents will be easy to get, and the money for the house will be easy to get.

But when outsiders come to the public concession, they spend money to buy a house just to serve as patrol officers. Will this arouse the suspicion of the Japanese?
Where did the money come from?What is the purpose of being a patrol officer?
Something might not happen, but Zhou Qinghe didn't dare to take the risk.

Zhuang Hui looked at Zhou Qinghe's brows slightly furrowed in thought and asked, "If you have any trouble, tell me and I will find a solution?"

Zhou Qinghe looked at her pretty face and thought that she was a member of the police community after all. She was a flower in the police community, so she might have some wonderful ideas, so he said: "I want to put people in as patrol officers, but they can't be with me." Even if it’s relevant, I can’t be targeted by the Japanese. Is there any way?”

"So we can't follow the Green Gang route?" Zhuang Hui asked, then thought about it and said, "There is something I think might be useful."

"You said."

"Do you still remember the Lu Liankui who played mahjong at Zhang Xiaolin's house last time? The inspector general of the patrol house in the public concession."

"Remember, what happened to him?"

Zhou Qinghe naturally had an impression of Lu Liankui. There were four people playing mahjong in Casino No. 181, including him, Zhang Xiaolin, a Frenchman from Mailan, and the remaining one was Lu Liankui.

This man was very arrogant, to put it bluntly, he was arrogant. He was fat and well-fed, and looked like a smiling tiger. He could tell at a glance that he was corrupt and perverting the law. "A piece of news from yesterday."

Zhuang Hui paused, watched the waiter put the dishes on the table, and said while cutting the steak:

"I heard from the patrol officer that Lu Liankui provoked someone. Yesterday he hurriedly released a person from the prison, and escorted him out of the police station with a smile on his face.

He was a young man, and when he left, he sneered at Lu Liankui and said to him irritably, "Just wait until you die!". In this case, Lu Liankui had to send him away with a smile. "

Zhou Qinghe was in trouble. When he heard this, Zhou Qinghe became interested. The so-called Guanyin Bodhisattva saved the suffering. Although Zhou Qinghe was not a Bodhisattva, he was also a Bodhisattva-hearted person.

As Inspector Lu Liankui, he wouldn't mind helping him if he could.

Of course, it wasn't him who came forward, but an outsider who wanted to be a patrolman unexpectedly helped.

It depends on whether the opportunity is suitable.

The person who can make an inspector-general laugh without offending someone must have a big background.

Are there such awesome young people in the concession?
"Does anyone know exactly?"

"I don't know who he is, but I know that the person Lu Liankui sent away yesterday had a very bad temper. Even the people in their patrol room were scolded by him, and then Lu Liankui left in a hurry, and this matter was not spread come out."

After Zhuang Hui finished speaking, she said: "It's just what it is. I can help you find out. The reason why this young man was arrested must be recorded. I should be able to find out if I ask."

"Just ask."

Zhou Qinghe raised his head in the direction of the counter behind him. This had nothing to do with spies. It didn't matter. Just ask.

Zhuang Hui really expanded her network of contacts. After asking about these little gossips, she got the answers with a smile.

"I asked, this happened the day before yesterday."

Zhuang Hui smoothed down her skirt and sat down and said, "The afternoon before yesterday, Lu Liankui took her lover to the hotel to book a room. When they entered the elevator, this young man followed him in with a large suitcase in his hand.

Then maybe he was walking in a hurry, and a corner of the suitcase hit the woman Lu Liankui's leg, just a little bit.

The young man didn't pay attention, but Lu Liankui became unhappy, so he followed the young man to the room, beat him, and then asked his subordinates to take him to the police station. His instructions were to greet him well.

Then he continued to have fun in the hotel and ignored this person.

Maybe the young man told the policeman his identity, and the policeman went to report that the person behind the young man was gone. So after only one day of detention, someone approached Lu Liankui and asked him to release him.

The story is roughly like this. Some of it is guessed by the gossipers themselves, so I will just paraphrase it. "

Zhuang Hui smiled.

"That's enough." Zhou Qinghe nodded.

This thing is nothing more than the bully trying to bully the little red guy, but in the end, the little red guy turned into a second-generation dog.

Lu Liankui kicked the iron plate.

"Can it be used?" Zhuang Hui wanted to help, her eyes shining with hope.

Zhou Qinghe smiled: "It depends on the specific matter. Let's go and have a meal. Something happened in this concession. Zhang Xiaolin must know the inside story."

"You don't want to eat this?" The steak was barely touched.

"Zhang Xiaolin has a lot of food, let's go."

It was past dinner time, and Zhang Xiaolin was most likely at the casino.

Zhou Qinghe took Zhuang Hui directly to the casino.

Sure enough, the gambler has arrived.

"Brother Zhang."

"Brother Zhou, yo, my brothers and sisters are here too."

A few people laughed and exchanged a few words before heading to the private room upstairs.

In the private room, during the chat, Zhuang Hui took the initiative to chat: "Mr. Zhang, did I hear recently that something happened to Inspector Lu who came to play mahjong last time?"

As expected, Zhang Xiaolin knew. He sighed and sneered: "The attack was too harsh. When someone touched his newly acquired woman, he beat her on the spot without checking her background. Okay, now do it." I can’t even get off the stage.”

When Zhou Qinghe asked further, Zhang Xiaolin immediately revealed the man's identity.

"The man he beat was named Yu Luomin, who was the nephew of Chairman Chiang Kai-shek. His brother was Yu Jimin, who was born in the first batch of Huangpu. He also had another brother who was also born in the first batch, Yu Jishi, the commander of the 58th Division."

Good guy, Zhou Qinghe was shocked. He was a great man, and he actually beat up the principal's nephew. No wonder he dared to leave such harsh words as "wait for death" to an inspector general.

No matter how powerful the concession is, the principal's hand can still reach in.

If you can't reach in, then use your gun.

Gee, my family and friends are so amazing. My nephew and uncle are really hardcore relatives.

"The man's identity was told to the patrol officer, and he asked the patrol officer to help him find the Shanghai Security Commander. Someone flattered him and called the Security Command directly without notifying Lu Liankui.

Okay, Commander Wu sent a telegram to the chairman of the committee. The chairman came to us and asked us to coordinate immediately to release the person. We must give him face, so we asked him to release the person, otherwise the Shanghai Garrison Commander It's time to drive a big car to pick people up. "

Zhang Xiaolin finished speaking and took a sip of tea: "However, although he was released, the matter is definitely not over. My subordinates said that Yu Luomin was beaten with a bruised nose and swollen face, and his face was covered with blood. You said that if the Chairman does not avenge this revenge, where will he save his face? ?

Now Lu Liankui is so anxious that he wants to jump into the river. He has been running around for help. I have come here to ask for help, but this help is really too much. Even if you say a few soft words, you have to wait for him to vent his anger, right? "

"Yes, yes." Zhou Qinghe sighed, feeling that he couldn't get involved in this matter.

The grade is too high, and it is impossible for a newcomer who wants to be a patrol officer to help Lu Liankui in this kind of matter.

"So Lu Liankui is finished?" Zhou Qinghe inquired.

"That's not true." Zhang Xiaolin waved his hand: "It's not our relationship that Lu Liankui is the inspector general. There are people behind him. Does Yu Qiaqing know?"

"Yu Qiaqing has some impressions. I've never heard of him before." Zhou Qinghe had seen him before. It should have been in a newspaper. It was some kind of political news. There was one name in a long list. It was not clear what this person did.

"The president of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce and the president of the Shanghai Refugee Relief Association, Yu Qiaqing, has a lot of business dealings with our Youth Gang."

Zhang Xiaolin explained casually and said with a smile: "This Lu Liankui is not from Shanghai, but from other places. When he came to Shanghai, he was a gangster. By chance, he sacrificed his life to save Yu Qiaqing's life, and then he became famous.

In return, Yu Qiaqing used his connections to send Lu Liankui to the public concession as a patrol officer. Then didn't our Qinggang have business dealings with Yu Qiaqing?

Yu Qiaqing went to our Qinggang and got some cases for him to solve, isn’t that right?The effect came out immediately. After working hard for so many years, I became the inspector general. "

Got it. "After all, the Qinggang is still powerful." Zhou Qinghe praised.

"That's right." Zhang Xiaolin was pleased with himself and said: "As a little Chi guy, no one can help him. But this little Chi guy also knows how to be filial to Yu Qiaqing. With the position of Inspector General, he will protect Yu Qiaqing's business, so he If something happens this time, I guess I will definitely go to Yu Qiaqing."

Zhou Qinghe nodded. He was the president of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce and the president of a refugee relief association. He must have connections.

Taking the upper route should have some effect.

There will definitely be no death penalty.

It's not interesting. Zhou Qinghe lost interest because he couldn't get involved in this matter.

Looking for an excuse to eat, he took Zhuang Hui downstairs to have some food.

Who knew that as soon as he came downstairs, he saw Lu Liankui getting into the elevator in a hurry.

When he saw them, he immediately greeted them sadly, clasped his hands in fists and said, "Brother Zhang, Brother Zhou, help me."

Zhang Xiaolin and Zhou Qinghe looked at each other, which meant that Cao Cao had arrived.

So Zhang Xiaolin asked: "Brother Lu, what's going on?"

Lu Liankui ignored the presence of others and said bitterly: "The conditions over there have been reduced. Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped. The chairman of the Nanjing Committee opened his mouth and said that I would prepare ten planes as an apology."

Huo, Shijia, Zhou Qinghe gave the principal a thumbs up, you still know how to blackmail.

"How much does ten planes cost?" Zhang Xiaolin asked.

Lu Liankui almost cried.

"I asked, the cheapest one costs 10, and the cheapest one costs 100 million."

(End of this chapter)

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