The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 167 The Landlord

Chapter 167 The Landlord
Landlady, what are you doing?
Zhou Qinghe began to doubt Xu Meifeng's identity from the day she found the clinic.

They chatted on the train about finding a boyfriend for their daughter, and she was also a charterer. Although this kind of thing is bizarre, can the words on the train be believed?
Just brag and let it disappear.

As long as you ignore Zhou Qinghe and nothing happens later, it's just a matter of chatting and leaving.

So Zhou Qinghe didn't care much.

But when Xu Meifeng came to the door specifically, Zhou Qinghe suddenly became wary.

Something is very wrong with this.

As an agent, if you are not curious about things that are directed at you, you will never know what will happen to you.

Xu Meifeng came to visit him for the second time, and she must have some plans for him.

Zhou Qinghe followed her wishes and went to rent a house at her house in order to find out Xu Meifeng's intentions. This was the biggest reason for renting a house.

And when Zhou Qinghe discovered that Liu Yidan was a member of the Red Party, all his doubts were solved.

Liu Yidan is a member of the Red Party, and her mother is a member of the Red Party. The encounter in the car was not an accidental encounter, but a scene deliberately arranged by Gu Zhiyan.

The purpose is to insert people around him. Even if inserting people doesn't work, a connection can be established at the lowest level.

Gu Zhiyan wanted to arrange for a red party member to be by his side, who could facilitate things in every sense and even deliver news.

After all, besides Boss Dai, Gu Zhiyan also knew about his trip to Shanghai.

Taking all of this into account Gu Zhiyan, the abnormality in Xu Meifeng's body is very reasonable, and all the fog has been solved.

So after Zhou Qinghe figured out Liu Yidan's depth, it didn't matter whether he went back to Shangxianfang to sleep.

After all, the mystery has been solved, the mother and daughter are both acting, and any romance is fake, so it is very reasonable for the male protagonist to stop acting.

But when I meet Liu Yidan during surgery at Gongji Hospital, I just need to get along as normal as friends.

As for the house in Shangxianfang, it is used as a safe place. It is the red party's territory. You don't have to pay rent and you can still have home-cooked food. It is simply a pleasure.

Go back if necessary, stay at an international hotel if you're busy.

The reason for them is that operations are often performed until midnight, and they are afraid of disturbing them when they go in and out.

Very passable in terms of face.

If the two Red Party members really want to ask him for help, they can always find him through the clinic.

It would be great if things really ended like this.

It turns out, landlady, you are the party mediator.

Zhou Qinghe was so shocked that he choked on his words.

The biggest problem is not that Xu Meifeng is the party mediator.

She was American, British, even Indian, no problem.

The problem is that since she is a person in charge of the party's mediation, there will be a problem with Xu Meifeng renting a house from him.

The person was not introduced by Gu Zhiyan.

How did Xu Meifeng know his exact itinerary from Nanjing?

Things have returned to the point of doubt about renting a house, and the doubts that have been resolved are back again.

"My day"

"Section Chief, what did you say?"

"It's nothing."

The daughter is a member of the Red Party, but the mother is a party mediator and a high-level official. This style is really hard to describe.

No, the person mediating the situation may also be from the Red Party, Xu Meifeng may still be from the Red Party, and the source of the information may still be disclosed by Gu Zhiyan.
If Xu Meifeng can reach a high-level position, she must have rich fighting experience. The landlady is just pretending to be a fashionable Shanghai aunt. Zhou Qinghe really didn't expect that she could have multiple identities.

Can’t she tell that there is something wrong with her daughter if she comes into contact with such a person every day?

There is a high possibility that he is a member of the Red Party.

There was also a problem. Zhou Qinghe's mind flashed and he remembered another thing.

The rebellion of Gu Zhang from Shanghai Special Branch that year.

Xu Meifeng owns several buildings in the French Concession and has an authentic Shanghainese accent. If such a wealthy person is a red party member, why did nothing happen to Xu Meifeng when Gu Zhang rebelled?

Gu Zhang doesn’t know Xu Meifeng?

Then she shouldn't be a red party member.

Zhou Qinghe's head is a little big now, and the water in Shanghai is really deep.

When a landlady comes out, she is a bit crazy.

On one side, the family has people from the Secret Service, members of the Red Party, and a Japanese woman.

On the other hand, here is a person from the Party Mediation Office, a person from the Red Party, and he is also from the Secret Service.

The traitor who was caught was someone from the party's mediator, and here comes a big shot from the party's mediator, but we don't know who is behind the scenes.

He can put his hands under the eyes of the consul stationed in Shanghai in the Party Mediation Office, and the development of Director Xu is also very good, right?

The largest intelligence center in the Far East, the Concession is a gathering of elites.

The water is really muddy.

There was no time for him to think about it anymore, and it was a little unnatural to let Xu Meifeng blow the cold wind in the middle of the night.

As for how to deal with Xu Meifeng.
Zhou Qinghe doesn't plan to spend too much energy on her. The enemy is really too busy at the moment. His most important thing now is files.

The problem now is that Chen Lin has met Liu Kai, and Chen Lin is an anti-Japanese corpsman, and his position is so critical that he cannot be killed.

Just open this curtain.

Zhou Qinghe must grasp Xu Meifeng's identity.

Zhou Qinghe pushed open the rear compartment door.

In the middle of the night, on the quiet road, the car door opened, no one got out, and no words came out, the message was self-evident.

Xu Meifeng, who was hiding in her black robe, did not hesitate and got into the back seat with steps.

Zhou Qinghe looked at Xu Meifeng, and Xu Meifeng sat down and looked at Zhou Qinghe.



No one spoke, but the eyes were so familiar.

"Get off the car." Zhou Qinghe said.

The driver got out of the car silently, obviously speaking to him.

As soon as the car door closed, Zhou Qinghe laughed: "Aunt Xu, you hid it deep enough."

Xu Meifeng took off the mask on her face and said gently as usual: "Dr. Zhou, let's talk to each other."

"No, you knew my identity as soon as I got on the bus from Nanjing. How can I compare with you?"

"I knew Dr. Zhou had a mission in Shanghai, but I didn't know that Dr. Zhou's mission was to lurk in Shanghai and stir up trouble in the concession. There is a big difference."

"You don't know my mission?"

"Of course I don't know."

"really do not know?"

"Who could have guessed that a doctor was the central figure in the concession crisis? I really don't know."

"How do you know my whereabouts?"

"I do not know."

"Aunt Xu, isn't this boring? Let's open our hearts and tell the truth, okay?"

"I really don't know. I know your identity, Dr. Zhou, because I went back to Nanjing to report on my work because it was Chen Lin you arrested.

By chance, he came to Shanghai and was spotted by Eiji Iwai and entered the Iwai Mansion. This position was very important, so I made a special trip for him.

Mrs. Xu has lived in Shanghai for a long time, and she is not on good terms with Director Xu. It is unusual to stay in Nanjing for so long to see a doctor. Naturally, I have to pay attention to it, and then I learned some about your situation from Director Xu.

Then when I returned to Shanghai, I met you.

I wasn't sure it was you at first, but the timing of your arrival coincided with some things that happened in the concession, so..."

"Aunt Xu, then you have been plotting evil against me from the beginning?"

"Dr. Zhou, this is not something to be said casually. How can it be called premeditated? Which law stipulates that I cannot find a good home for my daughter?"

Zhou Qinghe smiled.

"Daughter of the Party Mediation Office, you are looking for a man from the Secret Service because you are afraid that your Chief Xu's blood pressure is not high."

"He has nothing to do with me."

"Your position."

"Major General Leader of the Shanghai District of the International Intelligence Group of the Party Mediation Office."

"The level is really high."

This can put him on an equal footing with Director Xu.

"Dr. Zhou is young and promising. He is also a section chief in the Secret Service. With his outstanding military exploits in Shanghai this time, he will surely be promoted soon."

"Let's not talk about this anymore." Zhou Qinghe raised his hand to interrupt: "Aunt Xu, the problem now is that your people have met my men. How to solve this matter?"

Xu Meifeng replied: "Eiji Iwai has great trust in him. He can see whatever information he wants about the entire Iwai Mansion. This trust is enough to guarantee his safety. He will never be exposed easily.

If nothing happens to him, nothing will happen to your people. Let me take a step back and say, even if he is exposed and something happens, I still have people in the Iwai Mansion. The time from arrest to interrogation is enough for me to get the information and ensure that your people Safety. "

"Aunt Xu's ability is admirable." Zhou Qinghe smiled.

Xu Meifeng smiled: "Dr. Zhou's ability is beyond expectation. You have gained a lot in the concession recently, right? Why did you catch Chen Lin? Do you want to attack Iwai Mansion?"

Zhou Qinghe smiled lightly: "Yes, do you want to hand me a list of your people? If you are accidentally injured, don't blame me."

"Iwai Mansion cannot be moved."


"Because it will disrupt my arrangement."

"I'm from the Secret Service."

"But you are also a person who resists Japan."

"I can use my own methods to resist Japan, but I can't use the arrangements of the Party Mediation Office. What's the point?"

"You can ask me for help if you need it."

"Then don't you know all my arrangements?"

"I won't hurt you."

"Can I believe what the party mediator says?" "I'm trying to bring you and Dandan together, how could I possibly harm you?"

"The person may not be your biological child, and we are not together."

"You have yourself to blame for this matter. How can you cultivate a relationship if you don't go home for dinner every day? Of course she is my biological daughter. There is nothing to question about this matter."

"Shanghai is about to go to war. Do you think I have the leisure to cultivate feelings? You, a mother who was manipulated by the Party, raised a daughter of the Red Party. Is she your biological child? Do you think there is nothing to question about this matter?"

"As a section chief of the Secret Service, you help the Red Party transport clothes to northern Shaanxi. Isn't your identity suspicious?"

"I was digging for clues to your daughter's identity."

"I sent Dandan to lurk inside the Red Party to dig up information."

The space inside the car went silent.

Zhou Qinghe was too lazy to argue: "Hand over the list, otherwise I will clean up those people who I can't trust you."

Xu Meifeng's attitude was firm: "I can't give you the list. I'll change the conditions."

"Then tell me, what conditions do you think make me trust you?"

"I am a member of the Red Party. Is this enough leverage for you?"

The space inside the car became silent again.

"Tsk, Aunt Xu is so courageous. She would rather admit her identity than expose the list of her subordinates. It seems that there are many red party members in the Iwai Mansion."

"As soon as I get old, I will die soon. To put it another way, Dr. Zhou, we are all anti-Japanese people. Now that the enemy is facing us, it is important for both sides to cooperate and fight against Japan together. Internal fighting is necessary.

My people can help Dr. Zhou, and they can be dispatched as they please, as long as the purpose is to fight against Japan, and Dr. Zhou no longer needs to bother and organize people to lurk in the Iwai Mansion, which saves a lot of manpower and material resources. It is definitely a good thing for you, Dr. Zhou. What does Dr. Zhou think? "

"How many of you are there in Iwai Mansion?"

"I can't talk about things that involve secrets. There are disciplines."

The questions that should be asked were asked. It was much more important to confirm Xu Meifeng's status as a Red Party member than her status as a party mediator.

"Does Liu Yidan know your identity?"

"she does not know."

"Who doesn't know?"

"I don't know any of them."

"Why don't you develop her yourself instead of leaving it to others?"

"Emotions can affect judgment. She has too little fighting experience. The less she knows, the safer she is."

"How did you join the Red Party?"

"Why do you ask about this?"

"I must know that if it is someone who is being mediated by the party, I cannot trust the red party. In fact, in terms of reliability, it will be better than the person who is mediated by the party."

"Dr. Zhou is interested in our people?"

"Aunt Xu, please answer my question first."

Zhou Qinghe had to figure out one thing: why nothing happened to Xu Meifeng when something happened to Gu Zhang.

"Actually, I was not a member of the Red Party at the beginning, but was indeed a party mediator. Later I discovered that Dandan's father was instilling Red Party ideology into Dandan intentionally or unintentionally, and that's when I discovered his identity.

The child is so old, it is impossible for me to expose him, and my own identity is still good, so I protect him secretly. The matters mediated by the concession party are all under my control. I thought it would be enough to just hang around like this.

Who knew that something happened to Gu Zhang and he was implicated.

At that time, there were a lot of party mediation operations, and many people were arrested, including his superiors and subordinates. I was busy with international intelligence and didn't pay attention to it, and he was arrested directly when he went out for a party.

I was nervous all the time. I knew something was wrong, so I immediately rushed to the Shanghai District to interrogate him. I found a reason related to other cases, brought up all the people who knew his identity, and sent him away.

He was just a minor figure within Shanghai Tech, and no one remembered him at all, so that was that.

There was no news and I thought he was dead.

As a result, last year, someone came to contact me and sent me a letter saying that he wanted me to join the Red Party.

I agreed. "

Half an hour later, Shangxianfang on Xiafei Road.

Liu Yidan was sleeping soundly in the bedroom when she vaguely heard some movement downstairs. She thought she was hallucinating, but it turned out that there were really voices, so she put on a coat and went downstairs.

The lights on the first floor were bright, and the sound came from the kitchen.

She walked over and took a look and saw Zhou Qinghe and his mother working in the kitchen. Zhou Qinghe was cutting shreds of meat with superb knife skills.

And my mother is washing vegetables.

"Yeah, why are you here?"

"Ms. Liu, did you forget that I rented the house here? Is it normal for me to come here?" Zhou Qinghe answered while talking.

Liu Yidan chuckled and leaned against the door frame: "Aren't you the one who forgot? I thought Dr. Zhou made money from surgery fees recently and bought a luxury house to live in."

"You can't buy Aunt Xu's craftsmanship even if you buy a luxury house. I want to eat a bowl of home-cooked noodles in the middle of the night and I'm hungry."

"You think this is a restaurant. Are you sorry for letting my mother work so late?"

"I've disturbed you." Xu Meifeng turned around.

"Mom, why did you get up when it's so cold in the middle of the night? He has the key."

"I will definitely ask the doctor when he comes back that week. The weather is so cold. Eat a bowl of noodles to warm yourself up. It's very hard for people to treat illnesses and save people."

"Ha." Liu Yidan rolled his eyes. I used to come back in the middle of the night. Why did he say it was not good to eat late at night and let me go to sleep directly?
"Do you want to eat?" Zhou Qinghe looked back at her and asked, "If you want, I'll cut more pork shreds."

"Yes." Liu Yidan smiled and ran over to watch Zhou Qinghe cut the meat.

"Don't be idle. There's not enough room for so many people here. Go help Dr. Zhou clean the room and spread the quilt." Xu Meifeng said.

"Ah?" Liu Yidan was shocked. I slept so soundly in the middle of the night, but I was woken up and still have to work?
Why don't you just have a bowl of noodles?Who is whose mother?

"I'll add more shredded pork for you." Zhou Qinghe smiled.

"Add another egg for you." Xu Meifeng said.


As soon as Liu Yidan left, the two heard the footsteps going upstairs and continued talking.

Xu Meifeng thought for a moment and whispered: "It is not impossible to enter the archives of the Military Police Headquarters. The existence of the Inoue Mansion is not a secret in the Intelligence Section of the Military Police Headquarters. There are usually intelligence exchanges.

If we exchange information or inquire about a certain case, we can stay in the archives as an excuse to borrow materials in the archives, which is something that can be done in operation. "

Since the Red Party was considered to be included in the category of available personnel, and the Iwai Mansion was the Japanese intelligence agency, Zhou Qinghe naturally thought about whether he could use the Iwai Mansion to enter the archives of the Military Police Headquarters.

It didn't say it was his own identity file, only that it was a forged top-secret file.

Proposing a credibility, the two discussed it, and Xu Meifeng did give a possibility.

But that's it, obviously it can't achieve the goal. This is just the first step into the archives.

Zhou Qinghe then asked: "There will be guards in the archives, but it's not enough to get in. I want to stuff things in, so I need a window period.

Find a way to get the people in the archives away for a moment so your people can take action.

And your people have to find the location where the confidential files are stored within this time, and then stuff them in. "

"How about diarrhea?" Xu Meifeng proposed a plan.

"You will indeed have more time to have diarrhea." Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment and asked, "Will I be kicked out just like this?"

Xu Meifeng could not say that this was impossible, "It is indeed possible. If the people guarding the files strictly enforce the regulations and let an outsider stay, even if they are people from the Iwai Mansion, they are not from the Military Police Headquarters after all.
Unless the person has a very high status, such as Eiji Iwai, who goes there in person, the guards have absolutely no reason to chase him away.

Or maybe our people and the people who look after the archives are very close friends, and they have to trust each other, so this is possible.

The former is not possible. Although Chen Lin is a popular figure of Eiji Iwai, it is okay to look at the file, but it is definitely not possible to ask the guard to leave.

The latter, then it will take time to complete the game. How much time can you give? "

"It won't take long."

"Then set this as a backup plan first and think about it later."

This road is indeed difficult to navigate. Xu Meifeng thought for a while and asked: "Can you tell me specifically what kind of archives it is? If it is a plan against the Japanese, can the archives room of Iwai Mansion be considered? Our people only need the archives room here. If you want to enter, you can enter at will with a little thought."

"It's okay, but I have to kill Eiji Iwai afterwards." Zhou Qinghe glanced at Xu Meifeng and smiled.

Xu Meifeng had no choice but to realize that it was impossible. If Eiji Iwai was killed, Chen Lin's power would be completely gone, and the entire Iwai Mansion would have to be reshuffled.

The red party's layout was completely ruined.

This road obviously doesn't work.

She thought about it and said in surprise: "According to your statement, you will kill Fujita Yuna in the end?"

Zhou Qinghe nodded: "For the file to become true, he must die."

Xu Meifeng was shocked in her heart, "Dr. Zhou, you are so brave. You even dare to plot against the commander of the military police. But I look forward to the day when I can hear the news of his death."

"I'm looking forward to it too." That means Zhou Qinghe's plan was successful.

Xu Meifeng hummed and turned around: "Dr. Zhou, according to what you said, I actually think there is another way to go, and it doesn't necessarily have to be the archives room of the Military Police Headquarters."

"Where else?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

"Fujita Yuna's bedroom must have a safe in it." Xu Meifeng looked at Zhou Qinghe with determination and nodded suggestively.

Zhou Qinghe's meat-cutting hands paused, and an idea suddenly occurred to him. Yes, his thinking was limited, how could he forget this path.

Although there are soldiers in charge of the place where Fujita Yuna lives, it must be much easier to get into than the archives of the Military Police Headquarters.

Regardless of whether Fujita has a wife in Shanghai or not, there will definitely be an unoccupied period in the bedroom, and it will be a long time.

Just take this time to open the safe and put it inside.

Once Fujita dies, someone will naturally take out the contents and personally put them into the confidential archives of the Military Police Headquarters.

Put something away and Fujita dies. The two things must be completed together. This is a must.

"Aunt Xu, ginger is still hotter when she is old." Zhou Qinghe gave a thumbs up in praise.

Xu Meifeng didn't say anything, just smiled and nodded, of course.

"Let's go down."

"Okay, let's eat next."

"Doctor Zhou, I've laid it out for you, can you eat it?" Liu Yidan finished cleaning up.

Zhou Qinghe and Xu Meifeng looked at each other and smiled slightly.

Liu Yidan looked at the scene in the kitchen and always felt something was strange.

Why do you feel that the atmosphere is so harmonious?

(End of this chapter)

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