The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 197 Original

Chapter 197 Original

Kobayashi Jiudai was called to the office, and when he heard that it was for his own housekeeping information, he suddenly felt like a fool.

No, he was screwed.

"Chief of Staff, is there no precedent for this? There has never been such a large-scale exchange of information in the Intelligence Department, and this cannot be considered an exchange, it can only be considered a unilateral donation. If the information is leaked,"

"Kobayashi-kun, watch your words. Are you doubting Captain Fujita's loyalty?"

Kushiro Kobayashi showed unwillingness, and Shinozuka Maomi scolded him with a straight face. He had already told Zhou Qinghe that he would give some amount, but Kushiro Kobayashi actually dared to reject it completely. Isn't this a slap in his face?

"I didn't!" Kobayashi Jiudai immediately denied it and said seriously to Zhou Qinghe: "Captain Fujita, I am definitely not saying that you will leak it, but after I tell you, you will definitely let your subordinates read it, and it may appear by then. Give way."

Zhou Qinghe stayed silent and drank tea.

"Kobayashi-kun, there's no need to be so stingy." Takeda Kojiro smiled.

Compared with Kobayashi Kyudai's intelligence, which has not been attacked, Takeda Kojiro is much more casual. Anyway, his predecessors have been killed, and there is really not much valuable information in this hand.

Hide the valuable ones and make the rest public. You can also gain the favor of Captain Fujita. For him, this deal is still a good deal.

So I ran on Kobayashi Jiudai and it sold well, which is very good.

After saying that, he smiled slightly at Zhou Qinghe.

Zhou Qinghe smiled and nodded.

"Your intelligence is worthless. That's due to the incompetence of your Marine Corps. However, our military's intelligence contains many vital secrets. If something goes wrong, it will directly affect the war situation in Shanghai and even all of China. This must not happen. question."

Kobayashi Kyushiro spoke while glaring at Takeda Kojiro who stabbed him in the back. After speaking, he said seriously to Shinozuka Maomi: "Chief of Staff, my subordinates are powerless. Since I assume this position, I must keep the bottom line of intelligence security. "

This guy's bottom line is very strong, and he forced Shinozuka Maomi to do it. At this point, Zhou Qinghe can't pretend to be deaf and dumb, he has to give everyone a step up, and he also avoids risks.

"Major Xiaolin misunderstood. All I want is some basic information. For example, Shanghai government departments, which departments have what habits, who are in the departments, and who are valuable for development. These are just basic things. , saving my investigation time, allowing me to use this information to quickly build the foundation of the Military Police Intelligence Section.

As for confidential information, I don’t want it at all. Even if you give it to me, I don’t want it. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I can’t take the responsibility, and I don’t want to take it. "

Zhou Qinghe smiled.

"Did you hear that?" Shinozuka Maomi looked at him expressionlessly: "It's just basic department intelligence. You can pick out the intelligence yourself and give some of it to Captain Fujita. Do you have any questions?"


After agreeing, he also explained to Zhou Qinghe: "Captain Fujita, I misunderstood. If it's just this information, just tell me that I will give it to you directly."

Coming out of the office, Takeda Kojiro and Kobayashi Kyudai told Zhou Qinghe that it would take a few days to sort out the information because there was too much information. After sorting it out, they would hand it over to someone to copy it.

Zhou Qinghe said there was no problem.

Two days later.

"Captain Fujita, I need you to make a copy of the information given by the Military Intelligence Section, and then give us the original copy to take back."

"it is good."

Zhou Qinghe opened a special high-tech archives room on the second floor of the Military Police Headquarters.

The files of the two intelligence agencies were also sent over as promised.

There was a lot of information and it was very miscellaneous. Zhou Qinghe found 20 people with good writing skills from the military police and started copying it.

And he himself supervises the work with a cup of tea.

He began to look through all the files he had obtained. With his memory, although there were many files, they were not complicated to memorize.

Although the files that are coming over are all basic files and contain a lot of expired information or backward versions——

Obviously, the two intelligence section chiefs would definitely hold back and would not give him the latest information. Zhou Qinghe knew this.

But it doesn't matter.

One thing Zhou Qinghe wants to confirm now is whether there are any Japanese moles in institutions such as military airports.

This has little to do with whether the information is new or not.

Whether it leaks or not, this is the focus of attention.

If there is a mole, then finding an unusual message from him would be enough to confirm it.

Therefore, the large amount of information in front of them is relatively old, and even the Japanese feel that some information value has become like waste paper because it has not been updated in time. For Zhou Qinghe, it is of great exploration value.

They were all piled up, and you could only look through them one by one. Zhou Qinghe began to employ people, and he did not forget his own job, guiding the work of the gendarmerie and making changes to the security of the concession.

Several days passed. In the concession, Tojo Akio's telegram to the mainland had a clear effect. Under the persuasion of the staff and the pressure exerted by Tojo Akio, all the businessmen groups in Hongkou retreated.

The relocation and exchange plan within Hongkou has been officially implemented.

This plan met with great approval among Japanese expatriates and ronin.

All the living and living in Hongkou have become Japanese. For the Japanese living here, it is like going home.

I have contact with Japanese people, so communication is easy. The chamber of commerce is the Japanese Chamber of Commerce. I know very well what they need in daily life, and it provides great convenience in life and shopping.

The subsequent changes made by the Military Police Headquarters satisfied them even more.

The gendarmerie adjusted personnel arrangements, and the patrol room was fully taken over by the Japanese patrol police to completely clear out the Chinese. Gendarmerie personnel were also dispatched to guard all major intersections entering and exiting the inner circle of Hongkou, and the closed area was officially formed.

The concession is safer and Hongkou is more prosperous.

The businessmen experienced the initial pain. After a large number of Japanese returned to Hongkou, they felt that the business was getting better and better.

In Hongkou, the slogan of rebuilding Tokyo was shouted.

Everything is thriving.

Including prices of course.

"Little tiger, things in Hongkou have become more and more expensive recently. I was charged one yuan for a bowl of noodles."

One of Zhou Qing and his two lieutenants, Hirano, complained when he walked into the office.

"Captain." He then greeted Zhou Qinghe.

Zhou Qinghe nodded and said nothing.

"Is it too expensive to charge you one yuan for a bowl of noodles?" Xiao Shan, who was about to yawn at the side, casually sneered: "Yesterday the captain asked me to buy some midnight snacks for the team members who were copying documents. Just some noodles and kebabs. You know how much it costs? How much did it cost?"

"how much is it?"

Xiaoshan made a gesture, as if he was scaring you to death: "Eighty yuan for twenty people."

"So expensive?" Hirano was shocked: "This is more than the monthly salary of three people. Who can afford it?"

"There is no way. All the Chinese people have been driven away. Now the people in charge of transporting goods are some lazy ronin. I heard that the Chamber of Commerce is offering high wages to recruit people, so that we can maintain the normal daily necessities in Hongkou. Do you know what position you are in now? Is it the most profitable?" Xiao Shan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Hirano was curious: "What position?"

"Food waste, feces, a transporter, the price is 40 yuan."

"This is too exaggerated." Xiaoshan sighed in shock: "This income is comparable to that of a lieutenant at the Military Police Headquarters."

"Then how much did a transporter like this cost in the past?"

"20 yuan, legal tender."

"This gap is too big!"

"Anyway, the income of a garbage hauler is about the same as ours now."

Hirano sneered: "I heard that many Japanese now buy and cook their own food, and the vegetable market is also very expensive, so they go outside Hongkou to buy it. After crossing the Suzhou River, there are vendors selling vegetables. Do you know who is selling it?"


"It's from the Subei Gang."

"." Xiaoshan was speechless for a while, and then asked Zhou Qinghe casually: "Captain, why do I feel that there is no difference after going around in a circle, and it is even more inconvenient."

Zhou Qinghe glanced at him: "Don't talk nonsense. Captain Tojo will be angry if he hears this. This is his plan."

"He doesn't need these two dollars to eat." Xiao Shan muttered.

"What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing." "Hand over your shift, go on patrol as soon as possible. There may be people who can't afford to eat in the past few days causing trouble, so be careful and beat anyone who doesn't obey."


The Su Bei gang was so cruel that Zhou Qinghe wanted to laugh after hearing this.

The Japanese had good intentions at the time. They also knew that they wanted to stabilize vegetable prices in Hongkou, so the plan at that time allowed the Chinese to enter Hongkou to transport and sell vegetables after registration and search.

But the Subei Gang disagrees.

Zhang Xiaolin told Zhou Qinghe that the Subei gang seemed to be selling vegetables on the other side of the Suzhou River, but they were actually looking to see which bastard would dare to enter Hongkou to sell vegetables to the Japanese.

If you dare to sell, your legs will be broken.

Completely cutting off the Japanese's food rations will accelerate the intensification of conflicts among the Japanese. How fast will this happen?

This hit the Japanese directly at the seven-inch mark, catching the Military Police Headquarters off guard.

The Chinese are on strike, what should we do?

Go ahead, the first person who can't handle it will be the Japanese themselves. Zhou Qinghe has nothing to rush and continues to read the information.

As expected, within a day or two, the Japanese in Hongkou themselves rebelled.

One of them is that they can't afford to spend money. Then the merchants in Hongkou discovered that after the initial prosperity, people no longer came to the stores to eat, and they actually started cooking for themselves. How can this be done?

The rent costs money, and the food supplies cost money, and they can't afford it.

The residents were dissatisfied and the businessmen were dissatisfied. The news was reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which notified the Military Police Headquarters and convened an emergency meeting.

Discuss whether to let some Chinese people in.

"I think we can still let some Chinese people in. Our Chinese people in Hongkou have too many opinions now. If this continues, sooner or later something will happen."

"I don't agree. It seems that the people from the Subei Gang are behind the scenes. If we accept the threat from the Chinese, we will have to negotiate with them and surrender. This will be too embarrassing for us. I think we should simply Kill a few people, find out the whereabouts of the leader of the Subei Gang, and kill two people."

"This will further intensify the conflict, and we also promised the British not to cause trouble outside Hongkou."

"Be careful. As long as there is no evidence, the British will not do anything to us?"

The staff members have their own opinions, and they are divided into radical and moderate factions.

Zhou Qinghe was also called to a meeting.

"We insist that we must continue this way. The plan to eliminate Chinese people in Hongkou must be carried out unswervingly."

"According to the information I have, since the Chinese were excluded from Hongkou, the security of Hongkou has been greatly improved. In the past, our Chinese people always made trouble for the Chinese in various aspects, and fights were inevitable, but now there is no such thing. .

I looked at the information for the past week, and there was only one report of an incident related to the Chinese.

A ronin robbed a Chinese vegetable stall at Qiaokou in Suzhou because he couldn't afford food. After escaping into Hongkou, the Chinese were stopped by our military police. They suffered no loss at all.

From this result, we can see that Hongkou is very safe now and the assassination will never happen again. "

Others at the meeting were speechless at Zhou Qinghe's words. There are no Chinese cases, but there are many Japanese cases, and you didn't mention a word about it.

If you don't have money, you will be resentful. There are too many fights among Japanese in Hongkou.

Zhou Qinghe still said: "And if we relax the restrictions on the Chinese, then the security level will drop by at least half."

"It is better to selectively accept some Chinese people."

Taro Iwasa made the final decision: "Prices must be stabilized. Mr. Fujita, I leave this matter to you. You talk to the people from the Green Gang and open some things to the Chinese, but public security must also be good."

"Commander, I feel so embarrassed."

"Fujita, thank you for your hard work."


Zhou Qinghe reluctantly accepted the order.

After making a phone call to Zhang Xiaolin, everything went as planned and Hongkou quickly returned to calm.

With this incident, the Japanese knew how indispensable the Chinese were in Hongkou, and their attitude in the future would not be as domineering as before.

Zhou Qinghe continued to look through the information when he was free.

There is no way to check whether there are moles at military airports, and it takes a lot of time.

To check if there is, you only need to see a suspicious clue to be sure. If you want to be sure there is no, you have to read all the information before you can come to this conclusion.

After reading all the information, the final conclusion is:


Except for some flight information that can be clearly seen to be leaked by government departments, such as whether a big shot is coming to Shanghai on a military plane and what matters need to be discussed with the government department, there is no information described from the perspective of the inside of the military airport.

This is good news.

The importance of military airfields is self-evident, and it is important to be sure that there are no moles.

There is even better news. From these messages, Zhou Qinghe found a mole hidden in a Shanghai government department.

After everything came together, Zhou Qinghe returned to the International Hotel and found Liu Kai.

"Send a report to Boss Dai so that his team of a thousand people can disguise themselves and move in."


"After Boss Dai reports back the accurate time, you should also keep an eye on it. If anything unusual happens, notify me in time."


At that time, Zhou Qinghe will also have to observe whether there are any changes in the military police headquarters. After all, he does not have all the information in his hand, so he has to be careful.

Another thing, moles in government departments.

Zhou Qinghe recalled the contents in his mind. Among the materials given to him by the Marine Corps Intelligence Class, there were three mediocre materials from the same department.

The Shanghai government's own intelligence data room.

Of course, the Shanghai government has its own intelligence department, which collects and stores all the intelligence collected.

It is actually nothing unusual for information to be leaked.

The strangeness comes from two reasons.

First, these three pieces of information are very common and could be given to him by the general intelligence section of the company's military headquarters. They are expired information and are of no real value.

Ordinary, then it shouldn't be stolen.

Do you think it's too easy for a mole like you to steal such common information?

If it was stolen, it meant that it took no effort for Mole to obtain these three pieces of information.

The next point also verified Zhou Qinghe's idea.

The second strange thing is that these three materials are not retellings after sneak peeks, or re-enactments after sneak shots.

But the original file.

Zhou Qinghe was not familiar with Zhou Qinghe within the Shanghai government, and Zeng Haifeng needed to investigate this matter himself.

Zeng Zhai.

"What did you say? Original document?" Zeng Haifeng couldn't believe it.

He had seen people peeking and filming secretly, but to send the original documents directly to the Military Police Headquarters was beyond his imagination.

Who knows if the information is written down?

But if the document is lost and someone finds it, isn’t this just stupid?

What kind of mole would do that?

"You said these three documents are not important. Is it because of this?"

Zeng Haifeng muttered to himself, looking at Zhou Qinghe suspiciously as he guessed the man's motives. After thinking about it for a while, he still shook his head: "That's weird."

"Anyway, you should check it first. Be careful. Don't do anything immediately after you find it. Let me know if anything happens."

"Okay, let me find this person first."

Anyway, the people who have access to these documents are all confidential-level people, so it is certainly not difficult to find them. Zeng Haifeng is just curious about this matter, but this matter does not put him under any pressure.

Three days later, Zeng Haifeng brought back the news.

(End of this chapter)

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