The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 202 Declaration of War

Chapter 202 Declaration of War

Toshi Nishimura, Navy Captain.

"Fujita-kun." Nishimura Futoshi turned around and saw Zhou Qinghe. His eyes lit up and he came over without even asking for the wine at the bar: "What luck, Fujita-kun is really here."

"What's wrong? Do you have a problem with me?" Zhou Qinghe was surprised, so he asked with a smile.

Nishimura Utoshi nodded, glanced at the others, made sure no one heard, and then leaned over and said, "I have something to trouble you. I have a friend who was kicked in the lower body when he was competing with the people below during training. Swelling and pain, is this okay?"

Zhou Qinghe gave him a weird look and smiled: "Then you have to tell this friend of yours to see a doctor in time. I didn't see it, so it's not accurate."

Nishimura Utoshi coughed in embarrassment and whispered: "It was me who was kicked by a new recruit. It would be too embarrassing to tell anyone."

"Is it bleeding? Is it swollen?"

"No, it's just swelling and pain."

"Go upstairs and let me take a look."

"Can I not look at it?"

"What are you afraid of?" Zhou Qinghe took the lead upstairs.

The Navy Club has a second floor, all of which are guest rooms, for people of high rank to live, or for big shots from the military to stay.

He found a random room and asked Nishimura Utoshi to take off his pants. Zhou Qinghe took a look.

"It's not a big problem. Just observe first. If nothing happens after a day, it's fine. If you still feel uncomfortable tomorrow, come see me again."

"that would be great."

Fujita Kazuki's medical skills are absolutely trustworthy, and Nishimura Utoshi absolutely believes that this time he can put his heart into his stomach.

Zhou Qinghe took advantage of the break when he was wearing his belt and sneered: "You can be kicked by a new recruit. You are really embarrassed."

"Stop talking, stop talking." Nishimura Futoshi really couldn't bear to say this.

"Let's go." Zhou Qinghe went out first and asked casually: "Hey, during my recent inspection, I found that your speed of building bunkers has accelerated. Is there any change?"

"It was arranged by the higher ups." Nishimura Futoshi also said casually: "China has declared war on us. Although we estimate that he will definitely not have the energy to fight us in Shanghai now, prevention work must be done. The first Shanghai Incident left behind The bunkers are old and some are damaged, we are just repairing them now."

"China has declared war on us, how come I don't know?" Zhou Qinghe was surprised: "The Military Police Headquarters didn't hear about it, and I didn't see it in the newspaper."

"I don't know, that's what the higher-ups said anyway." Nishimura Utoshi said with a smile: "Who knows if it's true or not? I guess it's false. How can the Chinese have the guts to declare war on us?

My guess is that the higher-ups were afraid that we would be lazy and deliberately found this excuse to let us repair the bunker faster. "

"That's possible." Zhou Qinghe smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's go have a drink. Last time you told me that you would take me to the warship to see it, but I'm still waiting. I haven't done that in my life. Been on a warship.”

"Simple, as long as you are free, I will take you to see it."

"As you said, I'll go in a few days." Zhou Qinghe joked.

An hour later, Zhou Qinghe went to the International Hotel to find Liu Kai.

"Is there a special telegram from Nanjing?"

"No, what's wrong?" Liu Kai was confused.

"I heard a news that Nanjing has declared war on RB. Didn't Nanjing send us a telegram about this?" Zhou Qinghe was surprised.

"War has been declared?" Liu Kai was even more surprised than Zhou Qinghe when he heard this, and he simply blurted out the question: "No way? I don't know at all."

For such a big thing, if war was really declared, why would Nanjing not notify them at all?

"Boss, this isn't quite right, is it?" Liu Kai didn't want to doubt the accuracy of the section chief's source of information, but this matter was indeed too weird.

How could there be no news of such earth-shattering things?

"Are you sure there are no missing messages?"

"Definitely not!" Liu Kai looked determined, almost swearing.

"Then there is indeed a problem." Zhou Qinghe frowned.

Nishimura Utoshi is simple-minded and thinks that this may be the boss forcing them to work, but which boss would use news like a declaration of war to force his subordinates to work.

This news is earth-shattering.

Declaring war is an extremely serious word. Once this word is officially announced, the result will be that all agreements between the two warring countries will be invalidated.

For example, the Treaty of Shimonoseki will immediately expire. Taiwan is now a colony of RB. Once war is declared, this will not be recognized immediately.

Declaring war, if this is the case, this will naturally give the Japanese a heavy sense of crisis, and this will explain the accelerated construction of bunkers.

"Send a report to Nanjing. The content is to confirm that war has been declared on Japan. If this is true, we will send it immediately."

"Yes." Liu Kai hurried away.

In the Nanjing Secret Service, the secret code room received the message and hurried to Boss Dai's office.

Secretary Mao at the door wanted to ask a few questions, but the head of the secret electronics department refused directly.

"Telegram from No. 3."

"Oh." Secretary Mao smiled and stopped asking. Even he had no right to know about No. 3's telegram under the authority of the director.

"Director." The head of the secret telegram section handed the message to Boss Dai: "Secret telegram No. 3."

When Boss Dai heard the news from Zhou Qinghe, he felt it was good news. After all, anything leaked from the Military Police Headquarters that was worthy of being passed back by Zhou Qinghe was good news.

However, Boss Dai's expression changed drastically after he saw the message, and he stood up instantly: "Reply immediately and ask for the source of the information."


"I'll go find the principal. If I find out the result, I'll call the principal's office directly."


Boss Dai frowned and hurried out, driving directly to the principal's official residence.

"Yunong, are you okay?" The principal was looking at a map of Shanghai.

"Principal, secret message No. 3." Boss Dai saw that the maid was there, so he didn't say anything directly.

"Oh?" The principal was happy when he heard the news that it was Zhou Qinghe, and said to the maid: "You guys go down. Does he have any good news?"

"I'm afraid it's not good. Principal, Qinghe wants to ask me something."

"what's up?"

"Have we declared war on Japan?"

The principal's eyes widened, his brows furrowed and he became serious: "How did he know about the lecture given at the Lushan Officer Corps on the 17th?"

"Yes." Boss Dai also frowned and looked very ugly: "It stands to reason that the people participating in the meeting are all generals, or the core staff of the staff department. Only these people know about this matter, how could he know? How could the Japanese know?

I just thought there was something wrong with this matter, so I came over quickly. The war was about to start, and these people couldn't have any problems. "

"Have you asked him about his source of information?"

"Asked, they will call after a while, but I guess he got it from the Japanese. He may not know exactly how the Japanese got it. Such close news, but the Shanghai newspaper did not respond, which proves that Japan People have done a good job of sealing it off, and the Japanese probably don’t know much inside.”

Dong-dong-dong, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Sir, I'm looking for Mr. Dai."

"Get in."

Boss Dai walked over to listen and immediately put down his reply: "It's news from Qinghe. The source of the news is from within the Navy. I don't know the details. He speculated that the time would be from the 19th to the 20th."

"What does it mean from the 19th to the 20th?" The principal didn't understand.

Boss Dai understood what Zhou Qinghe meant, and explained: "Qinghe should have used some clues to determine when the Japanese knew about this matter."

"Hmph." The principal walked to the balcony with a cold face and slapped his hand on the railing: "My ears are really good. What the Japanese on the 17th said will be known to the Japanese on the 19th. Yu Nong, how can I still sleep? Living?"

"Principal, it's the students who didn't do well." Boss Dai bowed his head.



"Also, ask Qinghe how the Japanese in Shanghai reacted to this incident and what the fighting spirit of the Marine Corps is like."


Boss Dai sent a report to Zhou Qinghe when he got back. It was already evening when Zhou Qinghe received the report.

As he expected, it was a matter of leakage.

Reply to Boss Dai, the Japanese reaction is not big, just regular combat preparations.

As for inferring the 19th or 20th, this is very simple. It is obvious when the Japanese accelerated the construction of the bunkers, and it was within a day or two.

As for Boss Dai's telegram, which asked him to find a way to check from the Navy to see if he could find out how the information was leaked, this was a bit overwhelming.

"It's not impossible."

Zhou Qinghe thought for a moment and concluded that the Navy's intelligence should have been obtained by themselves, rather than forwarded by the RB's local staff. Otherwise, there would be no reason not to give a copy of this information to the Military Police Headquarters.

Then this information comes from the Marine Corps Intelligence Section, then there is a solution.

Although he had no contact with the Navy, he was familiar with Takeda Kojiro from the Marine Corps Intelligence Section.

How to contact and obtain information, you need to think about it.

Don't be anxious, don't be greedy, safety first. But Zhou Qinghe hadn't finished thinking yet. After an hour, Boss Dai's telegram came again.

The 87th Division and the 88th Division secretly moved to the suburbs of Shanghai. The 2nd Division from Suzhou supplemented the nd Regiment of the Brigade and stationed at Hongqiao Airport to cover the eyes of the Japanese.

Zhou Qinghe has done this several times and is very familiar with it. As long as he enters the station in batches, there is little chance of being discovered during the process. He only needs to keep an eye on the military police headquarters.

The next day, in a teahouse in downtown SH.

Imai Nanki, an assistant of the Military Intelligence Section in disguise, was sitting low-key by the window on the second floor. Not long after, a middle-aged man walked in slightly sneakily, glanced at him, and then immediately entered the box. Imai Nanki Followed in.

"Mr. Wang, you are late." Imai Nanmu sat down with a smile.

Wang Keli said angrily: "It's good to be here. If someone finds out that I'm with a Japanese like you these days, my whole family will die. People from the Secret Service are not easy to mess with."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, it's safe here. This teahouse is our property, and the boss and the guys are all ours."

"This is better. Tell me, what can you give me if you invite me here?"

"Mr. Wang is quick to talk to people. We want any information, as long as it is valuable. If Mr. Wang is willing to join us, we will give him a 2000 yen as a meeting gift. From now on, it will start from 1000 yen per month. If he is not willing, it doesn't matter. You can also pay according to the information. "

"2000 is too little, 5000. If you promise, I will do the work for you." Wang Keli was a little nervous, and made a tough stance: "The Secret Service just killed a group of people, and now the situation is turbulent. I will help you, and I will give you more money. It's not too much. Bar."

"Mr. Wang is happy, I am happy too, okay." Imai Nanmu nodded happily. Anyway, once Shanghai is captured, these people will be useless. There is no need to pay every month. It is up to them how much to pay. Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t give it.

Imai Nanmu took out the box he was carrying and patted it: "The money is all here. What news can Mr. Wang give me?"

Wang Keli reached out for money first, and Imai Nanmu readily gave him 5000 yen.

Wang Keli then said: "I'm not going to scold you, I also really want to do things for the Japanese, so what I say is true."

"Understood." Imai Nanmu smiled and nodded.

Wang Keli looked serious and whispered: "You know that I am in the Health Bureau and I know the warehouses where the medicines are stored. I will report it to you."

"Okay." Imai Minami immediately took out a map and banknotes and began to circle.

Wang Keli smiled after reporting the news: "Just for this news, the 5000 you gave me is not a loss, right?"

Imai Nanmu smiled and nodded: "When we capture Shanghai, I will definitely ask for credit for you, Wang Sang. By then, the position of Shanghai's Minister of Health will most likely be yours."

"Really?" Wang Keli's eyes lit up.

"Of course, this information alone is not enough. After all, we also have many converted people, but as long as Wang Sang works hard, there is still hope."

Wang Keli thought for a while and said: "There is another news that others definitely don't know, only I know."

"What's the news?" Imai Nanmu became interested.

Wang Keli glanced outside and said in a lower voice: "Someone has entered Hongqiao Airport."

"Who is it?" Imai Nanmu was surprised, preconceivedly thinking that it was the plane of some big shot coming from Nanjing.

"Soldiers, thousands of them."

"What?" Imai Nanmu was shocked: "When did it happen? How did you know?"

Wang Keli smiled: "Don't forget, I am also in charge of the sanitation work.

In fact, I didn't know about it, but for a while I heard the sanitation workers complaining, saying that there was a lot of garbage at Hongqiao Airport recently. You know it is a military controlled area, so I asked, how much more? There are at least thousands of people hauling garbage.

Where do you think this person came from? "

Wang Keli raised his eyebrows after speaking.

Imai Nanmu's expression was serious, and he was shocked in his heart. After thinking for a while, he quickly asked: "How many people are thousands of people? Do you know the specific number?"

"Then how can we know that our people can't get in there?" Wang Keli shook his head: "Anyway, the sanitation workers said there are at least a thousand people, so you can count it as two thousand people."

How can this matter be estimated carelessly?

However, Imai Nanki also knew that this was Wang Keli's limit. Hongqiao Airport was under military control, and officials from the Health Bureau like Wang Keli would never be able to enter.

"Thank you Wang Sang." Imai Nanmu finished the compliment with a smile, and neatly took out another 1000 yen and handed it over: "This is an extra reward. Wang Sang has news, so feel free to report it. Our big RB empire will never I owe you every hero."

Wang Keli accepted it with satisfaction.

After the two separated, Imai Nanki quickly returned to the military police headquarters to report the matter to Kobayashi Kyushi.

"Chinese troops lurked into Hongqiao Airport?" Kobayashi Jiudai couldn't sit still after hearing this.

"How many people?" he asked immediately.

Imai Nanmuhui reported: "Wang Keli said it was 2000, but I guess three or four thousand is also possible."

Xiao Lin Jiudai nodded, walked around the room for a while, stood still and said: "The number of people must be confirmed. We don't have anyone at Hongqiao Airport. Can we bribe someone inside?"

Imai Nanmu thought for a while but shook his head: "I'm afraid it's very difficult. Soldiers at the airport usually don't come out. Now to bribe them, I don't know how long it will take."

"Well, let's go report first. We may need to ask Takeda Kojiro about this matter. There may be someone at the airport."

When it comes to the army, they must communicate with the commander of the military police. The first credit must be theirs anyway, so Kobayashi Kyuushiro was not worried about Takeda Kojiro taking the credit. The two quickly went to Iwasa Taro to report the matter.

Taro Iwasa convened a meeting without any surprise.

Zhou Qinghe initially thought that the people from the second group had been discovered, but then he thought something was wrong. The people from the second group would only enter in batches after dinner this evening.

This hasn't even started yet.

It's still a problem caused by the previous people.

A staff officer asked whether the source of the information was accurate, and Kobayashi Kushiro briefly explained the source.

"The people from the Health Bureau gave a rough estimate of 2,000 people. I think it can be calculated as 3,000 or 4,000 people."

Taro Iwasa asked Kojiro Takeda if there were any of his people at Hongqiao Airport.

Takeda Kojiro really wanted to have one, but he really didn’t have one.

"Sorry, there's no one of mine in there."

"Investigate as soon as possible to determine the number of people!"


"What do you think this Chinese wants to do?" Taro Iwasa asked.

"They probably want to guard against us, but are the Chinese thinking too much? What's the use of thousands of people?"

The staff on the scene couldn't help but sneer: "We have more than 3000 Marines in the Marine Corps. This does not include the military police of our Military Police Headquarters and the 3000 people Major Fujita is about to graduate. The Chinese will not think that these three or four thousand people Can anyone beat us?"

A staff officer said: "I think it may be because Hongqiao Airport can't accommodate so many people. Maybe there are other places?"

"That's true."

But they do, too.

The staff officers looked at each other and smiled.

Taro Iwasa didn't take these people seriously either.

"If we don't take action, the Chinese don't have the guts to take action. Thousands of people are not a big problem, but the number must be found out. In addition, we will step up investigations these days and send more agents there to see if there are other places where people are hiding.

Also, we can't be careless if we send a report to the General Staff Headquarters and ask them to transfer 3,000 people. "

After the meeting, Zhou Qinghe went to inform Zeng Haifeng to find the traitor in the health department first.

Zeng Haifeng was very angry after hearing this: "I just killed a group of people and committed the crime against the wind, good! Very good!"

Shooting him to death would still be too merciful. If he didn't peel off his skin and cramps, it would mean someone didn't take him seriously.

"Don't kill too quickly. We'll tell you in a few days."

Zhou Qinghe wanted to wait until the war started to kill him, so that he would not cause trouble if he died.

Zeng Haifeng didn't care, it would take some time to find out this person.

Zhou Qinghe's mind changed and he had a new idea.

"He's from the Health Bureau, right?"

"Isn't that what you said?"

"Yes, I said, after you check, don't touch him first. The Health Bureau knows about the drug warehouse. Do you think he will sell this information to the Japanese?"

"Do you want to make a game?" Zeng Haifeng drew inferences and responded quickly.

"Brother Zeng, we have a good connection." Zhou Qinghe smiled.

"Then, what kind of tacit understanding do we have?" Zeng Haifeng also smiled, "Qinghe, you are still better. If these medicines are taken away by the Japanese, once the war starts, our soldiers will be without medicines, but they will be in danger. Maybe the Japanese Everyone would choose this time to take action. This person really deserves to be killed! How hateful! How many soldiers almost lost their lives just for some money!"

"Don't get excited, just kill, and then kill after using it." Zhou Qinghe emphasized: "When the time comes, we will have to rely on him to lead the way for the RB master."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zeng Haifeng narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "If you want our respect so much, then send a batch of high-quality medicines to the Japanese."

"Assist a batch of similar medicines as soon as possible, mainly for the treatment of gunshot wounds. They must be kept secret."

"Okay, I'll come find you and you can think of a way. Time is too tight. There are so many warehouses and we need a lot of medicines."

"Okay, I have news for you."

The matter of traitors in the Health Bureau was first handed over to Zeng Haifeng. Zhou Qinghe looked at his watch and saw that there were still three hours before dinner time. He found Liu Kai and asked him to send a report to Nanjing.

Delay in entering Hongqiao Airport. A group of Japanese troops are about to arrive in Shanghai. The time will be announced later.

(End of this chapter)

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