The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 205 Tracking

Chapter 205 Tracking

Liu Yidan was really thinking about something. Zhou Qinghe turned into Fujita Qinghe, which was a bolt from the blue to her.

Zhou Qinghe is Japanese, how is this possible?

It was Zhou Qinghe's idea to give quilts to the Red Party.

When Liu Yidan first heard the news in the hospital, he stood stunned on the spot and felt that his brain was in a knot in an instant.

On one side, he was giving her advice, and on the other side, the Japanese respectfully called Zhou Qing and Captain Fujita. The two figures and their identities kept spinning in her mind. If she didn't faint, it was because she still had surgery to do.

She wanted to ask Zhou Qinghe at that time, but after thinking about it, she couldn't speak.

The Japanese are so respectful, how could they not be?

So when she went home that day, she planned to tell Xu Meifeng that she would refund the rent to Zhou Qinghe, citing the reason why Dr. Zhou would not come back to live there anyway.

But when it came time, she held back because Liu Yidan didn't want to damage Zhou Qinghe's image as a good doctor in her mother's mind.

However, her random thoughts did not stop. She kept thinking about this matter. If Zhou Qinghe was Japanese, there would be no reason to help her advise on transporting things to the Red Party.

After thinking about it too much, she really came up with a solution to Zhou Qinghe's identity motivation.

Red party.

Japanese Communist Party!

This makes complete sense.

Liu Yidan's eyes lit up, he suddenly became enlightened, and he felt like he had a clear idea.

"It turns out that we are all the same people."

She went home that day and ate an extra bowl of noodles in a good mood.

Xu Meifeng, who had seen her in a low mood for a few days, was surprised that her daughter could guess the identities of Zhou Qing and the Secret Service even though she was promising?

It is not difficult for Xu Meifeng to analyze why Liu Yidan is troubled.

But this time Xu Meifeng guessed wrong. After Liu Yidan got the idea of ​​the Japanese Communist Party, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

Japanese, help the Red Party, what is this if not the Japanese Communist Party?

There is only one chance to verify. The organization has regulations and cross-examination is not allowed, but I found that it is not always okay to ask.

And it is also a serious matter to screen people with suspicious identities.

Besides, who isn’t curious yet?

Therefore, as soon as Liu Yidan discovered cholera, he asked the nurse to find Zhou Qinghe.

Looking at how Zhou Qinghe handled the cholera incident, we can analyze a lot of things.

Liu Yidan saw Zhou Qinghe looking at him with a normal expression like an ignorant little white rabbit: "Dr. Zhou, how do you think this should be handled?"

"Ask out the source of infection, cut off transmission channels, and ensure that it does not spread."

Zhou Qinghe replied casually, looked at the patient on the bed and asked, "Where do you live?"

The patient's speech was feeble. He only saw the movement of his lips, but no sound came out at all. The main expression was an uncomfortable expression.

Zhou Qinghe saw that the patient could not answer the questions, so he looked outside the door and thought about going to find it himself. He happened to see the nurse coming in who was washing his hands.

"You just said that his wife is here too. Where is she?"

"In the lobby outside." The nurse pointed in the direction outside: "I was afraid of cross-infection, so I didn't let her in, so I asked her to sit outside and wait."

"Well done, call her in."


The nurse quickly brought a worried woman in and asked as soon as she came in: "Doctor, how is my husband?"

While the woman was asking questions, she was still looking at her husband on the hospital bed.

Zhou Qinghe analyzed from his dress that this person was just an ordinary person, and his level of education was not high.

So there was no need to explain too much, and he just said kindly: "It was delivered in time, and we have a basic diagnosis of the condition. We are currently preparing to treat it, so you don't need to worry too much.

But before that, I have one more question to ask you, so as not to make a mistake in diagnosis, how did he get the disease? "

As soon as the woman heard the word "delivered in time", her mood immediately relaxed a lot, and she immediately began to talk volubly.

She and her husband were working as a helper for a wealthy man in the concession, and they rented a house in Xu's house in Zhabei. Last night, her husband started to suffer from diarrhea.

At first I thought it was just a bad stomach. Going to the hospital was expensive, and it was inconvenient in the middle of the night. I thought about resisting, but who knew that the poop would be endless, I couldn’t stand up, and the toilet was full. .

Seeing that it was getting worse, I went to the hospital.

"What have you eaten in the past two days?"

"I haven't eaten anything. Just a normal meal. I had porridge last night."

"I'm not talking about last night, but yesterday morning, and the day before yesterday, and the day before yesterday. What did you eat?"

There is an incubation period from infection to onset, which usually goes up to one day. Since the disease occurred last night, the time has to be pushed forward.

"It's just porridge or something like that," the woman recalled, her expression still a little confused.

"Needless to say cooked food, have you ever eaten raw food? Food, without boiling water?"

"The food is not uncooked, but there is water. We have drunk the water from the owner's house, which is tap water, and the well next to our house, which we often drink from."

Sure enough, Zhou Qinghe guessed that it was probably a water problem. People in this era did not have the habit of boiling water, but were accustomed to drinking cold water.

Drinking boiled water has been popularized for a long time, but it had to wait until 50 years ago, during the Korean War, when the Americans launched biological warfare against the country, and a large number of bacterial bombs were dropped into the country, and then they began to promote the cultivation of boiled water. Be aware that you won't get sick if you drink again.

And it’s the end of August now, so drinking well water feels so good.

Tap water is not possible. The concession has its own water plant. If an infectious disease occurs, it should not be only this one, but the home well.

It's not a big problem to close a water well, and then you can check whether the people nearby have any problems.

Zhou Qinghe was thinking about the plan when he heard the woman yelling: "Doctor, is there something wrong with the water? The Japanese must have poisoned it, so I said they have no good intentions."

"What did you say? Japanese?"

Zhou Qinghe was stunned, cholera, plus the Japanese, a unit number immediately flashed in his mind.

"Tell me carefully what kind of poison was poisoned?" Zhou Qinghe's tone was still joking, so as not to scare the woman.

The woman said: "Doctor, don't believe it, it's true.

The night before yesterday, my wife got up and heard something moving outside the house, so she opened the courtyard door and took a look. She found several people chattering around the well outside, including one who looked like an official and was wearing a suit. It is straight and straight, and you can tell at a glance that it is a high official.

The Japanese had guns, but the old man didn't dare to say anything. Seeing that the Japanese had left, he went to take a look in the well, but he didn't find anything.

At that time, my wife came back and told me that I thought it was poisoning. I was worried, so I filled the water and bought a fish to try, but the fish was fine."

"Then you drank the water?"


"It doesn't sound like there's anything wrong with you. Don't think too much. Some things might just be coincidences." Zhou Qinghe said with a faint smile, "Besides, how are you sure you're Japanese?"

Zhou Qinghe had to confirm again that this would not be a big problem for anyone else, but the Japanese were the worst.

The old woman said firmly: "My boss and I have both heard Japanese talk. When we hear those jabbering words, we can tell that they are Japanese."

"Okay, okay, Japanese, I'll ask the police to investigate later." Zhou Qinghe casually reassured: "Did you drink this water too?"


"Then you have to stay in the hospital for observation."

"Okay, okay, thank you doctor, you are a good person."

"That's for sure. Has anyone else in the family drank this water?"

Zhou Qinghe inquired, and the old woman also said that there were two sons at home, but they did not live together. It was not known if there were other neighbors in the village who came to drink water.

"Give him fluids." Zhou Qinghe directed the nurse and looked at Liu Yidan: "I'll leave it to you. Take the isolation measures and I'll go out."

Liu Yidan understood that some things should not be made serious, especially those involving the Japanese.

The so-called misfortune comes from the mouth. If Zhou Qinghe was really the captain of the military police, and that group of people were really Japanese, these two old people would have no hope of living.

If they were lucky, Zhou Qinghe and that group of people were definitely not from the same group. Liu Yidan had the basic answer.

If Zhou Qinghe is against the Japanese, the best way is to take everyone away. Since he is not taken away, then Zhou Qinghe must be the Japanese Communist Party and has not escaped.

There was a smile on my face now.

This matter is very troublesome, and Zhou Qinghe must deal with it quickly.

Treatment of cholera itself is not complicated.

The cause is the ingestion of Vibrio cholerae, which travels from the mouth to the intestines, causing severe vomiting and diarrhea, leading to severe dehydration in the body.

It looks like it's just dehydration, it doesn't seem serious, but if you poop one liter at a time, more than a dozen times a day, who can handle it?

Electrolyte imbalance in the body, metabolic acidosis, kidney failure, etc.

It’s not that there’s no water in the intestines, it means there’s nothing to poop.

Instead, it will draw out the water in the body and pull it out until it becomes dry.

Plague, black disease, cholera, and blue death are caused by the fact that the skin of corpses turns blue-gray after the body fluids are drained. Therefore, the treatment method is also very simple. Prescribe the right medicine, replenish water as much as you pull, intravenous rehydration, oral rehydration salts, and force the patient to replenish water and electrolytes. As long as the patient can receive water and infusion, the mortality rate can be reduced to the floor line.

But as cholera and plague are the only two severe infectious diseases in Category A, it naturally has its horrors.

That means it spreads quickly.

Where do the water sources, food, and even the patient's feces go?

If the source problem is not solved, once the disease spreads, people in a large area will need rehydration. One person will need to replenish more than ten liters of fluid a day. The hospital's rehydration drug inventory will be exhausted in a short period of time, and the medical system will be directly broken down.

Then there is a quantitative change, with more and more sources of infection, more and more panic, and increasingly uncontrollable, forming a pandemic.

Without medicine, you can only wait for death, unless you are the chosen one.

If you resist for three days, you will be able to survive. The symptoms of cholera will begin to lessen on the third day.

But in this day and age, soldiers may not have enough to eat, and ordinary people are even weaker and infected with cholera. Zhou Qinghe doubted whether these people could survive a day.

Therefore, if this disease is isolated and controlled, it will be fine.

But if it is a man-made trick, the consequences will be very serious and the scale of the damage will be huge.

Now is the time for war to begin. Although cholera will not kill anyone at first, only diarrhea, once it spreads, the combat effectiveness of the national army will definitely be destroyed on a large scale.

Is it someone from Unit 731 who is up to something? Zhou Qinghe has to confirm this information quickly.

The advantage of staying in the hospital for surgeries these days is that this is a safe area in the public concession, and there is no possibility of being accidentally injured by artillery shells.

The bad thing was that he had no idea when the people from the northeast were coming.

Hirano is so out of character that he doesn't even report such a big thing?

Well, it's possible that he just doesn't care, after all, he fights every day.

Zhou Qinghe had to go back to the military police headquarters to take a look.

"Zuo Wei." Zhou Qinghe walked out of the door and greeted the bodyguard not far away.

It was war time, and eight men in suits were his guards, all disguised as military police. Goto Zuoe was the only one who could speak a few words in Chinese, so he was promoted.

"Sir." Goto Zuoe walked in and nodded slightly.

"Military Police Headquarters."


The car drove to the other side of Suzhou River.

Zhou Qinghe sat in the back seat and looked at the scenery on both sides of the road. Visible to the naked eye, the number of people in the safe public concession area of ​​​​Suzhou River was more than double, maybe ten times, or even twenty times.

In the current fight between China and Japan, the main fighting areas are Hongkou and Zhabei.

The Chinese in Zhabei began to leave their hometowns. As soon as the war started, most people began to flee. The rich went to the concession, and the poor went to Suzhou. The population of SH City was declining rapidly, and nine out of ten houses were empty.

The concession was also disrupted. The core area where the fighting took place at the beginning was Hongkou, the Little Tokyo planned by Tojo Akio, which accounted for only one-eighth of the public concession.

However, the Japanese were overwhelmed by the Chinese due to their initial firepower, and the buildings in the HK area were directly beaten into ruins. So they continued to fight street battles outside Hongkou, continued to expand the war map, and dragged in people from other countries. .

This will tie up the Chinese army and eliminate the need for bombing by artillery and aircraft, which will serve the purpose of delaying time.

The war area expanded from one-eighth to three-quarters of the public concession.

The foreign Chinese who were enlarged on the map had no choice but to abandon their homes and run away in order to avoid being affected. Therefore, this last quarter of the pure land south of the Suzhou River was crowded with a large number of Chinese, British, American, and Indian people. It was crowded and messy.

Of course, the French Concession can be crowded, but if the rent of the pure land in the public concession has increased tenfold, the rent in the French Concession will have to increase twenty times.

Didi, the car's horn sounded, and the military police on the Suzhou River stood at attention when they saw the license plate.

Now there are two groups of soldiers standing on the Suzhou River Bridge, a group of British or American marines and a group of Japanese military police.

The British and Americans don't care about coming out, they can come out as they please. If they come in, they have to search themselves and leave their weapons behind.

The original intention of the British and Americans in the safety zone of the public settlement was not to allow the Japanese to enter. If they really wanted to enter, they had to report it, otherwise they would die, and they were absolutely not allowed to carry guns.

The last safe zone is the face of the British and Americans, and no more war will be allowed.

The only purpose of the Japanese military police standing here now is to prevent the Chinese army from making sneak attacks from behind.

These people are happy because these bridges on the Suzhou River are not within the scope of the war.

After crossing the Suzhou River, all you can see are ruins.

Don't even think about Little Tokyo. If Tokyo were to be bombed by a nuclear bomb, the scene would probably not be as tragic as here. Eighty percent of the buildings in Hongkou would be destroyed. If it wasn't for roof leaks, there would be no roofs.

The remaining 20% ​​that can be seen is the place where Japanese military civilian personnel and wounded soldiers stayed and rested.

The new location of the Military Police Headquarters is in a three-story building that was originally a trading company.

Now that there is no commander here, the staff went to the base camp of the Shanghai Dispatch Army at the Marine Corps Station. The base camp is still a bit far away from the core area of ​​​​Hongkou.

There are only military police here to maintain the final security of Hongkou.

There is nothing to do after being blown up, such as removing corpses to prevent plague, clearing roads so that vehicles transporting the wounded and supplies can pass smoothly, etc.

Another thing is to prevent some gold diggers from sneaking in from outside Hongkou in the middle of the night and looking for gold on corpses or buildings.

The brave ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death. There are such weird things in every country. Maybe you can find a gold necklace from the house?

Zhou Qinghe doesn't care about these things, even though he is now the nominal talker in the rear area.

The soldiers work and the military police supervise, and it's all about him.

"Pingye." Zhou Qinghe walked into the trading company and met his right-hand man.

"team leader."

Pingye is now the one doing the actual work in this area. After all, Zhou Qinghe doesn't have time to come here every day.

Zhou Qinghe nodded calmly to the Japanese civil servants who stood up when he came in, signaling them to continue working. Then he walked over and picked up the daily record book on Hirano's desk.

"What happened recently?"

Ping Ye immediately began to report on the situation in Hongkou in the past few days.

It had only been a few days since the Japanese army counterattacked, and everything was over quickly.

They were all daily operations, nothing special. Zhou Qinghe continued to ask from a different angle.

"Thank you for your hard work while I'm gone. Has any superior come to inspect you?"

"Commander Matsui's assistant, Colonel Hirata, came to inspect once and urged us to ensure the supply channels to the safety zone. He came temporarily. I called you."


Zhou Qinghe knew about this, but he didn't come. He was doing the operation. What's the point of flattering him? Besides, who is flattering whom? The colonel is great?

Yasuda Chiba is raised at home, and the colonel really doesn't like him.

However, judging from this incident, the members of the special force have not officially appeared here.

"Have there been any escape incidents and people escaping to the concession?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

Hirano reported: "Nothing was found. There are our military police handles at every intersection. No one can pass except for vehicles transporting wounded soldiers."

"Where are the records?"

"Here." Hirano took out a notebook.

If you want to cross the bridge to the safe area, you need a road opened by the Military Police Headquarters. This is to prevent soldiers from using excuses to avoid war.

Zhou Qinghe took a look and found that they were indeed registered vehicles for transporting the injured. They had the name of the driver, the license plate, and who was being transported. They were clearly recorded.

The only time he was not injured was four days ago when Colonel Hirata went to the concession safety area. Only two people were registered, one was Hirata and the other was his driver.

Something is wrong with this. There is a war zone in front of Hongkou. People from the special forces want to poison the side of the Chinese. It is not easy to go from the front. It is too dangerous. If you are unlucky, you will have to cancel the shell.

Normal people's thinking has to go around the concession, and it will be bypassed in one circle.

But if he wants to go out from Hongkou to the safe zone, this is not realistic for him unless he swims across the Suzhou River.

This group of people obviously doesn't need it.

The only possibility left is that the people of this special force are not in the combat zone, but have been in the safe zone.

"Has Colonel Hirata been out yet?"

"Yes, he said he was going to the hospital to see the wounded. Didn't you meet him, Captain?"

"I'm doing surgery day by day, maybe I missed it."

"Yes." Hirano smiled: "Captain, it's too hard."

Zhou Qinghe smiled.

Colonel Hirata is the liaison, most likely.

(End of this chapter)

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