The spy career of a surgeon

Chapter 216 Execution

Chapter 216 Execution

Zhang Junshuo felt that although he was seriously injured now, with his strong skills, at this time of crisis, he tried his best to fight hard. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he would definitely be able to drag Zhou Qinghe into the carriage the moment Zhou Qinghe opened the door and entered. Then choke!

As long as the car crosses the Suzhou River, it doesn't matter even if he is chased by a group of Japanese. The current concession is not friendly to the Japanese. He can find a British and American police station to surrender. He will only go to jail and he will not die.

There is nothing wrong with this plan at all.

The blade is ready, taken from the operating room.

Zhou Qinghe also came over and was ready to take action.

Take the attitude of a lion fighting a rabbit, and be mentally prepared to succeed or die.

His whole body muscles were tense, waiting for Zhou Qinghe to open the door and pounce!

But he didn't expect that Zhou Qinghe was so confused that he didn't even need to open the door himself.

The driver opened the door for Zhou Qinghe and glanced at him silently. Zhang Junshuo's body stiffened and his scalp began to feel cold.

The kidnapping of Zhou Qing and Na Ming was so valuable that the Japanese took action against them, and the driver was kidnapped.

How to fix this?

Zhang Junshuo swallowed, feeling that his plan really needed to be perfected.

But that's it, driver, then fuck the driver!

In the flash of lightning, his thoughts ran out, and Zhang Junshuo had no choice but to take action.

As soon as his hand moved slightly, the driver took a step sideways and made way for Zhou Qinghe.

good chance!

Zhang Junshuo was so happy that he rushed out regardless of whether the driver was blind or not.

Then a gun was pressed against his head, and his body slowly retreated.

Zhou Qinghe sat in with a gun in his hand and glanced at him without saying a word.

Zhang Junshuo wanted to say something, but he really didn't know what to say now, so he simply shut up.

The driver Liu Qi didn't say anything. He glanced at him, closed the door, then walked around to the driver's seat and got in the car.

The car immediately drove to the other side of Suzhou Bridge. Zhang Junshuo looked at the scenery passing by the window and decided to break the silence with a single breath.

"I haven't seen you for a while."

Zhou Qinghe would not bully meritorious ministers. It was his business to make others feel at ease. He glanced at the tightly held blade in Zhang Junshuo's hand and said with a smile:

"Be careful if the wound collapses. Boss Dai will blame me."


Zhang Junshuo choked on his words, his brain was spinning wildly at this moment, his eyes were as wide as bells, and his mouth opened with a shocked expression, he pointed at Zhou Qinghe and said: "You are..."

"Yes." Zhou Qinghe nodded.

Zhang Junshuo immediately yelled, his emotions rising to the extreme level of excitement: "Fuck!"

After cursing, the large amount of adrenaline secreted due to the moment of life and death, after being forcibly suppressed by the gun just now, has now been vented endlessly.

"I said how could you be Japanese! At that time, I couldn't believe it!

When it comes to joining the Secret Service, you were the first person I heard about, and you were the first person I studied. I don’t know much about the others, but your impressive deeds in the Secret Service, Zhou Qinghe’s, were astonishing to me!

At that time, there was news in the office that you were a Japanese spy, and everyone else just listened to it, but I just didn’t believe it!

The Japanese have your medical skills, your brains, and your methods. How dare they come to a secret service to serve as spies?

If you said you assassinated the principal just to get in touch with him, I would still believe him!

Then it must be of great value to come to the principal, right?

Even if I had to be in the Secret Service, when something happened to me, why would you help me if you were Japanese? Why should I share the credit? Is it okay to just let me die?

Qinghe, Qinghe.”

Zhang Junshuo excitedly patted Zhou Qinghe's arm.

This is how people are after experiencing life and death. When they are suddenly safe, these emotions have to be released. Zhou Qinghe just chuckled and teased: "If you speak louder, the sound in the middle of the night can be heard eight hundred miles away."

Zhang Junshuo looked at the lights on the other side getting closer and closer. It was true that he hadn't crossed the bridge yet. There were still Japanese people on the bridge. He immediately shrank his head and laughed: "I'm so excited."

"Awesome, the Japanese military police captain, no wonder, no wonder

I asked Boss Dai where did the Japanese get such a detailed warehouse location map? This is Hongkou after the war, and it has changed in all kinds of ways. When I first got it, I thought it was an old map of Hongkou, but I didn’t expect it to be new at all. There are no mistakes. "

When Zhang Junshuo thought of Zhou Qinghe's position, he couldn't suppress the emotion in his heart: "Captain of the military police, how did you do it? Tell me, tell me."

Zhou Qinghe didn't tell him, "Want to know? Ask Boss Dai."

"Will he tell me?" Zhang Junshuo was skeptical about this report.

"Then there's nothing you can do. If you want to know about this, you have to get the principal's authorization."

"Forget it from the school, I won't ask anymore." Zhang Junshuo was lying in a state of corpse. Boss Dai might not even say that, but also the principal? The principal doesn't know who he is.

Zhou Qinghe sneered, "Then there's nothing we can do. Squat down and lie down."

Zhang Junshuo didn't ask any questions at all. There were some things that he didn't need to ask, he just did as he was told.

It was difficult to find a patient curled up in a ball, lying on his side like a cat in the aisle between the front and rear seats.

Soon, the car arrived at the bridge. Zhou Qinghe got out of the car and asked the military police stationed on guard, "Is there anything unusual?"


"The Chinese haven't caught them yet. They are likely to sneak across the river. Their eyes are bright. Pay more attention to what's going on on the river."

The Japanese soldier stood at attention and nodded: "Hi."

Zhou Qinghe picked up the flashlight on the table beside him and shined it on the water. He turned around and faced the parked side of the car. As the car swayed, the light penetrated through the rear seat window and shone on the river on the other side:

"Don't always stay in one place. You should pay attention to whether there is any noise on both sides of the water."


Zhou Qinghe returned the flashlight to him, got in the car and left.

"Okay, get up."

Zhang Junshuo stood up and hissed at the air conditioner: "You need to wash this car when the time comes. It may be stained with blood." "Good reminder, I will pay attention to it." Zhou Qinghe glanced at his injured wound, " There's some blood seeping out, so it's not a big problem. You can go back and ask Boss Dai to make arrangements, and I won't help you."

"You have helped me enough. I have earned enough to save my life today." Zhang Junshuo was grateful.

If it hadn't been for Zhou Qinghe, it would have been really hard to tell tonight. Although he had a Japanese identity as a cover, how to escape from Hongkou was a big problem.

At present, there are not many vehicles leaving Hongkou to the safe area of ​​the concession.

"I won't leave you alone. My home is almost here. When you get home, stay in the car for a while and the driver will take you where you want to go."

"Okay, okay."

"Take care of yourself."

"Take care of yourself."

Not long after returning home, Zhou Qinghe received a call from the Hongkou military doctor.

The voice was still a little confused: "Captain, the patient you operated on just now is missing."

"What do you mean missing?"

"He can't be found in the ward. I asked people nearby and no one saw him. I don't know where he went."

"I don't know where you went?" Zhou Qinghe was silent for a moment, and then asked in a serious tone: "How long has it been since you disappeared?"

"do not know."

"Which of you knows him?"

"do not know."

"Look for him immediately! This guy may be Chinese! Also, arrest the soldiers who sent him here and question him!"


"Idiot!" Zhou Qinghe hung up the phone angrily.

"Fujita, what's wrong?" Yasuda Chiba heard the noise and came downstairs in her pajamas. Seeing Zhou Qinghe's unhappy face, she felt distressed: "Did my subordinate do something wrong?"

"These stupid losers!" Zhou Qinghe immediately told her what happened that night.

Yasuda Chiba was shocked to hear that the Chinese were so bold, and then comforted Zhou Qinghe: "Okay, Fujita, you have worked too hard. Let's go to bed and I will give you a massage to relax."

Zhou Qinghe followed Shan Ruliu.

After Zhang Junshuo returned, he met Boss Dai who was also waiting for his return.

Zhang Junshuo had a thousand questions to ask about Zhou Qinghe. This excitement of suddenly knowing a shocking secret made him feel that his wounds no longer hurt.

He first reported his bizarre experience after meeting Zhou Qinghe tonight, and then begged Boss Dai: "Director, tell me how Qinghe became the captain of the military police."

"Isn't it amazing?" Boss Dai just said lightly.

Zhang Junshuo nodded repeatedly: "That's an identity that I can't even imagine."

Boss Dai smiled, his expression also filled with pride. If Zhou Qinghe lurking inside the Japanese army was magical, it would be even more magical for him to recognize heroes with his sharp eyes. After all, he was the one who discovered Zhou Qinghe.

Others' praise of Zhou Qinghe cannot get around him. If it weren't for his status that prevented him from shouting about it, he would have wanted every Japanese to know about it.

But the mystery must be maintained, so he said: "Okay, don't ask around, forget about this matter, go to the back to recuperate, and when the wound is better, go to Chongqing to preside over the work for a period of time."

Zhang Junshuo was sorry, but Boss Dai didn't say anything, so he had no choice but to sigh and leave.

The next day, Zhou Qinghe went to Hongkou and asked about what happened last night. His subordinates said that they could not find the man wearing the Japanese military uniform and found a body of a soldier who had been stripped of his clothes. He was furious at his subordinates.

"You didn't know that the Chinese were lurking in Hongkou! And they actually arrived right under my nose, and even asked me to perform surgery on him personally. If word spread, the military police will be embarrassed by you!"

The men were trembling with fear. This incident really exceeded everyone's imagination. No one could have imagined that the Chinese people were so bold.

"That's not from our gendarmerie." His subordinates quibbled. After all, the sergeant who brought the wounded was the one the rest of the troops in the rear were looking for.

"Isn't it nothing to do with you? Have you ever thought about checking? Forget it if you run away. What if he comes to assassinate me?"

Zhou Qinghe was talking here, and soon Shinozuka Maomi also arrived. Shinozuka Maomi didn't know about this yet, so Zhou Qinghe was not prepared to hide it, so he explained in detail the mistakes made by these men.

Shinozuka Maomi yelled and cursed a few times angrily, threatening to punish those involved in this incident severely.

Zhou Qinghe had to help his subordinates defend themselves: "Chief of Staff, the man sent by the sergeant was wearing our military uniform, and he did have a gunshot wound in the abdomen. It is difficult to identify him while we are busy rescuing people in the rear. The problem still lies with the search team. , they should bear the main responsibility for not verifying the matter after sending it over.”

Shinozuka Maomi narrowed his eyes: "Indeed, someone is responsible for this."

Five warehouses were bombed, and the gendarmerie was responsible. However, the troops who cooperated with the search clearly found the murderer, did not arrest him, and even sent him for treatment. Who is responsible for such irresponsible people?

Shinozuka Maomi hurriedly went out. This pot was destined not to be resisted by a department of the Military Police Headquarters.

The person responsible for leading the search was Tojo Akio, who was severely reprimanded.

The soldiers responsible for delivering the food enjoyed a meal of 'spiritual infusion sticks' under the supervision of the gendarmerie.

The half-meter-long stick was filled with mercury. When the stick was swung, the skin was torn open and the flesh was bloody.

Punishing soldiers was a matter for the military police, so Tojo Akio personally administered the punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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