Chapter 227 Party

"Food poisoning?"

Zhou Qinghe was surprised, and then said doubtfully: "No, with the security level of Huangjinrong's family, how could he get food poisoning?"

"Sir, didn't Major Tojo go look for him a few days ago?" The subordinate raised his eyebrows to hint, and smiled a little.

Don't be afraid to say this openly. After all, if you kill a Chinese, just kill him. It is very normal for the Japanese.

Zhou Qinghe narrowed his eyes slightly and said seriously: "Idiot! Where is Tojo Akio?"

The subordinates didn't know why Zhou Qinghe was angry. They only knew that he shouldn't laugh and said in a stuttering voice: "I guess he hasn't come yet."

"Call him over here right away! You idiot!"

Zhou Qinghe returned to the office while cursing.

Tojo Akio has been wronged so much, why not just sleep in?

Captain Fujita was informed by his subordinates that he was very angry early in the morning. He was still wondering. What did Fujita's anger have to do with him?

But this kind of thing is usually not a good thing, so he came quite quickly.

"Who told you to poison the golden velvet!" When Zhou Qinghe saw him coming in, he immediately slapped the table with a cold face.

"Poisoned? What kind of poison? Is the golden velvet poisoned?" Tojo Akio didn't know anything. He was only confused when he heard the news, but also had a sense of pleasure in getting revenge, and he even smiled.

"Don't make small moves at this time! Do you want the General Staff and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to think that our military police are sabotaging Shanghai's economic recovery? Is there something wrong with your mind?"

"What are you talking about? It's not me who poisoned you!" Tojo Akio died unjustly.

"Get out." Zhou Qinghe looked angry as if he was too lazy to listen to your nonsense.

"It's really not me who poisoned you."

"Get out!" Zhou Qinghe shouted with eyes wide open.

Tojo Akio felt aggrieved and it was not him who did this. He slandered Zhou Qinghe and ignored him when he went out.

Although Ping Bai was bitten by Zhou Qinghe, it was a good thing. Jin Rong didn't give him face and was poisoned when he turned around. If he knew who poisoned him, he would really have to thank this hero.

At noon, Zhou Qinghe asked Liu Qi to bring a message to Liu Kai that the detained chef's wife could be released.

After Golden Velvet's cooperation was over, he should give Golden Velvet some peace of mind after charging such an expensive release fee.

In the afternoon, newspapers that had not caught up with the first wave of popularity began to publish stories about golden velvet poisoning.

This matter is not a trivial matter. It is an interesting topic of conversation in Shanghai today.

As one of the most famous figures in Shanghai, Golden Velvet has been quite a legend in his life, and many people are paying attention to his every move.

Why was he poisoned?

Golden Velvet refused the solicitation of the Japanese, and then the Japanese came to extort money. After they refused, the whole family was poisoned, and now they fell down the stairs and fell into a coma.

The causes and consequences are not unknown to insiders, but following the reporter's investigation, this version of the speculation in the newspaper was instantly recognized by the vast majority of people in the concession.

"That's the truth!"

“You’ll know it’s true as soon as you hear it!”

"It must have been done by the Japanese."

This happened in a very orderly manner, and the sequence of events was very reasonable.

So for a while, the discussion about this matter in the concession was very lively.

After dinner, people discussed the ferocity of the Japanese, the majestic past of Golden Velvet, and whispered speculations about whether Golden Velvet could still wake up in the hospital.

Compared with the interesting atmosphere of speculation outside, the atmosphere in the Military Police Headquarters is not very good.

The impact of this incident was so bad that Hase Incheon, who was not able to go to the consulate, brought the commercial counselor to the Military Police Headquarters in person to ask for an explanation.

It was so bad that Taro Iwasa and Maomi Shinozuka called Zhou Qinghe and Akio Tojo to personally investigate the matter.

"Huang Jinrong has been the inspector general in the French Concession for so many years, and now he is retired and is still a senior adviser to the French.

The incident of your poisoning has become known to the whole of Shanghai. The French are very shameless. Now the public affairs bureau has asked us to give them a reasonable explanation! And punish the murderer severely! Do you think I should hand you over? "

Hase Incheon glared at Tojo Akio, "Can you use your brain before you do something?"

"I didn't do it!" Tojo Akio argued loudly.

He is also angry, why? Two people scolded him for being brainless all day long.

Hase Incheon sneered and rolled his eyes at Tojo Akio. He didn't dare to admit it if he dared to do it. He knew how to avoid it when it got louder. He was a loser. He didn't bother to pay attention to such excuses. He turned his head and stopped looking at Tojo Akio.

Tojo Akio's face turned red with anger. The key was that he didn't know how to explain.

Look at Shinozuka Maomi.

"Tojo-kun, what you did this time was too irrational." Shinozuka Maomi shook his head and sighed.

"I told you, I didn't do it!" Tojo Akio was furious, why didn't he believe him?

So he looked at Iwasa Taro, and Iwasa Taro said that Iwasa Taro should be on his side no matter from any angle.

Taro Iwasa was silent for a moment and said with a stern face: "No matter who did it, there is no point in pursuing it. Let's deal with this matter first."

In the end, he still didn't believe it, and Tojo Akio was very angry.

What an injustice!

Look at Zhou Qinghe.

Zhou Qinghe didn't look at him.

After all, I have already scolded him.

"I'll go check out the Golden Velvet Bar later. It represents our Military Police Headquarters." Zhou Qinghe suggested.

Several important figures exchanged glances and nodded.

"Express goodwill appropriately, but make it clear in your attitude that this matter was not done by our Military Police Command."

"I see."

The visit to Golden Velvet was just a formality, mainly to express to the French the attitude of the Gendarmerie Headquarters on this matter.

The big shots also care about the French people's opinions, and they don't care too much whether Golden Velvet is dead or not.

Zhou Qinghe went to the ward and took a look at Jin Rong. Jin Rong himself had done a very good job of deceiving him. He said he was hit on the head but it was really a wound on his head. The gangsters were not merciless at all when they attacked him.

Jin JinRong was already awake, but his condition was very problematic. He tilted his head, drooled, and had dull eyes. He had no reaction at all to Zhou Qinghe's arrival.

The doctor lamented: "Mr. Huang is old and hit his head, causing a stroke. Although he has woken up, his quality of life in the future may not be very good. He can't even control his urine. Alas."

It’s so cruel, it’s like having a stroke, and you have to perform a stroke every day from now on.

Huang Jinrong arranged the doctor himself, and there were no problems at all in the case.

Actor Zhou Qinghe was too lazy to accompany the actor and left after saying a few words about the scene.

However, at the entrance of the hospital, reporters who came after hearing the news blocked the door.

"Is the poisoning of Golden Velvet the work of the Military Police Headquarters?"

"There is news that Du Yuesheng's family was also kidnapped by the Military Police Headquarters. Is the Military Police Headquarters going to kill all the businessmen in the concession?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. Our Gendarmerie Headquarters is very friendly to businessmen. What you said about Du Yuesheng's family being kidnapped by the Gendarmerie Headquarters is purely a rumor."

Zhou Qinghe went home and called Su Xiyun.

"Has the money for Du Yuesheng's family been ready?"

"Get ready. I'm thinking of visiting your home in the evening and delivering it to your door. Isn't it inconvenient because there are so many people at the Military Police Headquarters during the day?"

"Send it over."

Half an hour after Zhou Qinghe put down the phone, Su Xiyun came in with a smile on his face, carrying 300,000 yen and three exquisite boxes.

After all, he got benefits for Captain Fujita, and if the matter was successfully completed, then he not only opened up the situation in Shanghai, but also made a contribution to Captain Fujita.

From then on, I started to have connections here at the Military Police Headquarters.

After only a few days, he had completely settled into the rhythm of being a mayor, and he felt very comfortable.

"This ginseng is made of red jade. I heard from Du Yuesheng's family that it was Sun Dianying, the Dongling robber who dug up Cixi's tomb and got it from her burial objects. Do you know who Cixi is? Can she see it?" Everything in the collection is of the highest quality.”

Su Xiyun praised the jade in the box and continued to flatter Zhou Qinghe in an attempt to maintain the relationship.

"Well done. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me, Mayor Su. I believe you can be a good mayor." Zhou Qinghe expressed satisfaction with a smile on his face.

"Thank you Captain Fujita for the compliment, I won't bother you."

"Well, five days later, it will be my wedding reception at the Chinachem Hotel. You can come too. I will have someone send you an invitation then."

Su Xiyun was overjoyed. In the past few days since he came to Shanghai, he had also learned about Zhou Qinghe's status in Shanghai. He was not only a captain of the military police, but also a national expert in medical skills. He was a man with great hands and eyes in the concession and in Japan!

To get this invitation, I believe he can communicate with the top people who appear at the wedding.

"Thank you Captain Fujita. I will be there on time." You have to prepare gifts, you have to prepare gifts.

Su Xiyun felt that he had to find Du Yuesheng's family to see if there were any important treasures.

After receiving the money, release the person.

Zhou Qinghe made a phone call and asked his men to release the people detained by Tojo Akio.

When Tojo Akio learned about this, of course he was dissatisfied.

This was his bargaining chip to force Du Yuesheng to come back, and he hoped to control the Youth Gang in the future, so he went to the office to question Zhou Qinghe.

Zhou Qinghe doesn't care.

"You've beaten Jin Fu into idiots, you've kidnapped Du Yuesheng's family, you've made the business atmosphere in the concession like this, and you still have the nerve to come to me? I'm already busy enough, don't make trouble for me anymore. "

"I didn't do it!"

"Okay, Du Yuesheng will not come back. Do you think this kind of person will throw himself into a trap for his family? Let this matter be settled and the economy can normalize.

All checkpoints should be checked. Chinese people entering SH urban area must register in accordance with the requirements of the headquarters. There are a lot of things to be done. It is very busy, so hurry up. "

Three hundred thousand, three hundred thousand, and another three hundred thousand yen. Being an intermediary is really profitable.

Zhou Qinghe must fully report this matter to Boss Dai to avoid Du Yuesheng and the principal having to confess in the future.

However, there is no need to hand over this money, not even the antiques. After all, there is a Japanese string in it. If this thing disappears, it will only increase the risk.

Zhou Qinghe can only say that when he retires one day, he will leave everything to you, Boss Dai.

With Du Yuesheng's family letting go, the heat on this matter can calm down in the concession.

Su Xiyun knew how to handle matters, and one of the conditions for his release was to instruct the Du family members to say that they were guests when reporters interviewed them. Anyway, it could not be said that it was a matter of kidnapping by the Military Police Headquarters.

This earned Su Xiyun a commendation from the consulate, and he was able to persuade the Military Police Headquarters, which was a good job.

Zhou Qinghe also gave an explanation to the staff, and Su Xiyun begged him to release him for the sake of the city government's economy. This is called looking at the overall situation.

As citizens returned to Shanghai, Zhabei and Nanshi began reconstruction activities in full swing.

A large number of citizens who lost their homes due to the war need to eat. If there are jobs, they will have food to eat and a place to live.

Construction progress is rapid.

Hotel private room.

Zhou Qinghe casually announced the names one by one, and Liu Kai took a pen and wrote them down on the paper.

These names were all businessmen's lists he got from the consulate or newspapers based on the recent situation.

"These people are just pro-Japanese on the surface. Are they in Cao's camp and in the Han at heart, or what? The details still need to be investigated. You can pick a few well-known people and follow them first."

Zhou Qinghe's next task is to punish the traitors. Naturally, he will follow the big ones first.

"Okay, I'll investigate as soon as possible."

"How is the investigation of Zhang Xiaolin's whereabouts going?" Zhou Qinghe asked.

I don’t know if others are traitors, but Zhang Xiaolin is definitely one. Since the principal has the order, this hand will definitely be used.

Liu Kaihui reported: "Zhang Xiaolin has been very vigilant since the last assassination. The number of bodyguards has been expanded to ten, and he rarely appears in public. I followed him for several days and tried to think from the perspective of an assassin, but I couldn't find any chance. .”

"No chance at all?" Zhou Qinghe frowned.

"Yes." Liu Kai nodded: "Either at home or in the casino. These days, without exception, he won't go anywhere else. I think he came to our door after knowing about his treason. It will happen sooner or later, I know it in my heart, so I am extremely cautious."

This makes sense. Although other businessmen are treasonous, the principal does not know who they are. Zhang Xiaolin is different. He is on the principal's must-kill list.

"What about the time between getting off the car?"

"No chance. When he got out of the car, the bodyguards formed a circle and opened the door to welcome him down. The human body would block the view and the bullets would hit Zhang Xiaolin. Unless a dozen people attacked, we would suffer a lot, and we might not succeed. "

The place of getting off the bus was either his house or a casino. As soon as the gunfire rang out, Zhang Xiaolin would definitely rush in to hide, and then people from his own territory would come out to protect him, making it impossible to take action again.

"And there are too many patrols now. We have to consider the factors of patrols. Once we take action, we won't have much time to escape." Liu Kai added.

"Losing more than a dozen people just to show off for Zhang Xiaolin, I can't do this kind of stupid thing. Your lives are much more valuable than his." Zhou Qinghe shook his head and sneered, his eyes thinking, this turtle shell is really bad now Gnawed.

Liu Kai smiled and said: "I know you won't choose to attack by force, boss. I'll ask Jiang Wen's people to follow you again to see if there is any way. We are actually considering whether we can do something about the smoke or the food. Use your hands and feet to let Zhang Xiaolin get poisoned."

"Poisoned?" Zhou Qinghe was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, we need to have a deterrent effect against traitors. We can sneak the poison without killing it. How can it alert the world? We must shoot, and the sound of gunshots must be fired." Only when you see blood can people be scared, what these businessmen value most is their own lives."

If your life is gone, you will not be able to enjoy wealth and glory, and that will be scary enough.

"Yes, I'll follow you again."

Fortunately, the matter of killing the traitor is not imminent, and Zhou Qinghe is not in a hurry. He has enough time to carefully plan the plan. If he can escape, the monk cannot escape from the temple, right?

Nowadays, monks and temples cannot run away. Those who want to be traitors and are reluctant to give up the opportunity to make money in Shanghai will not run away.

Those who really don’t want to be traitors and are capable basically go to Hong Kong or take a detour from Hong Kong to Chongqing.

"Boss, congratulations." Liu Kai smiled and clasped his fists.

"Congratulations to me?"

"It's a big wedding." Liu Kai winked: "Japanese women, the boss must have a hard time."

"Stand at attention and speak, do you think I want to? Do you want me to find one for you too?"

"Farewell." Liu Kai immediately stood at attention, raised his head and held his chest high: "The section chief has worked hard for the country and sacrificed his life for the country. Liu Kai admires him."

"Shut up," Zhou Qinghe scolded with a smile, "It doesn't sound like a good thing. The information is very well-informed. I can't help you thinking about the plan. You just read the tabloid news every day, right?"

"No, the news has spread all over the concession. Tomorrow at the Chinachem Hotel, Dr. Fujita will marry the daughter of the Japanese Yasuda Foundation. Everyone in the concession now knows about this."

"It seems to be working well." Zhou Qinghe smiled: "I want to see how many merchants in the concession will give me gifts tomorrow, and what kind of gifts they will give me."

Liu Kai raised his eyebrows: "Boss, do you want to use the gift-giving thing to investigate traitors?"

"Of course, getting married shouldn't delay work. What a great opportunity."

"The boss is wise and the boss is hardworking."

"Get lost."


After Zhou Qinghe met with Liu Kai, he had to check the venue and confirm the security. The military police were stationed a day in advance. The Chinachem Hotel was covered with a floor, and everything was checked inside and outside to ensure that nothing unexpected happened.

Then I had to go to the Fujita Residence to meet people from the Yasuda family. There were many people from the Yasuda family coming to this wedding. In addition to relatives of the Yasuda family themselves and the company's senior management, they flew all the way from Japan to Shanghai.

The momentum was huge, and it could be regarded as paving the way for Zhou Qinghe's future journey in Shanghai.

There is a difference between falling in love and getting married. Once you get married, you are officially a family. The Yasuda Foundation, one of Japan's largest chaebol giants, has officially stood behind Zhou Qinghe.

The next day, Zhou Qinghe got married at the Chinachem Hotel.

Zhou Qinghe's status is extraordinary, and most of the people attending the wedding are senior figures in the concession, so security issues are particularly important.

After communicating with the senior management of the public concession, the Japanese military police also obtained permission to enter the British and American concession in plainclothes and with guns.

The entire Bund started from Hongkou Bridge and advanced all the way to the French Consulate at the junction of the French Concession. There were hundreds of plainclothes military police and more than 80 house arrest patrols stationed on the entire Bund street.

From ten o'clock in the morning, the Bund has become extremely congested.

There was a cocktail reception at noon and a wedding banquet in the evening, but no one would give up such a good social opportunity. Today's venue can be said to be the gathering with the most high-level people from the concession since the outbreak of the war.

If the person getting married is just a Japanese, even the captain of the military police in charge of the pass will not be able to achieve this effect. At least people with the status of public affairs bureau and consulates of various countries will definitely not come.

But Zhou Qinghe is still a doctor, a doctor with great achievements, so they have to come, and they must come.

There is a saying that those who come will not necessarily be remembered, and those who do not come will definitely be missed.

This risk cannot be taken.

So the political circles, the business circles, the Youth Gang.

Army, doctors, men of letters.

Some have received invitations, and some have come uninvited. Everyone has their own considerations.

Rich people drove cars, poor people took rickshaws, and cars gathered from all over the public concession in the French Concession to the Bund.

Gather at Chinachem Hotel.

Upstairs, Sassoon was a little panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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